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About biznesman

  • Birthday 12/06/1964

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    Prague, Czech Republic and other travels

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  1. Yes, some adult categories require a verified account
  2. This is an old thread, but I was hoping to revitalize it if there are members here that share my love for the Czechs/Slovaks. A brief update on the Clubs mentioned here - Pinocchios was sold and converted to Club Temple about a year ago - now owned by an American. New name, new interior, a different scene, but still technically a rent boy bar, just not overly successful. Gejzeer is now Club Valentino - a great complex - street level bar/cafe, 2 dances floors on the next two levels down, and a couple of darkrooms. Termix as a regular gay club (with darkroom) and Escape are still in existence - Escape went through a renovation a few years ago to mixed reviews, but still has great shows - one thing they have done to greatly improve the atmosphere is a focused hiring of stunning (an somewhat, unattainable) bar staff who occasionally do a bar top dance of their own. I love European boys in general, but vastly prefer the Czechs/Slovaks. So a brief update for now, no use wasting a lot of time if there are not a lot of interested members, otherwise, please feel free to share experiences or ask questions.
  3. Bi - I enjoy your sarcasm and humor I think we all go through the stage at some point in thinking that the arrangement we have is more special than it really is, I certainly did - and that is a great compliment to the escorts as they did their job very well in providing the bfe. I still get my rational heart broken from time to time. I enter into an arrangement with my eyes wide open and it seems that we have reached an agreement and understanding of what our mutually beneficial arrangement is, but it still does not work out - hence my practice now of maintaining more than one short term arrangements so as not to be reliant and focused on one. But I still have that gym fantasy and watching those workouts
  4. Better yet, having money means you can have your own gym and be able to watch your "true love" work out
  5. even I am not that cynical we can only address generalities, of course there are always exceptions, but a successful relationship is one that is mutually beneficial - what the benefits to each are can be love, money, respect, comfort, and any number other benefits and combinations thereof. My comments are directed at the ones that look down on paying for sex when themselves are involved in mutually beneficial relationships where they are supporting someone else and they just do not grasp the similarities.
  6. alot of it is silly ego - people being judgemental in their comments "oh - I would never pay for sex" I don't argue with them, but do usually make the casual comment "well, when you actually think about it, you are paying a lot more than I am" and 9 out of 10 go silent on the matter (directed at my friends with younger and kept "bfs").
  7. In my experience and the experiences I know from my escort friends - there is no confirmation unless a specific place and time has been set up, with an exchange of phone numbers and email. Anything less specific has a high likelihood of not happening. My routine is to confirm via text and email the day before on advance appointments - if I do not hear from the escort, I presume he has flaked out. In the advance communication, I also indicat that I wish to confirm a couple of hours before the scheduled appointment. Not only does that accomplish the confirmation, but it also allows for communication opportunity if the escort is running late - I don't mind if someone is running late - I just want to know it! My experience is that many escorts are worried a client may cancel if he is running late, so are not so honest about that.
  8. I am not an obsessive worrier, just cautious, but I personally am nervous to go to an incall escort that is new to me as I worry in the back of my mind that it can be a scam or undercover operation. Assuming I did, and the hotel was in a bad area or fairly run down - my nervousness would increase that the escort is scammer or druggie, choosing the area for ready access to drugs. I would also be worried about my car being broken into, so not a relaxing experience. As a client, I would appreciate the escort being upfront about the hotel and area if it was a bad surprise for him - if my previous contact had been professional, I probably would not cancel, but would either have him come to me or find my own hotel and absorb the cost.
  9. "The UAFA (Uniting American Families Act) is a bill before Congress that would make a small change to existing immigration law to close a loophole barring gay and lesbian Americans in committed relationships with foreign partners from sponsoring their partner for a green card. These same-sex binational couples are denied the right that opposite-sex couples have been afforded for decades the right to legally keep their families together in the United States." This is not so quiet - it has been around a few years, and originally defeated in the 108th Congress (2003/2005). The proposed bill replaces the word "spouse" with "permanent partner" in the existing immigration law. While the bill has support in the House and Senate, not enough to be put to another vote and get passed, at least not yet - it has been referred to the "Judiciary Committee". The current status in the House of Representatives: "H.R.2221 Title: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate discrimination in the immigration laws by permitting permanent partners of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents to obtain lawful permanent resident status in the same manner as spouses of citizens and lawful permanent residents and to penalize immigration fraud in connection with permanent partnerships. Sponsor: Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] (introduced 5/8/2007) Cosponsors (118) Related Bills: S.1328 Latest Major Action: 6/25/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law." And the current status in the Senate: "S.1328 Title: A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate discrimination in the immigration laws by permitting permanent partners of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents to obtain lawful permanent resident status in the same manner as spouses of citizens and lawful permanent residents and to penalize immigration fraud in connection with permanent partnerships. Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 5/8/2007) Cosponsors (18) Related Bills: H.R.2221 Latest Major Action: 5/8/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary." So it still needs to garner enough support to even be put to a vote again in the House and Senate - assuming it does get put to a vote and assuming it gets passed, I would hope President Obama would sign it. The skeptic in me says that this will float around in committees and not be put to a vote in the foreseeable future so that many politicians continue to pretend to support gay equality rights but not actually be put to the test of having to vote on it and be on record as supporting gay equality...... I hope I am proven wrong.
  10. mmmmm...... I can't wait to see young Capt. Kirk's big phaser!
  11. funny enough, I am not so interested in vaginas in general by themselves - but love seeing the pleasure on the boy and watching a big dick going in and out of one! Still don't like the smell
  12. well hopefully they offer a nice wine also
  13. While I am gay, I did experiment with heterosexuality in my teens and college years. I have varied tastes depending on my moods, but often love dealing with bisexual or "straight" boys - even watching straight and bisexual live action or porn, as long as it features enough of the hot guys. Do I get my gay card revoked for admitting to occasionally watching a hot guy fuck some girl?? The dvd cover looks hot - I will definitely have to put this movie on the must see list!
  14. It is the lazy and cheap way to market the websites - the hope is more ads generate more internet hits; more hits, in theory, translate to a more succesful website which, in theory, attract more ads. These webmasters shoulds spend more time offering free or cheaper escort ads and make sure ad content is current. Current and reliable ads are what we clients desire. These sites with zombie ads, I look at occasionally to see if something new has happened, but generally ignore. Rentboy is probably my favorite - at least I have best experiences with it - but it is more expensive for the escorts. I like the concept behind MER, and they certainly demonstrate effort to improve, but unfortunately is not as utilized as much by the escorts - hopefully over time, this will improve.
  15. that is what many people tell me, but after 10 years, and many, many foreskins, at what point is not not considered "being lucky"? Perhaps the Czechs & Slovaks tend to be more clean down there?? My first experience with a foreskin was with a fellow American - when we were getting down to serious play, he abruptly excused himself - he told me he was uncut and needed to "freshen up". Being my first, I was a bit bewildered but appreciated the apparent thoughtfulness. Moments later he returned and we returned to action - when I went down on him there was the unmistakeable smell and taste of alcohol - the lazy bastard used a wetnap to do a quick clean!
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