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Everything posted by nytb

  1. Update: The cracker website was seized in April as part of the action on Backpage. There are still quite a few MB's (money boys) posting on Grindr and Scruff. Can't wait to get back to my apartment there next spring.
  2. The Back Page equivalent in KL is kualalumpur.cracker.com. You’ll find MB’s in both the men 4 men and the male escort sections. BTW the Grand Mellineum Hotel is next to the Pavillon. Behind it is the Day Thermos one of the more convenient if not the best of KL’s saunas.
  3. Once you select a continent, the "working" circle briefly appears and then the screen goes blank. What gives?
  4. Tell Victor karl says hello too. b/t/w Will you be able to join the posse at Club 20 Sunday night?
  5. Oh SC I DO remember Behren's Elettra! How could anyone who heard it ever forget it!! I can remember her down stage to the south (I never get stage left, stage right correct) crouched over and screeching at the top of her lungs while I tried to find space amidst my four box mates in a side box to crouch down and cover my ears. When I leave this mortal coil, I expect that screech to accompany me to the gates of hell unless, having endured it, I'm entitled to another fate for eternity.
  6. "Albrecht! . . . . . You remember Albrecht! . . . " Thank you SC for calling to memory that wonderful performer. She also did quite a number on Gilbert and Sullivan operettas as I recall. I tried and failed to rush for a seat at her sold out final performance at Carnegie Hall. But I did the same for Horowitz's last recital there as well. I DID get in to Bob and Ray but that's another matter. I remember well that 1990 TV marathon. Several months later I was home with the flu and sort'a passed out while watching some obscure educational TV channel. When I came to again, the TV was still on and somewhere in the middle of Gotterdammerung Act I from the same series. From that altered reality, it took me some time to figure how long I'd been out of it. It's interesting to note that the producer of that series was the very Peter Gelb who's now the General Manager of the Met. I avoided Wagner for decades. It took me a long time to realize that it wasn't his music I disliked, it was Wagner himself and most other Wagnerians that I both disliked and feared. But then I realized that I felt the same about Richard Strauss. I've seen all the Ring operas many times at the Met (same production as the TV series) and some performances have indeed been as excruciating as an unending root canal. Hildegard Behrens's Brunhilda comes quickly to mind ("But she was a great actress!" LOL). As a result, I've yet to "do the ring" for fear that a bad performer in Reingold or Siegfried would reappear in a later opera and poison the whole enterprise for me; and, as you note, tickets to a whole Ring cycle are not cheap. But I live in hope . . . . .
  7. Well it must have been outrageous because the biggest pubah at News Corp, the very Rupert Murdock, himself issued the latest apology for this mess. Or perhaps he's just worried about that waiver.
  8. I think we all look forward to the day when a cartoon like that can be appreciated for its humor (or lack thereof), but WE'RE NOT THERE YET. Until we all are, it behooves us all to be somewhat sensitive to feelings of others, especially those who are the product of a history of oppression.
  9. Vince and his ShamWow show up rather frequently on the gay cable channel LOGO and not necessarily late at night.
  10. Greg, I couldn't agree more with your description. but you can't honestly believe that the "bunch of monkeys or puppets" in either house of Congress (much less together) has enough initiative to put together such a comprehensive piece of legislation. It may be awful but it IS comprehensive. No that cartoon is clearly aimed at President Obama and his administration. There are plenty of ways to caricature this legislation, Obama, his administration, Congress or any combination of them - and they are surely worth of such treatment - without resorting to a racist image. Sharpton makes an interesting point. The Post is a Murdock paper and he was granted a special waiver to own both a newspaper and a TV station (FOX channel 5) in the same media market. If Murdock is going to exercise his added strength in this market so irresponsibly, perhaps it's time to re-examine that waiver.
  11. For me it's always a toss-up between the sin I last committed and the one I'm contemplating committing next.
  12. JH, I read some of the comments on Streep's Sister Aloysius and thought she was chewing the scenery a bit up until that last scene. When she admits to Sister James that in her heart of hearts she questions the existence of G_d, all that overacting fell in place for me as a cover-up for her "Doubt". I still think Viola Davis' Mrs. Miller was the best acting in the film. Anthony Lake, in the New Yorker, dismissed this flick. in one short paragraph, as "humorless and risible; one small nudge, and it could have toppled over into camp." So much for all our posturing over this film.
  13. And at the IKEA in Elizabeth, NJ (exit 13 on the NJTPK) the restaurant overlooks Newark Liberty Airport and you can watch the planes land and take off. At the Red Hook Brooklyn, all you see from the restaurant is the parking lot and the buses arriving and departing.
  14. I've yet to see The Reader or Benny Button. Of the rest, I really liked Slumdog Millionaire. I wonder how many people who have enjoyed this movie, realize that the brothers at the center of the plot are portrayed as Muslim rather than Hindi. I enjoyed the rest all for differing reasons. I thought Doubt was a clever mind game with some stellar acting especially by Viola Davis (yeah and some over acting too by a few of the rest). I'm not certain how many people got the point that suspicion about the Priest was a smokescreen for the real motivating doubt which was the loss of faith by the Mother Superior revealed only in the last scene. Although I prefer my historical flix with swords and ball gowns of 1800 or before, I enjoyed the nostalgia of both Frost/Nixon and Milk. I felt somewhat uneasy with the hagiography of Milk until the end when I understood why. In the last frames, when they disclosed the fate of all the portrayed, I realized that the Milk in the movie was the product of the revelations of the survivors of the AIDs crisis that followed most of whose finest accomplishments came in the movement Milk started. Trained in history, I had to remind myself that this was an entertainment not an historical account. The same is true of Frost/Nixon. Despite Langella's attempt to display of Nixon's "humanity," but I'm no more sympathetic to that evil man than i was before. The Reader's next I also enjoyed the new Bond movie, Tropic Thunder and Iron Man but none are Oscar worthy. I too have a penchant for DVD's at home where the popcorn is fresh, the butter real and the company unquestioned. My Netflix list is 100+ long. However, I have a disabled friend and the only way I can get him out of his apartment from time to time is to wheel him to a movie. We normally go during a weekday afternoon when the crowds are less problematic and the pop corn is somewhat fresher. I haven't been able to do anything about the ersatz butter.
  15. Springer never made it to New York but with City Opera nearly out of business and the Met crying poor mouth, I wonder which of them will try to bring Anna to Gotham in order to fill empty seats with new opera goers.
  16. StuCotts, with 50+ reviews to your credit on this site alone, I take that wisdom as gospel !!
  17. How ironic! I have fun with Pandora from time to time (try Bach and Wagner sometime). but if I'm working around and want something - classical - playing that I don't have to think about I dial up KING.com out of Seattle when I can get WQXR on the radio here in New York. KING's weather and traffic reports remind me of my pleasant visits there. karl
  18. Generally, it's the same size as the last dick I've played with. . . . . .
  19. Now STOP it: the two of you [pant] [pant] [pant] [pant] [pant] . . . . . . .!
  20. Please consider changing the background color. There's already too many continuing full and half page ads in the back of HX using black as their background including that of Rentboy. Otherwise YUM!
  21. Oh thank you! I feel so elucidated.
  22. Rick hammersmith Jake Deckert
  23. $129 a night? It's almost that an hour at some of the hot sheet joints (or so I'm told)!
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