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Everything posted by Thumper1

  1. I had no problem understanding them. Fantastic film.
  2. I can't recommend her book "Just Kids" strongly enough. Excellent.
  3. Apparently there's another ep in August and I don't understand why; it seemed nicely tied up at the end.
  4. He's no Proust, Karl Ove Knausgård is the closest we get to that style of detail these days, but Less is a great book.
  5. So, recently I read EarthSea and I just found it boring. Out of insecurity he made a huge mistake, the mistake plagued him for chapters and years, and then he "magic'd" his way out of the problem. I really wanted to like it. I've moderately enjoy her short stories. I want to like her writing more because I really like her.
  6. This was in February, but yes.
  7. When I turned on Scruff in Havana, my phone nearly exploded.
  8. Fucking EXCELLENT.
  9. Wow. At this point Fucking her must be like falling in a well.
  10. I see the posters across from Arclight, but it's gotten 0 coverage.
  11. in every example above I prefer the older version and ps, NOT ONE of them is fat. describing any of them as fat shows a complete misunderstanding of what that word fat means.
  12. The author had what looks to be a fantastic piece in the NYTimes digital a couple weeks ago. I say "Looks to be" because every time I start reading it I decide I need to choose a time to give it 100% attention, so I stop. Stupid world we live in, I can't even carve out time to read this fucking essay.
  13. If you like GV Read United States, his collection of Essays. Once finished keep it within easy reach, because you'll return to it often. https://www.amazon.com/United-States-1952-1992-Gore-Vidal/dp/0679414894
  14. nearly 10, yes. 2008. I overcame the situation. :-)
  15. Pic 13 always drives me crazy. Thank you for posting it again. THIS time I dropboxed it.
  16. I top only with a condom and they (nearly) all insisted on it. And my dick is tots average.
  17. Cool! This is Mexico City? What's the Park's name?
  18. BrainDead was great fun. Should still be OnDemand.
  19. When I was there ALL the boys insisted on using that damn desensitizing lube. Hate that stuff and its implication that your fucking someone who just doesn't wanna feel it.
  20. Love this show.
  21. Don't know if any of you saw this; be careful! http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/06/world/americas/brazil-anti-gay-violence.html?_r=0
  22. AD60 Essex. For sure. That would be perfect.
  23. LOVED Bloom County as a Kid. Very very happy to have it back.
  24. Thumper1

    Wolf Hall

    Loved the books, particularly Wolf Hall, enjoyed both plays in London, and so far the series is impressive. I liked the actor who plays Woolsley when he was in Something Wicked This Way Comes, scary.
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