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  1. It's a macromedia flash file (ShockWave Flash). It can be a video player, music player, a game, an animation cartoon or in my case, a polling app.
  2. Is it possible to enable support for the [swf] tag in this forum? I'm thinking of starting a "pic thieves" thread where I will post an escort ad and the original pictures of the cropped/(most likely) stolen pics included in that ad. It would be one ad per post in a pic thieves thread and there will be a VIZU poll per post for people to decide if the pics are really stolen or it is really the model who is the escort. VIZU polls can be embedded using the SWF tag in the forum. There is built-in support for one poll per thread but not per post. With so many pic thieves out there, starting a thread for a pic thief might crowd out the forum. my swf tag will look something like this [swf=320|250]http://wp.vizu.com/vizu_poll.swf?js=false&pid=240345&ad=false&vizu=true&links=true&mainBG=000000&questionText=FFFFFF&answerZoneBG=EEEEEE&answerItemBG=FFFFFF&answerText=000000&voteBG=C8C8C8&voteText=000000[/swf] This is a poll to see if this guy is really Anthony Baldwin, Tom Gaynor or just a pic thief. Apparently, he's been reviewed and some people did notice some subtle differences between the pics and the real escort. I have a few more ads ready to post so far
  3. intohotguys: 8 posts (25 more to go)
  4. This movie contains too much CGI, it defeats the purpose of a 3D movie, which allows you the feeling of "being there". CGI represents the imagination of the movie maker. Our logic dictates that there is no such thing as "being there" in person's imagination; as opposed to say a 3D movie about the space station which most of us will probably never "be there" but we know if we have the means, we could. Had I known that 70% of the movie were in CGI, I wouldn't have paid $16 and stood in line for 2 hours to see it. With that being said, if you have to see this movie, I beg you to see it in some forms of 3D. Because if you don't, the stupid storyline will ruin your experience even more.
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