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Everything posted by nycman

  1. I’d improve it, by getting rid of it. A bunch of egomaniacs patting each other on the back. The world has so many more important thing to attend to.
  2. It’s usually translated as “A Bar....”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Bar_at_the_Folies-Bergère A minor but important difference. I also just realized I’ve never seen this painting in real life since I’ve never been to the Courtauld. https://courtauld.ac.uk I now have my first Post-COVID art adventure! Thank you!
  3. "We’re gonna need a bigger bulldozer!"
  4. Got to say I thought the same thing. The world is pretty fucked up when we value dogs more than we do humans.
  5. The lesson is involve the lawyers before you set up this type of arrangement. That way you don’t need them after. Well that and....don’t mix business and friendship.
  6. Stunningly beautiful, but also a stunning lack of rhythm.
  7. Seriously bad photos. I agree. Her staff has no one to blame but themselves. You whored out to a fashion magazine and you’re surprised they fucked you? You don’t know much about whoring....or fashion.
  8. It’s a run down Mediterranean port town with a few mildly interesting mid-century buildings. For the most part, the population is strangely arrogant. I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s too many other genuinely cool places in the world.
  9. Care to share the secret? Having to scroll through entire threads every time is just about the only thing I don’t like about this forum.
  10. I don’t really think a child that young should be exploited like that by the entertainment industry. He cute but not particularly talented. Christ the truth is it’s about a decade too soon to even guess.
  11. My question is..... The surgeons couldn’t tell his bladder from his bowel? Note to self....do NOT get sick in India!
  12. As a child.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Things_Are As an early teen..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Outsiders_(novel) As a late teen... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Budd
  13. I understand your point. I just wish they had made it more clear that the entire series was a fanciful farce. Once you start including real historical people and real historical events, truth and fiction can get easily confused. History is important as is historical accuracy. For me, the lines were too blurred and it felt like revisionist infotainment.
  14. My interest in the show crashed at exactly the same moment. The cracks started to show before that though. Queen Latifah’s fanciful, and not completely accurate, retelling of the Hattie McDaniels Oscar story was the beginning. If you’re going to reference such specific and important moments in history, I think you have to stay as close to the truth as you can. Otherwise, it becomes a pathetic Disney version of history, that will in time be mistaken for the truth. In matters such as these the real truth is 1000 times more interesting and much too important to lie about. I understand what they were trying to to do. For me it failed miserably.
  15. I’ve used PIA and I like it. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com
  16. When is the left going to realize..... His base isn’t in NYC and they don’t give a fuck what the NYTimes says. I am a NY’er, I like the NYTimes, and I’m certainly not a big Trump fan.... Nonetheless, I think the NYTimes has been pretty biased and irresponsible in its reporting for well over a decade. Stripped of its unbiased veil....it has become a useless weapon with which to fight this beast.
  17. It’s one hell of Meth fueled train wreck. I watched the whole thing. I’m not sure why. Every single person in the show is an evil, tragic, sorry excuse for a human.
  18. The dude is a dirt bag in my book....but I did appreciate that he wrote... “I can live openly now as a gay man because of the extraordinary, brave people who had the courage to fight for our rights when I did not,”
  19. I always thought he was a loud mouth and subsequently never listened to a word he said. When I first heard he was fired, I honestly didn’t know if he was left or right wing.
  20. Bloomberg is certainly calculating his way to victory, much the same way Trump did in 2016. Ignore the extremist nut jobs in your party while giving them lips service (yes, children, stop and frisk worked. Bloomberg is still proud of it. It’s an inconvenient truth). Play vaguely to the middle, just enough enough to win the electoral college votes you need. Bloomberg is no more a Democrat than Trump is a Republican.....and that just MIGHT get him elected President.
  21. Thanks so much for the help. One funny glitch, if you translate the page, and then select the translated item from the drop down menu (e.g. "passive" instead of "passivo") you will get ZERO results. You have to go back to the untranslated page and pick out the untranslated item from the drop down menu. Then you will get the results you are seeking. It's not that hard, but I figured I might be able to help someone else who is trying to search using the Google translated version as well.
  22. Enjoying the vivalocal links, but my Portuguese is nonexistent. Is it possible to filter the results for passive English speakers? Looking profile by profile is fun.....but exhausting.
  23. If I were on a jury, I don’t think I could vote to convict on a rape charge, where the alleged “victim” willingly got back into bed with the defendant. I don’t care how many other “victims” have similar stories. More nonsense is still nonsense. The man is clearly a pig, but being a pig isn’t illegal. I’m not so sure he’s a “rapist”. Many of these women were opportunists who used their body and sexuality to get ahead in Hollywood. Some of them now regret it. I’m not so sure any of them were “raped”. That’s my take on the circus so far. I’m sure others feel differently.
  24. I would consider it in the same risk category as visiting NYC in flu season. If you’re elderly or otherwise have a weakened immune system...I’d skip the trip. The kicker is the government/media health panic that’s occurring. If you do happen to get sick while traveling, you have to assume that you may be quarantined ...in China. That scares me a lot more than just a “bad case of the flu”.
  25. I have other not felt “even a trace of a thread” around here.......grin
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