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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Why do you come here to spread lies and hate? Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men?
  2. Donald Trump wants to censor teaching about Gays in school. Do you support his attacks on teaching about Gays? Donald Trump says teaching about diversity in schools is "illegal". Do you support his attacks to censor teaching about diversity? Donald Trump wants to censor books and teaching about "gender ideology." Many conservative haters feel "LBGT activism", which Trump attacks, is "gender ideology". Many Republicans still feel being Gay is a sickness, evil, and a "gender ideology". Do you agree with them? 0 % of Blacks think we teach too much about Black history in schools. Some conservatives consider teaching Black history, like slavery, to be "critical race theory," which Trump wants to censor. Do you disagree with pretty much all Blacks? Or do you support any form of censoring teaching Black history, like raping lying felon Donald Trump? Only 9 % of Blacks and 24 % of Hispanics view DEI programs unfavorably. Raping lying felon Donald Trump wants to censor and shut down anything that has to do with DEI in schools. Do you support this censorship? Why do you oppose what almost all Blacks and the vast majority of Hispanics think? Do you want to censor them, as Trump does? Are they welcome in your "diverse" working class party? If they are welcome, why do you want to censor them and oppose them? Why do you come here to spread hate? Donald Trump wants to censor teaching about Gays, Blacks, and diversity. Why do you lie? Why do you think we are stupid? Do you hate Gay men?
  3. Does Barron Trump hate Gay men? Does he think teaching and working for diversity is "illegal"? Is that why you admire Barron Trump? Does Barron Trump oppose "LGBT activism"? That's Cheslea Clinton, saying LGBTQ children should be able to go to sleep every night knowing they are safe. Is there a message or video from Barron Trump saying that? Or does he believe, like his cruel raping felon father, that LGBTQ children should be unsafe, and terrorized?
  4. DOGE, Education Department threaten states’ funding if they don’t cut DEI programs A letter penned by the Education Department and posted to X by DOGE gives state education departments 14 days to comply. Remember, children. Don't say Gay. You may not even have a school to go to if you open your dirty queer mouths. Let's start with the recklessness and chaos. When an incompetent DOGE coder breaks the law, according to a judge, and also says "normalize Indian hate" and "I was racist before racist was cool," we really want to be thoughtful and gentle. Meanwhile, every school in America should strip their classrooms and practices of anything that might encourage "diversity, racial balancing, social justice, or equity." In 14 days. It is "illegal". Piece of cake. Have it done in a few hours. And, please children. Please remember. DO NOT SAY GAY! This is censorship. They are telling schools they can not teach about "gender ideology" or "critical race theory". I've read plenty of right wingers who thing LGBTQ activism, or even LGBTQ existence, is some kind of warped "gender ideology". Teaching slavery? That could easily be defined as "critical race theory". Illegal. I'm hoping "normalize Indian hate" would also be viewed as illegal, since it could unfairly advantage Trump's special interest White billionaire donors. But don't count on it. This is yet another illegal and over the top way of saying racism, homophobia, and inequity are just fine. If we are spending our tax dollars wisely, and doing what voters want, it is very clear that we need to strip the government of Musk, and any spending on anything Musk is doing. The White House should be defunded if President Musk and First Lady Trump do not comply with what voters want in 14 days. They won't, of course. And on this one, I am delighted. Please. Attack DEI. Tell the whole world to shut the fuck about this Gay bullshit. Musk will kill DEI babies in Africa. When they get around to Medicaid cuts, they will kill DEI grandmothers with diabetes in Harlem. They will also kill both DEI and White fentanyl addicts who rely on Medicaid for treatment. Treatment funded by Medicaid is one of the big reasons Biden reversed the trend and fentanyl deaths were decreasing. The likely Republican Medicaid cuts may be one reason stupid and incompetent Tom Homan fails again, like he did last time. And fentanyl deaths will soar under Trump 2.0, just like they did during Trump 1.0. Those are the things I hope Democrats go to war over. And we already know hypocritical Republicans who said they wanted misery and pain are now being pussies because their constituents are now starting to freak out and try to prevent it. As far as DEI goes, let the axe rip. Who the fuck cares about dead DEI babies in Africa, anyway? Actually,USAID is viewed more favorably than Musk. But, surely, working class America does not care about some Gay professor or radical Black lesbian who is getting uppity about racism. Force them to shut their fucking dirty mouths. I do hope they stop short of hanging Gay activists in Harvard Square. But maybe throw a few of them in jail at least, to teach them to respect President Musk's authority. Burn some books. Burning books is bad. But better that than kill people. I have two motivations. One, a lot of what is called DEI or DEI training sucks. I will repeat. It sucks. It is performative, and changes nothing. Pushing sound homeownership for Black working class families changes something. As Clinton proved, it vastly increases intergenerational wealth. Which helps families of all races pay for college. Clinton did it the right way, as Teixeira argues. Do it for ALL working class people of ALL races. I spent Thanksgiving with one wing of my family who are 100 % Harris voters and 100 % academics. They almost gleefully noted that DEI is probably dead. So they won't have to go to stupid DEI trainings anymore. If Trump used this as a political cudgel and gradually eased out DEI trainings, he might have the majority of academia on his side. So I would much rather he do it this way. Lawlessly, recklessly, chaotically, and with utter contempt - stated in writing even - for social justice, efforts to address racism, and diversity. Thank you, President Musk! Thank you, First lady Trump. This is a gift. The other motivation is it probably hurts Trump with younger Blacks who actually are gradually becoming more conservative. I forget which Black academic said it. But his point a few decades ago was that a lot of Blacks are conservative (duh!) and would vote Republican, if Republicans were not so damn racist. Well, having a Republican Senator like Tim Scott sends a very different message. So the Blacks who have gradually been voting more Republican for years tend to be younger and more educated. That's from 2020, when Votecast says 91 % of Blacks voted for Biden. And, of course, he won. In 2024 Hartis got 83 % of the Black vote, according to Votecast, and she lost. In 2020, and for several elections prior, the trend among Blacks was exactly counter to the trend of Whites. Who are now increasingly Democratic the younger and more educated they are. (More education does not mean better educated, it just means more years of education as I use it.) With 2024 it's not clear yet, since concern about prices may have encouraged more older Blacks to support Trump as well. It unquestionably led more younger Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics to support Trump. I can't imagine that a full frontal chaotic attack on DEI, racial rebalancing, social justice, and equity is going to help Republicans welcome Blacks, or any minority, to their new working class party. But why would they care? They oppose "racial balancing" and "diversity" anyway. Putting the interests of cruel special interest White billionaire donors first is just fine. Some of them were even racist before racist was cool Perception is reality. My guess is this is the equivalent of slamming the door shut and saying, "Get the fuck out. We don't care. We don't want to hear about it. And we sure as fuck don't want it taught in classrooms." Sorry, President Musk and First Lady Trump. Most of America disagrees. Note that a whopping 0 % of Blacks and 8 % of Hispanics think we teach "too much" about the history of Blacks in America. Only 16 % of Whites think we teach "too much" about Black history. DEI (45/36 favorable) is viewed far more favorably than Elon Musk (42/52 unfavorable). Only 9 % of Blacks, 24 % of Hispanics, and 43 % of Whites view DEI unfavorably. I'm pretty sure those are mostly conservatives Trump has, anyway. Including the "I was racist before racist was cool" crowd. Democrats, or progressives, or woke people, did overreach. Four years ago I was intellectually torn between Ibram Kendi's anti-racism and John McWhorter's reaction against it. McWhorter said he was a liberal Democrat. But he argued that he was being more practical than partisan. Mostly he felt like this will not help matters in the long run. I think we now know he was mostly right. And I don't count, anyway. Because I vote and donate Democratic and have engaged in possibly "illegal" LGBTQ activism. Even in college! Now MAGA is overreaching. If this is our new and improved culture war, I think the Republicans are going to lose it. I can't see how this welcomes Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, Gays, or anyone into the new and improved working class Musk Party. Killing DEI babies in Africa and DEI grandmothers in Harlem thanks to Medicaid cuts will just be additional pain and misery. Oh, and one last thought in my rant: The real Trump U did end in bankruptcy. I don't discount Trump doing that to the US, too.
  5. Well, sometimes I do practice what I preach. After I hit the post button, I thought maybe I should go talk to Tim Ryan. Turns out he was busy. But he did refer me to a recent article. Tim Ryan won’t rule out political comeback I don't agree with everything he says. Especially Bitcoin. But I think he nailed it, if we want to win in the kinds of White working class districts he represented for 20 years. And he agrees with me, or vice versa. If Biden were not taken out it would have been worse in the House and Senate. And he was for Harris because it was either Biden or her, at least by Summer 2024. While Ryan does not state it this way, the lesson to me is that actions speak louder than words. Including his words. Despite representing a working class district for a generation, his words were not enough to beat the rising tide of Trumpism in Ohio. The argument for Harris being Governor is that she can then prove, or not, that she is the one who will fight like hell for the working class. It is now Trump's America. That probably means a Governor, like Clinton did in 1992, has the best chance of showing we can actually be better than this. And make it work.
  6. Note to self: Be patient. Try to show grace. Just because @FuckNJoy is stupid and cruel, it doesn't mean all Trump voters are that way. Just because someone spreading lies on TikTok doesn't know how to spell "luxery", it doesn't mean they are stupid. It just means they are a liar. Note to @FuckNJoy: Why do you come hear to spread lies and normalize Gay hate? But bad grammer or spelling, I can live with that.
  7. Wow. I have not given up on you yet, @FuckNJoy. I mean, you do get joy out of fucking with people. There is obvious cruelty, and glee in other people's suffering. Including people whose only crime is that they are competent federal employees, some Gay or Black or Asian American (aka DEI), with important jobs. Have to ask: why do you hate Gay men, and applaud attacks on us? Does it give you joy? Maher illustrates how basic Trump blowhard can be appealing. But then you add subtle thought, fact, and history and ................wow. Maher is correct. If Nixon and Trump, the two least popular ex-Presidents in recent history, could come back from the dead, why not Kamala? But I do worry about you, @FuckNJoy. Like Trump, it seems like despite your own best interests you just have to have intense cruelty. Winning just isn't enough. Certainly focusing on helping working class people is not enough. I have good news. Lots more Palestinian kids will probably be killed or evicted. That should bring you joy. If you could just try really hard to be half as thoughtful as you are cruel, you might have tinges of curiosity. And, if you were just the teeniest bit curious, you might think: "Wow. Tim Ryan is sitting right here. Why don't I ask him what he thinks?" But Maher, who can do thought and history when he tries, didn't ask. So I guess it is really asking too much for you to be curious, rather than cruel. Former Dem Rep says Kamala Harris should be nominee Without intending to be anything but cruel and stupid, @FuckNJoy, you did put the nail on the head of the Democrats' problem. We all ought to be talking to Tim Ryan. It surprised me when he went in hard and early for Harris. Maybe they are friends. Or maybe he knows something about winning in tough races. Or maybe he just knew anything was better than Biden. Everything he says in the eight minute video hyperlinked above turned out to be true. Harris created huge momentum. She raised huge money. We actually had a candidate that excited the base. Tim Ryan said the ugly part politely, and almost out loud. Pelosi and Obama and Clinton probably all thought we will lose badly with Biden. We have to try to save the House and Senate. So while she was the obvious choice for many reasons, Kamala was also the sacrificial lamb. And it almost worked. We gained one House seat. Some of President Musk and First Lady Trump's potential cruelty will be stopped because moderate House Republicans don't want to be sacrificial lambs in 2026. So Johnson has limited margin for cruelty. And Trump knows his coalition is dangling on the edge of a sharp budget knife. Thank Kamala for that. Had Biden been the nominee, I think we would have lost three more Senate seats, maybe four, in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and maybe Arizona. We likely would have lost House seats, rather than gained one. I agree with Maher. She does sound like a university President. But so did Obama, and he won twice. I've said several times that Harris has never been, or sounded like, a conviction politician. Which I think we needed this time. It worked in Mexico. AMLO said to the Hispanic working class, "Trust me, and trust her." SHE won in a landslide, in Mexico. And it worked for Trump, too. His base trusts him. That's 49.7 % of the vote, when the wind of inflation was at his back. So part of me thinks the solution is obvious. We need a White man who connects really well with the working class. Someone like ... I've got it! ..... Tim Ryan. Oh, wait, he lost when he ran for Ohio Senator. What was his opponent's name? Oh, right. JD Vance. But that was just a one off. The paragon of being the White working class guy with receipts for fighting for the working class, the guy who always wins, is Sherrod Brown. We need that! Oh wait, he lost too. In your other identity as a clown, @FuckNJoy, you loved to rub in that I was stupid enough to donate weekly to a loser like Brown. Let's see. The last Democrat who won Ohio's electoral votes was .... what was that Black guy's name? Of 5 Senate races in swing states, Democrats won 4. Thanks to Kamala, I think. Who were the winners? A lesbian. A female Jew. Oh my God. Another female Jew. How DEI is that? And a Hispanic male, who I think set the policy and personal model for how we win in states like Arizona. Who lost? The old White guy. When Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan can't win in a state like Ohio, Democrats have a fundamental problem with the working class. Ohio has always leaned White and Republican. But in the past we could get around that. Now we can't. But it would be a mistake to think that even someone like Sherrod Brown is the obvious answer. Two things need to happen. One. Trump has to prove - again - that he is a cruel and incompetent failure. He's off to a great start. He won because voters who had not hit puberty in 2016 had no idea what the first Trump Presidency was like. Had young voters voted like they did in 2020, Harris would have won handily. Lucky them. They are now getting a crash course. Be careful flying, youngsters. Buckle up. Two. Democrats have to listen to guys like Ruy Teixeira, and solve their working class problem. We need to figure out how to win. One will help us with two. The new EPA head is going off about a $20 billion "slush fund" at Citicorp, which has something to do with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund passed under Biden. I have to confess bias. I put together two statewide coalitions that passed a statewide law that created one of the biggest "slush funds" for renewables of any state. But read this shit and weep. Pop quiz. How many Americans are for lower energy costs if solar or wind or some other renewable can lower their electric bill? Almost all. How many Americans are for a "just and clean energy transition" led by "mission lenders"? That's dicey. How about if we don't focus on what people want - cheaper and abundant energy - and instead make it about six months of training to advance your "climate lending journey"? I dunno. But the polls says people prefer, "Drill, baby, drill." I'm with Teixeira. If Democrats want a majority thanks to a White female Jew getting elected in Ohio, we need to deal with climate change, but axe the climate change ideology. But, actually, maybe we don't. Trump will throw those people in the blender and chop them to shreds. Or in jail, if he can. And I truly feel sorry for them. I worked with those types for years. But Ruy warned them for years, too. This will be tough. The people who like climate change ideology, or LatinX, or the other stuff that Teixeira argues are the keys to defeat are also young voters, largely. So now they have a choice. You want to win, or be a purist in the Trump blender? I'll point the finger at us, the alphabet crowd. In one of his latest rants, Teixeira singled out a USAID project to advance LGBTQ rights in Serbia. Serbia? I do think it was the inflation, stupid. Not Serbia, stupid. Bill Clinton is the master on this. First show the White working class you will fight like hell for them. Then they may listen to you about Gays in Serbia. Clinton tried it with Gays in the military. Wait and a few decades and we have Tammy Baldwin and Secretary Pete. This shit takes time. I will vote for Harris for Governor is she runs. If she runs, she will likely win. Will she be the next Nixon, or Trump? That falls into the category, "I don't know. Ask me when we get to the other side. If we survive." The candidate who can and will win is the one who can show they will fight like hell for the working class, like Gallego did in Arizona. But so did Slotkin in Michigan. I know without even asking that @FuckNJoy hates female Jews, because it is disgustingly DEI. But at least you'll always have Bibi killing Palestinian babies, @FuckNJoy. That should keep you happy.
  8. He clearly likes cruelty. He revels in the fact that federal employees on probationary status will be unemployed rather than fighting forest fires this Spring. He's excited that DEI babies in Africa will die because Musk is cruel and incompetent. Ukraine? Duh! Throw them under the bus. Some big federal contractor dumps Gay Pride out of fear of being on Trump's enemies list? Small ball. Don't give a shit. Honestly, I can't figure some of this out. It does just feel like reckless chaos. Anyway, don't have a Tik Tok video. But I do have this, which is perhaps even more stupid. Lest you did not recognize him from the top photo, that is Conor Kennedy, with his two brothers above and his Dad below. I got to that because of an article I read saying that Trump, media whore and vampire that he is, is trying to steal the Kennedy mystique. Good luck with that. Trump is no JFK. Just learned this. The only past POTUS viewed worse than Trump last year was Richard Nixon. Trump was at 46 % approval. Blink, and he'll be back there soon. Meanwhile, the Kennedy mystique is probably past its expiration date. Even if shirtless Conor isn't. Anyway, other than thinking Taylor Swift has good taste in men's bodies, my conclusion is that this does fit with the theme of reckless chaos. Out of curiosity I followed the RFK, Jr. rabbit trail for a few hours online yesterday, after I read that article about his confirmation. Probably about 90 % of what his Wikipedia page says would be catnip for most Democrats, including me. He was close to being appointed as head of the EPA by Obama in 2008. Imagine that! His past drug addiction, and the likelihood that Republicans would block his nomination, seem to be the main reason Obama did not pick him. So that tells us something about Trumpy Republicans. They are fine with past drug addictions. And the guy they hated in 2008. I have a huge category in my mind that is basically, "Have no clue, I'll find out when we get to the other side - if we survive this." I feel pretty confident that working class Hispanics and Blacks (most of whom voted against Trump, anyway) are going to turn strongly against Trump. Because instead of lowering prices, he'll turn them over to his special interest billionaire donors to prey on. That is already well underway. Speaking of predators, what about RFK, Jr? I don't have a clue. Will he make America healthy again? I visited a nephew in a red state over the holidays, and his wife, who I adore, adores RFK, Jr. for his health stuff. Or will we have a measles outbreak? Ask me when we get to the other side. If we survive. I don't have a problem with RFK Jr.'s opposition to forever wars, including Ukraine. But our hottie Conor actually went and fought in Ukraine for a few months. Because he thought it was the right thing to do. Wonder what Daddy thought about that? Conor got arrested twice. For protesting against the Keystone pipeline outside the White House, with his Dad. And for punching some guy outside a bar who was insulting a Gay buddy of his for being Gay. Sounds like a nice guy. Or maybe, like Daddy, he is just kind of reckless. So the Kennedy thing is a puzzle. Maybe RFK Jr. just likes power. But if I listen to Carolyn Kennedy, this is a bit like putting small animals in a blender to feed my predator pets. Except, in this case, we're the ones going into the blender. What could possibly go wrong? Put Trump and Musk and Kennedy in a blender and you'll definitely get something distasteful, with strong hints of cruelty and recklessness and chaos. But if I am going to be put in a blender, please at least put Conor in there with me. (He is Straight, and engaged.)
  9. Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? The American people deserve a President who stands up for Gay men, rather than attacking him. The American people do not deserve a President that takes every chance he gets to normalize hate, so he can divide and conquer. Instead we get a weak pussy Defense Secretary who seems like he'd rather fly the Russian flag than the Gay flag. Even hard core GOP conservatives don't like it. Why do you support hatred of Gay men?
  10. If your point is that some part of Trump's MAGA cult will believe anything he says, you're right. First Lady Trump is a weak pussy. He is being led around on a chain by his best special interest donor, President Musk. Now he also seems to be led around on a chain by Genocide Man. What a shocker! Roger Wicker is not a weak pussy. He called out Hegseth's stupid betrayal of America and Ukraine and our allies immediately. It's just being a weak pussy. I mean, I wish Wickcer had called out Hegseth for being a Gay hater, and all his other flaws. But at least Wicker and I can agree that it is weak pussy betrayal to unilaterally concede to Genocide Man. First Lady Trump and his ass kisser Miss Lindsey are so stupid that they will get US soldiers killed with their weakness. Trump and Hegseth have told Putin you come before our allies. And we will let you win land by invading a country and committing genocide. Sorry, that is 100 % weak pussy shit. My Reagan Republican veteran Dad is rolling in his grave. It absolutely encourages Putin to think invading other European nations is a winning formula. And now ass kisser Miss Lindsey has shown that, yes, you actually can be stupider and weaker than First Lady Trump. He thinks we should commit that if Russia starts another genocide, Ukraine "automatically" joins NATO. The only smart thing about that is it means nothing, as Miss Lindsey surely knows. But if it did mean something, it means that we will commit NATO to starting World War III if Putin does it again. This is all being stupid weak pussies. No wonder the generals despised Trump. And these are the haters who want to attack Gay men for being weak or feminine or unable to fight? Anyway, being Gay and a Democrat, I thought I should talk to a Republican who is Straight and who actually stands up for the USA. Here is what he said.
  11. Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays? Why do you enjoy attacks on Gays?
  12. Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Republicans advance plans to raise military spending by at least $100B amid concerns budget cuts could affect veterans Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Now if we're going to talk facts rather than lies and Gay hate, here's what we need to do. Protect veterans first. Protect the CFPB second. Shitcan cruel child abuser Musk immediately. Shitcan Gay hater Hegseth next. If we are talking about what voters want for their taxpayer dollars, that's what the polls say. Veterans benefits? Wildly popular, because they earned it. CFPB? 50 % approval, 19 % disapproval. Working class Trump voters don't want to be fed by Trump to his predatory fintech or banking special interest donors. Musk? 52 % disapproval, 42 % approval. More or less a complete reversal from a month ago. Voters want their tax dollars spent wisely. Not on a cruel child abusing asshole like Musk. Sadly, working class Trump voters who rely on Medicaid or SNAP won't be as lucky, it seems. Trump will take food off their table, and rip their wallets and diabetes to shreds when it comes to their health. That's what Republicans are actually doing. Tell the truth, Gay hater! At least some Republican Reps and Senators are telling the truth. Why? Because they are scared shitless that they will lose their seats in 2026. Thanks to Trump's Project 2025 attacks on his own working class supporters, funded by his special interest billionaire donors. Do you think everyone is as stupid and cruel as you are? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate? Why do you come here to spread lies and to normalize Gay hate?
  13. As Trump himself said, correctly, he won a referendum on inflation. Barely. With 49.7 % of the vote. Lots of traditional Democrats or D-leaning Independents either did not vote or said, "WTF, how can Trump be worse?" These voters are not stupid. They are already starting to feel disappointed and angry. They don't like handing over government to Trump's special interest billionaire donors, who have axes to grind against things like consumer protection. Or Gay men. The backlash is just getting started. But if Trump won on prices, and he is already at 41/48 negative, and the majority of America recognizes that he could give a shit about them, I might focus on that. Rather than letting his special interest billionaire donors run amok. Or figuring out ways to shut down national parks, or fire federal employees who fight forest fires. It simply creates the impression that voters are smart, and see that Trump does not give a shit about them. Just a helpful suggestion. I of course support the goal of government efficiency.
  14. You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men?
  15. Elon Musk attacking Elizabeth Warren for being too wealthy? That's funny. Do you respect Elon Musk for treating his own queer child as if she is dead? Do you respect child abuse? Do you respect Elon Musk for gutting Warrens Consumer Financial Protection Bureau so that Trump's predatory special interest financial industry donors can rip them off and feed on Trump's working class voters? The verdict is in. The polls say voters view the CFPB favorably, and Musk unfavorably. Why do you support Trump's lawless betrayal of his working class supporters? You do realize this is just like his betrayal with Obamacare last time, right? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men?
  16. Here ya go @FuckNJoy some other dumb ass alphabet radicals. You think the LGBTQ libtards are dumb ass, just wait until you get a load of this. I am laughing my ass off. Trump’s cuts hit red states, triggering GOP pushback Oh, poor stupid alphabet dumb fuck. Give me an M. Give me an A. Give me a G. Give me an A. Stupid dumb fucks. Radicals. Worthless waste of my taxpayer dollars. We have some dipshit extremist who DID NOT GET THE MEMO whining about so-called "hunger". Like I give a shit about some DEI baby somewhere? Just keep them out of my country. Here's a funny thought. What if this farmer were Gay? That's like a twofer. Like what if he (she? it?) were run out of business because he (she? it?) didn't get taxpayer money for his (her? its?) Gay food shit to give to some DEI baby in Africa? That would be so hysterical. Attacking "LGBT activism" is so lame. Punch these fuckers in the nose, Elon . Okay now let's just be honest. Right out of the gate I do not like this alphabet cry baby. She has to be a lesbian. Or a pedo. She disgusts me. And if you put a W and V before your M and A and G and A it makes it no better, you loser. You just suck, okay? So what does our alphabet girl have to whine like a bitch about? Oh, great. More "research" on radical bullshit. What? Condoms? HIV? Gay shit? All you have to do is read "champion of the NIH" and you know she's a fucked up alphabet girl. This shit really gets on my nerves. This is why we need Elon. Demon mode. Fuck yeah! Teach these fucking radical alphabet whiners a lesson, Elon. Demon mode them. Hopefully our dipshit alphabet girl can respect Elon's authority and get out of his way. It would be a shame to have to primary the bitch. And her dumbfuck cousin from Kansas. This is so fucking funny! Stupid alphabet dipshits! No wonder women adore Elon he just makes common sense.
  17. @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? Which, no surprise, includes WorldPride in the eyes of people afraid of pissing him off. @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? But I'm glad to see that you are warming up to DEI comedians. It's appropriate. Americans support DEI more than they support your cruel asshole Elon Musk. You, cruel coward, apparently think attacks on LGBT activism are funny. You're too much of a coward to even say why you support Trump's attacks on us.
  18. Swing-district Republicans are questioning Mike Johnson’s budget Some percentage of Hispanics and Black working class voters who usually vote Democratic voted for Trump. While we don't know exactly why, we already have some good guesses. It was hard to pay rent. They were having a hard time putting food on the table. Who ever would have guessed that the first thing Republicans would do is make it harder for struggling worker class voters to put food on the table? Valadao claims that Trump himself is privately opposed to hurting his own supporters with cuts. I suspect Trump knows he has the wobbliest of political coalitions, that barely won with 49.7 % of the vote. In the big picture, I feel sorry for the working class. I view this whole thing as a peasant's revolt. It was George W. Bush who presided over the death of manufacturing jobs in the US, stripping away about 6 million factory jobs by the time the Great Recession ended. But most of the job losses happened all through W.'s term, before the obvious pain started with the global financial crisis he built. So Trump, to his credit, figured out how to build pain and rage into a movement. But he is a billionaire whose main accomplishment, other than chaos of course, is handing power and tax cuts to billionaire special interest donors. These guys - they are still mostly guys - like to think of themselves as the party of the working class. But they have no idea how to actually do it. Valadao is right to be scared. In 2024, when there was supposedly a Republican landslide, California Republican House members lost not one, not two, but three US House seats. And that was in a year of a Republican landslide I missed. I'll keep ranting about the expanded child tax credits that lowered Hispanic (and Black, and White) child poverty by 50 % for one year under Biden. There was one poll that showed after those ended, there was a 7 % shift away from Democrats and toward Republicans among the tens of millions of people who got that help in a period of roaring inflation. I have no idea whether that poll was accurate. But it makes sense to me, and symbolizes the idea that we can't count on you to fight like hell for us. People say they just want a good job, which they do. But when you mostly gets jobs at Walmart or Uber, those child tax credits come in handy. No one is for child poverty. If there is one thing Biden and Harris could have done differently, I think it was that. On a symbolic level, I think it would have helped if Kamala Harris was the tough warrior who would break teeth and fight like hell to make sure federal money helped poor Hispanic kids and their Moms and Dads, who are US citizens, and who are working like hell to get ahead. And not help Elon Musk avoid public safety standards or get a new tax deduction.
  19. Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture. @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? Which, no surprise, includes WorldPride in the eyes of people afraid of pissing him off. @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? @FuckNJoy, aka @bucknaway,why do you support Trump's attack on "LGBT activism"? Are you like Elon Musk? Do you have a "demon mode"? Did you abuse your children? Did you kill pets as a child? Do you hate Gays? Do you hate being Gay? You post videos from Tik Tok celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism" and telling me it is a "win" for the American people. Why? Speak, cruel coward. Speak. Why do you support attacks on Gay men? At least Elon Musk will try to defend his cruelty. Maybe you just get off tormenting people.
  20. Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men? Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing? Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool? Why do you support Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Are you happy that Trump is rolling back decades of Gay progress? Speak, cruel coward. Explain why you seem to support normalizing Gay hate. Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture.
  21. Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men? Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing? Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool? Why do you support Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Are you happy that Trump is rolling back decades of Gay progress? Speak, cruel coward. Explain why you seem to support normalizing Gay hate. Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture.
  22. Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men? Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing? Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool? Why do you support Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Are you happy that Trump is rolling back decades of Gay progress? Speak, cruel coward. Explain why you seem to support normalizing Gay hate. Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture.
  23. Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Why are you celebrating Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? You posted this Tik Tok video of Trump's "wins" he has delivered on behalf of me, and the American people. It says he is going after "LGBT activism." Is opposing "LGBT activism" a win? What kind of activism? Support for same sex marriage? Are you trying to normalize Gay hate? Do you hate Gay men? Why do you think 48 % of Americans, including probably most Gay men, already disapprove of what Trump is doing? Did you celebrate Gay hate before it was cool? Why do you support Trump's attacks on "LGBT activism"? Are you happy that Trump is rolling back decades of Gay progress? Speak, cruel coward. Explain why you seem to support normalizing Gay hate. Trump’s Anti-DEI Edicts Just Scared a Big Sponsor Away From a Major Pride Event Booz Allen’s decision to cancel a sponsorship ought to worry anyone who cares about Washington culture.
  24. Walter Isaacson does! I know this is three posts in a row. But I was curious. So I went to YouTube and found this. Isaacson is one of my favorite interviewers. And here he is actually the subject of the interview as Musk's biographer. It's a great interview that sheds light on why Musk is so wretched. There is even a name for it: "demon mode". Kudos to Isaacson. He actually made me feel empathy for a guy who can feel no empathy. Or at least sucks at it. And I feel empathy for three of Musk's kids. The one who died. The queer one who is alive who he treats as dead. And the one he brought to the Oval Office. I did think having his child there was a really weird thing to do, for several reasons. First and foremost because I doubt Trump really appreciated it. When did you see Trump use Barron as a prop in his first term? And I'm not a psychologist. But watching this interview my conclusion was Musk really wants so badly not to be his abusive father. Even though it matches seamlessly with the abuse his queer child says Musk dished out to her. Very sad. This just reinforces why Musk will fail. There's an argument to be made that to be great at business, you have to be a tyrant. Especially when you want to disrupt, and be the guy who takes us to infinity and beyond. But it is just a very bad match for government. People don't want "demon mode". They want stability. I think that explains why he is getting a negative reaction, quickly, and it will just get worse. Women already view him 58 % unfavorable, 33 % favorable. Men still view him 51 % favorable. But wait until he starts to talk about cutting the shit they care about. Wretched is indeed the word.
  25. That is my favorite President Musk line. If he believed that, he would resign or be fired immediately. If he believed in democracy, or the rule of law, he would do the same. In a different post, I cited polls about the more unknown or politically vulnerable agencies. In this post I'll mention some other ones. The EPA. 62 % approval. The Postal Service. 70 % approval. As I said in another post, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has 50 % approval, and only 19 % disapproval. Even USAID has 46 % approval, and only 30 % disapproval. After a completely dishonest attempt by Musk to say children helped by USAID are "worms" and efforts to save them are left-wing or terrorist or whatever. The good thing I can say about DOGE is that it has 42 % approval and 38 % disapproval. That's net positive, barely. So I don't think Americans oppose the idea of government efficiency. But Musk himself is now 52 % disapproval and 42 % disapproval. Buckle up, Elon. I think another crash landing is imminent. By Musk's own standards and logic, he needs to go. People do want their tax dollars spent wisely. That means not on him. It's just common sense.
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