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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Yeah, you got my point. I like to put my tongue in all sorts of places, and the comment about not allowing photos with cocks and asses was definitely tongue in cheek. As the photo below of me makes clear, this site does allow them, which was my point. Personally, I'm very glad to have my cock back, since somebody else somewhere else took it away a few years back. Anybody involved in escorting, whether its as an escort, or someone who hires them, or someone who runs a site that reviews them, is taking a calculated risk. All our asses are on the line. As Lucky pointed out in quoting me, one of the reasons I have placed such value on an escort review site, as opposed to the many sites that just have the hot and horny photos, is that it definitely has the effect of protecting EVERYBODY from bad situations - bad hires, bad clients, bad laws, whatever. So if somebody decides to censor explicit photos because they don't want to risk running afoul of the law, I'm sympathetic. Having said that, just about every escort site out there, including this one, shows pictures with cocks and asses, and I am not aware that any of those sites have run into any problems. What put me over the edge is that someone would censor photos everybody wants to see, because they don't want to accept any risk, but they won't censor "information" everyone thinks is false, even if it puts others at risk, and they will censor contributors who don't speak in a way that is considered polite, even if the people who are being censored consider it hurtful. None of this is black and white, but it seemed like a situation where the calculation of risk was very one-sided. In a situation that does not seem fair, and is unalterable, there's good reason to just be quiet. But that's just my opinion. From the perspective of someone who is always right, I'm sure everything they do is fair, and there is really no reason to try to change their mind, right Lucky? After all, since you like to hold people accountable to what they said, heres what you said in "that gawdawful threat" [sic] that summed it up perfectly: "And with all love and respect to you too, Daddy, I think your reply is beneath you. You of all people should be willing to first protect the integrity of your reviews. Having butted heads with you before, I know this is the end of the line on this subject. But I don't have to like it, no matter how many colors you've got." Sorry if I did not publicly agree at the time, but you really hit the nail on the head, especially about it being the end of the line. I can tolerate a lot of things, but not a lack of integrity, especially if that is the very value your site is supposed to add. (I do, however, love butting heads, or butts, or heads, or any combination therof). You asked the question, so theres your answer. Anyway, in the spirit of Conway's post, I agree the best thing to do is value the unique things that THIS site offers, and support and build on its strengths, rather than using it to compare it to something else. You could argue that running an escort review site is a thankless task. To use your image, MsGuy, maybe the person doing it feels he is just constantly putting himself up on that cross, and getting nailed, with very little to show for it. Yet another reason to not spend much time and energy criticising any other site. I just wanted to feel comfortable this one is not run the same way. In that regard, Conway and Tampa Yankee said exactly what I was hoping to hear. Thanks again guys. Now on to bigger, better, and sexier things. I just had a delicious hour of sex with a hot stud (speaking of putting my tongue all sorts of places), and tomorrow is the Day of Decision. I'll be down at the California Supreme Court and City Hall, recruiting innocents. Organize here, orgasm there. There's just so many fun things to do! Steven
  2. Couldn't agree with you more, Conway. The last private email I exchanged with Daddy had only four words, and it captures my philosophy on the subject: "Best of lucky Daddy." In terms of a specific discussion about Daddy, since somebody mentioned the guy by name, thats really about all I have to say. I don't want to start a bitch and moan session, let alone a bitch and moan site. TY's comments are totally right on: personality should be factored out of things, whether its my personality, Daddy's, or anybody else's. Thats generally what happens when people are treated like adults, and expected to act like adults. That also is the answer to your question Lucky. Everything you quoted me as saying about the integrity of the other site stands. There are lots of great escorts, clients and posters on that other site who have all kinds of interesting and intelligent things to say, many of whom I am learning have similarly interesting things to say on this site as well. You are a perfect example of that. I did not see a reason for my feelings about the integrity of the site administrator to get in the way of all the great things about the site itself. Why rain on everybody else's parade, or try to tear down something that so many people value? That's certainly not an escort thing to do. We're HAPPY people. I think I am a man of my word. As your long quote of my statements reflects, I promised Daddy I would be quiet, and I have been. I do think Daddy knows best. It should not be a surprise that often times Daddy is right, and his children are wrong. That often happens in families. In a situation like that, OF COURSE Daddy is a fair minded judge. If you were a Daddy, you wouldn't want your children to feel any differently, would you? Hell, I'm sure it even works that way in the Obama family. You think those sweet kids ever question the judgment of the leader of the free world? Mostly, I will always think of Daddy as simply being Daddy. And for those people who want a Daddy, and need a Daddy.....well, there he is, for everyone to know and love. Finally, I used to think that the idea of having multiple escort review sites was confusing. There was an efficiency to having one site that everyone went to called "Hooboy's reviews." Having said that, given the way things have played out and the various feelings that are out there about various site administrators, including my own, perhaps it best serves the interests of the community of escorts, and the people who hire them, to have a couple sites. Hopefully this raises, rather than lowers, the standard for everyone, including moi. Thanks for demonstrating thoughtfulness, as well as sexiness. Steven
  3. If you want people to post more reviews, here's my suggestions: 1. Don't post negative reviews that are fake, or at least flag them so readers know they are likely fake. If a lot of frequent contributors, (lets say 18 reviewers and escorts, with a total of 31, 721 posts) say a review is fake, and offer ideas about how to deal with it, don't insult them by refering to their contributions as "that gawdawful threat" [sic] like some other site administrator does. 2. Don't post fake positive reviews of escorts that don't exist, like some other site does. It confuses clients who try to hire them. 3. Don't ban people who have over 1000 posts because you don't like the way they express their opinions. We're all grown ups. It would be especially bad to refuse to censor a review that is fake, and then censor a frequent contributor who is real because he has the nerve to criticize you. 4. Don't remove all cocks and asses from escort's photos, because you don't want to take the risk of getting nailed for a law that is unenforced, even though you are perfectly happy to let escorts, who you think of as your children, twist in the wind while anonymous posters trash them with fake reviews. In other words, don't be a hypocritical wuss when it comes to risk. 5. Most important, don't act like a child with a bad temper, who lashes out at people you think of as your children. It sets a really bad tone. In my humble opinion, all of these things could have a chilling effect on people's interest and willingness to participate in your site. I happen to know another site where lots of my clients and frequent contributors pretty much don't like the administrator, and think he is whiny and isn't very bright, but everyone is afraid to say anything, because they fear they might get banned. I actually decided to stop posting on that site, because I think the guy running it lacks respect for his contributors. If I ran my escort business that way, I don't think I would have been around for 9 years and I don't think I would have gotten over 80 more or less flawless reviews. I think honest perspectives, intelligent debate, and respect for people who take the time to contribute to a site are always a good policy. If you have that, you don't need gimmicks and contests. If this kind of honesty is not appropriate on this site either, and if I am not supposed to be critical as well as funny or thoughtful, please let me know, and I'll silence myself before I offend you too. If candid discussion is appropriate, then I guess the prize is we all get to be grown ups participating in an intelligent, lively, funny, and appreciated blog site about the things that make us all hot and horny. There was this guy named Hooboy who created a site that did that, and I sure do miss it. Thanks, Steven
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