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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Actually, Trump has Netanyahu. It's hard not to read the polls and think the issue is not Dementia Joe. If there is a Joe Biden that is a disaster for Democrats, it is "Genocide Joe". 2024 ELECTIONS Michigan may soon show just how badly Biden’s cease-fire stance is hurting him The polls, picture, and quote all speak for themselves. Biden has a huge Michigan problem. And he can thank Bibi Netankillyu for it, more than Trump. Something happened in October. As you can see from the RCP poll above, for most of 2023 the race was a toss up. There was endless talk about inflation, and immigration, and Biden's age all through 2023. And the polls were stable, with either Biden or Trump with a slight statistical lead of maybe one percent. Then it changed after October. Trump built a lead of close to three percent at one point in the RCP average. All this may be coincidence. But Oct. 18th, when Biden actually was in Israel, right after the attack, was the last time he was tied with Trump (43.9 % each) in the RCP national average. Then as the 2,000 pound bombs started to drop and the headlines became about thousands and then tens of thousands of dead innocent Palestinians, Biden's poll numbers just kept getting worse. Again, maybe it is a coincidence. But that period from mid-October to late November when Trump opened up a lead over Biden nationally is when the news was all about the endless slaughter of innocent Palestinian women and children. The more Palestinian children Bibi Netanyahu kills, the better Trump does in US polls. Especially in Michigan. I'm not sure how Biden stops Bibi, or Israelis, from the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian children. That is now a huge problem for him. Biden's problem is particularly clear in Michigan. And as that story above suggests, a lot of it has to do with young voters who are hardly MAGA supporters. And Palestinian voters, or their friends and allies, who feel this is genocide. Many Palestinian Americans have family members being killed in Gaza. The RCP Michigan polls are very clear. RCP cites nine Michigan polls taken before the October 7th Hamas attack. Biden led in five, Trump led in one, and three were tied. The three polls taken in August, September, and early October 2023 all showed Biden leading slightly in Michigan. There are eleven polls taken in Michigan since Oct. 7th, most of which are counted in the current RCP average. Trump leads in nine of them, Biden in only one, and one is a tie. The current RCP Michigan average is Trump +4.6 %. There's only one pollster on that list where you can do a clear comparison of polls by the same pollster before and after Oct. 7th. In an August 2023 poll EPIC-MRA showed Biden with a one point lead in Michigan. By late November 2023 Trump led by five points, according to the same pollster. In a Feb. 2024 poll just out by EPIC-MRA Trump leads by four points in Michigan. This is no doubt why Democrats in Michigan are freaking out. Again, the shifting polls themselves seem to be clear about why this is happening. If this does not change, Trump will win. Allan Lichtman will be wrong for the first time since 1984. Although, as I said in that thread, he has NOT made a formal prediction yet. And he made clear what happens with these wars is part of the reason why. It is a fact that Biden was leading in the Michigan polls before Bibi starting dropping the bombs. Once Bibi lashed out, Biden started to lose Michigan. If he loses Michigan, he loses the Presidency. Maybe Trump should make Bibi his Veep. Since Bibi as much as anyone will get him elected. And Bibi is wildly unpopular in Israel. Biden currently has a 0.6 % lead in Pennsylvania, according to RCP. If you look at those polls, they also confirm something happened in October. There were three polls in Pennsylvania in the 60 days before October 7th. Biden led in two of them, with the average of the three being Biden +0.7 %. There were three polls taken in late October and early November in Pennsylvania. Trump led in all three, with the average being Trump +3.7. In Pennsylvania the race has now flipped back to Biden, ever so slightly. Trump currently has a 0.6 % lead in Wisconsin. There are not enough polls to reach any conclusion on trends. But Biden's last poll lead in Wisconsin was in late October 2023. Biden's poll numbers in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada are all worse than Michigan. So if Biden loses those three but keeps Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, he has 255 electoral votes. Michigan has 15. So it's the tipping point to a Biden victory. One final extremely lopsided polling result. Among Democrats, 32 % say Biden is being "too supportive" of Israel. Only 1 % of Democrats say Biden is "not being supportive enough" of Israel. A plurality of Democrats, 43 %, say what Biden is doing is "about right", and the rest are unsure. The problem for Biden is that 2024 is clearly going to be a base election. People in the middle don't want either candidate. So if a third of Biden's base is open to the idea that he is Genocide Joe, he has a very serious problem with his base. My hope, like most Democrats, is that as inflation went down and the economy grew Biden's poll numbers would grow, too. So far, nothing about the economy has changed that calculus. But if the calculus has changed to include the body count of dead Palestinian women and children, that can seemingly only get worse. There is no plan for Gaza, and no plan for the West Bank. Other than vague talk about a two state solution, which the leader of Israel opposes, as the bombs keep dropping. The way this may be hurting Biden the most is by reinforcing the sense that he is old and not in control of events. If Trump wins, that problem solves itself. Trump would seemingly do fine among the MAGA base if he held up a sign saying, "Duh! Drop more bombs. Kill more Palestinians, stupid!" It could be like 2016 all over again in Michigan. Back then it was the factory jobs, stupid. Now it seems like it's the genocide, stupid.
  2. Good news, Emmet. I am sure Vlad really welcomes this win for Biden, decency, and truth. Granted, Hunter is a fucked up mess. But what with Vlad being a stalwart for decency and kindness and truth, I am sure he is delighted that all the Trump lies and rot and cruelty are being righted. God bless Vlad. Such a just and decent fella!
  3. Yes, the RCP betting odds are a very reliable source. Let's go over some odds. In 2022 there was a 50 % chance that Murderous Vlad, when he was faced with a unified NATO and a POTUS committed to helping democracies like Ukraine, would decide to go ahead and launch a murderous genocide, anyway. And he did. Whereas you are right that Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was President. That's because experts say there is only a 20 % chance Putin will be sadistic asshole when he has a compliant US President who trashes NATO and gives Vlad what he wants. There are worse odds, though. In 2016 Trump only had a 13 chance of being elected, according to the RCP betting odds. Hillary had an almost 9 in 10 chance of winning. So I wouldn't be so certain about Trump's 44 % chance of winning now. Shit, that's less than 50/50. Here's a slightly bitter pill for you, @EmmetK. Trump is a dumb ass. That said, he's a genius compared to you. He knew Lichtman knows how to place good bets, and he congratulated him. You're not smart enough to realize that, @EmmetK. You bet on losing betting pools. Good news is that no one can be more of a dumb ass than Ron DeSantis. He went from a 35 % chance of winning a year ago to a 0 % chance today. How do you do that?
  4. They preferred that. Who wouldn't rather stay in their barracks than be turned into fertilizer. Fact: as long as Trump was trashing NATO and dividing the US, which was giving Vlad everything he wanted, of course Vlad was happy. If Trump is elected he'll give Ukraine away, to the extent he can, empower Putin, and weaken the US. Trump is a weak Putin cock sucker. He'd be a convicted rapist other than it was proved in court that he couldn't get it up enough to actually rape. The guy has issues. He is weak. Putin helped Trump in 2016, whether Trump wanted his help or not. See the Mueller report and all the Russians charged. Putin didn't like Hillary, either. Turns out he doesn't like people who challenge him. When he can, he murders them. including mass murder. Putin does like cock suckers who try to please him. Trump lost in 2020. Trump is weak. Trump is a loser. Only weak losers end up being cock suckers for sadistic rulers like Putin who commit genocide.
  5. Yup. I sure believe what Vlad tells friendly journalists he calls in to tell them things he wants them to hear. Proving once again you'll believe anything Trump says and support anything he does. That's what a cult is all about. Putin didn't have to invade any country or turn hundreds of thousands of Russians into fertilizer when Trump was around. Trump just gave him what he wanted. You view Trump's weakness as strength and Biden's willingness to fight for our values as weakness. That's what the MAGA cult is all about, too. Weakness. Lies. Rot. One thing the world learned from Tucker's cock sucking session interview with Vlad is that our sadistic and corrupt billionaire is as bad at lying and spin as he is good at genocide. The fact that he has to announce he is for Biden simply underscores how he's doing everything he can to elect Trump. And you will help him. But if you believe Putin wants Biden for four more years than you also have to believe that Vlad is a friend of every journalist and opposition leader in Russia. And that planes just accidentally explode in mid-flight.
  6. YES! YES! YES! Trump scared the shit out of people. No one ever fucked with him. Under Trump China never would have invaded the US with the China virus to kill over 1 million Americans. Wouldn't have dared. Under Trump men were more virile. Under Trump penises were all at least an inch longer. Under Trump the nation was kinder and gentler.
  7. I get the point. And you are for sure half right. Trump is always the elephant in the court room. But personally I always had Putin pegged as a twink. Not a bear.
  8. I'm tired of the misery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't we actually WIN just for once???????????????????????? Inflation down to 3 % Stock market at all time highs Net worth of average middle class American up 30 % since 2019 Lowest unemployment in half a century STOP THE MISERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! Joe Dementia Biden is toast. He fucked us over so bad. Joe Dementia Biden is the new Jimmy Loser Carter. In 1980 Carter got his ass kicked because the misery index peaked at 21.9 in Summer 1980!!! Biden is going to get his ass kicked even worse! The misery index is 6.8. That's one point lower than when Trump left office! It's horrible! STOP THE MISERY! IMPEACH LOSER DEMENTIA JOE!
  9. Wonder who he could be talking about?
  10. You're getting sloppy in your genocide lies. You forgot he is a Nazi. That's how Vlad rationalizes the genocide. Get with it! Vlad is counting on solid lies from his people.
  11. No. I described how Vlad just turned 50,000 Russians into fertilizer to gain maybe ten kilometers. You should be disgusted and appalled at how your mass murdering butcher kills Russians. But of course you are not. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. What has Plan Vlad meant for Russians lately? From the Institute For The Study Of War: Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Lately Plan Vlad killed maybe 50,000 Russians to gain maybe ten kilometers of territory in Ukraine. Are we saying Ukrainians welcomed those Russians? That's a weird way to show hospitality. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. As Zelenskyy himself said and I quoted above, the essence of Plan Vlad is a murderous lack of concern for human life - Ukrainian, or Russian. He can't actually win a war. What he can do is literally throw hundreds of thousands and eventually maybe millions of Russians at Ukrainian soldiers to be turned into fertilizer. Vlad's hope has to be that the will of Ukraine eventually breaks. But if that were going to happen, it would have happened the day Vlad invaded. Ukraine has no choice but to defend itself. Ukraine has a big recruitment problem. But the silver lining in that cloud is they have to stop listening to shitty advice from US and NATO military planners about unrealistic offensive operations. Ukraine is having to do a big and deep reality check, which will pave the way for future - if more limited - successes. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. The Ukrainians will have to figure out how to play defense in a long war. But we know how that story ends. The Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The United States in Afghanistan. Ukraine has more men than Afghanistan, a much more advanced economy, and far better and stronger allies than the Taliban did. If the Taliban could fight a long defensive war and eventually grind the US and USSR down, Ukraine will have no problem figuring out how to do that with Russia. In the meantime, Vlad needs to prepare potentially millions of Russians to be turned into fertilizer as the Russian economy becomes more and more based on killing Russians. Go ahead. Try it. Maybe it will work better than for every other mass murdering sadist.
  12. You are just echoing Vlad's transparent strategy. It has certain benefits. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. By all accounts the majority of dead are Russians. The genocide requires turning limitless numbers of Russians into fertilizer. A sadistic authoritarian can make that work for a long time. Vlad is planning on 170,000 more Russians. Why? Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Most of the new Russian soldiers will be fertilizer eventually. Vlad doesn't care. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. That's what Russia is all about today. You couldn't be making it clearer. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Do genocide, lie, kill. Again, you're good at making the case for this. Just do genocide, lie, kill, and keep doing it. Eventually everyone will agree genocide is just being decent. Everyone everywhere, even in Poland, will say Vlad is just one helluva nice guy. But, actually, no. Goebbels died by suicide at the age of 47 after helping to destroy his country. So much for just repeating lies. Vlad can try it again and see how it works. But it never does.
  13. I feel sorry for the guy. Who knew Putin wasn't the decent and forgiving fellow @Moses and @Kostik make him out to be? But some poor Russian soldier who went AWOL with one of Vlad's helicopters is small ball compared to what else Murderous Vlad his killed: How Russia killed its tech industry The invasion of Ukraine supercharged the decline of the country’s already struggling tech sector—and undercut its biggest success story, Yandex. Even TASS reports Russia has a shortage of 1 million IT specialists. Geez, wonder why? Putin can kill one helicopter pilot who escapes. He can't kill more than 10 % of the IT industry that fled. The fact that Putin's economy grew at all in 2023 was a surprise. But no one ever said Vlad's sadism was not clever and calculating. He's building a war economy that is good at two things: making weapons, and turning Russian men into fertilizer. At least with the former, there no doubt have to be some good engineering and manufacturing jobs. But the smart Russians know Russia is fucked for generations to come, even after Murderous Vlad is fertilizer himself. That is why they are leaving in droves.
  14. Thanks for the explanation, @lookin. I was curious. And I agree with you. It's fair. And it makes sense, on this, and many things, to use Trump as an example of the consequences of pathological law breaking and lying.
  15. Poor desperate thing. It hurts real bad to be unloved, doesn't it? Poor @Moses. How bad does it hurt to be hated? Spotlight on Poland: Negative Views of Russia Surge, but Ratings for U.S., NATO, EU Improve Poland and its Jews lived through - or died during - Hitler's genocidal nightmare. So they don't want a repeat with your genocidal sadist. That is for sure. They hate Putin. They see him for the genocidal monster he is. The Trump/MAGA crowd has no principles and is willing to throw Ukraine and Europe under the bus. And pretend to make peace with a genocidal sadist who is committing mass murder right now. Thank God for the Polands of the world, who are close enough to the genocidal bloodbath and don't want Putin's genocide in their borders. They hate you. They just hate you. And they always will. This is what Putin, your genocidal sadist, has done to Russia. The world hates you. And Poland in particular would love it if Putin's Russia just went to hell.
  16. Upon checking, I go back to my main point, @EmmetK. You can't be trusted with facts. What in God's name did facts do to you? How bad does it hurt? I was on 538 checking polls and I thought I'd see what they say about Texas. So, you have one fact on your side. There are a few polls done in January and February this year that show Cruz with a double digit lead over either potential Democratic opponent. But there is another poll by NPA that shows Cruz and Allred in a dead even tie. And an Emerson poll that shows Cruz just two points ahead of Allred. Within the margin or error. The YouGov-sponsored polls clearly paint a more optimistic picture for Cruz than the others. Allred is actually doing better in polls against Cruz than Beto was in 2018. Which was a good year for Democrats. In 2018 the final RCP poll average showed Cruz beating Beto by 6.8 %, with individual polls ranging from a Cruz lead of 10 points to 3 points. Cruz actually won by 2.6 points. The Emerson poll was closest to the final result, showing Cruz beating Beto by 3 points. Emerson now shows Cruz beating Allred by only 2 points. Again, that's within the poll margin of error. We've heard that song about Texas going blue before. As much as I wish Taylor Zakhar Perez was down there organizing the shit out of the state, which he did in Red White & Royal Blue, in reality the President's son is actually Hunter Biden. So he won't be of much help in the way TZP's fictional son was. That said, Cruz is unpopular, too. And not just with most of his Senate colleagues. Oh, and did I mention Trump treats Cruz like a piece of shit? Being pissed on by Trump and running away to Mexico from a state with a power outage probably doesn't help Cruz with voters. Cruz wants to gut Obamacare. Cruz wants to gut abortion rights. Cruz wants tax cuts for the rich. Cruz is a phony who went to an elite school and pretends to be a populist. Except when it comes to walking through airports. If there is any red state US Senator who is disliked and phony and could lose in 2024, Cruz is the guy. What's most interesting about those polls to me is there is seemingly no difference in a general election between Allred and Gutierrez as Democratic candidates. I suspect some of that is it's early days and both may be relatively unknown. Gutierrez wears the progressive label on his sleeve. Allred is Mr. Moderation, with a strong helping of bipartisan compromise. Which probably explains why Allred is way ahead in the Democratic primary. People in Texas clearly want a moderate winner. It may also be that for the uber-MAGA Trump crowd, all Democrats are part of the Deep State/uber-Left/child blood drinking Hillary cock sucking crowd. The true MAGA folk will just send Trump their money as he pathologically lies and commits crimes. No wonder you can't be objective about facts. Or Allred's unlikely but definitely possible chances of winning. What did facts do to you, @EmmetK? What did they do to you?
  17. Granted. I did think Al Franken, an anti-Semitic child blood drinking Hillary cock sucker if there ever was one, had one of the best put downs of Cruz ever. So, yeah. You got me on that. Frankly, it is hard to be opened minded about Ted Cruz. It's just that so many in the uber-left nutso Hillary loving crowd have so many bad things to say about him. And his values. And his wife. And his father. And other stuff. Times Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Insulted Each Other Trump: Cruz is “worse than Hillary” Trump: “How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian’ Trump: “You are the single biggest liar'” Trump: “I will spill the beans on your wife!” Cruz: “Real men don’t attack women” Cruz: “Donald, you’re a sniveling coward” Cruz: “Consistently disgraceful” Cruz: “Nominating Donald Trump would be a train wreck” Cruz: “Big government liberal” Trump: Cruz’s father was somehow involved with JFK’s assassin Cruz: “This man is a pathological liar” Other than those few things, Trump and Cruz seem to be very decent and well-respected fellows. But what did I say about Cruz that sounded hateful? And how exactly are his values like Trump?
  18. And everything I said is true. Trump is a fake populist. So is Cruz. They want to cut taxes for the rich, like they are, and take away Obamacare. Trump parades around as a populist while he breaks the law and rapes and sexually harasses and cheats and goes bankrupt. And you send him money to bail his criminal and crooked ass out. Some populism! What a fighter for the people! The thing people remember fondly about the Trump era is lower prices and no inflation. So he will run on that. Even though inflation hit hard all over the world after COVID, and was actually lower in the US than most of the industrialized world. Had Trump been President, he would have had the same or worse. But let him run on inflation. We'll see how it goes when Biden reminds people how Trump's big victory for the working class was cutting taxes for billionaires like himself, and trying to screw people by taking Obamacare away. Trump gutted Roe V. Wade. 2 in 3 Americans want to send aid to Ukraine and Trump is undermining that. Trump is a rapist with women and a devoted cock sucker with Putin. All true. Trump is despicable, criminal, and crooked. He leads a cult. His MAGA populism is phony as can be.
  19. YES! YES! YES! The uber fascist anti-Semitic cannibalistic child blood drinking left is afraid of the most simple facts! But you are BRAVE with facts, @EmmetK. You speak truth to the uber left snowflake genocidal assholes who do not understand why Donald Trump is so popular. Here's a simple fact! If Donald Trump's policies were not popular, why did he win re-election in a landslide? The only reason Dementia Joe got in is he sent his child blood drinking snowflakes to the Capitol to beat the shit out of cops and steal the election. Fascist leftists! Child blood drinkers! What sickens me is how the Clinton child blood drinking crowd has infiltrated all the institutions we used to be able to trust. So Trump's signature achievement was working class tax cuts for the working class. Not the rich. Okay, maybe Donald got a little tax cut but that is only fair as the leftist child blood drinking courts are trying to confiscate all his hard earned money. And a once reputable polling organization like Gallup just lies and smears Trump and says the tax cuts were UNPOPULAR and more people viewed them unfavorably than favorably. THIS IS A LIE! Yet all the leftist child blood drinking demented Biden cock suckers piled on. And for some strange reason 46 % of people say the tax cuts benefitted large corporations and only 7 % said it benefitted them. Child blood drinkers! Liars! Pussy invalid RINO John McCain killed what would have been an even more popular achievement of the Trump Presidency: gutting Obamacare. Again, the child blood drinking media made up horrific amounts of bullshit to the point where they said Trump had his lowest favorable ratings as POTUS while he was trying to gut Obamacare. First, Trump had 100 % approval every day he was POTUS so that simply isn't possible. Second, if Trump were going to be unpopular at all it would be his basic human decency he is just too nice. Not anything about his wildly popular policies. Those evil child blood drinking journalists just make shit up and now they are lying while they kill children and write stories about how Obamacare is popular thanks to Trump. Such lies! Child blood drinkers! Hillary cock suckers! All Biden has to do is remind people how popular Trump's tax cuts were and how people were unanimously in awe and delighted when he tried to gut Obamacare. That will remind people very quickly how beloved Donald Trump is the sweetest most decent guy and all those demented invalid RINO cock sucking Biden supporters will be exposed for the crazy assholes they are. And then there are the true Satanists. You'd think it was bad enough they drink the blood of children but no they want to kill young babies they are sick cock sucking evil abortion murderers. 97 % of Americans support the fact that Donald Trump appointed the judges that overturned Roe v. Wade. THIS IS A PROVEN FACT! A fact the child blood drinking Clinton cabal will not tell you but Donald Trump will. So just based on America's almost unanimous hatred for the murdering Satanic abortionists Trump will win again in a landslide in 2024 like he did in 2020. Decency and truth always wins over evil. Thank you for informing us of THE FACTS @EmmetK you are BRAVE and TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Come to think of it, you're right. It's our fault. gen·o·cide /ˈjenəˌsīd/ noun when America forces the sweetest and most decent leader in the world to initiate the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Example: "Vladimir Putin is a man of peace who only does kind things. The United States is a nation committed to genocide "
  21. Granted. It's not America's finest moment. The isolationist MAGA crowd is happy to throw Ukraine into Vlad's sadistic meat grinder. But most Americans, including most members of Congress, are not. Ukraine will get their weapons. You are of course partly correct about Afghanistan. For both the US and the USSR, it was a quagmire. Ukraine is bigger, more resilient, and has more allies. So this is a quagmire Russia loses simply by fighting. How many more Russians need to be turned into fertilizer until Russians get sick of it? Oh, I forgot. Under your mass murdering sadist, you have no choice. So sorry! Let me know if there's anything at all we can do to help you decent and kind folks. Who's plant food now? Who's plant food now? Whose bodies are shit on by Ukrainian cows? Who's dead and screwed? Who's Russian too? That's what Vlad's war means for you Right to the end Just like a friend We tried to warn you somehow Vlad had his way Poor Russians pay So sad there's still no hope now They don't look much like fertilizer. They look like allies committed to helping Ukraine defend itself. 😉 Of course, Vlad is a history buff. I'm sure he's confident he'll win. Just like the Soviet Union beat democracy in the end.
  22. And speaking of how Americans are all fat or Gay or something else Russians don't like. And Russians are heroic studs. When that pro-LGBTQ ad came out the US military got shit all over for actually standing up for queers. But just think about it. In California Gays won the right to marry. In Russia Vlad gave all those heroic Russian studs the right to be turned into grass food. Almost seems unfair, doesn't it?
  23. Political Prisoners by Country 2024 What a shocker! Your brain is full of Vlad's bullshit. Saudi Arabia: 3,000 political prisoners United States: 100 - 150 political prisoners Russia: 16 political prisoners China: 11 political prisoners Woo hoo! According to this listing, from the World Population Review, Russia has fewer political prisoners than the US. Of course, Vlad has made clear it is cheaper and easier to kill them than imprison them. And that list uses narrow criteria. If you count people jailed for their religious beliefs, other list says there are hundreds of political prisoners in Russia. The broader the definition, maybe Russia DOES have the most political prisoners. The report hyperlinked above adds this about Russia's 16 political prisoners: That's another great thing about Vlad's Russia. in addition to a free press, free elections, and tremendous intellectual freedom, even men who disagree with Vlad's genocide in Ukraine are offered several great choices: Oh, and speaking of turning young Russian men into grass: No recent update on that poll Of course, now that the opportunity to become fertilizer is so tangible and real I am sure even more young Russian men who love Vlad's Russia want to leave, so they can make the grass greener in Ukraine. Maybe this explains why everything you write sounds like manure, @Kostik
  24. So true. That's actually why your sadist had Navalny and Mentsov tortured, poisoned, or killed, right? The sad part is that eventually many more hundreds of thousands of Russians who mostly agree with Putin will need to be turned into fertilizer, by Vlad, and thanks to Vlad's greed and lust for power. Being fertilizer is kind of like being a zombie, I guess. But it's good for the kleptocrat in the Kremlin and his pals. No one has ever argued mass murder and sadism could not be profitable.
  25. YES! YES! YES! For once, someone with actual facts. This is what most people rely on for their information. Which is very very bad. This is what @Kostik and Russians rely on for information. It is very very good. This is why Russians are the freest people in the world. If you don't like Vlad's information, there are virtually unlimited numbers of bridges you can cross while someone puts a bullet in your head. And there are also many fine forms of poison to kill you with. Just ask Navalny and Mentsov. Thieves who did not believe the simple truths of Vlad and Western propaganda tools. This is why the glorious and exceptional economy of Russia runs the best and fastest growing human fertilizer industry in the world. Thanks to Glorious Vlad, and hjs glorious truth, Russia exceeds China and the US at efficiently turning its citizens into nutrients and food for Ukrainian grass and cows. It is a remarkable achievement, based on adherence to Vlad's truth. Russian men could not be happier, or prouder, or better food for cows. Meanwhile, The US and China and Europe are stuck with shitty companies - laggards and liars, propaganda tools, garbage - that are worthless compared to Vlad's fastest growing and glorious human fertilizer economy. Long live Vladimir Putin's excellence and truth!
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