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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Now there's a thought. One place I am on board regarding the general shallowness of the MSM is that they have completely ignored what happened in Mexico. And it probably does confirm their liberal bias (duh!) that "well, every leader around the world got fired due to inflation" has become an all purpose excuse. So now that I have listened to a whole bunch of MAGA mudslingers spew mostly lies and hate on TikTok, it would be interesting to listen to short clips about what AMLO-ettes in Mexico have to say about why they kept their incumbent leadership. And elected their first woman President. My guess is it would be a lot of stuff about how AMLO's government delivered for the working class. Not how they wanted government torn down. Or how Elon Musk is awesome. It is interesting that in all these TikTok videos it was basically how we want to attack and tear down and tell Ukrainians or Gays or Democrats or whoever to go fuck themselves. Not much about what Trump actually did in his first four years to make their lives better.
  2. There seems to be a lot of cruelty and bullshit around here lately. As a kindness, I thought I'd post some alternative content that won't make you more stupid, or more cruel. I thought Pavlov's dogs and obsessive or reflexive conditioning would be an appropriate topic. Of course, anyone who has paid attention to the 25 % or so of Americans who have been conditioned as MAGA blowhards knows how this works very well already. I'm leaving the advanced class in authoritarian followers up to @lookin. It's above my pay grade. But with these entry level videos at least you don't have to listen to lies and Gay hate. Except for one, they are all more than a few minutes long, and seemingly factual. So at least our barking dog won't ruin your viewing pleasure. Knowledge bores him. He's not been conditioned for that. Be careful, guys. This Big Bang riff is less than three minutes long. I think our dumb dog has been conditioned for at least three minutes of viewing. So you'll know if you hear barking. It could get noisy. But at least you won't be bored.
  3. He bores me. Maybe his Mom was more interesting. She probably had an attention span longer than two minutes. I stopped reading. Oops. Listening. "They" apparently does not read. And he must be pretty slow. He ain't writing, so he probably thinks he is being censored. Dumb shit. Ignorance and lies are boring enough. And I definitely don't find cruel jerks to be entertaining. "They" is pretty good at finding people who are cruel as shit while they tell lies. But after 200 videos or whatever, even that gets boring. Yawn. 🥱 There is good news. He's self-identified in a roughly 25 % minority who will believe any shit Trump says. Like the J6ers had no weapons and were unfairly convicted for the Jubilant Patriotic Cop Beating. So this is how Trump convinced people to vote Democratic in 1.0. Same shit, different year. Ignorance just breeds ignorance, I guess.
  4. Sorry, that post above was me posting for a friend. He can't seem to find his voice. This is an area where some engineer who actually is honest and trustworthy could do a lot of good. And not just with the federal government. My Mom died in 2019, and Social Security was the easy part. She had an annuity with Athene, and they just fucked it up royally. Athene insisted there was no value left in her annuity after she died, which I thought was false. Since it was small ball, after multiple communications with Athene my siblings and I decided to let it go. Five years later, last Summer, I got envelopes named for all my siblings, saying they just learned my Mom died. I think by cross referencing with Social Security records. They said we could each make a claim for about $200. We did, and we each got checks for close to $1000. Which is about what I figured would happen five years ago, since I kept track of the account value. My sister inherited an annuity with a different private company from an aunt, and she said it's been a nightmare. The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing. So what I read is that 18.9 million people born before 1920 do not have death records on file, but only 44,000 people get checks. Assuming that is all waste from vampire DEI grannies, I calculate that will pay for 0.0000000000000000034 % of Elon's next tax cut, and 0.000000000052 % of his next government contract. Problem now is that no one paying attention who is not pure MAGA will trust Musk. It's early days in the looting, and already a majority views him unfavorably. He has shown his targets are the FAA and CFPB, and other agencies that protect consumers and annoy Trump's Wall Street and other special interest donors.
  5. You know, my Mom was on Social Security, and even liked Biden. She thought he was decent. What a hoot! She would watch network news because they supposedly had "facts". LOL. I mean, granted. She wasn't the smartest cookie in the cookie jar. But I loved her. Even though I am way smarter. I don't have time for 60 Minutes, and all that "fact" bullshit. Verify my ass! Fact is, a lot of these seniors are vampires. Like Joe Rogan said, open the damn coffin and let us peek inside for the first time. Vampires! Stab em in the heart. Not my Mom, of course. But you know what I mean. There have to be lots of DEI grannies lying their DEI asses off. Stake the old vampires in the heart! It'll entertain me. And who better to cut out the fat from these old vampires than Elon Musk, a billionaire whose fortune is built on billions in government contracts? He'd never lie, just like Trump. I don't buy these bullshit narratives. If it ain't on Tik Tok, it ain't the truth.
  6. stevenkesslar


    Does anyone have anything interesting to say? Truth be told, hate and cruelty is kind of entertaining. Especially if you have some hot guy playing James Bond or something. Willful ignorance is just totally boring. Yawn. 🥱🥱🥱 Maybe a Jan. 6th video, with the sightseers and cops and shit? But no weapons or violence or insurrection or that bullshit narrative that I don't buy. That would be a lie. And I don't like lies. Well, maybe just a few bricks and a concussion or two, just to add some color? This guy might look good with a broken nose. That would entertain me. His damn fault, picking on sightseers.
  7. Gotcha.. They is obviously Two Spirit. One cock. Zero compassion.
  8. Sheesh! You are soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring 🥱🥱🥱 Sorry. Just always found willful ignorance and cruelty boring. Find something to entertain us, please.
  9. You pride yourself for no longer following mainstream media, and finding yours news online. But you have proven your stunning ignorance in the last week. The amount of lies in those videos is remarkable. Thank you for educating me about how many people online are willing to believe lies and espouse hate. It really is that bad. I'm hoping you know that was as an orgy of lies, and just find it entertaining to spread them. But maybe you actually are that ignorant. Sorry if that sounds condescending. Here's what you posted about Jan.6th. You're actually not going along with the facts. Stay away for jury duty, okay? Facts about how all those cops were beaten as a violent mob tried to stop a peaceful transfer of power are just so boring, aren't they? You poor thing! Over 100 people with weapons were convicted. Including people with firearms, knives, bats, and makeshift weapons. You can read about it online, case by case. But you clearly want to believe what the mob decides is real. That puts you in a small fact-free minority with 29 % of Americans, almost all MAGA Republicans. You do have one fact right. No one was ever convicted of insurrection. It was a remarkable failure of Biden's DOJ to not prosecute Trump for Jan. 6th in four years, while polls consistently showed about 60 % of Americans wanted just that. Trump won't make the same mistake. In addition to your small ball lies about the "satanic LGBTQ agenda", you are advocating that whatever the MAGA mob wants to believe is true. You don't give a shit. But 71 % of America doesn't see it that way. So as the long term consequences of empowering lies and hate, and special interest billionaire donors, plays out all over the planet, perhaps a majority won't see it your way. A majority of Americans have already turned against Musk, one month in. But you won't even believe what the whole world saw on Jan. 6th. You wanted to set Trump's cop beaters and pedophiles free. (Yes, a bunch of them were convicted pedophiles. Boring!) This is what we get when dumb ass people like you spread lies and hate about really important things. Like when a felon POTUS tries for the first time in our history to stop a peaceful transfer of power. You find it entertaining. Danke, my good German.
  10. My biggest problem with you is that you've posted a bunch of things that make clear you believe that reality doesn't matter, and whatever the mob decides is right. So while facts bore you, and they are not as entertaining as January 6th, which you defended, others may care about facts and context. Have fun playing the victim while you spread hate and lies, dumb ass.
  11. Exactly. Since he won't speak, and I can't read minds, I went back and read some of his older posts. Before he took on the difficult job of being a silent but virulently anti-LGBTQ activist on a Gay website. This is from a January 25 post, when he really put his anti-LGTBQ activism into high gear. And this is from the same day. That was in response to comments by @Goober and @Suckrates. Personally, I find my beloved Sister In Cock @Suckrates fascinating, graceful, witty, and good at deep throating. You'd think they'd find at least one thing they have in common. But there's no accounting for bad taste. I'm pretty sure he was aiming his bile at me when he talked about someone who goes on and on and sounds like a know it all. Guilty as charged. It's far more entertaining to know nothing, and spread lies and hate. And now he finds it funny to pretend he's the victim. And some hot German police officer with a delicious uncut dick is gonna throw him in jail and rape his ass for saying mean things to us boring, snowflake Gays. Oh, wait. That's a fantasy @bucknaway pays for. To each his own. Her own? Their own? I actually had a great client who paid me for cop fantasies. Whatever. Anyway, viel Spaß mit der Polizei, my bored hypocritical hater. You really would make a great Good German. Personally, I think if we'd chosen Elizabeth Warren in 2020 rather than Biden, she would have fought like hell for four years and been re-elected. But if @bucknaway is entertained by attacking her for making money writing a book with her daughter, have at it. It is free speech. It's also fact-free and hypocritical. You're spreading lies and hate from Elon Musk, who takes billions in government money, abused his queer daughter, and treats her as dead. And you're attacking a woman for writing a popular book with her daughter about how the middle class is preyed on by many of Trump's rich special interest donors. How entertaining! I know I'm going over the top. But spreading lies about teachers "transitioning" children? You could not get closer to the 1970's playbook about Gay teacher pedophiles grooming boys. What entertains you about that? Pick on Elizabeth Warren, at least. Find some escort in Rio who will jail you and fuck you for a nice fine. But try to leave queer children alone.
  12. Has TikTok and YouTube Changed the Vibe of Thailand for You? This thread @bucknaway started is just hysterical! Good to know that @bucknaway embraces hypocrisy as well as hate and lies. I'm glad I was able to enjoy politics and LGBTQ activism before TikTok became a cesspool of lies and attacks on queers by Trump zealots.
  13. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  14. Wow. Maybe someone can actually say something in between the torrent of lies and hate from @bucknaway. Most smugglers are Americans, many paid by cartels. Crypto facilitates hiding the crime. Trump should crack down on crypto, rather than pandering to his special interest fat cat crypto donors. He should fund addiction treatment through Medicaid. That was a big reason Biden was able to reverse Tom Homan's spike in fentanyl deaths. Instead, Trump will likely cut Medicaid. He had Homan playing the same "Whack A Mole" game that failed in Trump 1.0 and led to a massive spike in fentanyl deaths.
  15. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  16. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  17. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance. @bucknaway revels in cruelty. Hurting people brings him joy. He celebrates other people's pain. If he only were Bibi and had a bomb!
  18. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  19. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance. And these lies about Trump are ridiculous. Just like his Gay-hating lies that schools in Texas are grooming or transitioning children to be queer. It would be hysterically funny if it were not so hateful and cruel.
  20. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  21. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  22. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  23. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
  24. It's sad and sick that @bucknaway has a deeply obsessive need to attack queer children, diversity, and tolerance.
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