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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Okay. Interesting video. I watched it all. Beyond that, I watch Morning Joe regularly, and Steve Schmidt's podcast often. One of the useful things about Morning Joe during Joe Biden's era was that Scarborough brought the sensibility of a conservative Republican and former US House member, who was swept to power in the 1994 Republican wave, to an effort to keep Biden in power. And to keep Trump out. So, yes. Sometimes Joe was too fawning to Biden. But Scarborough was also the one saying, "This "Defund The Police" stuff will not end well. This immigration stuff will not end well." And he was right. So Scarborough and Schmidt both have credibility to me. Both being right of center, they anticipated and called out some of the nails in Kamala Harris's coffin on cultural issues. She tried to fix it. But it was too little, too late. And mostly it was just the economy, stupid. Schmidt really is the pot calling the kettle black on this issue. I think of him as an Arnold Schwarzenegger Republican, since he managed his successful campaign. But Trump would call Schmidt a loser, for managing John McCain's 2008 train wreck. The part of the train wreck that Schmidt can never distance himself from is Sarah Palin. Who was chosen with Schmidt's blessing, and perhaps encouragement, to be a sort of Trump before Trump. Then Schmidt and his buddy Nicolle Wallace flipped completely, threw their own decisions under the bus, presented themselves as the honorable ones after working for W. and McCain and Palin, and Wallace signed a contract with MSNBC. So this is the guy preaching to us about not sucking up to power? My reaction is partly - duh! Of course Scarborough, Brzezinski, Schmidt, and Wallace are all going to suck up to power. It is who they are. It is what they do. Steve feels like the pot calling the kettle black. One phrase stuck out for me as a Morning Joe and MSNBC watcher. Schmidt said Morning Joe did not "explicate the danger" of Trumpism, which is what they are supposed to do. That is rich! I can make a great argument that explicating the danger of Trump is the only thing Morning Joe did for the last year. And Schmidt helped them do it. I could take it a step further and argue that Morning Joe is an example of why this effort to demonize Trump backfired. But I don't believe that. I think MSNBC is a bubble, which I choose to be part of, just like Fox is a bubble. I don't think Trump supporters give a shit about MSNBC. And I don't think anything Joe and Mika did backfired. Had Democrats listened to them a few years ago and changed course on immigration and some of the other cultural hot buttons, it would have made Harris's effort to quickly pivot to the center easier. But, again, it was the economy, stupid. Ron Brownstein said he's not sure any of these culture war issues like immigration and transgender prisoners really made that much of a difference. He may be right. But at the very least, it didn't help Harris. It did help Trump's commercials define her as too far out there. The other thing watching Schmidt brings to mind is what may be the central strategic question of 2024: did Harris fuck up by NOT talking about the economy enough, or by not demonizing Trump enough? I think most people would say Harris fucked up by not talking about the economy enough. But in that Steve Schmidt video above Republican pollster Greg Strimple gives a great two minute explanation of why Harris is going to lose. This is from 21:00 to 23:00 in the discussion. I think he hit the nail on the head. His argument is that undecided voters were not completely undecided. The polling showed that if they decided on the economy, they would end up voting for Trump. Which is what I think actually happened. If they voted on Trump's insanity, they would vote for Harris. Strimple argues Harris's "massive strategic error" was that she won the debate and gained in the polls by focusing on Trump's insanity. He argues she should have stayed on that all through election day. Instead, when she talked more about her "opportunity economy", she froze in the polls, and Trump gained, and Harris actually started to decline a little. Strimple says Harris needed to keep running the messages demonizing Trump that worked very well in September, but that she lost control of in October. I agree with him. When she was talking about the economy, she was playing on Trump's turf. The election results made that clear. Trump won on the economy. I'm not saying Harris should have ignored the economy, Of course not. My point is I think Strimple's polls and focus groups are right. Her path to victory had to be making the whole election about how people don't want more Trump insanity. Strimple is not alone. Bill Clinton strategist Doug Sosnik was saying the exact same thing a year ago. If Biden lets Trump make the economy the issue, Trump wins. If he can make it about whether America wants more crazy, Biden wins. Biden was useless, as it turned out, because the issue actually became whether we want more senile Biden. It's now clear Harris came into the campaign with some huge liabilities that were not of her own making. Biden and the economy were both huge headwinds. You can blame immigration partly on her. But not Biden's age, or inflation. Back to Morning Joe. The tone shift the day of the election and the day after was remarkable. Morning Joe was "on message" on Election Day, if you believe Steve Schmidt and Greg Strimple are correct. They completely demonized Trump. It was all about the Nazi-like MSG rally, the deranged comments about guns pointed at Liz Cheney, and Trump Insanity. If the point was to focus voters on "You don't want more Trump insanity" and "You don't want more Trump crazy", they did their job. I think the problem is the young/Latino/Black voters who either didn't vote, or flipped to Trump, were not listening to Joe and Mika. They were listening to Joe Rogan. Or some other podcaster. Or some tweet they were getting from the Trump campaign about immigrants raping and killing and pissing in the street. Or they didn't need any of that. No one needed to explain to them that their rent is too fucking high, they can't afford to buy a home, they are not better off than four years ago, and so fuck it. I won't vote. Or I will vote for Trump. If the Democrats want my vote, they have to actually do something for me. All the evidence so far suggests that is where a lot of young/Latino/Black voters were at. With Blacks it was mostly not voting. With Latinos it was both not voting, and lots of votes flipping to Trump. Meanwhile Team Trump seems like they did a good job getting at least some low propensity voters to vote. But whoever this group is, meaning the Latinos who did not vote and the infrequent voters who voted for Trump, I am almost certain they do not know, or give a flying fuck, who Joe or Mika or Steve Schmidt are. Joe and Mika and Steve all did a good job warning people about More Trump Insanity. It simply was not enough. More than anything, I think it was the economy, stupid. That video was a lot of wandering around Steve Scgnmidt's brain. But the simple thing the analysis keeps coming back to is that lots of young/Latino/Black voters who are working class were just pissed about the economy. By the day after the election, on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough was already starting his pivot. There was a lot of discussion about Trump's stunning victory. You could actually see the difference in people's faces. Joe in particular, a total political whore, had his grin on, and was already into explaining why America voted for Trump. Everyone else, including Mika, Jonathon Lemire, Claire McCaskill, looked glum. Their face said, "WTF? How did America vote for the guy we demonized just yesterday?" But it did feel like two different Joe Scarboroughs. He made no attempt to reconcile the Maybe Trump Friendly Joe with the Demonize Trump Joe we saw the day before. I don't think the world turns on whether Joe and Mika go to Mar A Lago. Of course they are going to suck up to power. Duh! I think Scarborough, like Trump, has feral animal-like survival instincts. He is probably thinking we need to STFU and give Trump all the rope he needs to hang himself, like he did last time. If that is what Joe and Mika are thinking, they are probably right.
  3. CRUEL CLOWN HATE FANTASY: Trump won the 2018 midterms. The hatred and bile expressed toward Muslims by extremists like Gorka inspired the real America, the Christian America, to unite and become great again. Republicans gained a 68 seat Senate majority and controlled over 400 House seats. All were Christians. Islam, a religion of terror, as King Trump expressed in his famous 2016 interview, was banned. Real Christian America began to ask, "Why do we have Jews in America? Jews killed Jesus. It is a religion of genocide." ACTUAL REALITY: There was a massive reaction against Trump's hate, bile, and obvious attempts to divide and inflame America. Democrats won 41 House seats, largely women, including proudly Muslim representatives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Trump and Gorka and the division and bile they spewed backfired. America did not want to be made to hate again. CRUEL CLOWN HATE FANTASY: After banning Islam and Judaism, religions of terror and genocide, many Jews became Christians, just like they did every other time they were told to leave, change their religion, or die. America, restored to greatness, decided that elections got in the way of Trump's wise rule. So they made him King. Sebastian Gorka was made Minister of Culture. Young Christian Americans were allowed to pray in school again, especially for the vile Jews who killed Jesus, and Muslim children who are trained to be terrorists. And of course The Gays, who at one time thought it wasn't pure evil to have men marrying men. Gaza and the West Bank were turned into King Trump's International Golf Resort. Israel is now a Christian country. ACTUAL REALITY: Trump lost to Biden by 7 million votes. His hate and division were repudiated, most famously in a mass movement against racism and inequality that swept the world in the Summer of 2020. Some Democrats overreached and took extreme positions, like "Defund The Police." just like Trump and Gorka went to extremes. Now Democrats have paid the price for going to extremes. America does not like that. Trump won 49.9 % of the vote in a reaction against incumbents and inflation that has also swept the world. Claudia Sheinbaum, a Jew, won in a landslide in Mexico, being the one leader who dodged the bullet of anti-incumbency by leading a party that fought for, and won for, the working class. Trump in 2020 and Biden in 2024 proved they were not capable of doing that. Now Trump has a very clear and narrow mandate to do something about inflation and high prices for the working class. If he instead tries to make America hate again, this time by picking on Muslims or the children of undocumented immigrants, the results will be the same as in 2018 and 2020. It was why people voted against Trump. Not why they voted for him. Cruel clowns are so consumed by their cruelty that they don't understand this. 80 % of Americans approve of how Biden is handling the transition. Which is to say, he is NOT doing what Trump did in 2020. Democrats will not be having a Jubilant Patriotic Cop Beating. Trump is just above 50 %. approval on how is handling the transition. About half of America believes he is trying to unify America, and half think he is trying to divide America. Wonder why? Gorka is small ball. He's not a bad person, like a rapist, or a felon. He is not known to have sex with girls. Any disagreements are about policy. So he's small ball. Who gives a shit? Gaetz and Hegseth are the two that Americans are reacting against, and see as symbols of Trump's endless capacity to stir up division to try to conquer and rule. TRUMP2024 MAGA DIVIDE AMERICA TEAR PEOPLE APART MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN
  4. This is the one I just really can't fathom. There's a fairly frequent theme on some progressive sites by some Berniecrats, who think electing Trump is a smart strategy. They argue when things get bad enough and unequal enough there will finally be a majority that reacts against it. I would never support an idea like that. I voted for harris and sent her money every week. But the Berniecrats could be right. If I had to bet, Trump will favor the rich and do lots of crazy and alienating shit, just like in Trump 1.0. Plus, the yield curve is just un-inverting. Almost all the time (but not 1967) that means a recession is near. Maybe not. My point is that there are all kind of reasons to think that after another term of Trump, Democrats can finally get a viable majority. Even moreso if we do what Ruy Teixeira wants and throw some of the more extreme left-wing groups driving ideas like "open borders" and "Defund the Police" under the bus. What makes no sense to me is the Gaza stuff. It is suicide. Or genocide. Or both. And if we are talking about Palestinians who have relatives there, it just seems insane. Again, I could make a cynical argument that it has to get worse to get better. So let Trump unleash Netanyahu, and let him kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. But if these are your relatives? It also means that the next time Palestinians have a chance to kill 10,000 Jews, they are dead. Kill 100,000 Jews? Better still. 1 million? Fuck yeah! If American Palestinians who live in Michigan are so angry and so in despair that they think Trump unleashing Netanyahu is the answer, or at least better than Harris, I can only imagine what the Palestinians actually living in Bibi's hell are feeling. It is definitely setting up the next step of righteous mass slaughter of Jews that Israel can neither imagine, nor defend themselves from. I'm not defending it. It will be a horror. But it is completely predictable that it will happen. Ehud Barak probably knows this. Which is probably why he sounds like a desperate man, saying desperate things. He knows the IDF. If he really believed they could control Hamas, let alone eradicate them, and stop the next mass slaughter of Jews, I don't think he would be saying what he is saying now. It is beyond tragic. ALL ABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARD!
  5. I loved this comment: If you scan the 750+ comments on the tweet you posted, they are mostly pro-MAGA and pro-Gaetz. Musk is probably succeeding in turning X into a right wing platform for propaganda and mobilization. Like several people who tweeted, when the AG news broke I immediately wondered whether this was somehow a play to get Gaetz out of the House before the shit hit the fan, and get Trump a loyal Guv after treasonous DeSanctimonious. There was probably a calculation that it helps Trump, either way. He can push the McConnell Republicans to see if they just crumble right out of the gate, and confirm an AG who has sex with children. If not, Plan B is Gaetz can run for Guv with Trump's backing. And if I believe what I read on X, maybe he can win. Why let some lying child whore stand in the way of a man who won't take shit from the Deep State? Have some fucking balls, America. All these bitches who moan about rape want it. Hegseth did the lying cunt a favor. The scariest part of all this is in what playbook does this get someone elected Governor?
  6. How Kamala Harris lost voters in the battlegrounds’ biggest cities In the swing states, turnout in the major cities trailed the rest of the state. The drops weren’t the same across neighborhoods, though. So this is a cornucopia of excellent data geek articles on how Harris lost. If you're not into that, check out. That fantastic article above gives us a graphic first draft of what the best written books about this election will likely say. It was younger voters, Latino voters, and Black voters that did Harris in. These demos from Philadelphia confirm what the exit polls say. The 30,000 foot bumper sticker should be "Democrats are losing the working class." But at least one exit poll says Democrats did not lose much or any of the White vote, compared to 2020. So slightly more White college voters offset slightly fewer White non-college voters who shifted further to Trump. The final and biggest nails in the coffin really were about groups with lower incomes, hurt most by higher rents, higher prices, higher interest rates. A few key paragraphs: This is just a first draft. But given my brilliant political instincts, second only to Alan Lichtman 😨, this rings true. Blacks were one of the nails in Kamala Harris's coffin. But it is much less that they shifted to Trump. It was turnout. They didn't vote in the numbers Harris needed. Either way, Blacks alone did not make the difference in Pennsylvania. And a lot of Blacks have been vocal about how they resent having this blamed on them. Given that far larger voting blocs - Latino men, White women - could have put Harris on top, but chose not to. However that works out, Harris squeezed as much juice out of college-educated Whites like me as she could. It just was not enough. This is a repeat of 2012, with a different outcome. I think both Team Obama and Team Romney agreed that, in order to win a second term, Obama had to get higher Black turnout than he did in 2008, which was record Black turnout already. Team Romney thought Obama could not do it. Obama did. Harris did not. But she came close, which I think is way better than Biden would have done. For every Black nail in the coffin, there were two Hispanic nails. Turnout was down among Latinos, too. But Latinos who switched to Trump was seemingly about equally as big a nail, at least in this analysis. I've been wondering how much of this shift of Latinos to Trump was based on more Latinos switching from Democrat to Republican, and how much was based on lots of Latino Democrats just not voting. So far it seems clear it was a lot of both. There is a silver lining in the cloud, I think. To me that chart is now one of the most important facts of American political life. Harris basically just matched the all time low Latino vote total a Democrat received: Jimmy Carter in 1980. Both elections were mostly about three things: inflation, inflation, and inflation. Latinos reward incumbents who manage the economy well, especially if they are Democrats. So Trump and Republicans certainly have a chance to do just as well, even better, with Latinos in 2028. But I would not count on it. There's no evidence the long term trend has changed in a meaningful way. While there has been and still is a preference for Democrats, 1980, 1992, 2008, and 2024 are all years where the incumbent party got clobbered by Latinos because of the economy, stupid. The way I think about this is mathematical, and regression to the mean. 1984 in the chart above is a great example of that. Despite Reagan's landslide in 1984, which was even more crushing than his 1980 landslide, Latinos in fact reverted to the mean and voted for Mondale by 61 %, compared to 56 % for Carter. The long term good news for Democrats is that in 1980 and 1984 either of those numbers meant a landslide loss. But thanks to Democrats' success with more affluent voters of every race in the suburbs, they are now the difference between a narrow loss and narrow win. As a Democrat, I'd rather be in 2024 than 1984. As a Democrat, I'd also rather be in 2024 than 2002. That is when I read Ruy Teixeira's The Emerging Democratic Majority, which I bought at a symposium at Carleton College to honor Paul Wellstone, progressive icon. So what's in store is Republicans win in 2002 by kicking the shit out of Democrats as unpatriotic, and then win again in 2004 as the Iraq War clings to majority support. That book seemed like a cruel joke. So now Democrats are pissed that we didn't get the majority we wanted. Teixeira has been whining for years that this is going to be our fault when we lose. And it is. He's been saying pay attention to the working class. You can't afford to lose them. Now more Democrats will listen. No more "LatinX." Democrats should be kind of ashamed of how poorly we did among low-income voters of every race. Kind of. But not as ashamed as Republicans, who pandered to the worst resentments of people. Trump called Kamala Harris low IQ and lazy, trashed immigrant vermin, and offered next to nothing real to the pocketbooks of low income voters. "No taxes on tips" is about it. Now that they are empowered, Republicans will cut health care assistance, and give huge hog feed tax cuts and tax breaks to billionaires. Democrats don't have to be ashamed of that. My bitch with my party is we didn't fight hard enough for the working class, like AMLO did in Mexico. That said, AMLO had the votes to get his legislation passed. Biden didn't, especially on the class-based and labor issues. But Team Trump will have the same problems, on steroids. Will oil company CEOs insist that Trump give tax credits to low-income Latino Moms? Don't hold your breath. The Moms will be told that tax cuts and tax breaks to oil company CEOs will trickle down to you at the gas pump. Maybe. How A Handful Of Grassroots Groups Built The Ground Game Critical To Trump’s Victory I'm a little skeptical about that article. Simply because everyone always wants to take credit for a victory. Whether what they did had anything to do with it or not. I've read repeatedly that Team Harris says their ground game helped make things less bad, also. The statistic thrown around is that Harris lost by 1.5 % in swing states, versus 4 % everywhere else. Or something like that. I will wait for a more thorough analysis. What is absolutely undeniable is Florida is the model of success for how you get people to register as Republicans, and then vote. They have built something like a 1 million registered voter advantage. We also know now that all those articles that said chasing absentee ballots and getting Republicans to vote early would give Republicans an advantage turned out to be correct. Early voting shows strong Republican mobilization in swing states Eventually voter file studies will come out that tell us how many of those Republican voters would have voted anyway, and how many were low propensity voters that Trump's ground game got to register and/or vote. But it's very easy to believe that Republicans proved what Democrats have always said: if you get non-voters to vote, it is to your benefit. The irony is that a lot of those low-propensity voters probably were younger and lower-income as well. Exactly the groups that tend to vote Democratic. So it is not at all unrealistic to think that the people that don't vote usually and did vote for Trump in 2024 could vote for a populist Democrat in 2028. As that article above says, in some ways all Team Trump had to do was offer these voters "more than the time of day". I've watched more than one podcast in witch politicos who know ground game well joked about how, post-COVID, the last thing voters want is strangers knocking at their door to talk about Donald Trump. So I'm interested to see what will emerge about what worked and what didn't work on both sides. Check out the Turning Point website. Lots of politicos, including Republicans, trashed the idea that they would get the turnout Trump needed. I didn't believe they would. And the verdict on how well this turnout strategy worked is still out. But just like Obama 2012 figured out how to use digital to their advantage, the young brash Trumpys may have figured out some things that work better than old-fashioned door knocking. Whatever we learn about details that organizers care about, I think the big picture is already clear. Inflation was the wall of lava that did Kamala Harris in. It was an ugly and painful death. But much less ugly and painful than the death of Joe Biden and lots of other Democrats would have been, had he been on top of the ticket. I was interested to learn that there were conservatives doing this in California as well. There was a significant shift toward Trump in California. He got 38 % of the vote in 2024, compared to 34 % in 2020. But how it happened is telling. Trump right now has just under 6 million votes in California, compared to just over 6 million in 2020. So no real gain. Harris right now has 9.2 million votes in California, compared to 11.1 million for Biden in 2020. It was not that people embraced Trump. It's that they were not inspired enough to vote for Democrats. Despite this, Democrats picked up one House seat in California, and are likely to pick up a second in Orange County's 45th District in the next few days. Both of these seats represent areas that were solid Republican until Trump came along. So this is not like the Reagan landslides of 1980 or 1984. The opposite. Democrats have been and still are gaining in areas that used to be be the heart and soul of Reagan country.
  7. I WILL NOT READ! I WLL NOT READ! I WILL NOT READ! The cruel crown said this two posts up. It is the exact opposite of what the police reports says. So the cruel clown just repeats his lie. I don't blame him. America just rewarded the biggest serial liar ever elected President. He even beats Nixon at being a liar and felon. This is what America is now. TRUMP2024 MAGA DENY EVERYTHING. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. COME ON NOW. KEEP LYING. LIE. LIE. LIE. KEEP LYING. GOTTA KEEP IT UP. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. THIS IS NOT ABOUT TRUTH. THIS IS ABOUT REVENGE.
  8. As of right now, the Democrats have won exactly the same number of House seats as 2022: 213 seats. Republicans have won 220, two short of their 2022 win. Some red wave! Democrat Derek Tram (CA-45) is over 500 votes ahead, with about 4500 votes left to count. With every vote update, his margin grows. Democrat Adam Grey (CA-13) is about 200 votes behind, with about 2200 votes left to count. Sounds like he will lose. But this past week he went from 3000 votes behind to 2000 votes behind to 350 votes behind to now 200 votes behind. So this one could go either way. It's a good symbol of the fact that neither side really has a sustainable majority. Unless Trump fixes that, Republicans will lose in 2028. I'm glad I spent every penny I did. The money and organizing clearly helped contain a red wave in both 2022 and 2024. That said, Democrats lost the House, barely, in 2022. And we lost the White House and Senate, also barely, in 2024. I don't think spending $1 billion somehow made things worse. I think it made them less bad. But, speaking of $1 billion, when do we get those tax cuts for billionaires? If we are talking about things that repel voters from Republicans, that is somewhere between inflation and immigration on the toxic scale. That helped get lots of Republicans fired in 2018 and 2020. TRUMP2024 MAGA TAX CUTS FOR ELON MUSK TO HELP WORKING CLASS WHITES TAX CUTS FOR ELON MUSK TO HELP WORKING CLASS LATINOS TAX CUTS FOR ELON MUSK TO HELP WORKING CLASS BLACKS MAKE AMERICA TRICKLE DOWN AGAIN
  9. I still think the Keys are fantastic. Let's see. Trump won in 2016, lost in 2018, lost in 2020, lost in 2022, and won in 2024. That's 40 % Lichtman was right in 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. We'll count 2000 against him, even though he would debate that. So he was wrong in 2000 and 2024. That is 9 out of 11 right, or 82 % right. Twice as much as Trump's ability to win or carry his party to victory. Who is the village idiot? Lichtman, or Trump? Who is the loser? Lichtman, or Trump? Enjoy your majority 49.9 % and cruelty while it lasts. A clever MAGA true believer not consumed by cruelty and lies might think it through. Let's see, we won by 49.9 % of the vote. And that was in a year when either Biden or Harris had a wall of lava coming at them, thanks to inflation, like every other incumbent in the world that was tossed out. So I might want to think about how I maintain the majority I don't actually have. But, no. I'm @EmmetKruelty. So I'll just gloat and spew cruelty and lies. No one ever accused you of being stupid, did they? Because you obviously just have lots of stupid ideas. But we do agree Lichtman is talking stupidly, now. His schtick that Trump voters fell prey to "disinformation" is stupid. They fell prey to their pocketbooks, and immigrants Greg Abbot bused to New York pissing in their front yards. Where Lichtman went badly wrong in 2024 was the short-term economy key. All he really has to do is listen to himself on C-SPAN in 1992, arguing that the Keys tell him that Bush 41 will lose because the majority of Americans feel like we are in a recession. I think it was an understandable mistake. Which cruel MAGA blowhards who are fine with Trump Rape and Trump Crime and Trump Felony and Trump's Jubilant Patriotic Cop Beating have absolutely no tolerance for. Send Lichtman to Gaza! He's also in that fringe of anti-Semitic Jew haters who thinks Bibi The Baby Killer needs to be fired. Jew hater! Older White Guys who own homes or retirement accounts saw their net worth skyrocket under Biden. For that matter, so did the average Millennial and Zoomer. But a big increase on next to nothing is next to nothing. I had two tenants tell me during the COVID years they had to spend out some of their small savings just to get by, thanks to inflation. And I'm their landlord. I did not raise their rent, which in both cases was way below market. So that tells me that young people especially were feeling the pain. Lichtman missed that. Of course, no cruel and dishonest blowhard we know brings their bias and hate with them in every post, do they?
  10. Does he agree that Bibi The Baby Killer, war criminal in 120 countries, needs to up his game? Killing tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children is small ball. Imean, it's like he's not even trying. Does he agree about half of younger American Jews are anti-Semitic Jew haters for thinking this is racism and/or apartheid and/or genocide? What is the timeline for unleashing Bibi The Baby Killer and war criminal to up the genocide against Palestinian women and children? So many questions! TRUMP2024 MAGA DEAD PALESTINIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN MORE DEAD PALESTINIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN EVEN MORE DEAD PALESTINIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN THIS IS AMERICA! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
  11. Wow. We agree again!
  13. Silly! It's the most diverse Cabinet in history. Half of them are simply going to do what Kamala did. Change their race to Black. 🤔
  14. It is a huge saving grace in my mind that Trump, a pathetic man who managed to NOT win a majority with 49.9 % of the vote, actually did win a popular vote plurality. As opposed to 2020, when he lost by 7 million votes, and whined like the cheating felon he is that he won. The polls make clear people understand that Biden, unlike Trump, is going out with grace and dignity. That will help Democrats in the long run. Mark Halperin spent months making what I think is a stupid argument. That Democrats are now going to have the biggest mental health crisis in US history. I really don't know why someone as smart as him, who got most things right, has such a huge blind spot. My guess is he has a huge axe to grind with the elite mainstream media. Which he used to be a prince of. So maybe it is lingering resentful for his own creepy vibe with women. Who knows. But I think he does think liberals are emotionally weak elitists. Meanwhile, he spent the last few weeks of the campaign saying the media was treating Trump unfairly. Like why would they go off about statements about Liz Cheney having guns pointed at her. It's not like he said he wanted to kill her! In fact, there is massive volcano of hurt and anger and rage fomenting. I am 1000 % sure of that. Where it goes and what it does, who knows? Berniecrats are pissed that Biden didn't govern like AMLO, who had the effective legislative majority Biden never had. That would have made a huge difference. There are things he could have won for Latinos, like child tax credits, or higher taxes on billionaires, that Kamala could have said she would fight like hell for. Moderates, many of whom are perfectly fine with throwing the working class under the bus, are bitching about culturally extreme positions. At least some of Black America is saying, "Okay. America just told us who we really are. We elected a rapist and liar and felon who was fired in 2020, instead of a Black female prosecutor who stands for immigrant success and law and order, not lawlessness. So this is all going to take time to work itself out. But it is already clear that a lot of the feelings will channel into resistance and will be headed Trump's way. Michael Steele, who knows something about Republicans and race, called the Trump Party the "zombie party." I think he is right. Getting 49.9 % of the vote in an environment where many incumbents are in fact losing in landslides is not a mandate, or a realignment. The nice thing about the not majority 49.9 % popular vote win is Democrats can't explain away our problems. Biden won 51.3 % of the vote in 2020. So if we want power and the ability to actually convince the working class we are fighting for them, we need at least 51 % of the vote. Probably in several elections in a row. That gives Democrats something clear to focus on. And with the wall of lava of inflation no longer racing at whoever Democrats nominate - once we have a real nomination again - it is more than likely we will have the wind at our backs, just like in 2020. I hope Trump tries to unify the country. But only the MAGA true believers like you think Trump will, @EmmetKruelty. You obviously believe America can be "unified" by being beaten into submission with cruelty and lies. It's the same basic strategy you are frothing at the mouth for in Israel. Beat them into submission. In that case, with bombs and lots of dead women and children. Why are you so cruel?
  15. Public Narrowly Approves of Trump’s Plans; Most Are Skeptical He Will Unify the Country Sadly, what our cruel lying clown says is never reality. And, no, Bibi The Baby Killer does not try hard not to kill the tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children he has killed. He kills them wantonly, and intentionally, according to 120 countries that call him a war criminal. And you froth at the mouth for more genocide. The person I am hoping takes the Pew poll to heart is raping lying felon Donald J. Trump. Not much hope of that, I know. But one can hope. Americans clearly are hoping. Fox and CNN and Edison polls all make it clear that Trump's winning margin is people who fear he will act like a dictator, and think his legal trials should continue. The Pew poll shows a majority of people don't see him as honest, or even tempered, or someone who cares about ordinary people. But they are pissed about inflation and immigration, so they voted for him anyway. The one thing he has going for him is the hope that he will do better on the economy. That should be a massive flashing red light to any MAGA true believer who wants to deal with reality, which is not @EmmetKruelty. Trump was FIRED because of the COVID economy in 2020. Biden came in with a net +23 % approval rating in 2021. Trump can only dream about that. So if Trump thinks he has a mandate and does his tax cuts for billionaires and mass deportation, he is literally asking for a repeat of Trump 1.0. Not surprisingly, there is a slightly larger percentage of people like me who STRONGLY DISAPPROVE of Trump's policies than there are MAGA true believers like @EmmetKruelty, who STRONGLY APPROVE of Trump's policies. Hopefully Trump (or the smart Trumpers, like Susie Wiles) look at that poll and see an opportunity to reach out to the middle and actually build a majority - which 49.9 % is not. Maybe they will do immigration reform and open the door for some illegals to gain citizenship while they deport rapists and murderers, as Rand Paul already suggested. Maybe they offer expanded child tax credits to Latino and Black Dads, rather than tax cuts to White billionaires like Elon Musk, as he and Trump cut programs the working class relies on. Or maybe not. What would you guess, @EmmetKruelty? You ALWAYS tell the truth. Personally, I could give a shit if Trump reaches out to me, a Harris supporter. I don't trust him as far as I can ejaculate on a woman I am raping. Not that anyone in Trump World would ever do that! The job of Democrats is to cooperate when they can, seek to win things people care about through compromise, and resist when they must. We don't need Trump's advice on how to do that. I hope Trump reaches out to, and listens to, the voters who held their nose and voted for him. Or the union members who voted for him. Or the "Bro vote" that voted for him because Joe Rogan said so. That is Trump's huge incentive. If we assume he has a strategy, and can execute it. If we assume he is what Jared Kushner says - he never has a strategy, so he can achieve it any way he wants - he might instead do exactly what Democrats expect. Lie, divide, and ineptly try to keep his 49.9 % together. Didn't work so well in Trump 1.0, did it? I'm hoping he tries to moderate and unify, which is completely against his nature. I want him to force Democrats to get real about the working class. Bernie Sanders tried to do that in 2016 and 2020. And it failed. There are endless comments on social media about Berniecrats who agree with what Bernie just said. Biden didn't deliver for people who are working class. Or younger and struggling. Here's one of my favorites I cut and pasted: Part of the failure is due to Bernie. It was obvious in 2020, especially on Super Tuesday, that lots of moderate people had real qualms about a democratic socialist. Even if they agreed with his working class populism. In context, a lot of Bernie supporters were progressives who were behind "LatinX" and "Defund The Police". Bernie was smart enough to know that was toxic. He is an expert at being for the culturally moderate working class. His supporters? Not so much. I am one of his supporters. And in 2021 I was okay with Biden's policies on the border. Now I wish the reaction among Democrats had been much harsher. But most of the failure was due to inflation, which has taken out incumbents all over the world. The HUGE relevant exception is Mexico, where AMLO was able to get a woman elected in a landslide to succeed him. What part of that is not a lesson for Democrats? He did it by consistently fighting for, and winning for, the Mexican working class. Despite an inflationary economy. Which most Mexicans were willing to overlook. Because they had a conviction politician who fought like hell. FOR THEM. Trump is a conviction politician who fights like hell. But FOR HIMSELF. Not the US working class. My point is, it seems clear that sometimes people have to learn the hard way. And Democrats just did. So the smart thing to do is admit we fucked up, and move on. I think if Trump actually tries to be a good and unifying President this time, which is unlikely, it will help Democrats. By forcing us to get our shit together. Please, President Trump. Try to ignore everything @EmmetKruelty says and try to be a good President this time. Please try to unify America. No one believes you actually will, by nominating guys like Gaetz and Hegseth. But please try.
  16. That's tough, since we don't even know who they are yet, really. But I'll go with two. Which is small, compared to Trump 1.0. But Trump is a small man. In terms of the content, I'm just assuming it will be more of the same lawlessness as Trump 1.0 Someone from Defense. Something about a secret deal with Putin about Ukraine, that basically throws them under the bus. And then a cover up. Pro-NATO Republican defense hawks will be pissed off about this one. At least one person will be indicted for lying to Congress and obstruction of justice. So I am just putting one as a place holder. But this is the obvious one. Wild card: Elon Musk. A nice guy, and what not. But he's the kind of guy who will think he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And might trample over various laws in the process. Lots of lawsuits against somebody by people he fires. That's assuming Trump does not throw Musk under the bus first, of course. Bonus points: Will Trump be impeached for acting like a dictator? I'll say no. He will act like a dictator, and it will drive his poll numbers down. Democrats will instead focus on organizing the working class for 2028. Hey, I can at least hope!
  17. Wow. I qualify what I said. The first three sentences are actually true. Not everything you say is a lie. And I agree with the final statement. Let Hegseth and Gaetz get their day in front of Congress and see where it takes them. I am sure they are both just the victims of nasty women. I'm sure Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will call out these evil women who just make shit up about sexual assault. That stuff really pisses Joni Ernst off, for some reason.
  18. Why does the cruel clown lie and lie and lie? Why does the cruel clown lie and lie and lie? I guess Republican women who Hegseth finds attractive are just like Palestinian women and children. Who cares what they think? Duh! It is obviously their fault. Nothing to talk about here. It's an important detail that the woman didn't call the police to accuse Hegseth of anything. A nurse at a hospital called the police because a woman showed up alleging she was sexually assaulted. The police got directly involved due to the actions of a nurse at a hospital, according to the police report. I dunno. Maybe she was a Democrat with a crystal ball, who knew someday this guy would be nominated for Defense Secretary? Surely you can make up some lie about that. TRUMP2024 MAGA DENY EVERYTHING. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. COME ON NOW. KEEP LYING. LIE. LIE. LIE. KEEP LYING. GOTTA KEEP IT UP. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. THIS IS NOT ABOUT TRUTH. THIS IS ABOUT REVENGE.
  19. Where are all these videos and witnesses you keep making up? Where is the video you claim exists? Where are the witnesses you claim exist? You just keep opening up your mouth and spewing lies. The police did not find the woman's allegations to be false. The opposite. They sent it to the DA. I mean, yes. Spewing lies is better than spewing bombs on Palestinian women and children, which seems to excite you even more. You clearly and passionately express your lust for unleashing sexual predators, and Bibi The Baby Killer. What is up with that, cruel clown? You are consistent, though. You could give a shit about facts. You just make shit up in post after post. TRUMP2024 MAGA DENY EVERYTHING. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. COME ON NOW. KEEP LYING. LIE. LIE. LIE. KEEP LYING. GOTTA KEEP IT UP. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. LIE. THIS IS NOT ABOUT TRUTH. THIS IS ABOUT REVENGE.
  20. There were witnesses that spoke up that said Hegseth was pawing up women during the conference, in part because he has no self control and likes to fuck women, despite being married and having children. According to multiple witness accounts, Hegseth drugged her and took him to his room. This is all on video. Her husband said that as soon as she told him about the incident she provided the details that Hegseth took her phone and would not let her leave. The husband immediately went to Hegseth's rooms and said, "Why did you rape my wife?" Hegseth said, "Because she is a feminist bitch who told me I was inappropriate to women. The bitch deserved to be raped. I'll rape any bitch I damn well choose." This is on audio. Wow! My account is very different than the cruel clown's with no credibility. Wonder why? I just made most of that up. Just like you made up the detail that the police found NOTHING to back up the case. They actually referred it to the DA, which means the exact opposite of your lie. The DA also did not find NOTHING, as you falsely claimed. They state they did not believe they had sufficient evidence to prove his guilt in a court of law, which is of course typical in cases of sexual assault and rape. We know this because E. Jean Carroll had to work hard to convince a jury that felon Donald J. Trump is a sexual predator. But that's a fact, too. Trump is a felon, and a proven sexual predator. The multiple articles I read said Hegseth was touching women inappropriately. The articles did not cite sources for that claim. So mostly it is he said/she said, based on multiple article I've read. Every article cited known facts. Like that the police recommended the case be forwarded to the DA. No article I read said anything about a video. Where do you get this from? Truth Social? Why do you lie? Why do you just make shit up? You don't want to read that half of American Jews think you support racism, and/or apartheid, and/or genocide. But you will happily read propaganda from MAGA World that just makes shit up, with no proof whatsoever. Where is the video you claimed existed? Where is the report about the witnesses? You lied or speculated about Fox News paying this woman off, when they knew nothing about it. So it seems like this is just the cruel clown with no credibility spouting lies again. What a shocker! TRUMP2024 MAGA DENY EVERYTHING. LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH. THIS IS NOT ABOUT UNITY OR GOVERNANCE. THIS IS ABOUT REVENGE.
  21. He was hiding it from Fox. Maybe they don't like sexual predators anymore? Why do you lie every time you open your mouth? A cruel clown with no credibility! The police did not say the allegations were false. They obviously believed they might be true, since they turned it over to the DA. The DA decided not to prosecute because they did not feel they could prove Hegseth's guilt. Quite common in rape and sexual abuse cases. As convicted lying raping felon Trump knows. Why do you lie every time you open your mouth? A cruel clown with no credibility! Where's the video? Or is that a cruel clown lie, too? Like the sick and cruel lie that Bibi The Baby Killer tried very hard not to kill tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children before he killed them? Why do you lie every time you open your mouth? A cruel clown with no credibility! The saddest thing is that Trump most likely knew about this before finalizing his choice. Hegseth was smart enough to pay this woman off. So he was likely smart enough to tell Trump this was going to explode. Trump seems not to care. He wants his loyalist - unqualified or not, predator or not. And he is baiting, just like he did with Kavanaugh. Piss off some irritable women, and win some of the testicle vote. I can see why he likes to divide and conquer. It is the only way he wins - some of the time. But it is part of why Trump got shellacked in 2018, and lost in 2020. So he isn't the smartest guy with two testicles. Unity is just not in his playbook. It has to be domination, win or lose. TRUMP2024 MAGA LIES SEXISM RAPE
  22. Why do you assume Democrats are as hateful and unprincipled as you are? For you, nominating a child rapist as AG is just the same as nominating a Gay married man for Treasury Secretary. I mean, frankly, your enthusiasm for Gaetz and Bessent isn't quite at the level of your euphoria for Bibi The Baby Killer. But we get it. You are definitely on board with all these guys. I thought you might at least grasp that other people are able to make principled distinctions. My bad. Why would I think that a pro-Genocide Gay Jew like you has principles, or compassion?
  23. Interesting background. He was Executive Director of George Soros' hedge fund. And, as @EmmetKruelty pointed out, he is married to a man with two kids. I personally take some of what is happening as a victory. Even a decade ago I don't think Republicans would have confirmed any Gay Cabinet member. Half of Republicans, and most evangelicals, still oppose same sex marriage. Democrats have forced them to make it normal. Less than a decade ago, in 2018, Kevin McCarthy decided he needed to integrate the Republican House, so it wasn't just White men with a few White women. The woman's wave of 2018, brought to you by Nancy Pelosi in a mass reaction to Trump's sexism, forced Republicans to do that. So, yes, we suffered a big fucking loss. Actually, not that big, really. But it hurts that America rejected a strong leader who is a woman of color for this sexist raping felon. Regardless, I'm proud of the fact that the LGBTQ community fought like hell to make it normal to be Gay and conservative. Nothing wrong with that. Genocide, on the other hand, is a whole different discussion. Poor Emmet! Bessent is pro-tariff. I suppose that is a job requirement in the Trump Administration. But I'll be curious to see if a rich raping felon like Trump and a rich conservative hedge fund manager really want to raise prices at Walmart for Latino Moms and Dads. We know expanded child tax credits promised by Harris didn't quite close the deal. Somehow, I doubt that tariffs on Walmart crap will make working class Latinos board the Trump train. Unless Tom Homan forces them to at gunpoint, of course.
  24. Ah. So now American Jews are vermin? Is that the latest? You have already said 40,000 dead Palestinians don't count. Why should we even believe they are dead? All we need to know is we tried very hard not to kill women and children when we planned to kill them. Now half of American Jews are a "tiny fringe," too. Vermin? Anti-Semitic? Jew haters? Oh, and 120 countries are a "tiny fringe." Who would even think Bibi is a Baby Killer? A war criminal? How funny. What a fringe thing for 120 countries to say. But I am glad you are confident that Trump is for Bibi The Baby Killer unleashing his genocide. We wouldn't want you to be alone at the slaughter. I WILL NOT READ! I WILL NOT READ! I WILL NOT READ! JUST GIVE ME MY GENOCIDE, GOD DAMN IT! TRUMP2024 MAGA UNLEASH BIBI THE BABY KILLER SILENCE THE AMERICAN JEW TINY FRINGE SILENCE THE 120 COUNTRY TINY FRINGE UNLEASH THE WAR CRIMINAL!!!
  25. But we're not talking about 76 million people. Or inflation. We're talking about you, and your very special gift for cruelty. Can't get more pro-Genocide than saying the lives of Palestinian women and children don't matter. And we shouldn't even take them seriously. Are you now a bigot about Hitler's generals, too? Trump admires them! They are swell guys. Loyal, too. What's your problem? I'm sure you could sure use more of them in Gaza when Bibi The Baby Killer is unleashed. They'll do whatever you want. Now there's a thought. Maybe Bibi The Baby Killer could be your date. What a couple! Just make sure he doesn't have a layover in Europe. TRUMP2024 MAGA/BIBI THE BABY KILLER STARVATION RACISM APARTHEID GENOCIDE
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