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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. One of the pluses to me of Biden being President is Ukraine. He will almost certainly be the last US POTUS that was completely rooted in the post-WWII Cold War mindset. There are pluses and minuses to that world view. In 25 years, after Genocide World collapses of corruption and rot and turning its people into meat, maybe we really can get beyond the Cold War mindset completely. But for now, I'm glad we had four years of a POTUS who told Putin to go fuck himself. The US economy is the envy of the world. Trump, twice in a row now, has inherited an economy run by either Obama or Biden that is growing and strong. Russia is a raggedy corrupt mess that has been abandoned by the best and brightest. It functions now like a giant meat grinder processing its people into meat. There's a reason people are desperate to get into America, not Genocide World. That said, if we are being realists, Trump is a plus when it comes to Ukraine. A Harris Presidency would have most likely kept the stalemate a hot war. At least for a while. Trump will at least try to end the meat grinder more quickly. Although during Trump 1.0 he failed to make peace with Genocide World. Or China. Or Krazy Kim. Or Iran. So just like his promise to end fentanyl trafficking, he is all talk, and all failure. But at least there could be a cold war kind of peace. Putin is draining Genocide World's wealth, and men, to keep the meat grinder going. And Trump will for sure keep Putin off guard. Plus, the net effect of four years of Biden, then Trump, is that Biden was the "good cop" who strengthened NATO. It didn't take much, of course, when you have Genocide Man right next door. Now Trump 2.0 will do a reprise of "bad cop", as in "NATO, pay up." Neither one of those messages is bad for the US, or democracy. Neither message is good for Genocide Man. The pro-Putin right in Europe has not really won in a big way, anywhere. Hungary, maybe, but that was a long time ago. So Trump will likely have the effect of stopping the rightward creep in Europe that was fueled by those who are willing to cave to Genocide Man, and want to pick on NATO. The biggest downside of Trump, internationally, is that he makes America look even more erratic and unreliable. Although, as Vlad likes to say, that is not exactly the world's best kept secret. I think everyone kind of knew that, anyway. Regardless, the US economy will prosper. And despite Hegseth - if he is confirmed - the US military will be stronger. Since Republicans are mostly still the real backbone of the US military/industrial complex. Fuck child tax credits. We'll have more bombs. The thing that would really help Genocide Man most is if Trump simply does his bankruptcy thing. Which he is actually quite good at. Although bankrupting a nation is harder than bankrupting one of his crappy, Russian-funded businesses. That said, financial deregulation and crypto offer lots of promise. As W. 2.0 demonstrated. Trump wants to be the guy Wall Street loves. So, just like W., he can be counted on to give them as much rope as they need to hang themselves, just like in 2008. That would be a really spectacular victory for Genocide Man. He's a weak corrupt monster, who can't possibly defeat the US. But he can encourage the US to do dumb shit that defeats itself. If Putin is lucky, Trump will do his job for him. But I doubt it. Even Trump is not that stupid. Or is he? 🤔 TRUMP2024 MAGA BREAK SHIT. BUILD MASSIVE DEFICITS. TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES. UNLEASH WALL STREET AND CRYPTO TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DRIVE THE ECONOMY OFF A CLIFF AGAIN. TRASH THE BUSH FAMILY EVEN AS YOU PROVE YOU ARE AN EVEN BIGGER FAILURE THAN THEM.
  2. Thank you, too, for confirmation. Genocide World does teach you to think kind of Orwellian, doesn't it? To you, calling out Putin's genocide is cruelty. Truth is propaganda. And democracy is what you'll never have, until Genocide Man dies and Genocide World collapses. Meanwhile, have fun picking on Hunter Biden.
  3. Unions score major win in Wisconsin with court ruling restoring collective bargaining rights Union leaders were overjoyed with the ruling, which affects tens of thousands of public employees. At the end of the day, Democrats are pro-worker, and Republicans are anti-worker. And, in particular, Democrats are pro-union, and Republicans are anti-union. Donald Trump and Tammy Baldwin, the kind of lesbian @EmmetKruelty constantly insults and derides, just won statewide election. (Why do you hate lesbians, @EmmetKruelty?) Trump 1.0 was mainly anti-worker and pro-boss and pro-billionaire. Trump likes billionaires who give him money. Why did he win Wisconsin, as did Baldwin, who fights for unions and workers? Good question. Part of what I believe is that if you are pro-worker, you have to SHOUT IT EVERY FUCKING DAY. AMLO did that in Mexico. And the woman he chose to replace him won in a landslide. Biden won union households, soundly. I think it would have been worse for him if were not the most pro-union President ever. That said, if you are a worker who lives paycheck to paycheck and rents, inflation is inherently anti-worker. This is now what Democrats have to do every day. They need to talk about what they did that was pro-worker yesterday, and what they did that was pro-worker today, and what they will do that is pro-worker tomorrow. Not what they said. What they actually did. And they have to remind voters, every single fucking day, that the Republicans are the ones who took away worker health care, and worker safety, and worker benefits. Republicans are still the party of the billionaire donors and bosses.
  4. The funny part is @EmmetKruelty hit the like button on a post trashing his use of CAPITAL LETTERS to promote his Trump propaganda. Which just confirms my point. @EmmetKruelty is 100 % cruelty, 0 % critical self-reflection. 😨 TRUMP2024 MAGA DON'T THINK JUST BE CRUEL AND YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES OR ENOUGH DEAD PALESTINIANS WHO YOU TRY VERY HARD NOT TO KILL
  5. Please instruct your Genocide Pal @EmmetKruelty to hit the like button. When you two agree, it confirms I am on the right track. I am curious. Seeing as you are Genocide Pals, do you two ever bicker about Israel, and war criminal Bibi The Baby Killer? He seems to think it's cool to slaughter women and children as long as you try hard not to plan to slaughter them. You have said repeatedly that it's genocide. Does that ever fuck up your love making?
  6. How many felonies does Joe Biden have? And how many Jubilant Patriotic Cop Beatings has he hosted at the US Capitol? And how many elections has he tried to steal? Please, stick to your cruelty. You are way better at that than critical analysis.
  7. LOL. You come from Genocide World, which has been ruled by Genocide Man for decades. He is running a great genocide. And you want to call me uncultured? And preach about democracy and the rule of law? Maybe you do have a sense of irony, after all. But let's just cut to the chase, okay? If you want to talk about US lawlessness, I would put Republicans/W./Wall Street and 2008 at the top of the list of 21st Century US lawlessness. And nobody went to jail! Republicans - who ran the White House, the Senate, the House, and the regulatory agencies - deregulated banking and mortgages from 2002 to 2006 or so, and let greedy predators do whatever they wanted. By 2008 it drove the global economy off a cliff. I give Trump 2.0 at least a 50/50 shot of doing something similar, probably with financial deregulation and crypto. I hope I am wrong. #2 on my list would be the Iraq War. Again, no one went to jail. One of the things I worried about at the time - the erosion of global standards would lead to more of the same - did lead to more of the same. Genocide Man saw what W. did, and said, "Okay. I'll do the same in Ukraine." Of course, W. and Cheney did not completely get away with it. It led their party to ruin in 2008. Genocide Man does not have to worry about elections. I am completely clear that if I could eliminate one US President in my lifetime from history, it is a no brainer. I would take take Gore over W. in 2000 in a heartbeat. Trump, so far, has not done anything on the scale of the Global Financial Crisis or the Iraq War. But he has four more years. So it's not too late. My hope is that Trump moderates and tries to actually build a multi-racial working class party, focused more on pro-family child tax credits for the Latino and Black and Asian and White working class than on tax breaks for White billionaire donors and oil company CEOs. I'm not holding my breath. Genocide Man is all about his billionaire kleptocracy. That's closer to what Trump 2.0 will be, probably. The nice thing about Trump is that all the Ukrainians who are fodder for genocide, and all the ethnic minority and poor Russians that Putin is literally buying to be processed into meat, will likely get a break. Genocide Man will not go quietly into the night. So the best hope for Ukraine is that there is a ceasefire, not peace. And it holds while Genocide World continues to die of rot and corruption, just like the Soviet Union did. Putin definitely won a very important battle in 2024. He did not win the war. Same for war criminal Bibi the Baby Killer. Except Palestinian women and children will not be so lucky. That genocide will likely continue, and get worse. @EmmetKruelty will be sickly happy whenever Palestinian children that war criminal Bibi tried hard not to kill are slaughtered, because war criminal Bibi planned to slaughter them. Fewer dead Ukrainian women and children, and Russian men. More dead Palestinian women and children. Probably. Genocidal monsters are at least predictable. Like Genocide Man, war criminal Bibi and his genocide will not go quietly into the night.
  8. Seriously? You seem to say these things with no sense of irony. I mean, yeah. People can and will debate whether he used his privilege, or abused it. But coming from you? Granted, Genocide Man is one of the richest men in the world. So these kinds of mundane concerns - the law, democracy, corruption - are things he dispatched long agoin Genocide World. But since you come here to defend genocide, it seems like you should at least have a sense of irony when you say these things.
  9. I knew Trump was a liar and corrupt. And a felon. And a rapist. And so on and so forth. Is he a pedophile, too? Or is your cruelty clouding your mind? Were you thinking of Matt Gaetz? By the way, as of now Democrats picked up two House seats compared to 2022. Still a bitter defeat. But this is a Trump landslide? LOL. Stick to cruelty. You just ain't good at critical analysis.
  10. Let's see if you are as critical as you are cruel. LOL. Just kidding. You specialize in cruelty. Analysis? LOL. Give me a break. Truth? LOL. My stock market geek nephew predicted while we are at dinner in Chicago in September that we would have a recession in six months. I guess accurate predictions run in my family. 😉 At the time, all four of us (me + his Mom and Dad) thought Harris had more than a 50/50 shot at winning. So the idea was that Harris, assuming she wins narrowly, gets handed a recession in her first year. May Earth receive her Queen! My nephew is basing his idea on the yield curve inversion, which statistically is even more reliable than Allan Lichtman, the Jew you hate. (He also doesn't like war criminal Bibi, even more reason for you to hate him.) The only time the yield curve was incorrect in predicting a recession was when it inverted in 1966. Or, you can argue it was right but slow, because it predicted a recession in 1969. Every other time, a yield curve inversion (which this time started in 2022) correctly predicted a recession within no more than a few years. My nephew is now walking that prediction back. I made about $20k on paper in the stock market just today, thank you. He and his wife literally became millionaires on Joe Biden's watch thanks to smart investing in tech stocks. Did you notice, by the way, how the stock market soared under Biden much more than under Trump 1.0? Did you notice how Latino men who don't own stocks and have a hard time paying the rent could give a shit what NVDA sold for today? So if I had to bet, I would bet we get a big stock market sugar high from whatever hog feed Trump gives to his billionaire and corporate donors. As well as all that deregulation and stuff they want that takes away workers' and unions' rights. If you notice, despite a great stock market in 2017 and 2018, Trump's tax breaks for billionaires, sexism, and awful incompetent rule led to a wipeout in 2018. And 2020. Poor cruel loser! At least now you get to enjoy your cruelty while you can. Meanwhile, maybe Tom Homan can manage another 50 % spike in American drug overdose deaths, like he did in Trump 1.0. Maybe we will get a recession in 2025, as the yield curve is saying we should. Or maybe it will be like the late 60's, where Trump manages to kick the can down the road for a year or two by blowing up the deficit even more. What to expect from the markets under Trump I posted this article from FT already. I think it nails how Trump 2.0 is likely to go bad, just like W 2.0 did. When you cater to billionaires like Elon Musk and corporate and Wall Street donors, and let them do whatever the fuck they want, bad things tend to happen. What a shock! My guess is crypto will be to Trump 2.0 as subprime and derivates were to W. 2.0. But it is way too early to guess how Trump will fuck it up this time, like he did in Trump 1.0. But one thing is reliable. @EmmetKruelty will always offer us truthful and well researched critical analysis. And all the truth and kindness he manifests will lead to glory and victory for MAGA, just like in 2018 and 2020. LOL. Just kidding. You are cruel, and you will come here to offer cruelty. And lots of it. You get 0 % credit for Trump's narrow victory, and 100 % credit for the cruelty that will lead to the same outcomes as 2018 and 2020. You seem to especially love being cruel to transgender children, Black women, and many elements of the LGBTQ community - except rich White Gay men who support Trump. Why are you so cruel? I, on the other hand, will happily profit if Trump manages to continue Biden's bull market for another year or two with huge deficits, billionaire sugar highs, and dodgy crypto dealings with Elon Musk. Prediction: when the crypto bubble collapses, all those young men who love Elon and voted for Trump may change their minds about deregulated capitalism. MAGA 2024 TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPOILS CRUELTY TO BLACK WOMEN MORE CRUELTY FOR TRANSGENDER KIDS TAX CUTS FOR MOSTLY WHITE BILLIONAIRE DONORS
  12. Actually, there are two words for that: democracy, and law. I know, I know. They are difficult concepts to grasp in Genocide World. Genocide Man rules for as long as he wants. If you don't like it, you get a bullet in the head. Or you are processed into meat. We have this thing called elections. In case you missed it, we just had one. We have this thing called lawyers. Trump used them wisely to delay a trial. And Merrick Garland fucked up royally IMHO by not prosecuting Trump quickly and immediately in 2021 for Jan. 6th, which was a rape of democracy. But, right or wrong, they all used the law in a democracy. That is how law and democracy work. In every poll I have seen since the election a majority of voters still want the Jan. 6th trial to move forward. Ain't gonna happen, of course. But that's democracy for ya. There are other nations where it is much easier. In Genocide World, you are shot in the head or processed into meat. Say It Ain't So, Joe But to your point about Biden, I started a whole thread on that in 2019. The whole Biden Crime Family thing was and still is complicated and obtuse. But five years later, I'll stick with a few things I wrote at the time. Call it my outstanding political judgment and ability to predict 😉. These are two things I said at the time: Biden managed to explain Hunter and Burisma away. And five years later, Hunter's legal problems stem more from his drug addiction and gun, not any proven corruption in Ukraine - or anywhere. Which is no surprise. It has been almost obvious from the beginning that Joe Biden and family take it up to the line, but not beyond. Whereas Trump has taken it over the line many times, as Jan. 6th and him being a felon prove. And Trump is just getting started! 😨 The interesting thing scanning that 2019 thread is this question: was electing Biden in 2020 a mistake? There's no question that the Hunter Biden fiasco, even if we assume it is simply the appearance of impropriety, has undercut everything Biden has said about Trump's lawlessness. Pot, meet kettle. The even bigger issue about 2020 is Biden's age, not his son. I will always feel the seeds for Harris's 2024 defeat were laid in Biden's 2020 victory. 2024 was a close election. As of now, it looks like Democrats will GAIN two House seats (220/215) compared to the 2022 outcome (222/213). So a lot of this is specifically about Biden, and inflation, and immigration. But his age and ego was the setup. Name me a President who does not have an ego, and seeks power? (Except for Genocide Man, who is a kind pussy cat.) So once Biden could give himself an A for avoiding destruction during the midterms, it seems inevitable that his ego would come first. And he would run again, even though it is now clear he should not have. The election was close enough, and Harris was an imperfect enough candidate, that it is almost certainly true that some other Democrat might have slightly won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, rather than slightly losing them. Had Biden not been around in 2020, maybe Bernie would have been the nominee. Would he have won, once he was attacked as a socialist? Who knows. In that 2019 thread above @TotallyOz and I were both singing the praises of Elizabeth Warren, who was having her moment at the time. I think she would have made a great first female POTUS. And Democrats would not have a problem with her age, or her corruption. (Well, there is her cookbook. LOL.) She is much more like Mexico's Claudia Sheiunbaum, who fights like hell against the financial elities and for the working class. So I could paint an imaginary scenario where a President Warren had the same problems with inflation as every other global leader. But, like Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico, managed to win because she fought like hell for the working class. All the baggage that Biden brought with him is now a matter of history. Ironically, it would have worked out better, in retrospect, if Biden has been a bit more of the moderate Biden of the 1980's, especially on immigration. But I'm pretty sure Trump 2.0 will make Hunter Biden's flirting with the edges of the law look like saintliness in comparison. It is predictable that Democrats will look for candidates in 2026 and especially 2028 that don't have Trump's problems with lawlessness. And that fight like hell for the working class, not billionaire donors and oil company CEOs. I'm glad that the lessons of this narrow defeat are so clear. If Democrats can't figure out what we need to do in 2026 and 2028, that is our own fault. One other thing is 1000 % obvious. People are breaking the law to get into the United States. And many of the best and brightest left Russia, where they do not have freedom and are processed into meat. The main reason people are moving to Russia is they are children being stolen by Genocide Man, or women being bombed out of their homes. A Russia Without Russians. Putin's disastrous demographics. I'll take democracy and law, as imperfect as it is, thank you.
  13. If you are a billionaire. Estimated benefit to the top 1 % of his tax cut for billionaires is about $250,000. And it may not be to the bank. It may be crypto. The fat cat crypto donors love Trump, and how he will deregulate. And maybe even let them use taxpayer money as their crypto piggy bank. Kind of like W. let the subprime lenders and Wall Street run amok. What could possibly go wrong? Crypto is how fentanyl traffickers avoid capture, because it makes it easy not to track the money flow. We had an almost 50 % spike in drug overdose deaths during Trump 1.0, from 2017 to2020, thanks to failed incompetent Tom Homan. Now the crypto traffickers will probably be set loose. What could possibly go wrong? You can take that to the bank. Or to the mortuary. PROMISES MADE. "Tom Homan will close the border and get fentanyl trafficking under control" PROMISES KEPT. "Tom Homan delivers almost 50 % increase in American drug overdose deaths." "Tom Homan made America safer by getting tens of thousands Americans killed." MAGA 2024 MORE DRUG OVERDOSE DEATHS MORE TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES REWARD HOMAN'S INCOMPETENCE AND FAILURE
  14. How much of a tax cut for billionaire Trump donors? Last time the Top 1 % got $250,000 or so on average. And since almost all the money in the possibly $5 trillion budget deficit buster will go to billionaires and corporations, where will Trump find money for child tax credits for Gay working class children with parents? By cutting Medicaid? TRUMP2024 MAGA TAX CUTS FOR GAY BILLIONAIRES TAX CUTS FOR STRAIGHT BILLIONAIRES NO MONEY LEFT FOR CHILD TAX CREDITS FOR THE WORKING CLASS
  16. Trump left office, having been fired, with unemployment higher than when he started Trump left office, having been fired, with fewer manufacturing jobs than when he started. Trump left office after he and cruel, failed Tom Homan opened the borders to fentanyl and saw an unprecedented spike in tens of thousands of Americans dying of drug overdoses. Biden and Harris reversed that trend, after Trump and Homan completely failed and just brought much more death. Do you agree every member of Congress should be required to hear the death screams of the tens of thousands of Americans that died of fentanyl, due to Trump and Homan's incompetence? Do you agree Congress should require Trump to shut down his fat cat crypto donors from providing the clearest path to hide the dark web money in fentanyl trafficking, by using crypto? Why do you admire failure? Why do you admire incompetence? Why do you admire cruelty? TO THE VICTOR GOES INCOMPETENCE, FAILURE, AND DEATH MAGA 2024 INCOMPETENCE FAILURE DEATH
  17. Thanks for being honest, for once. MAGAgiving means never having to have lazy Black women or Mexican rapists in your AI art. It's the true heart of the MAGAverse. Everyone else was just pissed about inflation and rent.
  19. Trump left the economy a complete wreck in 2020. Unemployment was higher when he left office than when he came in. WHY REWARD TRUMP'S FAILURE? WHY REWARD TRUMP'S INCOMPETENCE? There were about 200,000 fewer manufacturing jobs when Trump left office than when he started. WHY REWARD TRUMP'S FAILURE TO DELIVER MANUFACTURINGJOBS? Trump's Republicans are already working hard on jacking up the deficit as much as $5 trillion to deliver those tax cuts to billionaire and corporate Trump donors. They did not deliver jobs before, and will not deliver again most likely. WHY REWARD TRUMP's SUCCESS IN BLOWING UP THE DEFICIT WITH BILLIONAIRE TAX CUTS? Tom Homan has never apologized to the tens of thousands of Americans, especially kids, he got killed with his totally failed and incompetent war on fentanyl. And now Trump, who seems to reward failure, rewards Homan with a new job. Are we going to hear the tapes of all the death screams of all the Americans TOM HOMAN GOT KILLED because of his total failure? Every member of Congress should be required to hear THE DEATH SCREAMS of the tens of thousands of Americans Homan got killed due to his total incompetence. The cruel, failed man let a wave of death and drug overdose into America in his first run. What's next? Is it a priority of Trump to make Homan apologize to the parents of all the Americans he and Trump got killed by letting fentanyl flood across the border at ever higher rates from 2017 to 2020? Is it a priority for Trump to get his fat cat crypto-donors to stop facilitating American death by making it impossible to trail the money in fentanyl trafficking? TRUMP2024 MAGA LET TENS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS DIE OF FENTANYL OVRDOSE, AND FAIL LET HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FACTORY JOBS DISAPPEAR, AND FAIL BLOW UP THE DEFICIT BY GIVING HUGE TAX CUTS TO BILLIONAIRES ATTACK GAYS, BLACKS, ASIANS, WOMEN, AND TRANSGENDER KIDS TO DISTRACT FROM ALL YOUR FIRST TERMS FAILURES AND PAYOFFS TO BILLIONAIRE DONORS
  20. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Sis. I had one filled with family and love. These family members were all Harris supporters so we mostly avoided talking about Trump so as not to sully the festive mood. Of course, I am sure we will have four years of love from Trump, and @EmmetKruelty. Oh, wait. We already had our Day Of Love ............Jan. 6th. Never mind! We don't need more cop beatings. I am glad Trump won the popular vote, so as to avoid yet another Republican Presidency (like after 2000 and 2016) where we only have W. or Trump because White guys used to own slaves and wanted an electoral college to defend it. I'm also glad Trump has a bare House majority. We did pick up one and maybe two more House seats in SoCal in the late counting. So Democrats actually did a wee bit better (220 to 215, it seems) than 2022 in the House. Some Trump landslide! But given where we are at I actually think it is better that Trump be treated the winner, fair and square. He should be allowed to lay on his tax cuts for billionaires, Medicaid cuts, and all the @EmmetKruelty-style attacks on transgender kids. And possibly they'll go as far as the illegal deportation of American children. Let Trump's cruelty and bigotry flow, since we don't have a choice now. And we'll see whether America likes it as much as we did from 2017 to 2020. I don't think MAGA Republicans stole the election. In fact, they barely won it. Again, we actually gained at least one House seat relative to 2022. In 4 of 5 swing states, the Democratic Senator won - barely - even as Trump won- barely. So it was just a fair and close election. I think Democrats dignified ourselves by not being the lying, crooked, destructive, and whining anti-democratic piece of shit Trump was in 2020. Jan. 6th has never gone away. And never will. I will be spending 3 days with my full on MAGA/Trump niece this week, so I have been wondering how I will address this with her, if at all. I already emailed her congratulations when Trump won. One of my best friends is a severe melt down with his family, many of whom are Trump supporters. No Thanksgiving love was shared by them. I won't go there with my family, several of whom voted for Trump this time. Mostly, I think the right thing to say is, "It was the economy, stupid. So you won because of that. Congratulations." All my Harris supporter family members I just had a lovefest will feel that was the bottom line. It was the economy, stupid. That said, I will add one line. What happened after the 2020 election, and Jan. 6th, was deeply unprincipled. And I just have no respect for the people who still believe Trump's lies about 2020. Nor do I respect the beating of cops, the destruction of democracy, the demolition of guard rails. So I will say some version of this to my niece, and anyone else I know and love that believes Trump's 2020 bullshit, as she does. It is not fair, really. We're being the good sports. And the polls show they STILL believe the 2020 election was stolen. And we don't know what Trump may try in the next four years, that is anti-democratic or dictatorial. So my posture will be, "Congratulations. But you were and are deeply unprincipled on something really important. Hope you don't try it again. If you do, plan on more resistance. But, again, congratulations on winning and being a good winner, so far, unlike being a very bad loser in 2020." It's a mixed message. But I think even people I love deserve to hear I think you are going along with something deeply unprincipled and wrong. The more this sinks in, the more obvious it seems that Democrats were in a very bad spot, much of which we brought on to ourselves. Biden is wildly unpopular. In something like 54 elections around the globe, I believe 45 incumbent parties got shellacked due to inflation and post-COVID anger. Plus there's no question lots of people in the middle were pissed about immigration and some of the other perceived excesses, like transgender prisoner sex changes. Trump scapegoated transgender people as the new BAD BLACKS (Willie Horton in 1988) or BAD LATINOS (raping Mexicans in 2016) or BAD MUSLIMS (Islam is evil in 2016). So I think it makes complete sense that Trump could win 49.9 % of the vote in this environment - not a majority. Even though all the bad feelings about Trump are alive and well, and will soon be relived in all their ugliness and bigotry and trauma. The most interesting question to me, which basically no one is talking about, is this: how did a Jewish Latina woman, Claudia Sheinbaum, win in a landslide in Mexico? Even though she is part and parcel of the incumbent party? I think that answer is that AMLO's Morena, unlike Biden's Democrats, was seen as fighting and winning every day for working class families. So that is what Democrats need to focus on now if we want to win in 2026 and 2028. Trump will make that easier for Democrats, most likely by being as bad or worse as he was from 2017 to 2020.
  21. I did a search of recent anti-transgender posts @EmmetK has made. Here's some of the recent ones, at least one of which was in response to you: The posts speak for themselves. I think it's pretty clear who @EmmetKruelty is wiling to let the train run over. Rich gay donors are a good thing. Transgender children and Gay Pride are bad. Whatever it takes to win, we will run them down in a heartbeat. Trump did. And @EmmetKruelty is gloating about it. @EmmetKruelty is the first to let us know that Scott Bessent is a Gay man with a partner and kids. So if you are a Gay Trump donor, you don't get thrown under the train. You're first class. Treasury Secretary. And I agree, as I said in his post about Bessent. It is a victory for Democrats. We set a new standard, even though evangelicals still oppose same-sex marriage. Tammy Baldwin, who survived, is a lesbian who built a bipartisan coalition that made same-sex marriage the law of the land. Biden appointed Mayor Pete. Now Trump has appointed Secretary Bessent. I take this as a victory for identity politics many of us fought hard for. And kudos to @EmmetKruelty for at least being willing to tolerate rich Gay White men. As long as they support Trump. What about Tammy Baldwin, @EmmetKruelty? Is she the kind of lesbian woman who deserves to be thrown under the train, for making same sex marriage a bipartisan victory? Anyhoo, Sis. Sorry if my addition to @EmmetKruelty's "we're gonna run you over" train image was unclear in its intent. I think I made my point about his gloating anti-trans propaganda. I won't post the image again. And I will happily take a break. Heading out to Denver tomorrow for Thanksgiving with family. 😍 HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
  22. Tom Homan said in 2017 he would fix the fentanyl problem. What we got instead was a nearly 50 % increase in overdose deaths. I posted the actual numbers before. Here they are again: It's fair to say overdose deaths went up in 2021. For that matter, it's fair to say Biden and Harris should have done a lot more. As I said in my original post, having 100,000 Americans die from a drug overdose every year, primarily from fentanyl, is tragic. Just in terms of numbers of deaths, that's more people than the numbers of Russians Genocide Man processes into meat every year. 😨 The bottom line is still the same, though. The outcome of Trump 1.0 is that Trump gave us a nearly 50 % spike in drug deaths on his watch, with Homan as his first border czar. They failed to fix the problem. The made it far worse. Biden and Harris reversed the trend, and now it is heading down. Some of the reasons it is heading down, like drug prevention and treatment, may be on Trump's chopping block. 'Historic' drop in U.S. overdose deaths accelerates as fentanyl crisis eases The most disturbing thing is that Homan failed, but Trump is putting him in charge again. Homan's failure got tens of thousands of more Americans killed every year. His failure is stark, and clear. And he's one of the few top leaders that Trump has brought back. Why? Why reward failure, and a massive spike in death? It's a fair question. Trump went on and on about how Harris is a failure, a stupid and lazy woman. And yet she and Biden somehow managed to reverse Homan's failure and start to to bring overdose deaths down. I've been trying to get @EmmetKruelty to answer that question. Why don't you ask him, seeing as you you two have so much in common. Maybe he will tell you.
  23. Hope not. And that's not what it says. It refers to the specific anti-trans language @EmmetKruelty is using, and his images of running over people. This is @EmmetKruelty's image, as you know. Wonder who will get run over? He's making it very clear in his posts that transgender people are near the top of his hit list. That's why I started a thread titled My Emerging List Of Trump Failures And Deaths @EmmetK does not care about which states at the top: So we agree. I'm using his image that he posted to say he is cruel. He's made a number of anti-transgender posts. Read some of them. And tell me what you think. We have a Gay man saying the Trump train is going to run over you transgender people. The fact is, of course, that the Trump campaign already ran over transgender people and Kamala Harris with their ad on transgender prisoners. I'll post this separately, but this is the first video I've seen with the top Harris campaign staff talking about why they think they lost. They spent a lot of the video talking about that one ad. 7 % of Trump's ad money was spent on it, they say. Quentin Fulks, who ran Warnock's Senate campaign, thinks the ad was in part designed to pull Black men away from Harris. They came up with a version of the anti-trans ad including Charlemagne Tha God, and ran it like crazy in Black media markets in places like Philadelphia and Detroit. Fulks said it made it harder to do what the campaign needed to do, getting Black men to vote. So it's classic Trump. Use cruelty to divide and conquer. Trump has clearly said he is willing to throw transgender people under the train. Just like The Illegals, and The Muslims. So you tell me whether you think @EmmetKruelty is saying about transgender people. Seems like he's a Gay man who donated to Trump and is bragging that I will gladly throw transgender people under the train to win. That's my point, if it's not clear. The other thing that may not be clear with a lot of these posts if for about an hour, as @EmmetKruelty was furiously posting away about all these great Trump Cabinet appointments, I repeatedly asked him to explain why I, or anyone, should be happy that President Trump, who presided over the biggest spike in murder in US history, is reappointing Tom Homan. Homan was Director of ICE under Trump 1.0. He presided over the biggest spike in fentanyl smuggling and overdose drug deaths in US history. Drug deaths spiked 50 % under Trump 1.0, and have declined under Biden/Harris. @EmmetKruelty has not explained why rewarding Homan's failure and massive spike in death by bringing him back is a good thing. Maybe you can get him to explain why.
  24. As @EmmetKruelty posts his pro-Trump propaganda incessantly, he seems to be unwilling to address some of Trump's abject failures in his first term. Some of which led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. What a shocker that @EmmetKruelty would rather just post propaganda posters. And some of his propaganda is cruel and sick. He's saying transgender kids should be thrown under his cruelty train. No more compassion for them! 1. @EmmetKruelty does not care that Tom Homan, as former head of ICE, promised to stop fentanyl from flooding into America, and failed miserably. The massive spike in fentanyl use and fentanyl deaths took hold on Trump's watch, with Homan in the lead for much of that period. Drug deaths skyrocketed by tens of thousands of Americans a year. So far, Homan is one of the few top leaders from Trump 1.0 that Trump has brought back. So the message this sends is: who cares? Trump bringing Homan back shows that being loyal on Fox News is more important than Homan's abject failure, that led to the death of tens of thousands of Americans. Trump is rewarding failure. Meanwhile, the number of drug overdose deaths has declined under Biden/Harris. 2. @EmmetKruelty does not care that Tom Homan threatened to illegally deport American children on Fox. @EmmetKruelty bragged about it. Tom Homan himself walked it back weeks later on Fox News. Probably because he cares more about what the law says than @EmmetKruelty, who loves to celebrate lawlessness and cruelty. 3. @EmmetKruelty does not care that Donald Trump is the Murder President of America, by presiding over the biggest spike in murder in US history. Trump's complete failure in his first term, and the massive spike in murders, is of no concern to @EmmetKruelty when he posts about how Trump will make America "safer." Again, the message is that results mean nothing, and it is not relevant to ask why Trump actually made America more murderous. If we are defining "safer" by murders, Biden/Harris made America safer. 4. @EmmetKruelty does not care about laws that protect minorities. He suggests, quite stupidly, that Scott Turner, nominated for HUD, will "end all racial preferences for federal housing on DAY ONE." First, @EmmetKruelty did not quote Turner, because facts are irrelevant to @EmmetKruelty. Second, Turner's job is to uphold laws like the Fair Housing Act, which specifically protect the rights of Blacks, and other minorities. LGBTQ people have often used these types of laws to protect their rights. Which @EmmetKruelty obviously does not care about, since he frequently trashes transgender people. Mostly, @EmmetKruelty likes to single out Black women, who he calls smelly, stupid, and lazy. At best, @EmmetKruelty is expressing his distaste for racial quotas, which are mostly unpopular and often illegal. But racial preferences, and the specific elevation and protection of minority rights, are a part of US law that Trump's right-wing SCOTUS has not yet taken away. The failure to protect minority rights, including LGBTQ rights, was an abject failure of Trump 1.0. @EmmetKruelty clearly does not care. The Real List of Trump’s “Unprecedented Steps” for the LGBTQ Community
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