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Everything posted by stevenkesslar

  1. Will you apologize now to John Fetterman and all of us for being a hateful bigot? Or is autism your excuse for lobbing hate around? Go see Bobby Kennedy about it. https://www.facebook.com/JohnFettermanPA/posts/if-being-cruel-to-trans-children-is-part-of-your-ideological-wheelhouse-i-am-not/2901687046765902/
  2. Yup. You've been a hateful bigot for far too long. If you wanna be self-loathing, that is your business. Or problem. But it gets boring to hear you defend a Gay-bashing alcoholic who sexually harasses women and is "castrated" by the board of the non-profit he mismanaged. It also gets boring to hear you defend a failed cruel old asshole who flooded the US with fentanyl and death by failing to control the borders. Your weak pussy man Tom Homan was so awful he preferred to have his name withdrawn as permanent director of ICE to having to actually explain his incompetence to Republicans like Susan Collins and Joni Ernst in confirmation hearings. What a man! Why do you celebrate incompetence, cruelty, and Gay bashing?
  3. In other words, our hateful and self-loathing bigot @EmmetKruelty does not consider the following things appropriate to discuss, let alone oppose: SEXUAL HARASSMENT HOMOPHOBIA OPPOSING GAYS IN THE MILITARY OPPOSING WOMEN IN THE MILITARY ALCOHOLISM INCOMPETENCE @EmmetKruelty is so far into his autism or hate or bigotry or whatever that he doesn't even seem to recognize that incompetence in managing small non-profits and alcoholism are not how you run the most powerful military in the world. This is not about having a competent military. This is an ideological loyalty campaign to say everyone should lick Trump's ass and do whatever he wants. If @EmmetKruelty is so self-loathing he longs to be mercy fucked by a drunk womanizing Gay basher, that is his business. But anti-Homo Hegseth is an alcoholic incompetent mess.
  4. It's Game, set, and match! for your hate and ridicule of transgender children. Will you apologize now to John Fetterman and all of us for being a hateful bigot? Or is autism your excuse for lobbing hate around? Go see Bobby Kennedy about it. https://www.facebook.com/JohnFettermanPA/posts/if-being-cruel-to-trans-children-is-part-of-your-ideological-wheelhouse-i-am-not/2901687046765902/
  5. Interesting article about Saudi Arabia and the 30,000 foot political view of the region. It reinforces the idea that what happened in Syria will likely help rather than hinder Saudi/Israel/US alignment. ‘China on Steroids’: A Saudi Path to a Peaceful, Modern Middle East After a violent and reckless start, the crown prince is transforming his kingdom on the Gulf. The logic is compelling: fuck war. Let's build a regional economic juggernaut that is prosperous, peaceful, and stable. Why not? One problem is solved. MBS has figured out that, at the very least, you just can't chop up anyone who is even a minor voice of dissent. Putin is better at this. He just arranges for them to get a bullet in their head, with no fingerprints on the gun. The real problem now is my least favorite Genocide Jew, war criminal Bibi The Baby Killer. He has been patiently outwitting US Presidents seeking to cut a peace deal since Bill Clinton in the 90's. Trump and Bibi The Baby Killer may share the same pollster. But they don't share the same interests. War criminal Bibi can't stay in power without his war crimes coalition. If we throw John Mearsheimer's views in, we can debate whether the Israeli war criminal coalition is for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, or simply for genocide of Palestinians. Whatever it is, it ain't peace and it ain't democracy. This would all work if war criminal Bibi could convince most Israelis, and most democracies, that democracy is bad and genocide is good. Just annex the whole thing, keep the majority of Palestinians from voting, and kill the ones that speak up. They could even argue it is what MBS does. Why not let Israel be just like Saudi Arabia? It's no fun there anymore, since they got rid of public executions and replaced them with cinemas. Why not have public executions of Palestinians in Israel? It is a dark and sick vision. And it is certainly not the basis of a peace deal Trump will push. We all know how successful he was convinving Krazy Kim to stop being Krazy. So I just don't hold up much hope that Trump will get war criminal Bibi and his war crimes coalition to stop being who they are. Nor will Ireland. Anyone who opposes war criminal and genocide Jew Bibi The Baby Killer is now "anti-Israel". I'm glad Bibi is calling the question. The new framework is you can either be for israel, or against genocide. You can't be both. Go ahead, Bibi. Make the world choose. You are making MBS look like the pussycat.
  6. I'm wondering if @EmmetKruelty has autism? To state the obvious, @EmmetKruelty likes to spend hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of his useless time posting repetitive rants idolizing Trump and gay bashers like his bf wannabe Pete Hegseth. The rants are at best rigid and one-sided propaganda, and at worst just a pack of lies. I stopped reading most of them. He comes to a diverse Gay website based out of Asia and trashes Gays, lesbians, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and especially transgender kids. I'm thinking he might have autism. And I am thinking Bobby Kennedy, our soon to be HHS director, might be the cure. Kennedy, like anti-Homo Hegseth, has a reputation for womanizing. He's also boorish, like Hegseth. And like Trump, of course. All three live in their own fact-free world. These are the kinds of guys @EmmetKruelty seems to be attracted to. And Kennedy has a well known and almost universally respected medical knowledge of things like vaccines and autism. I'm rooting for @EmmetKruelty and anti-Homo Hegseth to tie the knot, privately. It might give our self-loathing veteran something better to do, or fill his mouth and hands with, so he doesn't need to rant uselessly so much here. But Bobby Kennedy might be a great Plan B. Three more women say Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cheated on Cheryl Hines with them
  7. I know. What is the world coming to? We need anti-Homo Hegseth and his obedient and pliant submissive self-loathing boy toy @EmmetKruelty to protect us. Even if we don't want to be protected. I did come up with a pretty good idea, reading one of @EmmetKruelty's feminist pro-Gay posts idolizing his anti-Gay action figure. Here's what @EmmetKruelty said: So here's what's important about that: 1) Joni Ernst is a Republican cunt. She needs to shut the fuck up. 2) Female victims of sexual harassment have no right to question sexual harassers who are alcoholic and incompetent. 3) Impeached felon President Trump "won" by 46.1 % of the vote in 2016, lost by 46.8 % of the vote in 2020, and won by 49.9 % of the vote in 2024. That means the vast majority of people back Trump, and everybody else needs to shut the fuck up. Joni Ernst won her Senate seat in Iowa by 52.1 % in 2014 and 51.7 % in 2020. That means the majority of people think she is a cunt, and she needs to shut the fuck up and be loyal to Trump. Now, it could be worse. Ernst is a Republican White woman. If she were Cackles, or any other smelly Black woman, this would be unbearable. Oh, and @EmmetKruelty can't stand the Asian transgender types. They're not male action figures like anti-Homo Hegseth. So I was thinking maybe we get Joni to STFU by offering her a special role: being the maid of honor when anti-Homo Hegseth and @EmmetKruelty tie the knot! Granted, Hegseth is married to the woman he fucked when he was married to his second wife. So he can't really marry @EmmetKruelty. But @EmmetKruelty is used to self-loathing. So he won't mind being barely tolerated by the anti-Gay Republicans he idolilzes. And anti-Homo Hegseth will always have a chest to cum on and a drink poured for him. Without any nasty rumors or pregnancy tests. It's a match made in heaven!
  8. I'm completely ignorant about what's going on in Syria. But this makes sense. What was pretty clear in Afghanistan is that the Taliban cut all kinds of deals with tribal leaders, as well as the supposedly weak and corrupt Afghan security forces,in advance. The basic idea that seemed to work was, "Why wipe each other out, when the US is leaving, anyway?" n terms of the US media, they actually did a decent job for a long time of pointing out that while lots of Afghan citizens - like women- wanted the US to stay, the government and security forces were corrupt. And the whole picture was always on the brink of disaster to one degree or another. Which is why Biden was drilling Obama to pull the plug as far back as 2009. Before the surge that generals like Petraeus advised that killed lots of American soldiers and Afghans. Trump essentially signed the death contract for the Afghan government when he made that deal with the Taliban. It gave the Taliban plenty of time to cut deals and organize a mostly bloodless takeover. The difference in Syria is there's no appearance that something similar took place. The rebel forces were able to pull themselves together to attack Assad. But Russia was not part of that, at least based on what we know now. It was very clear that Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan. And presumably expected the withdrawal would occur at the beginning of his second term in 2021. There is no evidence or reporting that Putin was looking for a way out of Syria. Quite the opposite. He got pushed out, like it or not, because his military was weak and spent and focused on Ukraine. So whatever he thinks he has won in Ukraine, he now has a big collateral loss in Syria and the region. First, in case it was not clear, you quoted me from the end of a paragraph about Ukraine, not Syria. So I am not sure what people who will be hanged on poles in Damascus has to do with Genocide Man's mass slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. It sounds like we agree about Syria. At best, there will be relatively minor carnage for targeted groups. Including Gays, of course. At worst, it will be a jihadist bloodbath like ISIS. Like a decade ago, one factor will be whether it gets bad enough to cause a mass exodus. Assuming people can get out. But this time Europe will be much less welcoming. Which is another factor that may lead to some restraint. If you were referring to Ukraine, and not Syria, what is your media telling you? Because the polls of Ukrainians are incredibly clear. And it is awful news for Genocide Man and Genocide World. For a long time, like most of the time since the Cold War ended, Ukraine was split politically between favoring Russia and favoring the US and Europe. And a lot of that was based on all the cultural and historical and linguistic bonds Putin wrote about in his treatise. The war has changed that. Ukrainians hate Russians, and do not want to be a part of Genocide World. If they make a peace deal, it will only be based on pragmatic constraints given that Trump is now in charge. But even if Harris had won, I am sure they feel exhausted, and now realize that a complete victory - like getting all the seized territory back - is impossible for now. But Ukraine will despise Russia probably for at least as long as any living Ukrainian is alive. There is just no getting around that. There is no getting around the fact that they will wait for Russia to weaken. Just like Poland and all those Iron Curtain nations waited for the Soviet Union to stagnate and die. One can make a great argument that what happened in Ukraine can all be blamed on the CIA, or NATO, or some combination of horrible Western forces or institutions. Putin of course made that argument in his treatise. Great. That's what the polls say most Russians believe, right? So that's fine to believe. But then you also have to believe that Putin is desperate, or stupid, or both. Because he took the bait. He started a war that changed everything. And now he has a country full of people right next door that hate him, and can't wait for the Russian Federation to collapse. And he also has a collapse in Syria. This is a different version of what happened to the Soviet Union. It is death by inches, not one big climactic end. Some kind of deal on Ukraine will be brokered, probably, which will at best be a ceasefire. There will be an economic reprieve for Russia. But what Syria makes a little more clear is that Genocide World is much more fragile than the Soviet Union. And it won't be a surprise to anyone if at some point it collapses. For the US there is good news. For sure from the perspective of most Trump voters. The US is freed up to focus on other things. Mostly domestic. But the coup for the US would be if Trump can somehow pull off the kind of grand peace deal in the Middle East he at least thinks he can. And which our cheerleading sycophant @EmmetKruelty surely thinks Trump will get finished in his first week. I ain't holding my breath. Trump 1.0 failed to achieve peace with Iran, or North Korea, or China, or Putin for that matter. He just talked a lot from 2017 to 2020. But what Biden did in Ukraine - pinning Putin down - and what the rebels did in Syria - weakening Iran - probably helps Trump and US interests in the Middle East. I think where you and I would partly agree is that war criminal Bibi Netanyahu is every but as genocidal as Putin. So good luck to Trump getting the war criminal to agree to something other than ethnic cleansing or genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. Mostly what seems to be falling into place is not World War III, but Cold War II. Cold War I was actually a pretty good time that ended well for most of the world. Except the Soviet Union, of course. Your media is not telling you that, is it?
  9. I think the axiom of politics for the US, when anything like "Islam" or "jihad" are involved, is simple: Be careful what you wish for. The people we helped to beat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan attacked us on 9/11. The "good guys" in the Arab Spring lost, mostly quickly and pathetically. And we ended up with much worse, as @Pete1111 already pointed out. Let's not even talk about W.in Iraq and Hillary in Libya. Again, I'm with Trump (and probably Putin) on this one. Just stay the fuck out. No good will come of it. This is an interesting article that reaches the same conclusion as @Moses's AI homework: What Syria’s triumphant rebels learned from Al Qaeda’s striking failures Al Queada's gig never made sense to me. That article above describes it in a way that seems particularly insane: that these jihadist rebels somehow had to defeat the West before they could take down their lackey surrogates running Islamic countries. And the chances of that were????? The version I've usually read made a bit more sense. The idea was that by attacking America, bin-Laden could stir up an anti-American, pro-jihad sentiment on the Arab street in places like Saudi Arabia that could be used to topple the regime. Still didn't make a whole lot of sense. And still never happened. The thing I have always wondered, in some alternative reality, is what would have happened if the US never invaded Iraq under W., but did occupy Egypt in some way during the Arab Spring, under Obama, in order to support the democracy movement there? It would be different going in, armed, after a country had their own popular revolution. Which is not what happened in either Afghanistan, or Iraq. Arguably, if there is any Islamic country that could have worked in, Egypt might have been the place. Ukraine gave us a taste of what might have happened. The US did support a democratically elected leader. We are on the side of the people, overwhelmingly. But it basically led to a draw. In Egypt, since there was no Russia behind a counter-revolution, maybe it would have ended up in a solid victory for democratic institutions. We don't have to worry about that now. The issue now is: how bad will it get? Every article now suggests that Americans (and Russians, and Europeans) have less to worry about in the short term, but possibly more to worry about in the future. The switch to fighting national wars based on extremist ideas, rather than global jihad, is practical in nature. Syria will encourage more of that, based on the idea that a more limited goal (taking over a country is never a modest idea) is more winnable. But if that does happen in a number of countries, at some point it becomes a much bigger terrorist threat than Afghanistan was. There is a story I have told a lot about a former conservative client, Epigonos, over at Daddy's old site. The essence of the story is that he and I completely disagreed about the Iraq War. But it took both of us all of 15 minutes to understand why it would eventually fail. And we were both right. My main point was that the idea was awful, and like every other US quagmire it would backfire. Most Americans would now agree with me. Epigonos supported the basic idea, but argued that W. would fuck it up by putting boots on the ground. He argued we should just bomb the living fuck out of Iraq. How lovely! So I asked what happens if we bomb the fuck out of it, and what rises out of the ashes is worse than what we bombed the fuck out of? He said, I think verbatim, "That's simple. Then we go bomb the fuck out of it again." In effect, we did that. We bombed the fuck out of it, and then got ISIS. And then we did have to go back and bomb the fuck out of it again. It was and still is one big tragic mess. That said, after decades of Forever Wars, it actually sounds like a pragmatic, if brutal, idea. And Trump is the kind of bad ass to send the message, unilaterally. Although Harris would have done it just as well, after working closely with NATO and a lot of democratic leaders in Europe and Asia. Leave us the fuck alone, and we'll leave you alone. Fuck with us, or any of our allies (if it were Harris saying it) and we will bomb the fuck out of you. As many times as it takes. The US does have the receipts (or bloodbaths, if you prefer) for being credible about that.
  10. Most likely true. But, if we are just having girl talk, I always get this vibe that @EmmetKruelty is just a bitter old queen. In today's woke world, even military veterans can be bitter old queens. And speaking of military veterans ..................... I think this whole crush vibe between @EmmetKruelty and anti-Homo Hegseth stems back to the other Pete. Who was far more handsome and articulate than this one. I mean, think about it. Pete Hegseth comes off as crude, overly macho, untrustworthy, a boor. @EmmetKruelty comes off as precise, consistently honest, textured and cultured, almost obnoxiously subtle and sophisticated. Other than him being self-loathing, I can't think of a single negative thing to say about @EmmetKruelty. Basically, I think Chasten fucked it all up. Back in the day, @EmmetKruelty might have met a shy but sweet Mayor Pete, and transformed into @EmmetKuddly instead. But clearly it is too late. The love birds have children, who look............................ you know. Black. Or Latino. Or some weird unhealthy mix. Smelly? Maybe Gay or lesbian? I certainly hope not transgender. All of that would simply be a bridge too far for @EmmetKruelty, who prefers womanizing White males. Better to fester in his cruel fantasies. And hope that maybe an alcoholic Straight Gay basher like anti-Homo Hegseth will find him in a moment of drunken need.
  11. Now, that is an interesting one. I'll get to a question, but first several comments. This one really came out of the blue. And it is during this period when there is daily drama about Trump, and I have been traveling a lot with family. So it sort of all slipped under my radar. And I don't feel I have a clue. So the AI briefing seemed accurate, and helpful. Mostly it seems like this has huge potential to be "out of the frying pan, into the fire" for Syrians and Kurds. That said, there's a reason millions of Syrians fled under Assad, as @unicorn has noted in several posts. In the few articles I have read, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey are the perceived regional winners, and Iran the perceived regional loser. To the degree that is true, on the level of a global geopolitical chess board, this actually may end up being a stabilizing force. Your own AI summary suggests that HTS is every but as fanatical, but wants to steer clear of global jihad and instead focus on "Syrian issues". If true, that is perhaps good news for everyone but Syrians and Kurds. The US is a winner is at least once sense, maybe. While Afghanistan did not turn out as planned, and in retrospect Biden was right to advise Obama to get out a decade earlier, the US at the very least sent this message: "Fuck with us, and you are dead or homeless. Or fish food at the bottom of an ocean." That could be one good reason why jihadists in Syria think it might be best not to fuck with the US. At least for now. The same would go for Russia and Putin, which might be why they won't mess with Russian bases. Which leads to my question: just how bad is this for Russia? Because in the few articles I have read, Putin and Russia (along with Iran) are named as the big losers. And Assad did end up in Russia. How could Putin let this happen? Is the perhaps obvious answer that Russian military forces were so focused on Ukraine that Putin simply had to lose in Syria? Which, if true, was no doubt part of the rebels' strategy. It is an interesting and unexpected outcome of standing up to Putin. The Ukraine war has certainly not helped the Ukrainians (or Russians) live and prosper. But it has helped them survive, and remain sovereign. It has not hurt the US in any measurable way to help Ukraine. I'd argue it helped the US, only in that it strengthened NATO. And it gave us at least neutral moral credibility. Meaning instead of invading Iraq for all kinds of bullshit reasons, and creating chaos in the region, this time we were actually helping a democracy that asked for our help to defend themselves. It's also consistent with my belief that the Russian Federation is well on its way to collapse, just like the Soviet Union did. The Soviet Union was of course way more powerful than Putin and his Genocide World. But he obviously can't keep it together. Meanwhile, US support for Ukraine is a blip on the US financial radar. And Trump will make Europe pay more of the bill. This actually is one of the better parts of Trump winning. It now seems clear that neither side in Ukraine can win a decisive victory - for now. I do think time is on the side of Ukraine. Just like time was on the side of the much weaker armies in Afghanistan, who defeated both the Soviet Union and the US. So Ukraine will be a cold cease fire, while Russia is allowed to fester. And Syria will NOT be another military adventure for either the US or Russia, hopefully. The rest of the world will probably appreciate that. The likely losers will be Syrians and Kurds, who will get slaughtered in jihadist and nationalist military campaigns. But after two decades of drama and failed invasions, no one is looking for a new Forever War.
  12. Which is what a cruel, pro-Genocide Jew like you would say. Here's a few of the Palestinian children war criminal Bibi The Baby Killer murdered, while he was trying hard not to kill them. Name a Democratic Senator who is not pro-Israel? If I had to name the most pro-Israel Democratic Senator, it would be Mike Johnson, the Jewish Senate Minority Leader who is in the strongest position to actually help Israel. Oh, wait. Johnson is a Christian and past kinda sorta Homo hater. I meant Chuck Schumer. Out of curiosity, I checked. There have been 39 Jewish US Senators. 31 Democrats, including my own mentor and heroic action figure, Paul Wellstone. And 8 Republicans. My heroic action figure is Paul Wellstone, who was a staunch defender of Israel, back when Barak was PM and Labor was seeking peace and Arafat was the deal breaker. Arafat was not a war criminal. But he was a stupid and weak and failed leader, who through his failures opened the door for war criminal Bibi The Baby Killer to take over. But now it is solely on Bibi The Baby that he is a chronic baby killer and war criminal. Paul was also a fervent defender of LGBTQ rights, back in the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" days. Your heroic action figure is Gay bashing Pete Hegseth. What does that tell us? You're a cruel and weak and unprincipled self-loathing Gay man. There are currently 10 Democratic Jewish Senators. There are currently 0 Republican Jewish Senators. What does that tell us? With the brief exception of Laphonza Butler, until she was replaced by Adam Schiff (another honest Jew Trump loves) my state California has continuously had at least one Jewish Democratic Senator since 1992. For most of that period we had two: DiFi and Barbara Boxer. ICC issues arrest warrants for Israeli PM Netanyahu and ex-defense minister Gallant over alleged war crimes in Gaza
  13. I normally just focus on boring charts and graphs and polls. I am not really a gossip girl. I leave that to my divine Sister In Cock. But I am getting really curious. First there was Don Jr. and Kimberly breaking up. And Trump making her ambassador. And now, right around the same time self-loathing Gay veteran @EmmetKruelty is proudly backing a Gay basher to run the military, our alcoholic womanizing action figure stops bashing Gays and women. At least until he is confirmed. Want to hear my theory? I think our alcoholic womanizing action figure has found wifey number four. Except they don't have to go through that whole cheating/alcoholism/pregnancy test/divorce thing. @EmmetKruelty would not be the first self-loathing Gay man to be fucked by a Straight alcoholic action figure while he is drunk. It gives our drunk action figure the submissive hole he needs, since fidelity is clearly not his thing. I doubt our self-loathing Trump fan boy would even need a drink. What more could you do for MAGA than volunteer to be molested by a drunk hunk Homo hater? It's not love. But it's close. No more stories about pregnancy tests and sexual harassment. Or maybe it really is just a Gay self-loathing veteran who has nothing better to do than spend hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of his useless time promoting a Homo hater. Hegseth does a 180 on women and gays in combat If @EmmetKruelty is really lucky, maybe Pete, who is maybe anti-Homo, will even do a 69 with him. But he'd probably have to be super drunk. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
  14. Should Trump, or @EmmetKruelty, ever be required to tell the truth? No, not really. It's a free country. Trump can, and does, say whatever he wants. ABC and Stephanopoulos to pay Trump $15M, apologize in defamation suit settlement The network and anchor will also cover $1M of Trump legal fees. I find that incredibly amusing. And I am elated that @EmmetKruelty has no doubt shot multiple loads of Kruelty Kum over it already. Although, in fairness, there is nothing cruel about telling the truth. Poor Georgey Boy and ABC can no doubt survive the payment. And the embarrassment of referring to "sexual abuse" and "defamation" as "rape". It is of course wildly ironic, since Trump is the biggest raper of the truth around. After his self-loathing fan and submissive fan boy, @EmmetKruelty, perhaps. It does piss me off that in 2021, when they had a chance, Democrats did not ask a jury to decide whether Trump was telling the truth when he called January 6th "a day of love". And if not what the legal consequences for Trump would be. Alas, as Roy Cohn taught us, self-loathing liars can have a nice run, when they just keep lying constantly. Too bad he's not around. Then @EmmetKruelty would not have to bother looking for respect from Gay bashers like Pete Hegseth. Oh, I forgot. Roy Cohn bashed Gays, too. There is one huge upside to this ruling. Trump is now on record as someone who demands the precise truth. We'll see how well he does living by his new standard.
  16. Wedding bells, perhaps? How did we go from Alvin Bragg to Nancy Mace? Perhaps you're trying to cover up your crush on anti-Homo Hegseth? It's okay. We're all Gay here. And most of us don't loath ourselves for it. But I should start another thread on that, if you just want to crush on Fetterman here. At least he sticks up for transgender kids, instead of bullying them like you do. Fetterman Rips Trump Ads: ‘It Doesn’t Make You a Man to Pick on Trans or Gay Kids’ Fetterman, unlike Hegseth, would definitely not drunk mercy fuck our cruel self-loathing action figure devotee. Fetterman doesn't like bullies, clearly. Hegseth probably doesn't, either. But he'll fuck anything.
  17. Trump is being lovey dovey lately. What is he getting at? Are @EmmetKruelty and anti-Homo Hegseth an emerging item? Stupider things have happened! We know one likes to fuck anything, and the other is an idolizing and submissive dolt for any Gay hater Trump promotes. Seems like a better match than Don Jr. and Kimberly were.
  18. Does @EmmetKruelty have a crush on Pete? Is he angling to be his fourth wife? I am beginning to wonder. In his NBC interview, Trump literally said he planned to "love" the people who voted against him. @EmmetKruelty comes here to attack Gays, lesbians, transgender kids, smelly black women, etc. etc. etc. So he ain't preaching love. But I wonder if Trump himself heard the rumors, and is giving @EmmetKruelty and Anti-Homo Hegseth a subtle but loving little nudge?
  19. True. Everyone makes mistakes. But he is not like a cruel self-loathing Gay man who spends hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of his useless time trashing Gays and lesbians and Blacks (and Palestinian women and children who are alive) while idolizing a Straight Gay-bashing alcoholic womanizer. Not that I am referring to anyone specific, of course. MAGA 2024 ALCOHOLIC WOMANIZING GAY-BASHING STRAIGHT ACTION HERO IS @EmmetKRUELTY IN LOVE?
  20. Self-loathing Gay poster @EmmetKruelty is a military veteran who adores Gay-bashing alcoholic womanizer Pete Hegseth. You can stop right there and pretty much know that @EmmetKruelty is four things: 1) Gay, 2) self-loathing, 3) cruel, and 4) stupid. For confirmation, you can read any number of stupid and fact-free posts that he spends hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of his useless time posting. How else is a self-loathing Gay man supposed to confirm his biases? Other than maybe hire a successful escort like me to mercy fuck him for pay and tell him what he wants to hear, no matter how stupid it is? But this is a great example of how we could only wish that Trump were really as cruel and stupid as @EmmetKruelty. Because then Harris would have won. Given Trump's stunning 49.9 % "mandate" in a year when most incumbent national leaders all over the globe were toast (except working class hero AMLO in Mexico), it would not have taken a whole lot more cruelty or stupidity for Trump to lose. Now @EmmetK is stupidly thinking Fetterman is on the Trump train. Can someone please mercy fuck @EmmetKruelty, to maybe shake a lick of sense into him? I would not want to be near this toxic mess of a man. Fetterman is clearly running for re-election, as a Democrat. He has authentic Independent cred in a way Bob Casey did not. So he is telling the majority of voters in Pennsylvania what they want to hear. And note that Fetterman only says Trump's" hush money" case, which is a done deal, should be pardoned. Who cares? Fetterman is not endorsing the spirit or bloodshed or broken bones of Trump's Jubilant Patriotic Cop Beating. I would go much further than Fetterman in trashing Democrats. And I am hardly on the cruelty train. It was a massive fuckup for Democrats to let the judicial cases play out this way. I think the proof of the pudding is that, even after Trump was elected, something like 55 % of Americans still want a jury to decide about Trump and Jan. 6th. Most Americans, and a big slice of Republicans, still believe Jan. 6th was about Trump's inner fascist. If Trump stupidly goes after Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger or Nancy Pelosi as "war criminals" (not for the Iraq War, or supporting war criminal Bibi The Baby Killer, but for defending cops and The Constitution?) he will just dig himself deeper into his self-created hole. Democrats should have made Jan. 6th their top legal priority. Which Pelosi did. And it worked. That is one reason why Democrats avoided a red wave in 2022. But Biden could not tell Merrick Garland what to do. The Jan. 6th case should have been a top priority, and should have been tried first. Stopping a felon loser President from stealing an election after he sends a mob to beat up cops is not "lawfare". Democrats let it become "lawfare" by instead letting the first case up be about Trump's small ball grift. He is still a felon. And it is still a verdict by a jury of his peers. But it was one of a handful of massive political errors in judgment. Like Biden deciding to run again, and his laxness on immigration, and his pushing "Bidenomics" when he should have been pushing patriotic class warfare against rich fat cats like AMLO did in Mexico, very effectively. @EmmetKruelty, who wishes some Straight GI Joe like Pete Hegseth would love him and respect him, is just a self-loathing Gay man who understands none of this. He does not understand that MAGA dolts like him may actually set up Joni Ernst to lose in 2026. That is a long shot, given how Democrats had a fleeting hope in Iowa thanks to Ann Selzer, which turned out to be a polling error. But the two most winnable Senate seats held by Republicans in 2026 are Maine and North Carolina. Then the next two would be Iowa and Texas. So it would take a massive reaction against MAGA, bigger than 2018, to turn Texas and Iowa against Trump. @EmmetKruelty ain't holding his breath, other than maybe in hopes that some straight married horndog like Pete Hegseth will drunk mercy fuck him. But he is cheerleading exactly the kind of stupid shit - like appoint a drunk womanizing incompetent to run DoD - that Ernst and Cornyn know is a problem they don't need in 2026, when they plan to get elected again. How can one Gay man be so cruel, so stupid, and so self-loathing? And so helpful to Democrats, if Trump would only listen to him?
  21. Haven't we been here and done this before? Like when all those working class MAGA people who said Trump would never cut their Obamacare suddenly turned against him when he almost cut their Obamacare? Isn't that why Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats crushed Republicans in 2018? I do think there is an interesting and crucial point to be made. And it is a bit premature. Because the people who slice and dice the votes and match them to voter files have not done their job yet. But based on approval ratings, I think it's probably true that Donald Trump won the Presidency because young people who have no idea why he failed as POTUS the first time around voted for him. Everyone else still views him unfavorably. I think we have to also add a small and decisive slice of mostly younger men, guys who could have legally voted in 2020 but instead just liked the Nelk Boys, who Trump - to his credit - was smart enough to pay attention to and swoon to his side in 2024. If this is true, only one of two things can happen. Most likely, Trump fails again. Because the small group of younger voters who were going through puberty during the Obamacare battles, and didn't know he is an asshole and incompetent 24/7, will now figure it out. Or, alternatively, maybe Trump will moderate and become more competent. The Mark Halperin/Sean Spicer theory (on their 2way podcast) is that Trump wants to be on Mount Rushmore. So he will moderate and do what it takes to actually win the center. I ain't holding my breath. I think he is simply an incompetent blowhard who is a bad leader. And age is not making him wiser. Just older. This helps explain why people still believe him. Of course, slightly over half the country clearly does not believe Trump. So he only got 49.9 % of the vote in his so-called "mandate". Elon Musk believes Trump when he says he will cut Musk's taxes. And probably deregulate crypto so that Musk can maybe figure out some new and even more toxic thing like subprime mortgage derivatives that will blow up the financial system. But that's not what low info voters who are pissed about inflation are thinking about. And lots of MAGA blowhards believe Trump when he says he will just blow things up. Who cares if he blows up the Dept. of Veterans Affairs? Well, maybe veterans. Who cares if Trump blows up health care? Well, maybe people on Obamacare. So some part of this has to be the idea that people who really should know better, just don't. Is that hard to believe, when @EmmetKruelty, a Gay military veteran, idolizes action figure Pete Hegseth, a bigoted womanizer who trashes Gays in the military? @EmmetKruelty is a cruel, stupid, and self-loathing Gay man. Any of those three adjectives explain why a Gay military veteran idolizes a Gay-bashing womanizing alcoholic who is unqualified to run the military. Go figure. There are clearly millions of people who voted for Trump mostly because they don't like Biden and inflation. As you noted, @Goober, saying he would lower grocery costs was enough. It is actually kind of logical, if you are a low information voter. Prices did go up a lot under Biden. Why not roll the dice and try Plan B? Trump himself stated in his NBC interview he won for two reasons: grocery prices, and the border. Trump may be a failed loser and felon. But he ain't stupid. I think the biggest nail in Trump's coffin, as far as his wish to be a successful or even great President the second time around, is the fact that he could only win by convincing people who know nothing about his failed leadership to vote for him: Trump approval: Age 65+ (Boomers): 46 % approve, 52 % disapprove 45- 64 (Gen X): 49 % approve, 48 % disapprove 30-44 (Millennials): 44 % approval, 48 % disapproval under 30 (Zoomers): 52 % approval, 40 % disapproval As Trump himself noted in his NBC interview, his support among young voters is kind of amazing for a Republican. And, again, these are approval ratings after Trump won. Not how people voted. But anybody who is over 30 remembers Trump 1.0. A Zoomer was is 18 in Nov. 2024 was 10 when Trump was first elected. And about 11 when the Obamacare wars happened. So of course it's easy for them to believe that Biden and Harris sucked on rent and gas and grocery prices, compared to some guy who was POTUS when they were 11. And even if they were 18 in 2016, and know Trump was obnoxious, they are more concerned about their rent than Trump's obnoxious behavior. The big problem for Trump is this: how likely is it he will lower rent, or be less obnoxious? Even if Trump does not let Musk blow up the economy with crypto the way W. let Wall Street blow up the economy with subprime mortgage derivatives in 2008, rent ain't gonna go down. And Trump will probably just look old and obnoxious. So just like in 2016 the seeds of Trump's wipeout are built into his narrow victory. The slightly surprising thing to me in that approval chart above is that even people 45-64, basically Gen Xers, barely approve of Trump, 49/48. I know this well, anecdotally. I have an affluent white niece who is a typical corporate conservative, and actually likes the blowhard rhetoric. My corporate Independent Gen X nephew, who has thought of running for Congress but knows he is too moderate to win either a D or R primary, probably held his nose and voted for Trump. I'll find out when I visit him soon. He'd much rather vote for a Mitt Romney or Andy Beshear. He has conservative views on taxes and tariffs. But even these smart Gen X types, who grew up under Reagan and are right-of-center and mostly White and affluent, don't really like Trump all that much. People I deeply admire, like Ruy Teixeira, are saying Democrats should be freaking out and changing course because Biden only got something like 55 % of the Latino vote. I agree. That said, Jimmy Carter also only got 55 % of the Latino vote in 1980. Which until Harris was an all time low. So is this a realignment? Or is this just what one should expect in any election where working class Latinos, and young guys who laugh at the Nelk Boys, are pissed about rent and gas prices? People in my family tend to be good at math. "Regression to the mean" suggests that when the focus is off Biden and inflation and on Trump for not lowering rent or grocery prices and probably doing all kinds of other crazy shit, Latinos and young voters will shift back to the mean. Meaning a Democrat, who almost won in 2024, could win in 2028. I'm not saying that Democrat is Harris. I am saying she had a huge global deck stacked against her, and she lost much more narrowly to Trump than Trump lost to Biden in 2020. We'll find out soon enough. But I don't think any of this is good news for Trump. Any more than it was when he barely won in 2016. The thing I find amusing about reading a few of @EmmetKruelty's posts is that he pretty much is the poster child for all the reasons Trump will fail. Just lots of cruel, stupid shit based on a mountain of lies and venom.
  22. Well, not really. But since 100 % of @EmmetKruelty's posts are loaded with MAGA propaganda and lies, and big doses of cruelty, I figured I could fib a little. What's actually interesting is that moderate Trump made an appearance for most, but not all, of the interview. Which is no doubt why Team Trump agreed to an NBC interview. There is always the question about whether any of Trump's olive branches are real. But he extended more than one, rhetorically. And on policy. If Trump is smart, he'll have mass murderer Tom Homan stop talking about illegally deporting American children, and instead talk about bipartisan immigration reform and helping Dreamers who have lived in America for decades. In this interview, he kind of does. And he focuses on what he knows Democratic Governors and Mayors will help him do: get rid of fentanyl, murderers and rapists illegally in the US. The most interesting thing to me is that from 36:00 to 37:00 Trump himself identifies two reasons - and only two - he won the election: "groceries", and the border. He gets it. Even if @EmmetKruelty doesn't. We've now endured weeks of @EmmetKruelty's posts about smelly Black women, Latino lesbians, two Asians, three transgender kids, and dismissal and contempt for LGBTQ priorities. He's spent hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of his useless time explicating 5 million reasons why Trump won, and the victor gets all the spoils. To be blunt, @EmmetKruelty is as stupid as he is self-loathing. I wish Trump were as cruel and stupid as @EmmetKruelty. If he followed @EmmetKruelty's campaign strategy, Kamala Harris would be President. Trump himself knows that, like all over the world, it was the inflation, stupid. All @EmmetKruelty can do, other than have nothing better to do, is expose his self-loathing and cruelty. And give us hints of how Trump may fail again by going too far. I'm with Mark Halperin, whose 2way podcast remains interesting even though the election is over. He has known and covered Trump since 2011. His theory is that Trump, having a huge ego, will want to go down in history as a great and consequential President. Halperin argues that Trump knows that to do that he'll have to moderate. Rather than just keep throwing red meat to the cruel and stupid wing of MAGA, to keep @EmmetKruelty happy and win 49.9 % of the vote. Trump lays out glimpses of how he will do that here. But he also has to know that 25 % tariffs are not going to lower prices on "groceries". And tax breaks to Elon Musk and oil company CEOs won't help Latino working class families the way Biden's child tax credits did. Poor @EmmetKruelty. Trump has already left him behind. And is trying to figure out how to win the center, while @EmmetKruelty dishes out bile against lesbians, smelly Black women, transgender children, and being Gay. Well, at least our self-loathing Gay poster can still rant like an alcoholic Pete Hegseth. Oh, that's right. How do we break it to poor cruel @EmmetKruelty? Even his action figure hero has had to moderate and be less cruel. Damn! Hegseth backtracks on criticism of gays in the military Trump's pick for Defense secretary has called policies allowing gay and transgender troops into the military a “Marxist agenda.”
  23. No one ever said that @EmmetKruelty wasn't every bit as stupid as he is cruel. This is exactly what any non-self loathing Gay Democrat like me would hope for. Let the cruelty and hatred wing of MAGA, which @EmmetKruelty is the poster child of, rip Joni Ernst apart. Better yet, primary her and put @EmmetKruelty on the ballot. Let him run on his so-called cruelty mandate and see what happens. MAGA 2024 WE DON'T WANT MODERATION WE WANT EXTREMISM, AND INCOMPETENCE FUCK WOMEN WHO ARE VICTIMS OF SEXUAL HARRASSMENT
  24. Do you also love the fact that Homan got lots of innocent young people in blue states and cities killed by failing to control the borders against fentanyl? When Homan is tried for murder, will you love attending his trial and possible legal execution? Or is it only mass murder by drug overdose in blue cities or against Palestinians that gets you off? How many hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours will you spend posting cruelty and hate fantasies today? How much Kruelty Kum will you ejaculate doing so?
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