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Everything posted by demedici

  1. This is an interesting question - let me try to give my perspective. Let's say money is not the driving factor because after the flight, the hotel, eating out, a case could be made for staying home and looking around rb or romeo. For me it is not that the European Brazilian is a rare breed in terms of color, it is that you get a uniquely Brazilian blend of masculinity and accessibility that is much harder - though admittedly not impossible - to find in the U.S. or Europe. In the U.S. the rentboys come in all shapes and colors too, but the demeanor of many rentboys tends towards the gay edge of the spectrum, at least in terms of how they self-identify. This is a stereotype frought with all the dangers and problems that come with stereotypes, I realize that. But, in Brazil, you are often laying down or standing up or kneeling or straddling a guy who thinks and for all intents and purposes is straight. There is a stolen fantasy quality to this that is hard to repeat elsewhere. You get the sense that you are with a man who, for a season, based on need or expediency, is willing to have sex with other men. But he plans on returning to his other life and you get a chance to screw around a bit before he does. I sometimes think of it as the secret straight crush that you spotted at the gym, in the shower, and in this case, you can follow through for not a lot of money or trouble. The second thing that is rather normal in Brazil and tougher to find in the U.S. is an absolute lack of judgement. What I mean here is that Brazilians care a lot how they are treated, spoken to. But how you look, how old you are, the extra pounds, they don't matter. You could be Cristiano Ronaldo or John Goodman - they treat you exactly the same and ask for the same R$. In Brazil, what you look like is not an issue. While this is also true of MANY rentboys in the U.S., in my limited experience, it is frankly much more so in Brazil. So, mix the reasonable prices, the abundance of options, the fantasy of sex with a straight guy, and remove judgement over size, age, wrinkles and hair - frankly whatever your race preference might be - it is probably better in Brazil than in many other places. Ceertainly better than in LA.
  2. tomcal, I know the muscle guy you mentioned above. I met him in SP a year ago. incredible time, fantastic guy. handsome as can be. for those who tend to bottom, a dream come true.
  3. I might have an opinion that someone is a giant pain in the ass or a fucked up douche that marinates nightly in his own piss. I certainly have a right to that opinion. But that right does not translate to bring correct, polite or even something worth stating. We have lots of rights, also responsibilities. One of these is to do our best to be civil and respectful in as much as possible. When someone says their favorite pizza is pepperoni hardly seems like the time to belittle their personal preferences. Especially when their opinions in no way limit my options.
  4. http://porn.im.adffb300.7570028.x.xvideos.com/videos/3gp/0/d/d/xvideos.com_0dd78fec2ad11641dcdb33fb591cd3c2.mp4?e=1429304514&ri=1024&rs=85&h=23b43b49d0b06c08f624bee4d9aec51e or the video. it would be great if he were still for hire, assuming he ever was. he certainly is good looking and, well, you'll see the rest.
  5. I once met Henrique in the 117 video room - always my favorite room in the sauna. It is generally full of guys trying to prove which one deserves to be hired - based on hardness, length, the sound their cock slapping their open hand makes. If you sit down quietly in a corner of the room, inevitably they come to you, one at a time. They will often pull your hand onto their unit, it is always warm, always soft, and almost always rock solid. If it isn't they promise it will be and that it will be bigger still. I sometimes would laugh, as most of them insist they are tops only, you hesitate to argue with them because even if you win the argument, it may not be the easiest time up in the room if they are not accustomed or interested in bottoming. And going up to the room with one of these man-shaped horses is also daunting to imagine.I had to laugh. There I was, some strange young man's smile in my face, his dick in my hand, my fingers barely able to circle the damn thing. "it will feel good," he says. "It will hurt," I reply. I think I am the more reasonable one. "No, we'll go slow (devagar). it will feel good," they promise. Henrique was this way. I had already bottomed once that night so I thought it might be possible. But this is not something you would enter into lightly. It felt heavy, thick, like some dildo at an adult store that you would NEVER buy because it is ridiculously too big. But unlike a dildo it was live.The pictures in the link below lack a proper point of reference as he is about 240lbs and at least 6' tall. His dick is at least 9" and who knows how big a round. All I know is I felt it for two full weeks after. He took my hand, wrapped it around his dick, though my fingers did not close, and stroked himslef with it. It was the most mechanical and yet somehow one of the most memorable programas ever for me. He could not have cared less about me. Once upstairs, he pushed my face into his huge tits and had me lick his nipples. This excited him. When he was ready, he told me to get on all four. True to his word, he took it slow, but there was no going in easy. I am not into fisting or other more extreme games, but I imagine this is what it must feel like. stretched, open, hurting but never wanting it to stop. This was several years back, before he had surgery to his liver which left a noticeable scar down his belly. His steroid use has been aggressive to say the least. I doubt I would seek him out now, but I agree with Badboy, you never know what you will find. http://feiradeboys.blogspot.ae/2013/10/comecando-com-toda-forca-henrique-do.html?zx=23f7659fd1970476
  6. About four years ago I went to Fortaleza. It remains one of my favorite memories of Brazil. The beaches are huge and warm, but there is a non stop breeze that just wraps you up in a clean, free feeling. I loved it. While there I went to what I think is the best sauna in Brazil, facility-wise that I have visited, the Dragon Club. The garotos were great, if not numerous, but overall an experience I will build on soon with a return trip.
  7. and while we are asking lots of questions - did you happen to look at the other side of him while you were topping or were you busy? Just curious.
  8. Much better heh? Like whom? This is one where it would be nice if you kiss and told.
  9. I am thinking about seeing him on my next trip - he says he's versatile - did you find him to be, as they say in Brasil, participative?
  10. wow. tomcal. wow. sometimes I wish I could do a remote vulcan mind meld and see all that tomcal has seen.
  11. At the risk of agreeing with Anhedonius, I was not impressed with sweets in Brazil in general, but that is not to say there are not some fantastic bakeries and restaurants all over Rio and SP that are world class. One of my favorites in Jardim Botanico is Escola do Pao, sadly it is not Escola de Pau, that would be even AWESOMER. Amazing weekend brunch, tons of fresh baked breads...really good food. thanks for the report on Guerin ihp, I will definitely be checking it out on my next trip to Rio.
  12. pauleiro, I was able to see the links by logging into gayromeo first, leaving that window open, then clicking on them.
  13. Thanks Oz and Axiom.
  14. I am traveling to Sao Paulo and wondered if anyone had suggestions on a hotel where guests would not be bothered much, but where the hotel was still nice enough. Something along the lines of a Marriott or Sheraton here, nothing uber fancy. I was also wondering if anyone (Tom?) had recommendations on recent good overnight guests...especially those that deliver larger packages. I found a blog called cambiodeboys.blogspot.com which portends to offer escort reviews. While the reviews there are good and very detailed, there are just a handful of them. I will be going there in late May. Thanks
  15. Tomcal, what was the guy's name - the average joe sex guru?
  16. Anyone ever visit this sauna in Sao Paulo? Does it have garotos de programa? I had never heard of it until just a couple days ago when I was researching an upcoming trip to SP/Rio. There is a great ad for it: http://vimeo.com/54772344 I assume those guys in the ad are always at the sauna/hotel.
  17. After seeing him a couple of times in the saunas in Rio, I did several longer sessions with a garoto who was married and had a kid. His wife knew what he did, and was ok with it as long as he did not do programas with women. Men were not a threat to her. In fact, one time in the afterglow, I mentioned to him that sometimes it was tough to let the tree in the door because part of it was wholly disproprotionate to the rest of the trunk. He laughed and said his wife complained about the same thing. A couple weeks later he told me that he had shared my complaint (just to clarify, it was NOT a complaint) with her and she agreed completely. She told him, "see, I told you, THAT is a needless exaggeration. It is just too thick." Where in the world, I wondered, would a john and a wife knowingly agree on the challenges of welcoming a particular man's tree?
  18. What might cause a model's profile to completely disappear? Are they very strict over at F4F on conduct? I know they have a no fruit and no fists policy, but what else might get someone disappeared from one minute to the next?
  19. I went there with a garoto once. I think BH is a hidden gem when it comes to hot men and sauna Olympus could be the reason I can never retire. My garoto owned a car and we agreed for a price that would include his services as a guide and whatever else struck my fancy. It was well worth the trip and afterwards he struck my fancy three times before he left my hotel.
  20. Trzinko, My favorite of the Salvador saunas was sauna fox. It is small, upscale and very relaxed. There were usually between 10 and 15 working boys at a time, more on weekends, but they were always pretty amazing. They have a great patio area downstairs and a nice steam sauna upstairs. They have a couple room options, but the best by far is the downstairs suite. I had good times there with a couple of young capoeira artists. The main downside to this sauna is the distance. It can cost 40r from barra. Have fun and good luck.
  21. someone once said, I wonder if any rentboys ever discovered this jedi mind trick and used it to their advantage with clients that seemed to be particularly smitten. All I know is that if Brazilian men did not kiss and they were not as masculine as they are, wtf would be the point of such a long plane ride twice a year? caipirinhas? I can get thse at the regal beagle down the block.
  22. I've been to Lagoa about five times and those were happy times. The Rio guys are warmer, but Lagoa will always have at least a couple of fantasy types that can literally be found on magazine covers. One time, I was headed upstairs with a 20 year old, very good looking garoto and when we walked over to the desk to get a key, he pointed to a picture on a large bulletin board full of covers and photo spreads and he said, "look, that's me." it was, and he looked better in person. It is true they tend to have more attitude. As a client, don't expect to be pursued. Many of the boys expect that if you are interested, you will let them know. That said, there are always gems there. I have lots of great memories. On price, in my experience, the guys there charge R$100 or so in most cases. I fought it at first, but eventually realized prices were just higher in Sao Paolo. By the way, one option you might not consider at first is Belo Horizonte. There are several saunas there and you can even take a night bus from Rio. I think it takes seven hours on a comfortable recliner seat. I never did it, but friends recommended it highly. My favorite sauna in BH by far is Olimpo. There is something in the water in Minas that makes for great men. If you are there for more than one night, you may run into Apolo, hire him at once if you do. My body still twitches when i think of him. Prices there remain R$50 and that sauna is among the best in Brazil in terms of facilities. From Belo you can easily schedule day trips to tiradentes or Ouro Preto to vary things a bit.
  23. I have seen the shirtless firemen and soldiers jogging around the aterro, and near the museum of modern art, but I wouldn't have the first clue how to start that conversation. This is why some of us have great stories to tell and others only read. Thanks for the great tales pauleiro!
  24. Lagoa advertises that it is open from 2pm-12am. Does anyone have daytime experience there? I normally go later in the evenings but this time I will only have a few hours in the afternoon. any advice or recent reports?
  25. I know that Caio - he's from Providencia and works as a baker's assistant in some bakery downtown. It is always funny what garotos will say from one client to the next. with me, he said he never ever bottomed and that he had only just begun to work at the sauna. Yeah, right. Luckily I was not interested in him bottoming, so it all worked out. He was terrific. I agree with you there.
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