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Everything posted by lookin

  1. Honestly! In these days of rampant cost-cutting, you just never know when you’ll run into a pinchpenny operation without the necessary amenities. Even though my venues are more modest and my needs are few, I always remember to pack an extra fly strip or two.
  2. Khajurajo
  3. Well, you're sure good at it! I've never been able to manage even simple changes in Photoshop. Not only do you get elements to merge and colors to match, but you also create pictures without artifacts and without anything that looks out of proportion or phony. Not easy to do. Grateful you're willing to take the time and share the talent!
  4. The suspense is killing me! OZ and Daddy, my favorite pair of suspenders! Good Heavens, we have a tie!
  5. I'm not going to do it That's all there is to it Oops! I've done it again
  6. Really sorry to hear the backstory, AdamSmith, but thanks for letting us know. All I knew was that there was an empty hat where a rabbit used to be. And not just any rabbit, but one who could pull himself out of the hat. You're definitely missed and I hope you won't mind the odd* fan who shadows you over here. * In all senses of the word: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/odd
  7. lookin

    The Organ

    At long last, AdamSmith finishes prototyping the FartMaster 2000 The Power Bellows and hydrogen sulfide will arrive in the morning
  8. It's got a good beat and you can dance to it
  9. Who needs a hundred songs? Two hundred if you count the B sides I don't even like music I wish I had a quarter
  10. lookin


    Watson's not playing games any more, and now he means business! Just ask the thirty-four workers who lost their jobs at Japan's Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance. The company figures Watson can calculate payouts as well as they can, and will pay for himself in two years. Even though he'll cost $1.7 million to install, and $128 thousand a year to maintain, he'll be saving the company a million dollars a year in salaries. I've often wondered if I'm talking to a robot at my insurance company, and I guess I won't be wondering much longer.
  11. No, this is a hookah bar, not a hooker bar
  12. One time the polls will come in handy, in my opinion, is on election day itself when Trump loses and says it’s because the election was rigged. And you just know the R-word will be the first one out of his oval orifice. If he’s ahead in the polls and he loses, he’ll have at least some credibility. But if he’s behind in the polls and he loses, it will be just one more instance of denial without any foundation.
  13. Never mind where I got the idea! From now on, we're doing preemptive quotes.
  14. There was a terrific Frontline program on last night called The Choice 2016 with profiles of Clinton and Trump. One of the things I was aware of, but hadn't fully appreciated, was the influence Roy Cohn had on the Donald Trump we see today. http://www.pbs.org/video/2365848966/ Trump hired Cohn to defend him and his father against pair's anti-Black rental policies. Apparently, one of the first questions Trump asked Cohn was whether or not he should settle. Cohn's response was immediate and emphatic. He said that Trump should never settle, should never admit guilt, and should come out punching in all directions and as hard as he could. It didn't matter what he hit with, as long as he kept hitting. His opponents would eventually give up. Trump took that advice, including denial even in the face of proof and, as far as I know, has followed that policy to this day. Cohn's influence on Trump was remarkably long-lasting. Trump retained Cohn until Cohn's death and kept a particularly frightening picture of Cohn in his desk drawer. He would pull it out and show it to those who opposed him in any of his "deals" and said that's who they would be dealing with in court.
  15. That's true for me also and why most of my hires have usually been for an hour or two, with only the merest pleasantries exchanged. Just as you say, it's personality shortfalls, rather than physical shortfalls, that will take the bloom right off the rose.
  16. Far be it from me to tell someone else who he or she finds attractive. But, for me, the snag with locking in, or locking out, an entire ethnic group is the nearly infinite variety within groups. As soon as I say, “I don’t like ____s”, along comes a ____ that knocks my socks off. I think that folks who do lock out entire groups are likely putting an artificial limit on partners who would show them a good time. And that’s fine, as it leaves more for me. Also worth noting is that, as the years go by, my preferences have become more eclectic. A couple of years ago, an acquaintance asked me for my preferred type. I hadn’t thought about it for years and, when I did, I was unable to give him a type. He couldn’t believe it, and kept pressing me. He said I must have a favorite type. I had to go back to my teens and tell him that, at one time, it was blue-eyed blonds. But, today, I have a slight preference for brown eyes and brown hair. Though, honestly, if other attributes are present, eye color has little bearing on how attractive I find the guy. If I had one last tryst to look forward to, and one type to choose, it would likely be someone of an ethnicity so mixed that I couldn’t put my finger on it. So to speak.
  17. "The expected conduct standard for the BoyToy forums is the same as that observed everyday in society by adults in our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. It is based on straightforward mature behavior, civility and courtesy that you find in a neighborhood Pub or Tavern where neighbors and acquaintances joined by occasional strangers come together to socialize in good temper, to share conversation, and to hoist, in moderation, a glass of favorite beer or wine or a cup of coffee or tea. These forums are NOT presented for abusive arguing and name calling, score settling, thread stalking, or general cyberspace blood sport for the chronically bored."
  18. Next up is my Scarborough Fair Smoothie with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Can't promise I'll be able to pick it up but, with luck, I can still bend over.
  19. That's where Costco comes in handy. The power greens are in one bag, carrots in another, tomatoes in a box, and each is about four bucks. The combo lasts about two weeks, which is as often as I go to Costco. Even then, as you say, you can start to feel like a greengrocer. Glad to hear that the energy boost wasn't just a figment of my imagination. I look forward to trying some of your enhancements. Come here, Parsley-breath!
  20. After several years of dwindling drive, I was surprised to find a reliable resurgence of randiness with not a single new pill added to the arsenal. As someone who hates spending more than ten minutes a day cooking for myself, it had long been a nagging concern that I was not getting very good nutrition, let alone the recommended three servings a day of veggies and two servings of fruit that I knew I should be getting. It finally occurred to me that a power blender might be the answer as, within five minutes, I could create a smoothie that would give me everything the FDA wanted me to have. So I got this blender: Every day, I started throwing in a big fistful of power greens (spinach, kale, chard), another fistful of baby carrots, a tomato, a handful of frozen berries, a scoop of high-quality protein powder, and enough water to make a shake-like consistency. Hitting the “smoothie” button produced, in less than a minute, a decent-tasting drink that took care of all the nutritional good stuff that had been missing from my diet. I then felt free to eat whatever else I felt like during the day, knowing that the basics were taken care of. I got everything I needed at Costco: blender, veggies, fruit, and protein powder. To my surprise, my sex drive returned, along with just enough priapism to make it actionable. After several months, owing to a hiatus from Costco, I stopped the daily drink and away went the sex drive. Back to Costco, and back came the sex drive. I’ve since done it enough times to know that, for me, this nutritional boost is a reliable way to get the nether regions working almost as in days of yore. I don’t know if it’s the fruit and veggies, the protein, or all of the above that make the difference, as I always throw everything in together. But I do know the combo delivers reliable results. I also get a general boost of energy with this blend, which started out being mildly irritating as I now have no excuse for not doing the things I don’t feel like doing. Worth noting that, unlike a juicer, the power blender retains all the fiber. My glucose numbers go down when I'm on this regimen, and my doctor told me that fiber is most likely the reason why. Anyhoo, wanted to share this experience with folks who have likewise been meaning to improve their nutrition and were looking for an easy way to do it.
  21. Personally, I think OZ does a great job of moderating, starting with his longstanding request for posters to try to moderate themselves. He's always been clear that he doesn't want to spend his every waking hour herding cats. Earlier in this thread, he even went so far as to invite some of us Board members to become moderators ourselves, including yours truly. As I had recently had my head examined, I was unable to take him up on his kind offer. If I were a moderator, I'm sure I'd have a lot less patience than OZ has shown recently. Thirty-day timeouts would flow liberally, like April showers, and the third strike would be the last. I'd also ask the programmers to automate part of the process. Fr'instance, I'd ask them to allow everyone to make one final post in a Sandbox thread, and I'd ask them to limit it to a thousand characters. After that, your post button would stop working. Most of all, as OZ has done, I'd shift the responsibility to us posters to make sure we stay within the lines. There are no dummies here, and anyone who wants to be a valued member of the community has the moxie to do so. Anyhoo, that's my take and, rather than ask OZ to do more in the way of moderating, I'd suggest asking him to do less. With all the hours that are freed up, perhaps he could go to work on some kind of a Daily Fantasy Forum.
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