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  1. And what other major politician on the scene today thinks otherwise?
  2. What other nominated presidental candidate have you ever heard mention gays in his speeches, as Obama often does when he talks of bridging the gap between "blacks and whites, gays and straights" etc.? The only reason I can think of that a gay man would not support Obama is that he is a self loathing closet case, or from the south or Apppalachia.........OR he's rich as hell, and doesn't want to pay the piper for his ill gotten gains during the favorable-to -the -wealthy- only years of Republican power.
  3. redryder

    NC Anyone!

    And who are we talking about?
  4. As a life-long liberal,I didn't think it was possible, but I may be close to joining the ranks of the Hillary- haters out there. Neutral at the beginning of the race in Jan., I was equally impressed by both candidates, but have found Ms. Clinton become more and more grating, abrasive, smug, and nakedly ambitious. It is now clear that she would rather trash the Democratic party than give up her chance at the presidency. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania appears unlikely to provide any clarity. I'm afraid latent racism (see above) will keep Obama 8-10 points behind Clinton, and this whole sorry mess will just keep on until the party self-destructs in Denver, giving McCain a real chance to keep on churning out the same old Bush policies for another 4-8 years by which time there wont be much of a country around for the Dems to save in the future.
  5. Whatever, I hope someone here comes up with some cuurrent info about Jordann.....maybe it's ME doing all the clicking!
  6. I am frankly astounded at the sympathy being shown to the Rev. Haggard ( where do they come up with these Dickenisan names?) not only here but on the other board as well. Somehow I doubt that Mike Jones action will stimulate a rush of tell-all confessions by escorts who if they have a brain in their heads know how their bread is buttered. I think this is a unique case where the political stakes are very high in Colorado. You may remember Co. Springs where Haggard is from as the birthplace of the infamous Amendment 2 which sought to restrict gay anti-discrimination statutes in various liberal CO. towns like Boulder and Denver. That was fortunately overturned by the Co supreme courts, but the battle goes on as I mentioned in my previous post. The leadership for these anti-gay proposals spring from churches such as Haggard leads. Jones claims that his only motivation in exposing Mr. Haggard is to influence the outcomes of these initiatives. One can fairly debate whether this will ultimately have a positive or negative effect politically, but given the exposure that Jones has opened himself up to, I think his act was quite a brave one. And for those of you who still feel sorry for the Rev, you might want to view this clip from YouTube:
  7. http://www.9news.com/acm_news.aspx?OSGNAME...47-c589c01ca7bf Don't cha just love it? Despite the fact that I am a Denver man, I never met or hired the escort in question....a bit out of my age range....but that didn't stop one of America's best known mega-preachers from using his.....ummmmmm.....services. Once a month for three years?????? Maybe I shouldn't be so picky about age............... Unfortunately, despite Mr. Jones' last minute efforts, I don't think it will have much effect on the two "gay" issues on the ballot here Tuesday......one allowing legal domestic partnerships, the other banning gay marriage constitutionally. The former is fading in the polls while the latter has a stong yes majority. I kinda wish he had waited till after the election just to punish the bastards......
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