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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. I was "out" at a very early age(I was 17 when I publicly came- and this was in the late 70's) I had been out to close friends and family for a few years before that) in a rather small town in NorCal. I was pretty much alone except for a couple of teachers who counseled and consoled me. Today I was in a Starbucks in this town and there were three young Gay boys (this Starbucks is across from the newish High School) were chatting rather campily when this very "straight"appearing Jock entered and joined them-holding the hand of one of the other boys. I had to sit in the car for a moment till the tears of joy dried so I could drive safely. All of the Gay Pride marches and rallies. all of the National Coming Out days, All of the "Visibility" events lead up to this. That two young fellas can feel free to hold hands in a public place in a small town if they feel like dong so. Part of my coming out publicly was a dramatic (SURPRISE!!!! ) reading of this piece by Armistead Maupin in my High School Speech class. http://www.sfgate.com/.../article/LETTER-TO-MAMA-2714157.php
  2. Just lovely! A few of the boys I ran into at Wild Boys and Escape spoke no English whatsoever! Both were 18 and absolutely lovely.We found a translator who was willing to act as BIG brother!
  3. As Jkane mentioned above- prostitution is NOT legal in Clark county. Entrapment(both the boys and the johns) by the LVPD is still a very real everyday thing in Las Vegas. ""Getting ripped off by boy toys is almost unheard of in the City of Sin – because the police do everything in their power to make sure nobody bothers the tourists." =the total opposite of reality "but I don't know of any with lap dances" Share has lap dances. It is the only club right now that is gay owned that actually regularly has go go boys that are happy to keep you company. Please note that this is NOT Montreal so don't expect Hanky Panky in the (not at all private)private rooms
  4. And free breakfast buffet that is staffed by boys that could be Bel Ami models!
  5. Well here is one juicy detail,,,apparently the owner or managerr of Wild Boys is an idiotic Drama Queen who fired all of his cute talent the night before,realized his mistake, and texted them all the next morning begging them to come back! Too Late! They were all dancing at Escape tonight! We hit up Temple first and it was not pretty! We then headed to Wild Boys where there were no cute boys at all- just a lot of really ugly/crazy/high fellas. We then went to Escape where there were 12 hot guys and one ugly one.Real beauties as well as studs! I kept company with a stud named Gabriel while my friend did the same with an 18 year old beauty named Justin-who we had met a few nights before at Wild boys. A good time was had by all and I have gone through my budget for Prague. I might have to walk to the airport tomorrow
  6. As long as the boy is not sketchy you should be just fine
  7. Another night another wild party! This time we went to the newly remodeled Escape since it is right around the corner of our hotel (The Radisson) and it was WONDERFUL! So many cute fellas! So another night another wild party! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pikcQxO1e0g
  8. Wild Boys is WONDERFUL! Thanks for this Paulrio
  9. Yes I am now in Prague Checked out Wild Boys last night, It is wonderful! Thanks to PaulRio for the suggestion and the tip about it being almost right accross from the subway station. I will post a more detailed report later.
  10. I explored the three listed Bars with Boys last night and two of them (Blu Boy and Tabasco) were pretty grim and the third (Touch) was closed. It could have been that it was a Monday. The fellas that were there were very sketchy Arabs/Turks with two VERY sketchy looking white fellas. So there is a scene in Berlin it is just not my scene.
  11. And earlybird tix are now on sale! http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/466097
  12. Guess the Airline! Bonus points for correctly naming the type of plane! http://airplanepenisclub.tumblr.com/
  13. After being absent for a few years a venue has been found and plans are in the works for Hustla Ball Las Vegas to be held on MLK weekend! I will post more info as it becomes available so watch the skies! http://www.hustlaball.com/Home.aspx
  14. I knew the fella was shady but wow! And talk about rotten timing http://vegas.eater.com/archives/2013/09/03/krave-massive-sock-shutter-kelly-murphys-shady-past-now-in-the-spotlight.php
  15. Plenty of R-rated shots and a few soft NR shots. I really loved Higgins' quick scenes, I cannot stand long scenes in porn (i.e. Michael Lucas's 40 minute scenes zzzzzz )
  16. I just received a copy of Catalina-The Vintage Years and I was thrilled to see two of my all time fantasy guys in it-in fact there is a still from my my favorite scene from my favorite porn film The Boys Of San Francisco. Well worth the investment http://www.amazon.com/Catalina-The-Vintage-Years/dp/3867875022
  17. Once upon a time in America there were bars were a Gentleman with a few extra dollars in his pocket could meet up with a Gentleman who was looking to earn a few extra dollars. Some of the most well known of these bars were Numbers in West Hollywood, the P.S. in San Francisco, Rounds and The Haymarket in New York but most cities of decent size had at least one such establishment. Here is a fantasy of such long gone places. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e6pDJJFO98
  18. Y'all need to follow my friend John's site LoyaltyLobby.com He often has a one or two day jump on information like this(In this case he let his readers know about the pointsbreak list 24 hours before IHG members in the US knew about it. He also posted about a new promotion for IHG members http://loyaltylobby.com/2013/08/25/ihg-rewards-club-win-big-fall-2013-promotion-default-option/#more-9162
  19. I will be attending Las Vegas Pride again this year. Las Vegas Pride is a little different in that it is a night time Parade and that it ends in a VERY public place (Fremont street) and then a very fun party follows. I remember attending my first LVP over 20 years ago. It was a very small event hidden from public view behind screens in Sunset Park. Times have certainly changed! Now the event has HUGE sponsorship from one of the major casino companies as well as others http://www.lasvegaspride.org/
  20. I arranged for my flight back from London for arrival at SNA rather than LAX so that I could join up with some friends attending this years celebration on 10/5/2013 http://www.gaydaysanaheim.com/ I am looking forward to my first time being in the park with 1000+ other gay folks!
  21. Booking long flights with frequent flier miles has gotten to be such a game You know the flights you want are there (for sale)and you can see a LOT of open seats but the airlines (especially the foreign carriers) play hide and seek Perseverance paid off(not really but we will pretend it did) and I am now 90% set up to get to Berlin,Prague and London in late September. All hotels have been booked (using points) a cheap flight between PRG and LHR has been purchased and the last bit of booking is a the train ticket between Berlin and Prague that is in the works. The new city for me this time is Berlin-which looks fascinating. the Prague segment will focus almost exclusively on boys/men and shopping for Christmas gifts.The London trip will be about visiting the museums and sights I missed on my visit four years ago. I am staying in "The City" this time. to get a different feel for London-last time I stayed in the posh Grosvenor Square area. I wish to thank the MERmen for their invaluable help in planning this trip-especially PaulRio and TomCal for their tips on Prague. http://www.boytoy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10643-prague-next-week/ I will post more about my trip so watch this thread!
  22. I look forward to helping them keep their doors open Paulerio thanks for the info on Escape. I was there 2 years ago and found it uncomfortable to be one of three customers in a huge bar! Hopefully this visit will be better.
  23. It seems a little to good to be true! Nearly 500 listing for London alone. I am wondering if it is just a phising site as you have to register to contact the escorts. http://www.sleepyboy.com/index.php
  24. So it turns out I will be in PRG in early September as well... I am at the Sheraton Charles Square-Is there public transport to this club? Also is anything happening at Drakes these days? Thanks in advance.
  25. Ahhhhh my list of future husbands! Thanks for the find JKane!
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