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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke
If I might suggest a couple of properties near boystown? One is the Valadon which is on Cynthia a longish block to SMB The other would be the Chamberlain on La Peer(?)again a block away from SMB. Both are a little more roomy and homey than a chain hotel-and the few chains(Hyatt and Ramada)that have properties in that Locale are less than wonderful(reall quite dreadful to be honest)If you need something a little more upscale there is the Sofitel on La Cienega and Beverly which just completed a renovation.
Rico died in prison awaiting a psyche evaluation-reports that he choked on a ham sandwich have not been confirmed or denied. Geez BON thought you kept up on this stuff! :+
Sorry if you find certain rants of mine tiresome.Since this site is averaging 3 new posts a day I am just trying to keep things interesting. And I don;t mean to sound pissy-but it will as there is no way around it-If you do not find my posts worthy of your time then it might be best not to read them. As this site is about male escorts-I am going to discuss many things related to male escorts and that might involve mention of other sites if I find something worthyIMO. Sweetness and light can be pretty boring after a while.Piss(whoo hoo)and vinegar can get boring also.My post tend to point out the very good and the very bad-what we used to call Orchids and Onions! Of course if you two would like contribute more to the site I am sure we all would be happy. :+
Oliver thanks for pointing that out-in my fury I overlooked"daddy's"limp apology.This is the type of "apology one would expect for an incorrect digit in a phone number-not for something as outrageous as publishing an horrid accusation in a review by some pissy queen-that apperently went unchecked by the owners of the site. I have edited my post to correct this.
The "other site"is sooooo sloppy and the admins' so lazy that they"let slip by"the disclosure of someones alleged HIV status in a false review by a disgruntlled queen.this was the lame excuse posted today. This is an outrage and proves that "the other site"is not concerned with anyones welfare-either clients or hookers and thus cannot be taken at all seriously.Further proving that they are just in it for the money. >"When one has sex, one should always take in account the possibility that the partner is HIV positive and act accordingly. Anything less is taking unacceptable risks for both parties. Determining the actual status of a partner can only be done over a period of months with multiple tests. It has always been my policy that HIV status is private information, and that disclosure must remain in the individuals hands at all times. In this case the comments were inadvertently published and have been withdrawn with my apologies. The escort has definitively stated to me that it was untrue and that he has proof. I am willing to take his statement at face value. Daddy"< If hooking were legal I would love to sponser a lawsuit against the daddy and deej show.Maybe the 'scort in question will sue-but of course all the nasty bits would have to come out to be aired. Sloppiness and laziness rule of at the site far far away.And they have the GALL to be snippy with their customers x(
I have some old shirts that no longer fit.Some of them are very nice and have had little wear-many real designer( purple lable RL,missoni,sulka that sort of thing)that were very expensive when I bought them. I want to clear out my closet a little and thus need to be rid of these-but I don't want them to go to the charity clothes closets.I would rather give them to a charity that will recognize that these are quality goods and should not be handed out to a bum,but rather a person trying to make it back on his feet and needs an appropriate wordrobe. Any suggestions? BTW-I am not being snobbish(well maybe a little:o )but having worked with the homeless in the past know that they really take clothes donations for granted-very few would be using these for the goal I have in mind.
The Charming Deej continues to denagrate his customers
TownsendPLocke posted a topic in The Beer Bar
Over at "the other site"Dejj continues his "let's bash our customers anytime one of them has the GALL to critisize the way we do buisness"style of caring customer service. The poster purplekow posted"BN as the coverboy, I know its for the first time in a bit. Don't know him, but I do enjoy his blog and his comments here. But you have several new escorts reviewed and BN gets the cover spot with the new picture. I enjoy reading all the reviews and I guess it is okay to give an extra push to people who really contribute to this site. It seems there has been some call for new blood and here was a chance to bring new blood to the site by highlighting one of the three first time reviewed escorts and it would have been nice to see a light in that direction. Nice picture of BN though, but I think I might run off to Barcelona. " To which deej charmingly responded" First, actually. The other seven were on Hooboy's M4M, chosen by Hooboy. But, hey, never let reality get in the way of a good conspiracy theory! Being chosen as coverboy exactly once in 1.75 years PROVES there's a conspiracy! Someone arguing on the other side might wonder why a constant contributor has been featured so seldom." Yeah-thats the way to build your customer base! Strange they did not mention how much $$$ BN contributes to the ad revenue of "the other site" -
Jason-be careful not to be caught in the crossfire!Blue drinks might stain those nice white pants Ohhhh-all is forgiven between the two lead characters?We'll see.
Well after a wonderful session with Eric/ript4hire I stand by my claim that older fellas(30's in this case)really do it for me now
I have been talking to the delightful Brandon Baker about the upcoming Rentboy cruise.It sounds very interesting and interest has exceeded demand as all of the spaces that Rentboy reserved have been booked. I also know that two high profile 'scorts who are booked on this cruise have been having"difficuties"lately and that a fave to face meeting very well might result in some drama. Just wondering if any one on this board will be sailing on this cruise and would be willing to give us a ringside comentary on the deep freeze in Ensenada murder mystery cruise.
He does not lisp,he does not carry a purse. Yes he is an openly gay man,and he may not be the most macho stud on the block-but not everyone likes trade(more for me!)so a chaque son gout! Such silliness when there are truly amusing things to post about-like this post! But Joe Buck really admired Scotts talents when faced with a very large and thick prick-and that is a talent greatly to be admired!
Over at daddys place BN posted the following "I think there's a side to all escorts that remains hypercompetitive: We're in a business of choice and that selection is wide, causing us to (either publically or privately) make judgement calls, good, bad or indifferent, about our fellow rentboys. Is this wrong? Hell yes. If done with mal-intent. I admit to sharing my fair share of opinions on situations in the past, but have really tried to clean up my act and realize that in the longrun it's truly meaningless. In concentrating less on outside drama and more on myself, i've found greater maturity and ultimate solace. I'm nowhere near perfect, but as always, do try to walk that line in the most upright way possible. Scott, i'm glad you brought this to light: There is no room in this microchasm of gay-dom for anything less than face-front opinions. We (escorts) all take our fair share of criticism, but it's always easier to deal with when we know who it's coming from." And this is from the hooker that has delighted in exposing HIV status in other hookers,as well as dishing out whatever other gossip he can find including stuff on Scott Adler-in whose thread he post this pile'o self serving crap. POT MEET KETTLE btw-just between us BN also loves to spill on his clients-so any high profile clients be warned that your little secrets will be blabbed. Please, no personal first names. TY
I would have to say that rentboy.com is my number one source for scouting out talent-after this site and "the other site far far away" Although it is a pay site I think the money(what is it $50)is well spent and the fellas that are listed there are less likely to be flakes. The freebies and the chat typ sites(manhunt adamr4adam)have way to many flakes and time wasters. Brandon Baker has done a fantastic job getting rentboy.com out there in the general gay world. I used to rely more on local publications(such as the Bugle in your fair city ACE)but have been dissapointed a number of times.
Now who do we know in Seatle????Oh that 's right }( http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/P...m&date=20061116 Funny how the Seattle resident did not report this news on his own site-rather he lead off todays" news" with an a fable about a bird and a kite? But of course any sort of helpful warning to his website visitors would be just tooooooo much work for the lazy Seattle resident-and there would be no money in it for him anyway. And that very frightening "cover gramps"on the opening page?Yikes!
I do belive Lucky has pointed out that four aces is either having a state sponsored vacation or has died while choking on the $14 bologny sandwich(and yes-that is what they charge the taxpayers for a bologny sandwich)whilst awaiting a psyche examination in jail. Oooooops-my bad that was Reeko which was being talked about-now how could I have made that mistake?Apologies all around.
I am off to vote right now-hope this time my guys and gals win! Last night was non-stop pre recorded campaign messages-oh and Joe Buck calling collect from the county lockup!Hope he makes some new friends as I did not accept the calls-they are really expensive!
Another right wing evangelical gets caught with his pants down...
TownsendPLocke replied to redryder's topic in The Beer Bar
I can remember Michelangelo Signorelle(I probably spelled that wrong)stating something to the effect that "if you mean us no harm,and you do not harm us,than we will respect your privacy"and I firmly belive in that.This guy was our enamy,he wanted us dead-soI say BRAVO to the hooker that outed him-whatever it takes to unseat these killers-and make no mistake here folks they would love to se us go away.WHATEVER IT TAKES. The good reverend has now aadmitted to buying drugs and having "theraputic massages"from Jones-so his lies begin to uravel further and further.This fella needs to end his misery-and soon. -
He is a real cutie Lucky! My all time favorites(in no particular order)are: Eddie Haskell and Wally Cleaver from leave it to beaver-you just know Eddie was hung like a mule. Ebb from Green Acres-another huge dick The 2 leads from Dukes of Hazzard-although I never actually watched the show. The entire male(juvinile)lead cast from Saved By The Bell-and yes I include Jarred Diamond because he is a skinny geek with a big dick.Can you just imagine a gang bang! Neil Patrick Harris The Male leads of Friends. I do not warch much modern day episodic TV-so that is why my list is a little dated.
Benjamin N. on Reichen's 'Rape' in the Air Force
TownsendPLocke replied to Buddy2's topic in The Beer Bar
Who the fuck does BN think he is?BN has been caught up in so many inaccuuracies(read lies or nontruths-take your pick)that he is the last person who should be chiding anyone-including a "d-lister"(as opposed to a whore-ooops "escort"such as BN)about lies meant to "bring the spotlight"back opon oneself. Jeeeeesus christ BN stick to doing what you do well-making old geezers feel "special"by tying them up and spitting Dom at them! -
As I mentioned above I no longer participate on the Bill and Deej show-as I refuse to help out at all .I do hope it withers and dies out of non participation.No loss for me. Why did I post on this site-because a question was asked and I participated by giving an opinion.That is what we do on message boards.And the more posts-the more interest in this site. I also see Deej just could not not offer a real explanation!Just more BS-and he even made a little chart of it all-so it must be so! Your traffic is down because regular posters are not posting any more!That is it plain and simple . We got tired of the delays,the BS fluff reviews,The offering up of con men instead of real working boys etc etc etc,,,but MAINLY becausw of the continued arrogence of Deej and Bill.
An example of "the Bill and Deej show" Deej wrote on the other site"In response to Reply # 5 Adding to all of the above, look at the calendar. We're 65 (just bumped into a countdown clock yesterday) days away from New Years. The weeks leading into (and just after) the holidays are traditionally slower than normal because people are busy Christmas shopping, traveling to spend time with family, etc., instead of out having fun. (And reeling from sticker shock when that first credit card statement hits in January.)" Instead of saying "Yeah it has been a little slow"or"ya know-you're right-we are kinda slow and lazy around here-that's why we take ALL holidays and the weekends off-and whenever else we feel like it"neither this fella nor his Boss will ever apologize"nor admit a mistake-and he has to have the last word-always. This was fine when there was a leash on things but now the "power" of being lord high mucky-muck has gone to his head=not pleasant.
Well I for one-and there are quite a few others-have grown so disgusted by the the Bill and Deej show that we no longer participate"overthere"I posted my first review here recently and will continue to submit them to this site rather than the feifdom of the othersite. Hooboys site started as a very small internet chat group and grew to a nice size(love it when things that look small grow to a nice size)and I hope this site does the same.
I have cum to the conclussion that "older"(meaning 25-40)fellas really work better for me.The last two fellas I have hired are an example. The Russian/Serb in LA showed up tired having been up all night and was not really "up for it"but the Fella I hired in Las Vegas showed me a great time and played some very naughty games with me-Thank you ACE. And this is not a single example but rather a recurring theme.So I am going to try to swear off twinks/"bois"for a while and stick with the guys who have been around the block a couple of times. I am sure this will come as a great relief to the many chickenhawks who inhabbit this site-more young stuff for you!
>I'm not going to completely disagree with your advice, but I >think it is unfair and unrealistic to tell a parent to just >give up on their child and stand back and watch them destroy >themselves. > >My brother too is an addict and a drunk, he was hell for many >years, but I never gave up on him and I never quit trying to >get him help. Sure it was maddening, he fucked up everything >and cost me a ton of money, but I'd do it all again if I had >to because I love him. > >Our parents sucked, they were to busy and into each other to >give a fuck. I was all he had. I wasn't going to turn my back >on him or give up trying. My friends gave me pretty much the >same advice you just gave BoN, but it's not that easy when >it's your child or someone you love. > >My efforts did pay off. My brother has been clean and sober >for over five years and finished college two years ago. If he >relapsed I'd be there for him again. > >I'm sorry, but I don't think turning your back on someone you >love, when they are destroying themselves, is helping anyone. >I think a more proactive approach is better. > >mbarz Unfortunately the results of this is often,though not always,that the disease of addiction then claims more lives than just that of the addict. Mbarz-I am sure your intentions are noble,and your brother is blessed to have such a good brother(mine would be checking my wallet as I lay passed out in the gutter-which happned a few times!)but learning to detach with love is very difficult for the most hardened of us-let alone a loving person, I have seen to many addicts coddled/supported and kept from realizing their own recovery not to advised a very strong dose of tough love here. The whole dynamic changes once an addiction is in the room. Speed is a real bitch as speedfreaks are soooooo good at lying,coniving and manipulating. I am so bored of the speedfreaks in the gay community. PNP is all over craigslist/manhunt. And if you do not want to PNP welllll then you just won't get laid it sometimes seems. I think smoking is the hardest addiction to give up-followed by speed.But it can be done.
BN wrote"I never advised anyone to just 'give up' on someone battling addictions. I sure didn't. " Nor did anyone acuse you of this.