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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. My pal the Lovely Brandon Baker has posted some great shots from Hustlaball '07 on his great site partywithbrandon.com Here is one I particularly love-it is from the pool party. http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1372/...6_Detail550.jpg And please note it was right around frezzing that night. and here is one in which I was in the adoring crowd http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1372/...6_Detail550.jpg
  2. One of my very favorite persons-Miss Ivins you shall be missed.
  3. Having met Brett Corrigan I just can't see HOW he could be implicated in any way in this-the kid is just not that type-he really is a sweet and very sexy young kid, I sure hope this does not screw up his career. I have met murderers,I have met lots of psychopaths,I have met tons of crazies,speed freeks,drunks and evil hustlers who have hurt-killed johns. I got no evil vibe of of Brent at all. And PS-just so y'all know-I was at the hustlaball party and Scott was most definatly there-in the VIP,and clocking lots of time with lots of cute boys inculuding Brent
  4. Well I remeber trying that"I have to go stand over there right now-bye bye"or wandering off to another person-and having the crazette either star at you all night or follow you(this happens a lot)on the other hand-if they are really cute/sexy then I might put up ,,,,NAHhhhhhh crazy people's babble is lousy pillowtalk-and getting rid of them is tough,,, Havn't tried the pebble in the shoe-crazette would want to examine it to see if it was a radio transmitting device But seriously-there have been times in the clubs of Montreal where a boy will just go on and on -and you are just wanting to get it on with him.I know that has happned to at least three regular posters on this board!
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So you are in a bar/party/park/whatever and a cute guy starts chatting you up.At first you are flattered/interested but then you discover the person is crazy. How long do you continue conversing/flirting?
  6. I am trying to set up some meetings with"alternative"and kink friendly guys in San Francisco for next weekend. I am using Craigs list pretty mush exclusively for this. Is there a danger of being arrested/prosocuted for solicitation/lewd behavior by doing so?What precautions does one take to avoid this? All of this really makes me miss the glory days of Polk Street!
  7. That is fine,just know that you are being USED for another persons pleasure-and not even getting paid for it :+
  8. Jeez Louise! This has gotten so far off topic! The Friend and I had a little chat.He swears he is not guilty of this-I will take him on his word till I here it from a reliable source otherwise. On another subject.Even though he is NEVER MENTIONED by me in my original post.Scott Adler has used this thread as his personal soapbox/speakers corner.I do admire Scotts fortitude,intelegence,good looks and sense of fun and many other things about him(Deep throating Joe Bucks fat nine inches of tubular love stick without pausing for breath was a thing to behold)I fear that like many young fellas,he tends to be in the"it's all about me!"camp. It isn't. And unless you like to go round and round and round and round and round and round and round and ,,,,,,,"debating"with certain types of folks(so far I count 4 in this thread)is never going to have a "winning"outcome(surprise!) So if the "debaters"in this post realize this-then go at it(yawn)but be assured-there will be no "winner"in this debate.
  9. I try realllllly hard to find a local alternative to charbucks.I even have a motto when folks want to go for Coffee "ABS"Anything But StarBucks. I will not speak the"lingo"when I am forced to buy a coffee there(such as at LAX)and will ask for a medium coffee-and that is all I order as I refuse to pay the outrageous prices for the fancy drinks. Why do both they and Peets insist on ruining perfectly good coffee beans by roasting them till all of the charecter of the bean is gone? I really hate them x(
  10. >I would never presume something is about me but since some >have decided to indicate this might about me ( ) I felt >that I should respond in context. The following will be >responded to under the presumption that has already been made >that Townsend is referring to me. > >First off, I would never indirectly or directly badmouth >another escort no matter what the circumstances or context of >a thread. If you can't say something productive toward the >thread it's probably better not to say anything about another >person rather than denigrate a colleague. I'd like to think >I'm above that unlike some ... just a theory. Even below I >make a comment that could almost be construed as an insult but >it's mostly a clarification. Even though the escort in >question and I no longer see eye to eye, it does neither of us >any good for one or the other to critique the >"value" of the other's contributions to this >community. > >Next, Townsend should know better than anyone especially over >the past couple weeks that he can talk to me about anything >and has thus far. I’m pretty easy to talk to about stuff like >that. In specific situations like this, I would have been >able to shed light on the situations details that aren’t >public that might be relevant. > >The overall theme that I’m noticing here is an assumption that >myself or whatever escort in question is telling these new >boys that they have to charge high rates to be taken seriously >etc. When guys ask me about breaking into the industry I help >them out in whatever way that I can in terms of marketing, >answering questions about protocol, and even discussing their >rates. > >I don’t discuss my rates with other escorts unless it becomes >necessary for a three-way or something. This is part of the >reason. The reason I escort and the reason many boys become >escorts are very different. When people ask what their rates >should be, I tell them what the going rates are for a given >city and that if they need money and intend on escorting as a >sole source of income they should keep their rates in that >range. FURTHERMORE I tell them that as beginners they >shouldn’t expect to charge anywhere near that until they’ve >developed some credibility. > >Three out of the four escorts that I’ve sponsored or promoted >had already been in the industry at their own rates and just >needed a little exposure. One of whom had/has rates that even >I’m shocked at considering his look and after a the Rentboy >cruise I hope he’s started to reconsider. Then there are some >that are young, naïve, and willful that I’m no longer in touch >with that no matter what was told to them and by whom about >setting high rates they’ve insisted on being comparable to me >for their own ego. > >The point is I would never encourage guys to keep their rates >in the stratosphere if it didn’t work for them. If they’re >complaining, they KNOW what they can do to get more business – >it doesn’t take an East Coast education to understand supply >and demand. BN makes a point that at some point it’s no >longer supply and demand; however when starting out, that’s >all that it is. > >In closing … before people choose to jump to conclusions they >really should know the entire story. For a change though, >some in our community choose to attack rather than inquire. Very well put Scott. But please don;t presume that my post was about you-despite Totally Oz's overly quick presumption of the same. I mentioned no names-and am keeping this a "blind" Item. To BN-soap boxes can be pretty slippery places if you are not on sure footing so be careful!
  11. Well that trip to Lagos will just have to go on the back burner! http://www.365gay.com/Newscon07/01/011807nigeria.htm It really is time to sponser some embargos and boycotts against many African nations.
  12. Received this in my inbox today WILL YOU KNOW? RF&B is the exclusive destination prize for a new Lifetime TV dating series called “Gay, Straight or Taken”. The show mimics real life! A female contestant has to guess whether the three “bachelors” are gay, straight or taken. If they are straight, the bachelor and bachelorette are our guests in for a luxurious vacation in Las Vegas, New Orleans, or even on a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas. If they are taken or gay, the bachelor is our guest. Will she know if they are gay, straight, or taken? Will YOU know what they are? This is a modern twist on a traditional dating show! Is Hollywood really being run by a bunch of chimps making decisions by flinging their feces at a dartboard?
  13. If I might suggest getting rid of some of the questions in the review form which unless one goes in with a preprinted questionaire one would have no way of knowing-and thus one is forced to guess. I have no interest in whether a guy"parties"or not-and I will not ask him such a question.The same for a lot of questions on the form.If the guy is high I will mention that in the review,the same goes for drinking,smoking,social outlook or sexual orientation.If the guy is "straight"and sucks my dick-great,if the is"gay"and does nothing but lie back(as has happned many a time)you better belive I will mention that-but I won't pry into their personal stuff.If they voulenteer it-well then it is out in the open-If they don't-again I would have to guess on the review form. Also I feel that the safer sex question is misworded and might give other clients a feeling of being "safe"when there is no basis for this. As far as the personal info I usually either check past reviews or the escorts listing-if it jives with what I have experienced then that is what I will put down.
  14. Hmmmmm-such a claravoyent bunch we have here!And just like John Edwards(the "psychic -not the hillbilly holy roller presidential candidate)you fellas are just shooting in the dark. I know and communicate with a lot of working boys-I mentioned no names and would never spoil a confidence between myself and one of these fellas. Some(and please note I wrote some-not all) of the pretty young things that decide to supplement their income by selling some"time" are,like a lot of youngsters,either ego driven or do no have a fully developed logic system yet.We all know youths who like to be flattered-and that has been exploited by pimps,pornograprers,talent agents,and employers for ages. Therefore a bright young thing might just make a big impression on these fellas-to do something that is not in their best interest.The young can be very stubborn to admit they have made a mistake and then go out and fix that mistake. Why should I care?I really don't as I have zip interest in hiring these cute young things-they bore me to tears for the most part-give me a man with a little experience,and one who is not so vunerable as most of these boys.Just trying to make conversation here-this place needs a little stirring up. To Totally Oz-If I wanted to start a thread titled"Rich website owner spoiling it for everybody in otherwise affordable foreign lands"I would have done so ;-) But I belive that was done somewher else far away in a different time.
  15. Well I tried to state things without tooooo much judgement-but I can see your point. My other friends really do not care for one of these guys-and they do not know the other as he is from a different part of my history. I guess I just want things to be a little more smooth-and to get back to having good times with both of these wonderful people.We are still very close-just not the same.and I miss that.
  16. There is a kid I know and like.He is a great guy and probably well worth the big bucks he charges gets for his time. The problem is that he is pretty social with a lot of "working boys"and he manages to convince them that they should charge the same high rates as he does-even if it is not in the kids best interest to do so. There is at least one young fella that is not doing such great buisness at this high rate-and he is honest enough about that-but he refuses to charge a reasonable fee for his services. I am looking right now at two fellas-John in Baltimore http://daddysreviews.com/area.php?loc=6266...=john_baltimore And JasonK in Witchita http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/index.asp?cm...3&Login=Jasonk4 Both seem great-and both of them are charging very reasonable fees.I bet their phones are always busy wile the boys waiting for the big bucks are kinda hungry-and wondering how the rent is going to get paid. So how do I tactfully tell my friend that he might be doing more harm than good with these fellas-and not everyone is going to be a succesful as he is?
  17. I have two best friends who are going through some "stuff"right now and I am not sure to handle them. First is a long time friend with whom I have a had a long fairly unrequited love affair with.He split with a horrid partner after a very messy couple of years,is making yet another attempt at staying sober(I hope it sticks this time)did a "geographic"to be closer to his bio family and to be in a place he is comfortable in,and has just lost a job.So a minor-not major-bit of a mess right now. Second is my other best friend who is somwhat local.We used to pal around quite a bit together.This year he turned 60 and is really shutting me it it seems.He is insisting on getting his finances in order for retirement,does not want to do any fun things-only cultural stuff-and is pretty depressed.We were planning a trip to Brazil-well he decided he would rather go to some historical spot on Mexico instead with one of his artsy friends.He really needs to have some fun-but is refusing any of myovertures to do "fun"stuff. So I am kinda out on a limb without my 2 best friends right now-miss them and I hope that whatever needs to pass will do it quickly. I know that in a few years I will probably be going through a mid life drama myself and I hope I have a support network out there.
  18. While channel surfing last night I caught Ryan Seachrest interviewing little Leo.Leo TOWERED over Seachrest.So was Leo standing on a box or is Ryan a midget ? If no box was involved then Ryan Seachrest would be just about the right height for talking care of guys of normal heighth. I do love short men-and really tall ones like Joe Buck.
  19. Well that was a heck of a lot of fun. Got in on Thursday night-McCarren was a bit of a mad house-hot to the Alladin about 6,dropped my bags off in my fantastic suite,cabbed it over to Alexis Park just in time to find Lucy Law taking a looksie and checking ID on some young looking fellas. The "VIP"pool party was very nice-but a pool party in January-I know it is a way to get the cuties into their swimsuits but this could have been held in a private hotel conference room-or in my suite at the Alladin( ah hah) .Some very nice looking fellas including the lovely Scott Adler(that workout regime is really going well-turning into quite the stud) the incredibly friendly Rusty,new cummer Chad Leigh Tommy Ritter,Luke Rockwell and many many others.The staff and voulenteers for this event were great. The incredibly talented and energetic Brandon Baker(partywithbrandon.com)relly put his heart and soul(along with his boss Tom Weiss's money)into this event and it was great to get up close and personal with this many hot 'scorts The next night I over slept my naptime and did not get downstairs to Krave for the "VIP" pre party till 10:30-and by that point they were letting everybody into the small lounge that adjoins the main club.Lots of very very very cute boys in the crowd and on stage.I chatted up a kinda cute fella from NY who stayed with me all night-for free thank you very much-Finally the doors to the main hall were opened and we shuffled in. What a crowd!Beautiful men in abundance-huge crush of folks at the bars.My new found friend and I found some breathing space on the dance floor. After a couple of hours my new boyfriend and I decided we neede some alone time so we trekked back to the room for some play and to freshen up then headed back down to the party.Missed the opening acts of the show but what I did see was great Bruce Villanch was very funny.At one point a local gay bigwig whom I had met the night before corners me coming out of the john and we start making out.He shoves ny hand down his pants and lets me know about something that needs my attention!We play for a few minutes and then I give him my room nunmber and tell him we need to take care of his situation in private. And head back to watch the show for a bit more before heading back to my room. I only attended the 3 rentboy.com parties and not the ones at Pirranah so I cannot report on those. A great party and I had a Great time.Big shout out to Brandon Baker and his crew for working so hard for their money! ;-)
  20. TownsendPLocke

    So ...

    Hey Brent-glad to see you posting here :-) My report can be found here. http://www.maleescortreview.com/dcscript/d...g_id=2371&page=
  21. Well the weather is going to be very chilly over the weekend.So If you are planning on going outside at all bring a warm coat/sweater Wonder how this will effect the pool party tommorow night?We will all have to huddle really close to keep warm!
  22. Thanks for the heads up Epiquinos. As someone who some him working Numbers in Weho back in the day it is very surprising to me that he has reached the level that he has. It has been a looooooooong time since I was impressed by any of his filmwork-he just seems so drugged out(not saying he is on drugs-just acts like he has a large amount of heroin in his system at all times)but I agree he is pleasent on the eyes(would not go as far as gorgeous-but that is strictly my opinion)and does not seem to be too big of a twit(such as Sir Elton or George Micheal.
  23. Well due to some clever planning on my part(do I really want to be on the other side of town?)I have booked a room at the Alladin(soon to be Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino)which is home to the main event-and only a couple of blocks to the Alexis Park which is the host hotel-and is a very nice quiet non gaming hotel right across from the Hard Rock and very close to the fruit loop. Oz -I do think we will finally meet.
  24. I will be in LAS for a slot tourny the same weekend as HustlaBall http://www.hustlaball.de/hustlaball/partys_v.html Although the town is crazy busy there are still rooms to be had at off strip places(my tourny is at the Red Rock-a great property BTW very "W"ish) Any other MER's(we have to think of a better "club"name!)going to be attending?
  25. Yes the path via ebay can be dangerous and fraught with fraud. I Have had to steell myself to have a set price and not get caught up in a buying frenzy and go above that price. If I might suggest searching for that special Item on Froogle?Go to google.com and click on"more"and froogle will pop up. Put in the EXACT item you are looking for(model number)and you should get quite a few leads-including many ebay listings(but others as well) Good luck on this
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