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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. According to Jason Curious David Forrest is back in the pokey again-this time for possesion. Smells like a set up job to me-but it really could not happen to a more deserving guy. http://www.jasoncurious.com/desk/2007/04/d...sted-again.html Hope those of you who were looking to use his "introduction"service don't have to much to lose by your personal information being dumped into court records-happened when he was prosocuted for running"Brad's Buddies" a few years ago.
  2. Eric,this is a very new thing.This is only the second of these cruises. I can tell you that a lot of hooking up did happen in the Mexico cruise. I,nor anyone else here have a crystal ball at the ready to tell you what will happen on this trip. It wil not be a floating bordello-the economics of the trip just wont appeal to a lot of the working guys. However ther will be rentboy.com parties in three of the hottest cities in Europe for beautiful working boys-amd there will be a lot of local talent at these events.Ifyou have some extra cash you will find someone to keep company with. As far as public nudity-well this will be a cruise down a very busy waterway-the Danube-so I do not think it will be a peepshow.
  3. eeyore,this was mostly an event for the boys themselves-and if you got to know a few it was pretty easy to get an introduction to others. I know most here will not belive me but I am shy around new people also(NO-REALLY I AM!!!!)but have been hanging around a few of these guys for a while that I know to say hi. As two of the board members here posted their intention to attend you could have dropped one of us a private to tell us you were attending,That is how I have met many of the MERmen. You have to be willing to share of yourself in order for others to help you meet new folks.I am sure the first time you went to Montreal the boys were not all over you,not if you were sitting by yourself.But as they got to recognize you and stop by and say hi then the others would see that there was a prospect for buisiness in you and they would stop over to let you know they were available-that is how it worked for almost all of us.I was lucky-my first visit to Montreal was with some well established guys-so my "bonafides"were already in place as it were. I had a great time at the party,got to meet some great new people-and guess what?Even with all of that I did not get laid.I was fine with that.I did make out with a couple of boys-but that was it. I did have the VIP access-but that was no great shakes.It did get me some extra meet and greet time before the general public.Tje "VIP"area was really not all that well screened off-anybody could access it . But I got to see a lot of beautiful men frolicking in the nude-in the flesh-not on video.And I have some material for fanasizing,and some references for future hires.
  4. Last night PBS aired a Frontline piece on obesity. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/diet/ As a middle aged fat man it basically told me my chances of ever getting to even a managable wieght-and keeping those pounds off were slim to none. I was so depresserd I reached for the flourless chocolate cake ;(
  5. Flipping through channels last night and found something called Morals Court.Thought I recognized the "defendant" in this case-sure enough it was Sean from Numbers in WeHo.He was being "sued"by a coworker for pretending to be gay in order to work in a gay restaurant. Now this show is not about actual court cases,rather it acts as a moral compass with the judge deciding if the other party has been harmed by anothers immorality. The judge decided that no-the gay waiter was in no way harmed by Seans masquerade. Gee-I knew buisiness was slow at Numbers-but c'mon!
  6. KYTop you wear your success very well-it becomes you. It is my privalage to call you friend.
  7. I would suggest you check out PartywithBrandon.com for pix and a rundown of the fun that was had on the mexico cruise last year. Also check out Scott Adlers Blog for a report. The one coming up this summer will most likely be a bit different. First off it is a small ship,which has been totally reserved by David at outboundtours.com-so no prying eyes of folks who are not involved in the trip. Second,while the price is quite reasonable,it will be a little more expensive than the Mexico 3 day cruise.That will effect the crowd on the boat in a big way. Also this will be more of a "destination"cruise with three city stops with excurssions into each.The Mexico cruise really was just an excuse to gamble,drink,and frolic with some cute guys.The cute guys will still be there of course-with three rentboy.com parties as well!
  8. Just found this on craigs http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/ers/306702197.html
  9. We were told that Reeeko died in prison.Choked on a boloney sandwich.Good riddence to bad(human)rubbish How strange is it that you resurface and the stank of Reeeeko(which has not been mentioned in ages)resurfaces-like a bloated,stinking, rotting corpse.
  10. I kove it when I can help things like this happen! Tom Weise and Brandon Baker of rentboy.com have partnered with my friend David the new owner of outboundtours.com to offer a great cruise in Europe.Unlike the Mexico cruise last year this one will be on a smaller ship that outbound has total capacity on-so no prying straight eyes this time! Sounds like a lot of fun! For more info please see http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...ruise-2007.html Now how do I get on board?
  11. I forgot to mention that Scott(who looked hreat in his Louis Vuitton swim suit-but would have looked better out of it )was the generous top bidder on a huge basket o"lube!I see many hours of ebay fun ahead for Scott!
  12. Palm Spring was hotter than usual this past weekend! I had a great time at the RENTBOY.COM’s first annual POOOOLLLL PARTY! I have never seen so many hot guys naked in a pool!(more to follow on that!) I arrived in PS on Saturday 3/31 at the host hotel Helios with a friend. We had VIP tix so we were able to get in a little early(11 ish)before the general public(which were let in around two p.m.)this allowed us some meet and greet time with some if the talent and also some of the other guests. First to greet us was the fabulous Brandon Baker-I just cannot say enough good things about this fantastic young man, I am very glad to call him friend. Rusty was next to say hello-a big bag of kudos to Rusty-a drunken troll got a little toooo familiar and Rusty told him off loudly and in no uncertain terms-good for you boy! The very hunky and super nice Tony Dancer from Las Vegas was the next to come up and say hi, followed by Andy Kirra, Angel Benton, Scott Adler, Zach Rockwood, and many others I just cannot remember. We also got to see this gorgeous specimen of manhood- Andrew from Topeka. Unfortunately Andrew is not in films yet-nor escorting which is a real shame-Brandon you better get busy here!(Andrew is the stud getting blown in the innertube in the pool photos-the sucked is the very cute Christian Owen. At the Bar I tried to buy a drink for the glum Barrett Long-but he was very displeased with the liquor selection-too bad he was not nicer to me cause I did make a booze run later. Around 1 pm the boys jumped in the pool and that is when the fun really started-so many shy boys! If Damon Phoenix had his suit on 1/4 of the party I would be surprised-you can see him practicing mouth to dick resuscitation on a very sexy young daddy pool side in the linked photos. This then evolved into much nudity, many “shows” and lots of hooking up in not so dark corners . And can I mention how hot Jason Reynolds getting rimmed in a sling was! And Tyler Mason getting a huge facial load from Trevor Knight-priceless We took a break around 5 and checked my friend into the Dessert Moon Inn http://www.desertmoonresort.com/index.php Which turned out to be the lodging for many of the rentboy.com staff as well as for some of the talent ! We joined a group of Hoovillians at the Uptown grill for dinner. I was very happy to learn that my friend Lucky had been name Moderator in Chief for “daddys”site-I was very disappointed when this turned out to be an April fools joke! After stopping at the store for some premium booze for the boys we made it back to Helios just in time to get some good spots for the show. Jeremy Hall was first up flaunting his Acadian assets, then Shikko did some acrobatic dancing, there was an auction next to raise money for the Sisters and for the Veterans for Peace. Unfortunately the DJ was kind of a dumb bunny and had placed his equipment 3 feet from the pool steps-ummmmm water and electronics maybe not such a good match? So that killed the music for the rest of the night-and then something REALLY BAD happened Some jerk stole Tony Dancers fanny pack with his ID, ash etc,,, there will be some Karmic ball kicking for that asshole. These two downers kind of put the brakes on the evening way too early and the Party died prematurely before the scheduled 2 am cutoff. So It was back to the Lovely Riverside Marriott for me. The next day I drove back to PSP to have brunch with my friend. Well who do we run into but the lovely Brandon Baker and company! So we all headed off to Ricks for brunch! The hostess commented that this was the biggest bunch of cute guys she had seen for weeks. I love being surrounded by beautiful men and so I was really having a good time at brunch .A small group of us then headed of to the casino no jackpots were hit unfortunately.It was now time to hit the road for home. Check out Brandon’s great blog http://partywithbrandon.com/blog.htm For some rundowns and some great photos.
  13. Well that was a really fun evening! For a big change our table at Cafe Twoilet was occupies by more working boys than clients! a total of 13 MERmen/Hoovillians were ther for the fun Hot to spend some time with Raul G. Manzo-smart and sexy as all get out-fellas this guy that is worth looking up when he travels to your town. MJ-a newbie out of the Inland Empire-cute cute cute!was there to entertain the shy member of our group! The realllllllllly reallllllly smart and vivacious Brandon Baker brought along a bunch of sexy youngsters including the incredibly sexy Rusty,hot as a match Andy,the sultry Jason,and the bubbly Angel. Hottie Scott Adler was there sporting yet another new"do"and the exotic Ben showed up also. The show at Mickeys was fun and crowded-although the boys on boxes were fewer in number than usual.There were a lot of working boys in the crowd. Jason Trent showed up to plug BOY CULTURE which is a must see for MERmen(!)opens on Friday 3/23 Some very cute models walking around modeling GinchGonch underwear and the usual sexy bartenders made for a fun night out! Read Brandons great blog for more info http://partywithbrandon.com/blog.htm
  14. You can recognize the hotel room used in porn!I was looking through some photos on the Lovely Brandon Bakers blog(partywithbrandon.com)and I not only knew what hotel they were taken in(The St. Francis)I knew the location of the room they were taken in!I would really like to know more about the boys in the photos!
  15. The fabulous Brandon Baker( http://partywithbrandon.com/blog.htm )and friends at rentboy.com will be throwing a release party for BOY CULTURE http://www.boy-culture.com/ at Micky's in West Hollywood on wed. 3/21 around 9 pm Hope some of the MERmen can make it!
  16. I think the cavemen in the Gieco ads are soooo hot! I would love to see them take out their frustrations on the litte prepy PR guy in a more"adult"type setting
  17. Contacted EIGHT guys for my weekend in San Diego-NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE!
  18. The main problem with BN is not his plagerism-show me a blogger who does not steal material and I will show you a boring blog. My problem is his stream of constant lies.Add in an incredible amount of indescretion and a good dose of hypocrasy and you have a formula for disaster. It will be quite interesting to see how BN spins this.Why he just might need 2 weeks at the Hollywood Holiday Express-which he refers to as the Peninsulla }(
  19. Is it me or are others finding Craigslist to be a big old waste of time? For a this last weekends trip to SF I contacted 6 different fellas.ONLY ONE responded to my initial inquiry-and he did not respond to a follow up email.I know these fellas must get bore by email tag but If I don't get a phone number in the first response how else can I contact the guy? This is not the first time this has happned=happens all the time to me in Las Vegas. So I am wondering why these guys bother putting ads up if they do not want the buisiness?
  20. I was blessed to be surrounded by many friends this past weekend in Palm Springs California. Joe Buck spent all weekend at some bathouse masquerading as a gay hotel,leaving me(and a very young rooomie)to ourselves. On Saturday night I joined Luckys group at AZUL restaurant on the main drag in downtown Palm Springs.Tere were 14 of us at a long table straticaly placed right next to the mens room! Well there was a group of 4 marines who kept heading to the mens room every 15-20 min's or so-one of which was giving me a look I know all to well-from my many years of sitting on barstools at hustler bars around the world. As we were leaving I went to find this young man to give him my phone number-just in case he was really "working"I went to the patio where his group was but he was not there.One of my party said he had headed to the bathroom agian-this time with his duffel sack. I found the stud in the mens room-handed him my number(wrapped in a $20)and told him to enjoy a drink on me and I hoped to see him later.He thanked me ,shook my hand and introduced himself-looking into my eyes all the time with the sexiest blue eyes I have seen in a long time. After the show-42nd Street featuring Ruby Keeler and the Busby Berkly dancers-we headed to a gat bar to watch some strippers. Imagine my surprise when one of my friends told me the Marines were there! I looked and sure enough-there was Jan Michel Vincent(not quite-but you get the idea)and his buddies with a group of female floozies. Now tell me-WTF were MARINES doing in a GAY BAR getting frisky with WOMEN!!!!! I let him know that my hotel was right next door }( Well the boys were eventually kicked out of the bar for dancing way to dirty with the girls. So a few theories have come up about this:a)The guys had a bet to see which one could get hit on by a fag first(if that is the case I helped little boy blue win the bet) b)They were "wolf packing"and looking for a fag to beat up and rob)or c(my theory)that the guy would have been into it had he not been surroundrd by his buddies. I attended a swell party that our own Oliver hosted and was happy to make some new friends and see some old(and not so old)ones as well.
  21. Like some of us need any help with this! On another board Scott Adler asked in response to one of Lucky posts " >unfortunately I had to miss his Esther >Williams act. ::shielding myself in advance from the gay card police:: Whats an Esther Williams act? I was roomie with a nice young guy this weekend-strictly platonic thank you very much!-and it made me feel so much older than my 47 years.I have always been more interested in things"before my time"and i did grow up in"interesting times"but a lot of the gay cultural references I dropped just got a blank stare or a run to the computer to see what in the hell the old queen is talking about. This is my first experience spending more than a few hours with a guy under 30 in a long time,sigh....I was in bed by 11 both nights to awaken when he was getting in! I used to get a"youth by osmosis"thrill when spending time with younger guys,now it just makes me feel like Mathuzalah!
  22. Marius seems such a tragic figure. When I was managing the Century theatre on Larkin in SF(back when it was a gay porno palace)there was a scifi/fantasy bookshop next door.Anne Rice was a very frequent visitor,but she never ventured in the Century(we really hated it when woman would come in-made the regulars leave in droves)and I chatted with her a few times. I just don;t get into her stuff anymore-she has gone way to Catholic for my taste.
  23. Well Oz that makes me just a little older than you-I read Tales of the City when it appeared in Serial form in the San Francisco Chronicle!I also read lots of those Trashy Gordon Merrick romance novels like The Lord Won't Mind etc. In fact I used an excerpt from Armisted Maupins Tales of the City in my coming out proclamation in high school when I was 16.this was during Anita Bryant's 15 minute of infamy.Here is that excerpt-a letter from Michael to his Mother "Dear Mama, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write. Every time I try to write to you and Papa I realize I'm not saying the things that are in my heart. That would be O.K., if I loved you any less than I do, but you are still my parents and I am still your child. I have friends who think I'm foolish to write this letter. I hope they're wrong. I hope their doubts are based on parents who loved and trusted them less than mine do. I hope especially that you'll see this as an act of love on my part, a sign of my continuing need to share my life with you. I wouldn't have written, I guess, if you hadn't told me about your involvement in the Save Our Children campaign. That, more than anything, made it clear that my responsibility was to tell you the truth, that your own child is homosexual, and that I never needed saving from anything except the cruel and ignorant piety of people like Anita Bryant. I'm sorry, Mama. Not for what I am, but for how you must feel at this moment. I know what that feeling is, for I felt it most of my life. Revulsion, shame, disbelief—rejection through fear of something I knew, even as a child, was as basic to my nature as the color of my eyes. No, Mama, I wasn't “recruited.” No seasoned homosexual ever served as my mentor. But you know what? I wish someone had. I wish someone older than me and wiser than the people in orlando had taken me aside and said, “You're all right, kid. YOu can grow up to be a doctor or a teacher just like anyone else. You're not crazy or sick or evil. You can succeed and be happy and find peace with friends—all kinds of friends—who don't give a damn who you go to bed with. Most of all, though, you can love and be loved, without hating yourself for it.” But no one ever said that to me, Mama. I had to find it out on my own, with the help of the city that has become my home. I know this may be hard for you to believe, but San Francisco is full of men and women, both straight and gay, who don't consider sexuality in measuring the worth of another human being. These aren't radicals or weirdos, Mama. They are shop clerks and bankers and little old ladies and people who nod and smile to you when you meet them on the bus. Their attitude is neither patronizing nor pitying. And their message is so simple: Yes, you are a person. Yes, I like you. Yes, it's all right for you to like me, too. I know what you must be thinking now. You're asking yourself: What did we do wrong? How did we let this happen? Which one of us made him that way? I can't answer that, Mama. In the long run, I guess I really don't care. All I know is this: If you and Papa are responsible for the way I am, then I thank you with all my heart, for it's the light and the joy of my life. I know I can't tell you what it is to be gay. But I can tell you what it's not. It's not hiding behind words, Mama. Like family and decency and Christianity. It's not fearing your body, or the pleasures that God made for it. It's not judging your neighbor, except when he's crass or unkind. Being gay has taught me tolerance, compassion and humility. It has shown me the limitless possibilities of living. I has given me people whose passion and kindness and sensitivity have provided a constant source of strength. It has brought me into the family of man, Mama, and I like it here, I like it. There's not much else I can say, except that I'm the same Michael you've always known. You just know me better now. I have never consciously done anything to hurt you. I never will. Please don't feel you have to answer this right away. It's enough for me to know that I no longer have to lie to the people who taught me to value the truth. Mary Ann sends her love. Everything is fine at 28 Barbary Lane. Your loving son, Michael" One of the most impactful things i have ever found in literature.
  24. Hey-That is an ex of My best friend!He is pretty stupid-and a snake also1
  25. But I am not looking for anything near the high end.I (was)looking for the type of fella that used to work Polk Street/Santa Monica Boulevard.Numbers/Hunters/Haymarket/Halsted street/etc,,,,That is what turns me on -a lot! I have played with some great high end fellas-but they are not the rare bird these days.A hot trashy bit of trade-who needs help with his rent/car payment is the thing that is the treasure these days. How I do miss the wonderous trade of yore!
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