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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke
They did have one boy from Montreal-but not like what they have a Mardi Gras where they bring down 20 or so(wouldn't you like to escape Montreal in Feb. ?)But you and Marc Anthony would have been more than satisfied with the selection. There was one boy dancing at OZ you both would have maxed out your cards for.JetSet exclusive Jesse.Oh and the cutie pie twink who was waiting bar at good friends on Monday morning-wearing just his revealing tighty whities,huge cock-great ass
A huge success for New Orleans! It was very hot and very humid huge thounderstorms almost every day in mid-late afternoon. It was incredibly crowded at ground zero-Bourbon and St. Ann.Hot/not so hot/very unhot guys everywhere.Oz had some great dancers,Bourbon Pub had fewer than they shoud have.Madrigals turned into a male strip club again for the weekend(only the weekend-back to a tittie bar today) Corner pocket was fun-lots of cute trashy fun. I had the good fortune to meet up with the fantasticly generous Brandon Baker(partywithbrandon.com) The firey Rusty(reallyrusty.com)the boy with a photographic memory,Angel Benton (angelbenton.com)Brandons naughty/nice BF Fabrice,Fabrices smokin'hot friend Parks,and the very down to earth Barrett Long. We all headed off to a little spot I had been reading about of the foodie Blogs which turned out to be a disaster Not all of New Orleans is ready for their closeup just yet,Fortunately the boys were good sports about it-but we did not want to hang around the ghetto for two hours for fried chicken-so we headed off to one of my fave New Orleans spots-Mothers Restaurant on Poydras.YUMMY! I had the good fortune to bump into the fellas listed above several times over the weekend-they were all very nice and kind to me-brings a smile to my puss even now All in all a good time,I don't think I need to do it again as the weather is just so nasty in NoLa over Labor day-but I did enjoy myself very much.
Well-I think it will reopen pretty quickly-the damage was to the upper offices/store rooms. Smoke damage throughout of course,as well as water damage from the fire trucks. So within 6 months-unless the owners decide to sell and the new owners decide on a total redo.
How long till Cuba becomes a Cruise ship port?
Commercial fires are always suspect.But in this instance it is(for the time being)blamed on a short in the AC system. Hey-wasn't the Stock Fire blamed on the AC system also? If it was arson(which I have no way of knowing) the arsonist was a real amatur and a fool.Starting a fire during opperating hours-in the middle of the day,,,,not how these things are usually done.
It will reopen.Whether it will reopen as Micky's is the question! The property has been on the Market for 2 years(the owners want 10.5 million!)so I don't know if it will reopen under it's current guise or will become one of the trendy "lounges"(ugh)that are popular in WeHo these days. According to Expat there will be an appriciation party at 11(one of those Louge type places I detest) this Friday night for the displaced workers.
My favorite bar in West Hollywood is in flames. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...kys-is-hot.html This is making me so sad
I refer to it as Hooville because I refuse to call it by the other name.If I call it anything else I call it the "D-- and B--- Show"(names not used so as to save oz and TY the trouble) I would slit my wrists before refering to the friends I made in Hooville as "Daddy's(my skin is crawling)boys"
OZ-I mean this is the best possible way-perhaps Male Escort Review would have better success if it would stop considering itself in this light. As a former prolific poster on the HooBoy site,who has left there of my own choice,I think y'all need to see yourself as an entinty into itself rather than a spin off. Brands are spun off for a variety of reasons.But dissent amongst principles is never a reason that is looked upon favorably,especcially when the originating brand had some problems. So I suggest that we stop refering to MER as a splitoff and start growing the site as its own invention. At the other site I refered to its readers as Hoovillians. This sites readers/posters I refer to as MERmen. Some might be the same,but hopefully some will be organic to this site.
NOTICE!!!! NUMBERS(under the new name)IS CLOSED!!!!!SHUTTERED!!!!! Went by last night to make a reservation for Wednsday and a sign on the door says something about they are working out their licesing and other issues. I then happned to spy the interim owner outside by the coffee shop and overheard some very troubling news. So no Numbers for this week!
Watcha doin' wednsday night?If you are in West Hollywood how about joining us for dinner at Numbers(yes-I know it has a ridiculous new name-but je refuse!)around 8 The new(straight-but friendly)owners have continued the tradition of what I like to call "cheap bastards night"with a reduced price menu. The Fabulous Brandon Baker is throwing a rentboy.com party at Micky's that night-so I will be heading that way after dinner. Hope to see lots of MERmen and Hoovillians there. Please private me if you plan on attending so I can set a reservation.
Is this guy for real?I guess it proves that even Fort Lauderdale is still in the south. This week the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Jim Naugle, basically said he doesn't really want us to visit his city, something he stated at a news conference on the steps of City Hall, the same news conference where he announced he had just been made aware of a website called Cruising for Sex. The Mayor announced that AIDS was being spread by men engaging in sex in local toilets and that tourists were adding to the problem. He suggested the county tourism dollars should no longer be used to promote the region to gay men since, of course, they bring disease with them. This all started a few weeks back when Naugle announced the city needed self-cleaning public toilets not because the citizens could benefit from them for the obvious reasons, but in order that homosexuals would stop having sex in the toilets. Local media uncovered the fact that police records listed one arrest for toilet sex in the last three years and local cops were quoted saying this was not a problem. For those who think he is simply anti-sex, Naugle apparently also refuses to call gay people "gay" because he says there is nothing happy about being gay. Still not enough to convince you? Try these tidbits cited at Wikipedia: Naugle has said that the American Civil Liberties Union acronym ACLU means "Atheists and Criminal Lobbying Union" and that a proposal for reducing greenhouse gases was "hate-America stuff" concocted by "a bunch of scientists meeting in Paris who've had too much wine." His views regarding homosexuality are that sodomy laws should be enforced and that homosexuality is a sin. So why punish Fort Lauderdale because of one idiot politician? Well, this idiot has been re-elected every term since 1991, making him the longest serving Mayor in the history of Fort Lauderdale which would seem to indicate the locals have already made up their minds. Maybe now it is time for the rest of us to decide we're not going to spend our vacation dollars here. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times, gay people spend $64 billion dollars on travel money per year so clearly our dollars can help (or hurt if withdrawn) a local economy. Planet Out named Fort Lauderdale "Best Gay Resort Town" in 2006. Travel writer Andrew Collins says Fort Lauderdale is "Florida's leading gay vacation destination." Even the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau spins this one, citing the city as "America's top gay resort area.".
As Nelson would say"Hah-Hah"! Fuzz can still impound your vehicle-but only for a very short period. So go pick up a hooker! http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/18/1883.asp
Unfortunately this is a very common scenerio.The Gay son is the one who gets stuck caring for the parent while the siblings in "real"relationships turn their back.I have at least four friends I can think of who are in this sitiuation. Just another example of us trying to asuage our self guilt for being "evil"?Or as outsiders us our sense of empathy turned up a couple of notches and we find ourselves wanting to help when needed? I have one friend who lived at home for 75 years taking care of his Momma.He led a very conscripted life only doing Gay stuff on holiday or on weekend trips into the city.When his Mother died his life crumbled.He is now living in a sanatorium and is pretty out of it. I am dreding that inevitable day when I am forced to make a decision between being a good son and a life.
Well I am going to take a chance and head for Southern Decadence this year. This will be my first trip back to New Orleans since before Katrina.i am pretty antsy about this as I know I will cry-but hopefully I will find some distractions from my recherche du temps perdu...
Wellllll that was a bit of a let down after weeks of playing it up big they spent maybe 10 minutes at the awards show!Most of which was Kathy and her enterauge worrying about being there on time! I am sure ther will be more on the DVD version,and maybe there was not a lot they could show on basic cable but still a downer.
On July 10th the Kathy Griffith show-My Life on the D List-will feature her performance at this years GatVN awards in SanFrancisco. She is hilarious and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. A don't miss for MERmen!
Pool parties in Pittsburgh Fort Lauderdale
TownsendPLocke replied to TownsendPLocke's topic in The Beer Bar
GOOD LORD I am trying to book My ticket to FLL and I cannot find a ticket under $440!I was looking at $211 on AA and did not act quick enough I do hope something cheaper pops up soon or I will miss this -
NWA has been playing dirty in their negotiations with three of the Unions which form the backbone of the airline.Management has been caught in so many obvious lies and their response has been a childish refusal to negotiate. This latest tactic is the result of stupid cutbacks and forced overtime during the busiest part of the travel season.They have used up all the hours that 60% of the workforce can work-and guess who suffers-thats right the passengers. The End of the month being this weekend seemed like a good time to pull this BS stunt.Most of the travellers inconvenienced will be leisure travelers,not the highly valued buisness travelers(most of whom head home on thursdaty night during the summer months-and many of whom will not be traveling for buisness next week because of the Independence Day Holiday)and thus a perfect storm has been created. I am disgusted with NWA-and I am pissed off as well!I have over 200k miles with them and can never find avilablilty on awards flights-unless I give in to their extortion and pay double the amount of miles I should be asked to pay. Oh-and did you know that NWA has outsourced part of its fleet maitenance to China?doesn't that put a chill up your backside? I have not been on a NWA flight since Management started playing these sick and twisted games with their employees and their customers.I know some folks are at the Mercy of NWA(Detroit and Minnapolis)and I feel sorry for them.For those of us that have a choice support the airlines that want our buisness AND ARE WILLING TO TREAT THEIR EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT!
I would opt for the use of your NWA miles-But you might wait till the begining of the month. If he does not make the flight-you get your miles back(a miles flight is treated just like a full fare ticket on most airlines)But this is most likely going to cost you dearly in terms of miles-but still a lot cheaper than having to spend 3k$ out of pocket for a full fare ticket. Or you could send some tough love his way and tell him-"you got yourself into this mess,,,,," Even flakes need to learn such life lessons
There is a pool party at a private residence this weekend-these are great fun and a good way to meet some talent. http://www.splashpgh.org/ For those of you in the southern US I HIGHLY reccomend the pool party that is planned in Fort Lauderdale next month(July 14th)Not only will ther be lots of local talent but talent from across the US is scheduled to be there-and I am planning on going as well! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/searc...t.%20Lauderdale Private me if you would like to meet up-this will be fun!
I have not been to LA pride(the carnival-not the parade)also known as Christopher Street West for many years till yesterday. Had a date with a new escort that I am mentoring and decided checking out the carnival was a fun way to see what was happening on the community. Well the Community I experienced was nothing more of a shoddy overpriced flea market than any sort of Gay Pride exhibition. And as usual-our dear gay brothers are more interested in making a buck than serving any sort of comunity needs.Booths selling $6 cups of beer and overpriced carnival food(think $6 Hot dogs)outnumbered the booths offering community support/support/info/political options. So If you want to pay $20 a person,want to see some bad to ok musical acts over lousy sound systems and be surrounded by the crassest form of low market vendors out there Then you are going to enjoy the Carnival.I will have no problem skipping it in the future.
Again-from my post above,, "Unlike some of the fellas here,I do not have to get to close to a piece of shit to know to keep away from it" But of course there are some peices of shit that have been hidden from my sight that I have gotten kinda close to,to the point of considering them to be friends-but eventually the smell came through and I could see that they truley were pieces of shit-and as such it was best to avoid them in the future.
>>According to Jason Curious David Forrest is back in the >pokey >>again-this time for possesion. >>Smells like a set up job to me-but it really could not >happen >>to a more deserving guy. > >Can you give us specifics on why you state this "could >not happen to a more deserving guy?" I take it you >actually know more about David than what you read by your >statement. Unlike some of the fellas here,I do not have to get to close to a piece of shit to know to keep away from it. > >I've known David and don't ever recall your name coming up in >general conversation or seen you at any functions he has held. >Maybe we just keep missing each other. My handle is a psuedonym son-as are most folks handles here.So you have no way of knowing whether I have met/done buisness with Forrest in the past,but just for clarification-I have not done buisness with him-I have met him-see the shit reference above. > >But regardless your statement about David is pretty strong >suggesting you have some insight ... or is i t you just enjoy >playing judge and jury about everything? Not evrything,just on folks like this > >Face the reality ... lets hear why you know this fate couldn't >be assigned to someone more deserving. Please see my other post-and Texdoc's statements as well