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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. PIMP hat on Brandon Baker has done a fantastic job of putting together some wonderful talent for this show-INCLUDING JESSE SANTANA!!!!!Check out the new poster! http://bp2.blogger.com/_4ckx_a4DYBI/Rz479u...8.25x10+WEB.jpg The VIP TIX include a couple of pre parties which is a great chance to meet the boys. The host hotel(Alexis Park) swarms with Hotties and is only a couple of blocks to the main party venue Krave.
  2. "barechested and beautiful. So, in the spirit of giving, I gave him a dollar as I would any other hot go--go boy. I guess if we keep doing theater reviews, we may have to also branch out into book reviews. But, for now, keep your eye out for the newest musical coming to Broadway: On The Townie! It's based on the book by a group of conventioneers at a paper convention in Chicago. Boy, do they ever cut loose!" A whole dollar?Wow Mr. Rockerfeller is in the house On The Townie will feature a line up of 25 chorus boys tap dancing in the Mineappolis Airport men's room! It will feature a sure to be hit song PIMP YOU OUT !!! about the PR work Townie does for hookers and friends. John Litgow has been signed to play Senator Larry"wide stance"Craig Bruse Villanch has been signed to play Townie!
  3. I just wonder if the movie could be remade in todays hollywood? Was this Treat Williams film debut?And wasn;t there an ass shot of him?
  4. Oz please give us a report if you do go
  5. Well I try to keep the focus of this board towards hookers,sex,parties where we can meet and greet some hot guys etc.... If I did not the whole place would be filled with post about books and ballet! If any other organization involved in the things listed above wants to start hosting/organizing parties/get togethers/dinners where we can meet than I will pimp for them as well. But nice to see you posting here Lucky-do it more often please.
  6. End of November-sounds like fun http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...ent-hodown.html
  7. Alright-you have been given ample warning The Boyfriend will be there-I would bet dollars to doughnuts that Jesse will be there also. So get your plane tix now! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...s-jonathan.html
  8. MarkAnthony I am pretty sure he will be in LAS during the time the HustlaBall events are going on-since he is a JetSet star now and these events get a lot of the talent from gay porn. As to his availibility,,,,wellllll you are better than I at charming(and dealing with)pretty young things like him-although that big dick of his and his low hanging balls do spark some interest in me!
  9. Just thought I 'd give y'all advance notice of some events coming up NUTS-on Saturday Nov.17th there will be a great party at The Lovely Spotlight in Hollywood(CA.) http://losangeles.craigslist.org/eve/475126890.html Jingly Bells-on Friday Dec. 7th There will be a special Rentboy.com party at Hamburger Mary's in WeHo And now for the big news----HUSTLABALL LAS VEGAS!!!!Yes it is back on track!The fabulous Brandon Baker has been working like a ,,,,well you know!!!To make this happen again in 2008 and he just signed the papers today.It will be at KRAVE again-and it will be on Friday January 11th 2008. A great chance to get up close and personal with a lot of really cute and hot working boys.I will be there for sure-hope lots of you will be too. I will keep y'all informed as we get closer to the date.
  10. The international playboy Brandon Baker has posted a link to some very hot pix from this years HustlaBall in Berlin. I spotted at least one poster to this board and maybe two http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...007-photos.html
  11. Actually Taz the lackluster privates were a small(but expensive) part of my dissapointing visit to The Stockbar. Since you seem to want me to keep repeating the story(a rather questionable move on your part-good management does not want to dwell on past mistakes,they apologize,learn from them,and then move on)here is the post from my trip report earlier in the year. May 25 2007, 11:50 AM Post #7 Aroused Member Group: Members Posts: 210 Joined: 8-August 06 Member No.: 106,201 Well actually spent some time last night at the Stock(Sundy night I left after 3 dancers in a row never removeded their undies during their slow dances-and thus beeing coy about showing dick x( ) Last night was better-but a few tried this again. The talent at Stock Bar is about as boring as can be IMO these days.There is so little variety and the dancers energy level is on half power most of the time.Quite a few of them looked like they were on some sort of opiate.Lots of steroid side effects in evidence-all of them either totally shaved or trimmed to mere whisp of hair.HATE IT! Big bruiser Muscle guys saunter around-Dont attempt any sort of dance routine.Very little eye contact with the audience-they are too busy admiring themselves on the many video monitors around the place. There were a few fellas thet did put out some energy and actually danced-but it was nothing like the old days. I did backrooms with two guys-both were far from frisky and never got hard.One was very very sweet(Jason)The other(Tyler)just wanted to pose-but was quick to ask if I would like something deliverd to my hotel(yeah like that is going to happen-after wasting $80)Many dancers wer showing their desperation NOTE TO DANCERS AND MANAGEMENT OF STOCK BAR--the dollar is weak,the buisness is down during the slowtimes-go back to the $10 dollar dances and get a little more varity in your guys.This lineup is as boring as the old,now long dead,Gaity-you can do better.I will not be back. To add to the funtimes of the Metro strike there is now a heat wave! Montreal,wjile still my Favorite North American city, will have to be put on hold for a while.To many other places to
  12. Thank you Lucky-I do hope at some time in the near future we will both be in La Belle Montreal at the same time. I did mention in my post above that the problems I had at Stock were in place before Taz's involvement-however that in no way negates my experience there.I do hope Taz brings some much needed inprovements to the establishment that the other partner has long neglegted in lieu of greedily lapping up the easy dollars made via internet porn. I do not see my posts as vitrolic.An astute manager will look at them and try to find what,if anything,could be learned from my complaints-that is how succesful buisneses grow. Now that The USD and CAD are at par(with the USD sinking) many frequent visitors to Montreal might be looking elsewhere to spend there leisure dollars. I for one will really have to rethink my holiday expenses.Wasting money(throwing good after bad money)is not an expense I can afford-as I am sure most cannot.The whole $20 private BS upset me when $1 USD=$1.30 CAD,now i would be even more upset. But winter is fast approaching,and the Stock fellas will see the usual downturn in revenue-bargains to be had?
  13. Taz wrote"Since the summer I can say that NO dancers have been told to dance around in clompy boots or pants. In fact the dancer manager has been been trying to get more dancers to do NAKED stages. Iam not sure if your a member of the website www.nudemaledancers.com if you were you could see an improvments in NUDE slow songs." One of the problems is that most of the "dances"slow and fast had no energy,very little interaction,and were dull as dishwater. The boys stare off onto space-or at the cameras,walk(or stomp)around the pole slooooowly.I know this is probably great for the fellas getting off on the web cams-but(again)it does a real disservice to those of us in the live audience. When we were both at the Campus the next day we both witnessed some great stage energy and some fine looking guys-of all body types. I know you had a good time-as did our friend from SD. I think the dancer manager also has to bring in some one to pep things up.Gee,do you think there might be a gay guy in Montreal will to work as choreographer/danse coach for the Stock guys?Spit on St. Cat's and it will probably land on him I don't expect the Joffery when I am at a male strip club-just a little something something to make me smile.
  14. Taz-I don't recall saying that I "loved the place"If I said I liked the place it was simply the physical layout is very nice. I had two very lackluster backroom encounters on my last visit-both I would catogorize as "Gaity style"hustlers-but that is out of your control.I did mention my dissapointment with our mutual aquaintence from San Diego. The "dancers"need to be told that stomping around in clompy boots looking like a roided out zombies does not equate to dancing.I know for a fact that the Canadian partner in the buisness has told the guys to do this because the patrons of the website like it-it is a HUGE snore fest for those of us seeing the performance live especially those of us who remember the great energy some of the dancers at the old location used to put into their routines. Also the lack of diversity in the dancers is boring.I know there is a gay"god"ideal-but must every dancer be so pumped up,plucked like a bald chicken,and sport the same tribal tattos? Is this a hold over from my dislike of the gaity?Yes in part-regarding the roided out freaks.My main bitch with the Gaity was the absolute disdain bordering on hatred the management held for its clientele and the nasty old dead people in the audience. I really would have appriciated-holding this discussion in private with you and would have been glad to have done so. But since you chose to drag this out in public,,,My opinions on this place were formed before you became involved in the management,it would have been nice if you would have sought me out and asked for my counsel in a positive way rather than parsing this in a confrontational manner-but that is just how I would have done it. Best of luck with this venture-and I hope to see some improvements on my next visit.
  15. That was me with the blah blah blah. And I still stand by it-it was a huge snore when I visited-but glad you had a good time. Taz is Lucky to have such a good friend in Lucky. I won't say"never again"to the stock-but it will be a lonnnnng time till I drop any coin in the back room-I am sure the dancers are losing sleep over it
  16. I have at least one friend who was turned away because of an old DUI. There is a fix-but I do not know how stringent they will be http://www.smartertravel.com/travel-advice...html?id=2439698
  17. Middle Aged fat man traveling to Chicago for the first time. Likes go-go boys/strippers Likes Piano Bars Likes to have a good time and watch the passing parade of humanity. Like bars where Love For Sale is on the jukebox Does not like "lounges" Does not like "fluffy sweater"bars Does not like bars where the drag is made of the skin of an animal(leather bars) HATES attitudinal queen bars(my hands get sore from all the slapping I must do) Any sugestions.Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
  18. Since folks on "the other site"have got it all wrong I thought I would give y'all the straight shit on the demise of the beloved Hustler bar/restaurant in WeHo flormerly known as Numbers. Numbers for years was located on Sunset-this period is remembered very fondly by those of us who visited this institution-the food was ok,parking was a bitch-but the boys could be devine. Then Greenblatts deli which owns the property refused to renew the lease.Bob and Tony(the old owners)relocated to Santa Monica Blvd-it was never really the same. Many folks had problems with the favoritism that the owners showed some of the clientele.Since I was one of the favored it did not bother me very much Bob and Tony decided to retire.They had worked hard for a long time-in several buisnesses.They played favorites again in deciding to whom they would sell their buisness-instead of selling it to a long time customer with some cash and lots of collateral for a loan they decided to sell it at a lesser price to a dotcom'er who had the cash on hand -at a lower price.This fellow we will call Bob2 Bob2,while a nice guy,had no real experience running restaurants or bars,but he did have a lot of money to hire folks who did.He made some major misteps IMO and the buisness suffered. Bob2 fell victim to some"problems"that befall many rich gay men with too much money(Remember what Richard Pryor said?)And after a while he decided to get rid of one of these problems by going on a little vacation and letting someone else run Numbers. The new owners-a straight couple-made a few changes=but not enough and not the right ones. The buisness came to a screeching halt when Bob2-fresh from his "vacation"decided he did not like the changes(including the ridiculous name change to Digits )and saw the buisness on the brink of failure.He did something very,very drastic and pulled the liquor licence. One day the employees showed up for work to find the doors locked and a handwritten sign saying "we will reopen when we get things worked out" I went up to Numbers on a Saturday to secure reservations for a Hooville/MERmen dinner to find a locked door-with a sign simmiliar to the above.Passing the coffee shop on the corner I waved hi to Bob2 who was screaming into his celphone"I don't want to run this damned place anymore"! The future of the place is up in the air-it will reopen I am sure.All of this makes me long for the old days-but c'est la vie.
  19. He is currently doing a lot of PA's with his BF(also a jet set exclusive-but I di not get his name-he is blond if that helps) MarcAnthony could charm him out of retirement I am sure-how would you like him on your arm at B&B?
  20. I am a "camp follower"of the rentboy.com crowd-and thus I like to be where I can see these boys having fun.Makes this old Auntie feel a little less old. Next event for me will probably be Hustlall in Las Vegas. in January.But I might do something around Halloweenie. Black and Blue is a lot of fun-but I will be in Chicago that weekend.
  21. I guess they live by the motto-:If at first you don't succeed(or your stupid ,busy body,time and money wasting ideas are shot down by the courts)try,try again. This also might be shot down-but the Supreme court has a more right leaning slant to it since the last time this was shot down. If you like looking at pictures of naked/near naked people please act on this. http://www.thetaskforce.org/activist_cente...to_section_2257
  22. There was a lot of fooling around on the streets,but the police were there in full force. One pornstar did get busted for public indecency,while another was showing his extreme endowment for anyone who asked. The bars were safer for getting down-which I did with a local(and very drunk)local boy.
  23. My friends Brandon Baker of rentboy(partywith brandon.com)and David at Outbound Tours have just announced the rentboy.com cruise for 2008. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...ruise-2008.html This is sooooooo cheap!And includes 3 night at the historic Hotel Montelone! Early days I know-but I wanted to give my frinds here at maleescortreview.com first dibs on the best cabins.
  24. That was the one-Jesse Santana,as sweet as they come.Very nice boy btw.
  25. Busy Brandon Baker has found a minute to post about the weekend on his fantastic blog. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2007/...dance-2007.html
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