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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. Jesse is very,very young. He does give of a "hooker vibe"and may be to sweet for his own good. I know he is constantly deluged with propositions for play for pay.And I know his BF has been very rude to some of these suiters He is friends with lots of Hookers-and I don't belive he sees them in a poor light.
  2. Rod,as one of the brightest and most articulate posters from"the other site"your presence here is most welcome-Happy to see you here.
  3. Jesse Santana posted this over at partywithbrandon.com. Very well written-and very well stated. Nonetheless it will break a few hearts here at MER Thursday, February 21, 2008 Pornstar / Escort Pornstar / Escort Where to Draw the Line Escort, model, pornstar...these are simply job titles, all of which should be respected in their own right, but not to be confused. Individual pornstars may also have separate job titles. Some are doctors, some are teachers, some are bartenders, waiters, dancers, professional ice skaters, Olympic swimmers, and some...are escorts. But more often than not, most pornstars have to struggle under the consistent assumption that all porn models are prostitutes as well. Why should one title create another? It's honestly a shame that a porn model can't be proud of his or her job, without it also being assumed that sex and/or services are up for sale. And why is it that a large percentage of models are told, at one point or another, that in order to be a 'bigger star' they need to keep some would-be clients happy? It's the sad truth, but it's wrong. Pornstars should be liked for their performances on-screen, not off-screen. First, let me simply say that my standpoint is not at all against escorting or escorts, but against the misled presumption that simply being a pornstar in today's society automatically links you to being an escort as well. Whereas, most of us pornstars would rather be associated with what we truly do as a profession. In saying that, I only mean to offend the certain individuals who think that a room full of pornstars is the equivalent of a buffet with a complete carry-out/to-go menu. Some may argue that both parties are paid for sex, but consider this...pornstars choose how to express themselves, whereas escorts are at the mercy of their clients desires. Pornstars are selling a finished product, a scene or a DVD. An escort's product is his/her own body or time. Adult film is completely legal and an honest form of acting, or entertainment rather. The hard truth is that the core of most every escort's business is prostitution, which is illegal in all but two states in the United States. Porn models are paid by check by legitimate companies, whereas escorts are usually paid in cold hard cash by free-standing individuals. It's a free country, do what you choose...but many pornstars would rather not be directly categorized with illegal jobs and situations, such as prostitution. Lately, I’ve been setting the gay porn world On Fire. I have a strong relationship with a wonderful Guy and this topic means a lot to us, and certainly heavy on the minds of any other non-escorting pornstar. We’re regular guys who enjoy our career as gay adult entertainers, but that where the line stops. It's depressing, infuriating, heartbreaking, nauseating, and most of all, sadly discouraging, that the general public and the porn industry itself, can't realize that not all of us sell ourselves in such a way. This specific, misconstrued perception of porn models is an extremely unsettling and disrespecting misconception that needs to be put to light and set straight, for the sake of every self-respecting pornstar's morals and integrity. Being asked to sell ourselves is not a compliment or flattering to us in any way. Even if a certain pornstar were to escort as well, they probably don't want to be approached for an escorting job while they're representing themselves as a pornstar...I mean, a doctor doesn't want to go to a party and be asked to give a woman a breast exam. We're not just a bunch of pretty faces, bubble butts, and big dicks...we pornstars have our own ideas, views, and voices...all of which need to be heard! If you're a pornstar who escorts, be proud of it. But if you're really looking for a good hott escort, please try rentboy.com ~Jesse Santana Posted by Brandon
  4. Got an Email from a craiglister yesterday "Still Want to hire me" Listed were about 100 clients names and email addies! This is the same one who kept emailing me after I had given him my phone# and told him I would not have email access. I just don't think craigslist is for me
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEHOOKIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Brandon bakers blog-partywithbrandon.com there is a link to a new site for the escort of the year award which have been named "The Hookies" Here is the link http://www.rentboy.com/Awards/
  6. With all due respect eastburbguy-but you are not correct in this matter. There is(was) a voting process.I posted about this while primary voting was still active,and again when the finalist were anounced and voting is still active in this second round. Brandon does not select the nominees.Votes are calculated via an election check box next to every single profile on rentboy.com I have been lobbied by escorts to vote for them.And that is one way an escort can get votes.The ONLY way to win is by having the most votes. So yes,you are critiisezing without full info-and in pretty damning language also Here is a link to the voting for the second(final)round. http://rentboy.com/adds/bannerRedir.asp?ur...ward_468x60.jpg
  7. Rentboy.com 's resident marketing genuis Brandon Baker is hosting this years Escort of the year award in West Hollywood at Rage nightclub on March 22nd-so you can have a truly memorable easter egg hunt! This is a really big event-and I will let my fellow MERmen know as soon as tickets go on sale. Brandon will also be having a party on Sunday at yet to be disclosed location. At least one frequent poster to this board will be joining me at this great event,and I hope lots of you will join us as well. Great chance to see some of the boys up close and chat with them. I will try and pin Brandon(yum)down on tix and other info tomorrow-he is has just returned from SF. and the GAYVN award weekend. So check back here soon
  8. What a fun weekend! I flew to San Franciso on friday and attended the Falcon Party,lots of talent-far outnumbered by industry folks.I guess I should watch more porn-I have no idea who any of these folks are A fun ride to Fishermans Wharf for dinner(5 of us in a beemer convertible-including Jason Curious-watch for his new website Urine Nation.com )for dinner-where I was surrounded by fun friends-some of which just happen to be gorgeous) then a quick ride to my hotel and onto the rentboy.com pre GAYVN awards party at the endup=where I met newbie poster Eurythmic Thrust and friend. Again tons of cute guys-lots of twinks with many hunks showing up after the Colt party. Next morning came way to early. And a three hour delay at SFO meant I missed the Dinner in Palm Springs Sunday I met up with Lucky and his partner and the boyishly handsome charmer Jason Carter for breakfast before continuing on to the gathering at Oliver's villa.Raul G. Manzo was there and was out of his swimsuit pretty quickly, as was Jason-such good looking fellas(PS-Raul your fur looked good)and som great commeraderie amongst old friends. I will be posting about some great upcoming events very soon-so keep checking back here at Male Escortreview.com for updates.
  9. WOOOOO HOOO!Party date has been moved! Well tickle me pink!The Rentboy.com Pool Party has changed dates! The new date is May 17-I will be there now for sure-and hope too see lots of you fellas there as well! This is going to be one of the hotest parties of the year! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...ate-change.html I will post more as more info becomes available. PS the host hotel is a super hot venue-very sex friendly but in a laid back setting with a gorgeous pool.
  10. See you boys there
  11. So glad to help Lucky and the number of replies must be because of the promotion you have done on THIS message center rather than the "other place"(where they are too busy remenesicng over strip clubs that have long since closed-geesch some of the posters over there do tend to live in the past)your efforts will be well rewarded. And the Palm Springs Convention Center would be a wonderful venue for a big party next year.It is close to a hospital with a very good geriatric unit in case some of the attendees get a little too excited As it stands now I will be attending dinner and the pool party.I am flying in from SF after attending Brandon Bakers fierce Pre GAYVN party friday night at the Endup. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...-pre-party.html Tje gathering in PSP will be a nice chance to relax after getting all worked up being surrounded by cute guys and hot studs. Hope to see lots of old friends and make some new ones in Palm Springs.
  12. I got goosebumps last tuesday when my InkAVote marker went down for Obama-after hessitating a moment over Edwards. I had to overcome many years of stupid prejudices learned from my upbringing/family.Logic did win out finally. I really want some change in the white house,Not a continuation of a former President. I think McCain(old-possibly senile and kinda crazy)is Very beatable-and thus we have a real chance here and now. The bible thumper might as well drop out now.and a combo ticket is an even surer loser than McCain on his own. I do hope this works.
  13. Sorry Eurythmyic Thrust=no privates PM's in my box ?
  14. I was in San Francisco this past weekend and contacted 6 guys on craigslist. One kept emailing me after I told him to call me on my cell. One was soooooo dumb -said his phone was out of service and to keep in touch via email(maybe an investment of $1 to make $150 just did not make financial sense to him ) No word from the other 4. Again I must ask-why do they bother?
  15. My busy busy pal Brandon Baker has been realllllly busy thinking up some great events for the next couple of months-the boy is a dynamo(and a cute sexy beast as well ) here is a list-more will be added I am sure. The one and only Mardi Gras in New Orleans at the Bourbon Pub January 31 to February 6 The Cybersocket Web Awards February 6 at Ritual in Hollywood XBiz Hollywood February 6 to 8 in at the Roosevelt Hotel Hollywood A GayVN Awards Pre-Party Feburary 16 in San Francisco at EndUp. The GayVN Awards at the Giftcenter Pavillion in San Francisco A GayVN Awards Post-Party with all the details to be determined. The second annual RentBoy.com Escort Awards on March 22 at Rage in West Hollywood An after party on Easter for the Escort Awards that will be just glamorous. The RentBoy.com Pool Party in Palm Springs at Helios Resort on April 12 So I do not wanna hear any whining about not being able to get out and meet some hot guys!These events are loaded with them! Check out Brandon's b;og for more info http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...es-parties.html Things change.the bars we used to love to go to to scout out talent have all but dried up. These events kind of fill that void for me. SO JOIN US-lots of hot guys,great times.
  16. I do hope that there is more info forthcoming for the readers of THIS website(whom I have named MERmen)and I know the gracious hosts will be extending an invite to us as well. Looking forward to it.
  17. Ummmmm-here is another idea,,,,,, I think I will private to you instead.
  18. In talking with the fabulous Brandon Baker last night at Hamburger Mary;s I learned that I will be in Europe during the weekend he is planning the rentboy.com pool party It is planned for April 12th at the Helios Resort. This was sooooooooo much fun last year and I had planned to host a brunch the next morning for the boys this year=well so much for that idea. Fellas-let me tell you that this was sooooo hot and such a great opportunity to meet up with some of the hottest guys in the biz. So even though I will not be in attendance you might want to plan to be there that weekend-it will be a weekend you will never forget! Here is my report from last years event. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...post&p=3804 I will keep you all posted as I find out more.
  19. Did you ever get your beer last night?
  20. Thanks to the MERmen and some old friends from Hooville who showed up for this fun event.
  21. HUSTLABALL PIX ARE UP Brandon and Cool Tom have split them into four catagories-but they are still huge files so have patience. Enjoy! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...8-offiical.html
  22. This fella has a great blog. And he has posted a lot of great photos of the Hustlaball party http://chroniclesofpornia.blogspot.com/search?q=hustlaball I hope he will join this group very soon-such enthusiasm for hot guys of all types
  23. In West Hollywood, I will be there-hope some of you show up also Great way to meet some of the local boys up close and personal. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...com-friday.html
  24. A young man with so much promise.Who had already accomplished so very much in his young life. This saddens me more than I can comprehend. Another bright light,a true actor,has been extinguished. RIP
  25. Pool Party Pix!!!!! Brandon Has posted some great photos from the pool party at the Blue Moon HOT STUFF!!!! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...y-photos-i.html
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