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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. You rang I went last year-and am going again this year.It is a great event and I had a blast last year. A great chance to greet and meet over a hundred working boys. I do belive I posted a link to some photo albums from last year somewhere around here. I know of at least 2 other MERmen who will be in attendance this year. Brandon Baker does a fantastic job with this party. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/searc...%20Pool%20Party VIP tix are almost sold out(5 left),and regular tix are selling quickly.The VIP gets you in earlier,gives you a "members only"area and gets you a drink I belive.Also gets you into the after party the next day.
  2. FATE MAKES ME OUT TO BE A LIAR! Of course when I invite the owner of this site-Totally Oz-to this event is the night that only a sprinkling of working boys show up! Even Brandon Baker who had the cute Derrick from Las Vegas(who was there for 3 seconds)was left without his usual posse. Nice to see those that did show up-and Chillmastero1 it was nice to finally meet you(do not be so shy-you have a lot to share with the group )and it was a treat to get to spend so much time with OZ,Barr1965,JamesK,and of course-the incredible Brandon Baker.
  3. Last month there were 20 working boys for 3 johns!-Let's not have that happen again fellas-makes it tough on me to keep all of these boys entertained The event begins early-usually around 7:30.Food is served ans the burgers are good. I will probably be there at 7'ish. The amazing Brandon Baker always has a bunch of cute boys with him-he does have an eye for sexy guys! Our own chlillmaster usually has an armfull of cute twinks with him as well. Hope to see you all there-and do not be shy=come up and say hi!
  4. You rang ? This weekend 4/19-4/20 is the white party in Palm Springs=so much of the talent is there right now. Tuesday night it is all happening at MJ's in Silverlake.doors open early and there is a line by 10. Friday night?????Why it is the last friday of the month so that means Rentboy.com night at Hamburger Mary's in WeHo.The boys will be very broke after White Party so I am sure friendships can be easily formed.
  5. They were both fine sexy men. Do I remember there names?No=but I have a poor memory for names these days.There is a postter on another site who is a marvel-he remembers the names of all of the boys at the clubs-and he is older than I so it cannot be age I am lucky to remember the boys name after we are done in the back room of the Campus.
  6. Visited Sauna Thermas last week. There were 30+ boys and maybe 8 johns.Some of the boys are very very agressive-did not like that bit at all. Of the 30+ boys only one was a Spainiard.The rest were Brazillian,Cuban,Morroccan,Eastern European-even one Americain with an enormous dick. Played twice-one cuban and one Brazillian 50 EU each. No need to rush back-the pushy fellas really spoil it for the rest.
  7. Well there is a little bar in Frankfurt Called the Come Back.tiny little place of the main gay drag. Bartender was very friendly and to the point. They have rooms for rent above the bar. Boys are almost all foriegn-Turks,Romanians and Eastern European-although when I asked about German boys the bartender said he could make a call. Did not partake-nothing really caught my fancy.
  8. Hoover42 it is nice to see you posting here. These wonderful events happen at the Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood. They have kind of taken over from the Hooville dinners of long ago Hope you can attend one of them-next one is on the 25th
  9. I get plenty of intelectual stimulation and stimulating discourse in my life. That is not ythe kind of stimulation I am hiring hookers for I am not looking to suck their brain But I do agree with CTDick(hope to see you in Montreal over Memorial Day)it would be a good thing if the boys did respond in a cogent and civilized way rather than MySpace shorthand or other uninteligible lingo. But it is not a deal breaker for me.
  10. It is right around the corner----- The Rentboy.com pool party palm springs. Fellas-let me tell you this was a fantastic time and a great opputunity to meet some of the finest escorts,porn performers, and their admirers in the flesh. This year it will be held at Helios in Palm springs.Unfotunately they are sold out but their are plenty of gay resorts in PS. The date is Saturday May 17th with an after party the 18th. Here are some photos of last years events. http://www.partywithbrandon.com/photos/pal...2007/index.html Tickets do sell out(they did turn away folks at the door last year when they reached capacity)and the VIP tix allow you some great time before the rest of the crowd gets there. Private me if you plan on attending-let's have a nice strong MERmen presence at this event. I will also be attending the Pool party in Pittsburgh Pa, on June 19th. So here is a chance for the east coast guys to have some fun. There is another party on July 12th in Fort lauderdale that sounds like a lot of fun. Check out this post on Brandon Bakers blog for more info. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...rty-photos.html
  11. I did make inquiries on Friday night about this-no ID for this fella. Of course you could have snapped a photo with one of your 16 cell phones
  12. WANNA SEE SOME CUTE GUYS HAVING FUN???? Check out the phots on Brandon Bakers Blog! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/
  13. The Ratio of cute boys to Johns was something like 10-1 last night. I and another rentboy.com camp follower had the pleasure of being surrounded by beautifil guys and we were able to spend lots of time getting to know them. For our pleasure we had NOAH DRIVER(I know he has a fan on this board),CHASE EVENS was looking so hot,TRISTAN MATTHEWS winner of rentboy.com's sexiest escort award,JASON from LA took a break from his job to party with us as did BRIAN-who is just my cuppa. RUSTY was there with his very friendly,smart and cute bf-and his new puppy!JAY HOLT from San Diego-what a hot all american guy. Talent from Las Vegas in the form of RICKY and DERRICK were late getting to the party-very hot guys. The "boy with the golden hair"Angel Benton was there as well-what a memory he has! BARR65 finally showed up with tales of his NYC trip. There were about 10 other guys there whose names I cannot remember. Deffinately a night for twinklovers-although Brian,Jason,and JAY were there for those of us who have different taste. And Of course-the Fabulous Brandon Baker,who was kind enough to keep me company most of the evening discussing his incredibly busy upcoming three months. The staff of Hamburger Marys was great as always.So nice to be waited on by porn models
  14. Photos are up on Brandon Bakers blog http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...fter-party.html
  15. Cannot figure out if this is on the level yet or not.I might contact"Ethan King"for an interveiw. "Some of us do this because we LOVE it......and now I need your input..." My name is Ethan King, a San Francisco (as of this week) based escort, model, and "adult film personality." Clients and readers of my site and blog send me emails everyday and I hear that when I am referred to in the forums, people comment on my professionalism and "realness." You see, I think you as clients deserve more and have never understood why do you not demand more. It seems to be acceptable for escorts to not call back, not show up, show up with one thing in mind.....and its not between your legs. For some reason I have heard stories where, "hey its okay that they stole" or agree to one thing and then "I only do oral" when they get there. To me that is totally being disrespectful to you and its time that a.) you demand better and b.) we teach and provide these lost souls with services and assistance that make stealing from our clients not only not necessary but hopefully clear headed enough to realize that is wrong. Maybe I am old fashioned, but you are our customer and my customer is supposed to be always right. I often see my colleagues treat you guys as though you are lucky if the escort shows up, but to me I see it that we are lucky if our phones ring. There are many escorts out there that taught me GREAT things along the way. This group much larger than you might expect, and I are tired of combating the reputation of shadiness, untrustworthiness, dishonesty, men who have sex for drugs because of a few lost escorts. I am NOT PLAYING HOLIER than thou because we have all lost our way at one time or another in our lives but I suppose I was blessed and had a wonderful network of family and friends and people to fall back on. The fact is a lot of these boys don’t have that network and being an escort is a tough, even when it is great. I read on a forum the other day that not only was I a hot "fuck", but what made me special was that he could tell I loved being with him and something about needing more of me. Guys he's right, I do love it but I don't deserve a damn award for just being human. I don't wear a watch EVER, because I think its tacky to clock watch. You are the boss, if you are ready for me to leave, you will tell me. When you email me, I jump up to return it. If I say I will be somewhere I am there. If I am supposed to be there as myself, a TV repair man or a French Maid, I do it because I believe in my heart that its up to me to deliver the best quality product I can to my clients. I'm sure that is why thousands read my site a day and why my phone is always ringing, appointments are thick, etc. etc My case in point is that I am simply doing what an decent "employee" would do for their "boss." If I hated it, I would quit and I have publicly announced this on our side. Ask yourself this? Would you accept this behavior, business practices or manners at the Gap, or with the flight attendant on a flight, or at a hotel if they treated you like the way? I say you probably want...unless that is your fantasy and if that is the case FANTASTIC because there will always be some that are in the biz for the wrong reason. To restore the image of escorts for my own selfish reasons, I have started the Escort Revolution. I have personally funded the legal costs of starting a 501©(3), non-profit organization, already signed a year lease in a nice building and next week am meeting a friend of mine that is in government. He is going to review and revise I am sure all of the grant proposals I am submitting. We will be meeting with lobbyists, congressmen etc. Now of course escort will be replaced with "troubled youth" but I am opening The Ethan King Foundation. This foundation will be resource center for escorts.....almost an escort frat. You can read all about it on my website rentEthan.com but there are programs that range from "Travel Emergency Assistance" to counseling services, to government referral programs, to emergency housing, to rehabilitation. I even have secured a 4 bedroom house that will be like a "bed & breakfast" with a pool and staff and such. You know I take it for granted that when I am burnt out, I can fly to see my Daddy or best friend. I have been successful at this career FIRST BECAUSE I LOVE IT but I must also wonder if I just feel that I have been blessed because I have had the resources. If I am uneasy about traveling to a clients house late, in a weird city, I can call my aunt 24/7 and let her know where I am going "just in case." Most don't have that. That's another program we will have called Escort Locator. I envision a single number that an escort has to dial and there will be guidance, resources and support. We will have a mentor program for those escorts that want to improve their skills. There are a TON of AMAZING escorts out there who are already volunteering to be part of the network. . So help me, help them so we can improve service and quality to you. I have set up a 501©(3) organization for this project. That is how passionate I am about giving back while showing gratitude to all clients with a noticeable improvement in standards, service, and quality, while assisting those in need. What our goal is, is to provide them with resources and skills that will help bring pride, integrity, and morality to this profession. And guys, it benefits you the most. I am sure you think I am about to hit you up for money and I'm not. Like I said, I'm getting grants and have funded the rest myself because I believe that I have to "give back" even though its the worst time in my career to do it because things are GREAT and GROWING, I feel that the industry is in crisis. I think I will get back pride in my career, watching an industry that I love so much instill standards and police itself but most importantly watching quality product being created What I want is your ideas, thoughts, experiences, etc. I also am appointing my Board of Directors which will be diverse group of men ranging from escorts, website owners in the business, to clients, retail owners, to advertising people, to crisis management professionals (another program), to people totally outside of the biz to gain perspective and ideas. I need to surround our board table with brilliant people and will be most successful if its diverse. My only requirement is that you want to improve the escorting industry and are willing to use your experiences to help us create programs. There will be NO board member who's solution is to end the industry (not that that will ever happen) or who can't think outside the box for solutions to their own complaints. This foundation will achieve so much because the ones who's heart isn't in it will be assisted in finding another industry, the quality escorts who love their job will now be policing and you as clients will receive the respect, quality and reliable service you deserve. Please email me your ideas to ethan@rentEthan.com, If you are interested in being a board member (you can live anywhere as I have a web-interactive board room at the new office) please email me at EthanKingFoundation@rescueteam.com. Thank you for listening and in advance for your help.
  16. Here is the full list of the winners Best Bottom Jonathan Lowe Biggest Dick Barrett Long Best Fetish Escort Diesel Washington, Best Porn Star Escort Arpad Miklos Most Versatile Escort - TIE Chase Evans and Kyle Foxxx Sexiest Escort Tristan Matthews Best Escort Agency David Forest Best Escort Website www.ClubDean.com Best Escort Ad Two Boys in London Best Top Luiz Prado Best BodyWorker Mike (Los Angeles) Best Escort LondonBoy Pete
  17. The best source to put an unknown name to a hot face in this instance is going to be AngelBenton.com He should have his Red Carpet interviews at the Hookies up today,wheras Brandon's reports including lots of photos-but not a lot of captions will probably be up tomorrow. It was great to see JamesK there.And it was great to see Lucky and his partner there as well-even though y'all kind of vanished without a trace. Also saw Ben from LA I went with Hussy-now I love my friend Hussy but he needs to learn to unwind and enjoy the beauty that surrounds him There was a lot of Beauty there that night!
  18. Well that was a lot of fun. Expat will be happy to know that Twoboysfrom london wonan award London Boy Pete won Escort of the year-this guy is a dreamboat and as sweet as they come Kyle Foxx and Chase Evens tied for versatile escort of the year. David Forrest won for Best Agency(the crowd went pretty quiet on this one) Rage was a totally rotten host for this event-insisted we be out of there by 8:30 they will NOT be the venue for this event again. After Party at Bobby Trendy's(a surprisingly nice fella in real life)was great. I wish more Mermen would have shown up for this event=te boys that were there(and very avialable)would put Jesse(I am not for sale)Santana right out of their sights. Had a great "training session"with Mike from London afterwards
  19. !!!This weekend at Rage Nightclub in West Hollyywood!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5bSdmcry4 Hope to see lots of MERmen there! Let's get out and support our guys!
  20. I am heading to Europe next month. Hotel and flight are paid for via points/miles.I am still planning on $300 USD a day for expenses-and will still have to make frugal choices The Sauna Thermas in BCN will now only get 2 visits instad of 5.
  21. Chillmaster01 if you would have taken as much time posting a few more details in your review(as you have done in your past reviews)as you have in two of your posts so far in this thread it probably would not have been kicked back to you for revision. I thank TY for NOT publishing the sort of lame non helpful reviews that have been polluting "the other site:for a while now. Take a clue from your handle and chill
  22. fl guy wrote"Epiginos is voicing, I can't understand why the forum has never taken off. More importantly I feel the people behind this site have spent their time putting together a place that is more civil " And therein lies the answer of why(well one reason) this site has not taken of like gang busters. There was(is) a LOT of sniping going on at the other site,some of it done by the priciples. This site is civil,and the Owner and mod's have not,and will not,tolerate the sort of bashing of posters and-more importantly-certain escorts who have done nothing wrong. This deprives many trolls of their very life blood,and makes it less than intersting for drama queens to stir up shit. A very wecome change from "the other site"and I thank Totally Oz.Tampa Yankee,and Barry for creating a comfortable place for all of us. The site IS growing,but it still is in a growth process. Meanwhile the Posters to this thread are very welcome to increase the traffic by reccomending it to friends and by posting their experiences regarding escorts and other fun stuff.
  23. Oz-very nice of you to remember Hooboy on this anniversery of his death. Two of the people he helped the most chose not to
  24. Welcome to Male Escort Review Is that a photo of yourself Ice? If so Ice is very Nice If not-well you have good taste
  25. Another reason I adore Brandon Baker! Read his resonse to the brouhaha Jesse has started with his letter. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...se-santata.html
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