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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. As I was headed to the rentboy.com night at Hamburger Mary's last friday I stopped for a coffe at a cafe that is right next to a massage place that features Thai fellas.I think Lucky might have mentioned it somewhere.Very nice and friendly fellas. Next time you are in town you might stop by.
  2. See you there you sexy beast And I hope some of our other MERmen will join us
  3. Pimp hat on Brandon Baker is hosting the monthly Rentboy.com night at Hamburger Mary's in WeHo this friday night=starts around 7:30 Lot's of cute guys-come out and meet some hot fellas! Hope some of you will join me
  4. At this point Rentboy.com does not have an official event. They are a sponser of the whole Decadence weekend-along with about 50 other companies. There will be a large RB presence-Look for the rentboy.com shirts. As posted-I will be there.So lets meet up at some point.My friend Hussy-the Ventura Vixen was contacted by one of the fellas with decafest who assured him it will be happening this year-they just never got around to updating the site for this year.Hussy enjoyed a couple of the decafest offerings last year. Me-I am very happy to sit back and enjoy the eye candy and eat some great food
  5. Well if they really wanted the old cook back all they would have to do would be walk up SMB to Eleven=that is where he is currently employed. But really-I am glad they updated the very dated menu-they just need a better cook and to bring the prices down by 25% and the place will be packed. Oh=and luring some cute guys back would not hurt either.
  6. I will be in New Orleans-my favorite city in the US-for Southern Decadence 2008 Probably won't attend any of the circut parties-but I had a blast last year just hanging out in the bars and cruising the streets. I hope some of you will join me-watch this space for more info. And yes-Jesse"I am not a prostitute"Santana is scheduled do dance at the OZ again this year
  7. It is THIS weekend! Party friday night at the Boardwalk! Pool party saturday at the Miramar. Lot's of very cute boy NEKKID and frollicking in the sun and getting wetttttttt A great time-go already
  8. Wellllll I will have to go back to give them another chance. Showed up at 9 with a party of 12 people(group from the Jason Secrest show at Here lounge)with no reservations.Place was pretty dead(4th of July-but it was a friday night-by comparriosion Eleven was packed)and only a few scattered tables of diners,both solo and groups. Bartender was very young,dressed in some strange costume-cute and energetic-they did not have bitters stocked and regular cocktails are expensive. First bad impression was made when the Manageress(yes-a woman )announced that at least 2/3rds of the menu was unavailable.Second came when our drinks arrived messed up(and I am talking about iced tea-it was carbonated!)third came when we had to tell our waiter to brinng our bread-after waitng ten minutes. Food finally arrived-nothing terrible but nothing very good either.And the menu is very expensive for what it is.Entrees start at $20 and go up to $35. Service was amusing amature hour-at one point our waiter did a lap dance for a group that was celebrating a birthday Owner was in the house-but never came by to see how things were going.I fear this is another rich guy who thought it would be fun to own a restaurant-with no experience in the restaurant business When I left a 10:45 some working boys were staring to stroll in. The wole place is draped in black crepe=like a holloween haunted house Like I said-I will give it another try under better cicumstances and will reserve final judgement till then.
  9. Web page is up. http://www.thehustlecontinues.com/ Will check it out this weekend.
  10. I will be there-why don't you join me.This event gets TONS of cute boys And it is early enough that you should still be able to see some fireworks(if you don't make some of your own)-starts at 6:30 This is kinda the replacement for the old cocktails with the stars at Mickey's(Gee I miss Micky's) Hope some of you will pop by-don't be shy-come and say hi http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...te-at-here.html
  11. You did not hear it here first.This is one of those things that I was sworn to secrecy on till it was publicly announced-I kept my word Fab Scout entertainment has bought David Forrest's agency, websites,etc,,,, David Forrest is pretty infamous in the LA scene-and has proven to be a fighter-if not always the most savvy pimp----errrrrr Talent Agent Fabscout Entertainment is now pretty huge! read about it here http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...ertainment.html
  12. "The other site"is having a plague of pique right now.Lot's of name calling,insults and accusations being hurled about. I would like to thank my fellow posters and the moderators of this site for keeping Male Escort Review relitively free from this sort of nonsense. Refreshing. Now let's talk about some hot men!
  13. (Note: Story has since been corrected.) The Dangers of Auto-Replace In addition to blocking traffic from websites they don’t like, it looks like the web-geniuses behind the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow site have a few other tricks up their sleeves, such as automatically replacing any use of the word “gay†with the word “homosexual†in any of the AP stories they run … leading to instances in which proper names are reformatted to meet their ridiculous standard, such as this article about sprinter Tyson Gay winning the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials in which he is renamed “Tyson Homosexualâ€. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/2008/0...gers_of_1.html
  14. I am still hoping to make this event-tha airfare gods are working against me however The Online tickets are now available-see this blurb from partywithbrandon.com for more info. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...l-party_29.html
  15. Well that was a great bit of fun!Something for everybody and a great turn out of cute boys. This was one of those nights where there were four boys for every john A great suprise was the presence of a certain former Florida based fella that is now living in Las Vegas-and is a favorite of a certain poster here Thanks for a fun night Brandon-great spending time with you as always.
  16. Yes the end of the month rentboy.com party is tonight at Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood. Starts around 7:30 I will be there and hope to see a lot of MERmen there as well! Ask the host -we are usually in the front patio. Don't be shy=come up and say hi Go to Brandon Bakers Blog for more info http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...rentboycom.html
  17. Next week! Miramar resort in the gay resort area of Fort Lauderdale. This should be a blast! check out rentboy.com or partywith brandon.com for more details.
  18. New Owners,New Staff,New Menu. Back to its roots. Numbers has been reopened.New(gay)owner and management team. The new owners say they want to have the old feel of the original Numbers while updating the menu. Reports are creeping in that this is a fun place once again. Will give it ia try very soon.
  19. A few suggestions-some of which you may not want to hear. 1)Give me the option of paying a small fee(say $15 a year)so that I can access this site free of the advertising. The huge ad for flirt for free takes so long to load and really makes me want to visit this site less and less. 2)The owners and mod's have to be much more invloved in making this site more active.There are forums here which have no posts for three plus months.Part of the charm of the old Hooboy site was the feeling that we were all in this together.Not so with"the other site"these days-and TO write your travel journals in the name you use on this site-it makes you more present on your own site. 3)give us an ignore button.So if there is an unplesant presence I can put him on my ignore list. 4)Make the click thoughs on the front page easier.If I have to click three times to get to a profile I am less likely to visit your front page. 5)If one of you contributers takes the time to private you guys take a minute and acknowladge that email./message-otherwise their is a doubt about whether or not the email/private went through.
  20. I will be in Montreal this weekend and will check in to see what changes the current management has made at the StockBar. Taz-If you are in the house please come over and chat-it will be nice to see you and hopefully we can sort thing out.
  21. For those that did not make it because they were to busy sampling frozen yoghurt here is a link to the photo albums from the party http://www.partywithbrandon.com/photos/pal...2008/index.html these are big files and not safe for most work places.
  22. WHAT A FUN PARTY!!!!! The rentboy.com pool party was a great success-lots of great guys showed up and the scene was a little more manageable than last year. Nick Capra from SanDiego is now on my "must hire"list-that boys dick got so much attention from hungry attendees.Gorgeous man. Bur DAMMMMMMMMN it was so friken hot in PSP-around 110 on both days,and this kept a lot of fellas from travelling.The intereior of my car was 133 yesterday afrernoon. Big thumbs up To the now exhuasted I am sure Brandon Baker . the crew from Rentboy.com,the great felllas who own Helio's resort,and the 60 or so working guys who braved the heat to come out and join us. Now for Pittsburgh and Fort Lauderdale.
  23. WOW!!!! TALENT BOOKED FOR THE PARTY!!!! WOW!!!! This is a list of the talent so far-lots of boys just show up on their own! http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2008/...performers.html Big thanks to the wonderful Brandon Baker for working so hard on this event-he is amazing!
  24. Only one week to go till the Rentboy.com poolparty at the Helios Resort in Palm Springs! The host hotel is sold out!But other propties nearby have rooms. There are less than TEN VIP tickets left!And regular tickets are selling fast as well. Please Private me if you are going to attend this event=it would be nice to have a strong MER pressence there. Very much looking forward to this fun weekend!
  25. In LV for work on the same weekend as their Gay Pride weekend. Had lunch yesterday with Brandon Baker(how he plays den mother to all of these boys and still remains so sexy I will never know.Funny thing is-so many of the kids he is playing "Mom"to want to jump his bones!)Chase Evans-who will be appearing in a new site BoysBelching.com very soon-Rusty-who had the cutest package in his lap,,,his puppy Roxy,Mitchell and a few other cuties. Later that evening I headed downtown to get a spot for viewng the parade.Now way back when I lived in Las Vegas Pride was held in a gated and fenced park.I remember on year it was in a parking lot-screened and gated.Well things have changed a lot since those bad old days where being gay was a black mark in your HR folder if you worked for one of the casinos.The parade route was open to the public and crossed about 2 miles of downtown streets.Over 1,000 folks marched or rode in the many coloful floats.There were cuties running up and down the route handing out cupcakes!One group looked so hot dressed as super heros. Rentboy.com had an open-top stretch Hummer jam packed with cuties all in white underwear-very hot. The parade route was lined with over 10,000 viewers-quite a change from the old days-and a very welcome one.
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