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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. Expat sadly died last year after a very long and complicated illness. He was in Hospital at the same time I was and we used to trade war stories.
  2. This will be the first time I have ever participated in one of these Marches (in DC-I used to participate in SF back in the day) but I feel I just have to stand up and be counted. http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2017/01/march-washington-reignite-full-force-gay-rights-movement/
  3. Lots and lots of fellas on Grinder/Planet Romeo looking for "assistance" in Vienna. Just walking around town will get you very worked up-so many cute guys. I did not get to any bars because of the outrageous levels of smoking.
  4. Now she has a cardboard sign that she flashes at the intersection of Tropicana and Valley View Blvd. in Las Vegas "Give me money or you won't see any reviews for 3-6 months" Thing is-those reviews count for 80-90% of the traffic at her busy intersection. Her little mongrel dog Tweaker has been snarling and snapping at any drivers who dare to question her about the sign. But most just nod, throw her a sympathetic glance (and a few pennies) and go on their way happy to be considered part of her esteemed circle of followers. I am sure a more resourceful operation could swoop down and kick her out of that intersection for good.
  5. And now to get back to the subject of the truly insane... When I first moved to LA( and when I was spending way too much money on having a good time) I was seeing a porn fella/escort on a weekly basis. I was actually seeing a lot of fellas back then and actually helping support one of them but this fella was special Everything was going along nicely when one day I get a call from this fella He says he needs to see me and he needs my help. Well I was a much kinder person back then and so I headed straight over to his place. He hands me a large envelope and tells me to hand it to a certain lawyer should anything happen to him.Tells me the mob is after him and he was afraid for his life, Tells me he is going back home to live with his Mormon family that will protect him. Well this is back in the day that certain porn studios were "connected" and so I did not think his story was too crazy. Never heard from him again. I opened the envelope and make a copy of the contents. I then take the envelope to the lawyer and explain the situation- without giving him my name (and I had parked a good bit away so he could not run my plates) and left. I later read the contents of the envelope. This escort not only named names but had some photo copies of checks. Dates times locations etc. He also accused a rather big director who worked for one of those "connected" studios of incredible crimes. Never heard anything from anyone ever again about any of this. And the Escort in question was never to be seen again, searchng his real name brings up nothing after our last meeting.... So sometimes these boys ARE bat shit crazy. Other times you just might want to dig a bit deeper (you might want to-I try not to get that involved any longer
  6. Wait- you are doing work on the site and you are not going to beg/blackmail/threaten members to try and make some extra cash out of it? I here there is an ugly girl wearing a filthy skirt panhandling drivers (whom she calls "clients") at offramps in Las Vegas that would love to know how to make a website work!
  7. Lies and blackmailing your loyalist ass kissers is charming, just charming. And yet they bend over and say "Thank you miss! May I have another?!?" The Ringling Brothers is going out of business so there will be plenty of material for new frocks.
  8. Many of us came of age during John Travis's heyday. I tossed a bunch of loads to Powertool and The Other Side of Aspen. https://unicornbooty.com/legendary-gay-porn-director-john-travis-dies/
  9. I kinda have a huge crush on the boys in Out Of The Blue. nd even though there is WAYYYYYY too much autotune at playin this vid it is still a nice Christmas song.
  10. Over the past 8 months I have had 3 Colonoscopies. The first came back with "suspicious but inconclusive" results. The second found suspected cancerous polyps. The third one had many delays but I finally went in for a much more intrusive procedure today. They did a couple of instant biopsies and the second culture came back all clear. If it had not I would have had to undergone major treatment/ surgery so I have that to be thankful for.There are some other issues but those can be resolved with diet and/or minor surgery Different doctor today-much better IMO in explaining what exactly what was going on. He also found things which the previous doctor had not.And no- no watches , rings or small rodents were found. And Jimmy Hoffa's body is still missing The third colonoscopy I had to fight for or I would have been charged for it. I just did not like the first doctors attitude and I did not trust him. It is MY BODY that you are talking about! Why do so many doctors have a problem with that? I am 100% certain that if they got a "suspicious" prognosis (one that was not 100%) of cancer in their own body or those of family members they would ask for further tests. I basically had to blackmail the hospital into doing the third procedure and coding the procedure as new work rather than follow up. The Doctor doing the third procedure was much more sympathetic and inspiring. Unfortunately all too many patients would have just bent over (so to speak) and started on the long, painful treatment for colon cancer. This is the most action my ass has seen in a lonnnnnng time! I just wish it was the fun kind I use to enjoy!
  11. This sums it up very well "Such imbeciles do not want ideas—that is, new ideas, ideas that are unfamiliar, ideas that challenge their attention. What they want is simply a gaudy series of platitudes, of sonorous nonsense driven home with gestures. As I say, they can’t understand many words of more than two syllables, but that is not saying that they do not esteem such words. On the contrary, they like them and demand them. The roll of incomprehensible polysyllables enchants them. They like phrases which thunder like salvos of artillery. Let that thunder sound, and they take all the rest on trust. If a sentence begins furiously and then peters out into fatuity, they are still satisfied. If a phrase has a punch in it, they do not ask that it also have a meaning. If a word slips off the tongue like a ship going down the ways, they are content and applaud it and wait for the next" The thing is-it was written by H.L Menken in March of 1921 upon the inauguration of Warren Harding I am re-reading Gore Vidal's Hollywood. Which is about this period of time in the US and it is pretty amazing how history is repeating itself. The repub's foist off a candidate that no one seriously considered-with the full intent by party bosses that he will simply be a front-man while they control things in the back ground. Harding obliges them in a way which Modern day bosses only dream of-he dies! Calvin Coolidge is then ushered in (VP assumes duties) and then Herbert Hoover. And in August 1929,eight months after Hoover takes office, after nearly a decade of Republican shenanigans (lots of free market BS etc) The Markets crashed and the world was plunged into The Great Depression. I sincerely hope that Orange and his cronies fuck it up so badly in the first few years that we do not have to stretch this out for 9 years and 8 months only to be faced with another global Depression. And then Mencken wrote "“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary…As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
  12. The Alt-Right cannot be allowed to win! Please read this petition, sign it , and share it with friends. https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19
  13. Jeffrey Hurrant's statement " On Friday, the 7th of October, 2016 I pleaded guilty to the charge of promoting prostitution using the facilities of interstate commerce. It was a major step towards putting what has been the darkest period in my entire life behind me. I am very grateful for the deep and real support you have shown for me, the other defendants and Rentboy.com itself. To everyone who was negatively affected by the raid, I say that I am sorry. We tried our best with pride and integrity, but perhaps we were ahead of our time, and a sadly a little too proud inside the safe confines of our pink bubble. There will be a brighter future ahead for all of us. After anger, denial, bargaining, depression and bouts of acceptance I arrived at humility. From a sincere place of humbleness, I recited the following before Judge Levy in Brooklyn Federal Court: My name is Jeffrey David Hurant. I am 51 years old. I hereby plead guilty with the following allocution: "Between January 1996 and August 2015, I owned and operated a website called Rentboy.com. I agreed with others to accept payments from multiple advertisers and promoted their exchange of sexual conduct in return for a fee in violation of New York State law."
  14. The Fed's have already seized a little over $10 million cash from both corporate and personal accounts.
  15. ooooooh OjiBear I do like your taste in fellas! Now someone has to tell this fella that there is no need whatsoever to shave his pubes, and help stage some decent photos (no one needs to see the spare roll of TP-and a fresh clean towel would be such an improvement ) but otherwise he is perfect and just my cuppa!
  16. Jeffrey is a friend of mine. I am more than a little saddened that this case was not dismissed . This does not bode well for hopes that prostitution being legalized in the US anytime close to the near future.
  17. The principal of the site, Jeffery Hurrant, has pleaded guilty to "Promoting Prostitution" and "Conspiracy to commit Money Laundering" and may be sentenced to jail time and will face penalties of at least $10,000,000 , sentencing is set for February 2,2017 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/rentboy-ceo-pleads-guilty-promoting-prostitution-42646481
  18. Some of you have visited Backpage,com in the past. It look like this is going the way of rentboy.com unfortunately https://consumerist.com/2016/10/06/ceo-of-backpage-com-charged-with-allegedly-pimping-a-minor-conspiracy-to-commit-pimping/#more-10256766
  19. I guess we scared him back to "The Other Site" Pity.
  20. " Berlin, Vienna might provide more rewarding escort experiences.." We were in Vienna before our visit to Prague. It is an absolutely gorgeous city (my first visit there) and the eye candy on the streets is phenomenal. Panet Romeo and Grinder had some great listings although I did not hire anyone. We took the train from Vienna to Prague in the Business class carriage (the top level)- 50 EU well spent,
  21. I promised to file a fuller report so here you go. I stayed at the Sheraton while my friend stayed at the Radisson-both of which are easy walks to Escape, IMO there should be no problem bringing boys back to either hotel as long as they are not total street urchins. The Radisson does have key control in the elevators so you would have to meet a date in the lobby. We went to (or rather tried to go to) Escape all four nights of our stay The first night (Thursday) Escape was closed due to some technical problems which made us worry that this trip would be a total bust. Not to worry it was open all other nights with Friday and Saturday being very busy. Cover charge is 200 kc You are handed a plastic drink card and you settle your bill (including cover charge) at the bar when you leave. I was with friends that like to drink-a lot! So they moved us to a large banquette near the stage, Next night we were moved to the "Golden Chair" which is right in the center of the club. Just FYI there is a minimum spend required to sit in most of the booths/tables near the stage. If you order Champagne it is brought out by a group of boys with great flourish- a fun show! There is a card on the table advertising body shots/special drinks with the boys type things at pretty high prices. The boys are happy to sit with you if you buy them drinks. As usual it is best to order from a waiter rather than let the boy use your card at the bar. The boys all tended towards the twinkish type. Only one (nicknamed "Golem" ) was the sort of fella I really fancy. The fellas tending bar/waiting tables are all lovely hunks-much more my cuppa. The boys do attempt to "dance" and some of them are better than others There are several "special" shows during the evening including some live sex shows. On our first night one of our table had a private with a blonde 18 year old The set up is not too bad. The house takes a fee of 400 KC ($16 USD at the time of our visit) and then whatever happens in the back is between you and the boy. Blondie let it be known rather quickly that he would suck my friend off but would not allow anything else. The fee was rather outrageous but my friend paid it anyway. The boys ask for 4,000-6,000 KC and while I am sure some fellas pay that (such as my friend) negotiations for lower fees are very common. Most would be very happy with 1,500- 2,000 KC. Negotiations for more personal encounters are also the norm. 3,000 is not an insulting starting price for this. We did explore Temple- it was a very quick visit as there were only five fellas there besides the staff. Sunday night Escape was much slower. There were also a few woman (all brought in by fellas) in the crowd. All the women behaved and there was no real problem with them. We also drove out to Villa Mansland. This involved a long and rather complicated drive. The occupants were- One Tranny, One strung out twink, One middle aged "entertainer" singing Karaoke , the two German owners( who never said a word to us) and a middle eastern boy who spoke no english and had a lot of difficulty making change of a 500 kc note. We were not there long. I also attempted a hire off of Planet Romeo. The fella not only did not respond he deleted his profile! I guess I scared him away from a life of sin! We did enjoy the city-as we always do. A friend rented a car and we had lovely drives exploring Kunta Hora and Cesky Krumlov both of which are well worth the drive. We had some nice meals. If anyone wants resto recommendations please private me,
  22. Sadly I must report that Prague is a mere shadow of the Funland it used to be. Escape is reallly the only venue worth visiting IMO and the selection there is for a limited type of fella. Temple had 10 people in it on Saturday at 12:30 Villa Mansland was something so weird/boring that I thought we had made a wrong turn and had gone to the Kafka museum instead I will file a fuller report later but I am putting this here as a placemarker.
  23. As Totally Oz has 100 times more decency and character than The Fat Gal In The Filthy Skirt has I would love to see this happen. I have ZERO faith/trust in any "contest" run over on "The Other Site"
  24. Sigh.... seeing some old names on this decade old thread (Stef and Trey) makes me a bit sad Hope they are both doing well
  25. I have read your postings over at "The Other Site" and I am very pleased that you have joined us over here. I hope to meet you in person some day.
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