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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. Almost slipped right past me Nominate your favorite working boy(welllll the ones advertising on rentboy.com)for the Hookie awards Voting runs till the end of this month(so hurry)and the Nominees then have a run off vote. The Hookies will be in NYC this year-and YES I plan on attending!The party for this was soooooo much fun last year and I know my adorable friend Sean(The New York version of Brandon Baker)will throw a great party this year! More info can be found here. http://www.rentboy.com/awards/index.html
  2. Many Dem's.myself included,found the whole Monicagate thing a huge wast of time and money. Of course a blowjob and lying about receiving that blowjob is a different kettle of fish than the Treasonous crimes committed by the Bush administration. Thing is,it is a rocepical thing,you go after them and 8-12 years later they come after you=even if it means going after you for getting a blowjob during office hours.A lot of this was past 8 years wa spent righting "wrongs' done to(or by) Nixon,Bush,and Reagan.we just do not have the time or money for that sort of thing right now. I hope some of them go to jail-but I will not be betting any money on it.History will judge them,as will their beloved G-D.
  3. By spending "bailout"money on a french made private jet http://www.nypost.com/seven/01262009/news/...able_152033.htm Have these people no sense of decency?Oh they are bankers-never mind. PS-as a fella who worships the French and almost everything about them and their country this is NOT a "freedom fries"type of thing with me
  4. Since OZ took a moment to share about his favorite TV show I thought I would also.House. I love this show.The acting is great(I never imagined Hugh Laurie as a serious actor-and you can not detect a trace of his english accent)as is the writing. I was talking to a couple the other night,one is a MD and the other is a pharmacist-they told me that the technical stuff is pretty spot on and they enjoy trying to second guess the writers and guess the final diagnosis. There is even some eye candy(the young blond intern and House's best firend are pretty cute)and I know the straight boys think the girls are sexy-one even has a blog about them. It is on almost every night now that it has been syndicated-if you have not watched it take a look.
  5. I had brunch yesterday wih a bunch of young guys-they had to explained it to me.So do not feel to bad about it as I am sure we are not the only ones.Angel Benton actually did his great Britney imitation while singing it slowly so I could get it
  6. I was listening to the NPR business news this morning.In 17 seconds they went through the roster of companies annoucing layoffs and job closures that were announced today=27,000 people lost their jobs today in the USA When I thought about that I realized the town I grew up in had a population of 25,000.My home town was just fired today.
  7. I love this show one of my favorites of all time. One of the cable channels did a whole Marathon weekend-it was great.
  8. I welcome my good friend TomCal-your posts regarding your traveling play sessions will be most welcome here. "Frankly I get a little weary of constantly hearing “let’s be nice childrenâ€. A steady diet of Karo Syrup and honey gets VERY old and VERY boring VERY QUICKLY. In my NOT very humble opinion some good old fashioned heated debate and rancor adds interest to a site. Most of us, around here, are grown adults and if we haven’t learned to cope with being confronted its high time we learned. I, for one, have always subscribed to the old adage, “if you can’t stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchenâ€. To my other friend Epigonos,no one is suggesting that this be a Tupperware party-but I welcome the civility and fun we have with each other on this site without all the snarkiness/bitterness/nastiness that is allowed to go unchecked on "The other site" This kitchen can generate another kind of heat if we work at it-one that all of us would appriciate Opens far too many cans of vipers-I disagree strongly on this.
  9. lurkerspeaks,as one of the many nice fellas I have met through these sites I second your wishes. However-I fear the "tree"from which this fruit(who ya callin a fruit ) comes suffers from root rot and is being tended by a very bad gardner. More participation by the "nice girls" and new posterson this site is the only hope.
  10. Went for my daily visit to "the other site"and was greeted by this message " I am not going to stand in the middle and watch my friends tear themselves to shreds. Given the horrible times that we're all sharing right now, we should be supporting each other in anyway possible. We should be tolerent not vindictive. There are at least six whisper and/or public vendettas going on. Let me know if and when the Message Center is more important than your hatred and we'll go back online. For those that need reminding: "This is my house; I set the rules, I interpret the rules, and I enforce rules. You do not. If you can't handle this; Don't come into my house". Daddy" Hmmmmmm-well I know there are lurkers here who post/moderate/own 'the other site"what i would like to say is "I told you so"-but that is less than construtive. There has been a total lack of good judgement on the part of the owner of that site.He employs a "caretaker"who is one of the snarkiest posters on the site-this guy is actually the reason I am know longer welcome at that site.He should have been fired long ago and his posting privallages terminated. Posters are allowed far too much leniency in being not only nasty to each other,but slandering the working boys the site concerns itself with. It all starts at the top my friends.If you have an owner who is disdainful of his patrons,hires a manager who feels the same-then you are headed to the trash heap of failed enterprise. My best wishes to the good posters of the"other site"and I would like to welcome those new readers to this site. And I would like to thank Totally Oz ,Tampa Yankee and the good posters here at Male Escort review for keeping this site a lively,interesting,civil anf friendly place for those of us no longer welcome/no longer wishing to participate at that"other site".
  11. While this could be inclusive of the type of "service providers"this site is most concerned with I would like to open it to a broader perspective if possible. I had my car washed last week(just in time for the rain ) at a place I have had less than wonderful results at before.This time the fella drying/finishing the car was a supervisor and he did a terrible job.Rather than go over the things he missed on the car I just took the keys pulled up a little bit into a secluded spot and fetched the owner-I went over what was missed by the supervisor,told him it was the third time in a row I had less than good results from his business and that was why I was taking my business elsewhere.I was very calm while doing this-and I was not looking for a redo or a free car wash.I was trying to be helpful to a small business owner. So, how many "second chances" do you give to service providers-and yes,feel free to talk about the type of "service providers"this site focuses on,but also everyday experiences as well.
  12. Wow! "Big Daddy"there is a name that is a blast from the past! Only got to meet him once at a Hooville dinner at Numbers many years ago.Those were so much fun and I made so many good friends through that group,some of which I am still in contact with. Oz-please tell him that there is a place at the table amongst MERmen for him. BTW OZ,thank you for the report from Brazil
  13. This is very bizarre! I might order one just for the kitsch factor. A real converstion starter-or stopper http://dealnews.com/lw/artclick.html?2,275809,905509 "He Backed into my knife---He backed into my knife nineteen times!----Not guilty!"
  14. Today was a milestone in the history of The United states of America as we welcomed our 44th President. However as I listened to the speeches and the ceramony I was reminded of how impregnated with the hoodoo voodoo of religion our country has become.And that it is not enough to have intellegence and speak well-one must also cave in to a small group of folks who scream loudly-but really carry little weight. I look forward to the day when the USA elects an Atheist or an open Agnostic to the highest office of this land-freeing us at last from that yoke of tyranny that is organized religion!
  15. I have to admire fellas who can get fucked and actually enjoy it.I have many friends who treasure getting fucked by a competent stud with a big dick. I think it is a very freeing expression of sexuality. Personally I have NEVER enjoyed it-lord knows I did give it the old college try(actually the old 7th grade try-but that is another story) I tried and I tried-and then came the sad night when I was raped. Anal sex has never been an option for me since then.I just cannot put myself in the position of doing something that I never really enjoyed in the first place and now has such a nasty string of memory attached to it. But to those that enjoy it-BRAVO!
  16. For starters let me state that I feel this fella did nothing wrong=If falling in love with some boy half your age floats your boat-well that is your business.The judgement(or lack of)of a)hoping that something like this did not surface,and B)when it does surface lying about it must give us pause. However-If you are a "community leader"for any community and know that there are skelatons in your closet that MIGHT at some point resurface then you owe it to your community to step aside and let a "cleaner"person carry the banner for your cause. I hope this gets sorted out and that the Mayor does not have to resign-but it still will color his term of office. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090120/ap_on_...ortland_s_mayor
  17. I am not a fan.His greeting card surreallism only barely qualified as meaningful art.Also his subjects( women gazing out a window or up a hill,pastoral scenes of northeastern US)holds zip interest for me. With that being said however he did a great deal with very little talent . had a comfortable life ,and is respected amongst his peers.
  18. HAH-I knew that would get you cheap SOB's attention! I am always on the hunt for good free porn sites. Hunkhunters used to have some good ones show up daily-not so much anymore. Porntube is full of pay sites masquerading as free sites.Porntube also has a very high Ick factor and too many headless"look at me jacking off for the first time on the web"listings. Gay torrents(Thanks SA)is waaaaaayyyyy to complicated for me. What I am looking for is a site with lots of regularly updated pix and vid's for free-no membership required.Preferably one with vid's that play long enough to get the job done. Any suggestions?TIA
  19. They have apologized for their error.Buy.com says the price $299 is actually the correct price for the item,a Vizio 26 in. Hdtv-recertified,but they left out the recertified bit in the original listing. They are offering a $50 credit if I keep the item as an apology-or a full refund if I return it. Sooooo would you buy a recertified Vizio 26 in. HDTV for $249?Should I return it? I am actually thinking about contacting them to see if we could sweeten the deal by adding a 2 year warranty
  20. Wellllll not really He has made a wise move (he was paying rent on threee apartments in the US)and let his apartment in LA go. He will now be based in Las Vegas-a city I visit often so I will be able to catch up with in in person from time to time. He has NOT left rentboy.com. I forsee a lot of new working boys in Las Vegas very soon as Brandon works his charm-and maybe we will see a Numbers style restaurant opening in Las Vegas in the near future. Still I will miss his nights out in LA.
  21. Rian very good topic! Was the client picking up the cost of the room?If so perhaps more discussion would have been in order. If you are doing incalls while traveling then yes-you do need to pay some attention to the lodging. I am trned of to really scary/sleazy rooms-to the point that I cannot get aroused. But I would be suspicious if the fella I was visiting was staying in too nice of a place also-thinking that there will be a sponser in the background who might walk in on us(happened a few times)at an innaproprite moment. I know a lot of the working boys like priceline.Biddingfortravel.com is a good aid when using priceline. I have worked deals where I pick up the lodging at a decent place for the weekend in exchange for services.The fella then has the room for the rest of the weekend to make some extra dough.
  22. I first met Zeb Atlas at a porn convention.He had just done his first phot spread for Advocate Men.He was so cute-a hunky collage jock with a furry chest and a great head of hair. I saw him dancing at the Pirahna night club in Las Vegas this past weekend-he is now so massive that he could easily play The Incredible Hulk in a movie-no special effects required. Now I am sure there are some on this board that go gaga over bodybuilders-I am not of that camp. I hope someone tells him to stop soon-IMO he is just at the edge where he is going into freakshow territory if he gets any bigger.
  23. How many ways can I say FABULOUS!?!? I would use all of them to describe Bette Midlers sensational huge production show in Las Vegas! This was my first visit to Caesars Colloseum(having been to the old Caesars showroom many times)and all I can say is wow-not only is the theatre huge it is also state of the art. The Devine Miss M. is still devine at 63.Belting out songs,dancing,and keeping moving from one side of the enormous stage to the other-I was exhausted just watching her! The show is mostly Bette singing her hits-with some new songs and some great dance numbers performed by her 20 showgirls.There was one moment when Miss M' sat at the edge of the stage and played the Ukalale while singing The Glory of love-so touching. Bruce Villanch has updated the material-fantastic job Bruce The stagecraft used for the production is incredible.The digital disply is used in harmony with stage sets to fantastic effect. I urge all of you to make a special trip to Las Vegas just to see this show-it aint gonna travel to you!
  24. Well that(of cours) was a wonderful party! I went with a whole posse of friends who are NOT involved in the scene-and they loved it! I was suprised by the number of no shows This down economy certainly has effected many porn studios spending.There was plenty of talent-but it was a lot less than the year before. Also a lot of the studios had bought blocks of tix-and then never showed up! These folks would be the ones screaming "FRAUD"if they would have shown up and been told the place was at capacity-you just cannot win with these folks. OK-b---h session out of the way! A high light was seeing Scott Adler Romping in the altogether with Hunky Andrew Justice-that alone was worth the price of admission!and Allesandro Del Toro Playing with Jason Crew-what a great scene that was! JoyBringer from Paris was an unexpected suprise=what a huge cock that guy has The music was supplied by the now slim Chi Chi LaRue.It was a campfest of tunes! A lot of local talent showed up also-unfortunately I did not see Ace=a shame since I had a scratch that needed to be itched and I ended up leaving with anothe local fella-Southern Lee The party the night before at Pirahna was a lot of fun-I actually left AFTER Brandon and his posse!(They had another party to go to-at Krave thrown by classifiedescorts.com-I haave not gotten a report on that yet) Twink lovers would have been very well pleased-so hopefully next year I can get more of you to Las Vegas(the weather was spectacular all weekend btw)for this event. Thanks to the MERmen who did show up(both of you)to join me.
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