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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. As in most things in life,,,,,it depends! While I love the thought of a massive penis in reality they are more fun to look at than to play with. On the other hand anything less than six inches seems unworthy of compensation. So I go for the above average guys-7-8inches.But I can find uses for all sizes if attached to a guy I find hot-the only exception to this is a really tall guy or a super muscular guy with a very small penis-I just cannot keep a smirk from my face
  2. StuCotts I think each of us have different levels of satisfaction when it comes to what we need from working fellas. If you were satisfied with the encounter and do not feel that you were ripped off than that is probably what you need to include in a review. However if you were left dissatisfied and feel the fella took an easy out than that needs to be included. I have had the same thing happen with very well reviewed escorts.It is often OK for me=but it makes me notch down the review a little and give a second thought to hiring again or giving a complete enthusistic recomendaytion when some other John ask for a reccomendation. I have had fellas ask for a redo-I am always a little wary of these as well.
  3. Thanks for the updates Oz and TomCal Oz please keep us informed of your adventure in the 2 "new"saunas.
  4. Film coming out in 2009 Based on the real story of Steven Jay Russell a con man and prison escapee. It Stars Jim Carey(one of my very wierd sex fantasies-you just know this guy is hung like a mule)and Ewan McGregor- a cutie most of us have lusterd after. Initial reports are not favorable.Too bad because the source material is pretty fascinating. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1045772/
  5. Date and Venue for 2009 Hookies in NYC Saturday March 21 at Splash ! I do hope some MERmen will join me at the event.
  6. I do realise your post was made(partially)in jest however until there are college degrees or trade association standard certifications handed out for the work being discussed it should be considered unskilled labor IMO.
  7. Very good article Totally Oz. I agree with most of your points. The main thing is to be upfront about yourself and what you are looking for.I am totally honest about my age and appearence and what I am looking for,what I am willing to pay.I always am thouroughly clean with special attention to breath and teeth when having any visitor.I do my best to be polite and understanding to my guest. Unfortunately what I think I have covered in my contract often escapes the memory of the working fella. And sometimes a working fella will agree to terms that he really is not pleased with. And these lapses lead to less than memorable situations. I do not tip for these-and thus come off looking like a cheapskate.I only tip when the working fella exceeds my expectations with his skill or with his generousity.I feel that any service worker looking to get tipped for doing the basic work for which they are hired has set his/her expectations wrongly.It has nothing to do about being/not being a gentleman.A gentleman settles his accounts fairly.Equating overpayment for services with gentility is wrong IMO.Berating those who set contracts,abide by the terms of the contractsand pay the price agreed in the contracts could possibly be seen as less than polite behaviour.A Gentleman always strives to make others feel comfortable. A tip is not a necessery part of any service arangement IMO.If the service exceeds expectations then providing one is always a nice thing. Working fellas are making far more per hour than any other unskilled trade in most cases.For the most part when they set their fee for a session they should take any "extras"into consideration and not expect a tip to cover any expected expenses/services. This topic always opens dialougue.Often one that veers into disagreement.I hope my fellow MERmen will keep this conversation going-at the same time keep it civil.
  8. Thanks for the update Marvell. So how about a street scene?Any cruisy spots where an offer of "help"would not be scorned? I will be there during pride in July-so all of those cute guys are goingt ot get me all hot and bothered I will hav my puter with me so checking out gatdar etc is fine,but I really like to explore the last remnants of the street trade in various cities.
  9. And buying Zachary a Cap's/ Shift key at a local b&m electronics store would help the economy also
  10. What I am seeing proposed by many is simply extending the bad practices and policies that have landed us here in the first place. Propping up bad/stupid/greedy banks will do nothing to help get the USA back to work. Giving handouts to companies that will continue to outsource work to China/India will provide a few low paying service jobs in this country-while the bulk of the profits benefit the principles and the jobbers in other lands. Helping folks out who made stupid financial decisions(pretty much of their own making)by asuming debt they really cannot afford will do nothing but extend this miserey. Infrastructure,education and manufacturing jobs and job training are what have worked in the past.Holding banks accountable for their actions has worked in the past.Putting greed under a spotlight and calling it by its name has worked in the past. Creating new false hope and bubbles will do nothing but drag us down further. America needs to get back to work.America needs to get real.
  11. This is such a rotten idea. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE5130LN20090204 So that will mean a pretty total monopoly on buying concert/event tickets online I despise Ticketmaster and the outrageous fees and surchages-which often add 10%-30% to the price of a ticket- and I try to leave them out of the loop whenever possible. Unfortunately that is not always a possibility for out of town concerts/events. I do hope this gets shot down.
  12. Mineallmine-might I suggest a visit to the Hollywood Farmers market if you happen to be in LA on a sunday morning-the eye candy can be suoerb I do love public markets and street fairs=and i make a point of it to visit the public markets in every city I visit if I have the time.No better way to get the real local flavor of a city. The street fair circuit becomes a bit of a routine.For example in SF or Montreal it is often the same vendors just changing locations.zThese can be fun but are not always the experience they could be.Still it is ofthen worth a trip. In Rio there is a weekly farmers market in Copacabana-it is an absolute joy and one of my most vivid memories of that city.
  13. "However, they are sluts and love the place" Heavens forfend!What kind of people are you hanging out with these days???? And could you bring them along next time we meet up ?
  14. So this past weekend I attended a function in San Francisco which included a dinner at a gay "pan-asian"restaurant on Castro street called Nirvana. It was quite possibly the worst meal I have ever been served in San Francisco-including a few I ate while voulenteering at a soup kitchen! The charge per person was $35 for the meal,which consisted of a pupu platter(I think they took that literally-everything was the same shade of brown)a salad(mesclum greens out of a bag-Wishbone dressing) a tiny plate of over cooked pasta with your choice of shrimp,chicken or veggies(this was disgusting-Budget Gourmet looks better)an orange slice with a stale brownie. Last years dinner was at a place called Catch.While it would not be winning any James Beard awards it was much better.Many of the attendees felt it was over priced at $47 per head. So I am just wondering-are 'Gay" restaurants passe in your opinion? We have a few good ones in LA. Numbers can be good(or not)Marks has beeen pretty good the last few times I have been there. Cafe Letiole is pretty reliable-if not the greatest it is usually pretty good. I am going to suggest to the event planner that it would be perfectly ok to move the event to a FOC(friend of the community)restaurant for next year if the gay places are not up to the task. While I would like to keep my dollars pink I will not do so while getting robbed. Also have the same opinion of "Gay"hotels-see this link for further on this. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=2961
  15. I am going a little bit lighter this year.This means I will probably only keep top status with 2 of the four hotel chains I stay with. NYC for the hookie awards in march,Las Vegas in April,Palm Springs in April for the rentboy.com pool party,Montreal in May(Memorial day long weekend)Sacramento in June,London in July,NYC in October.Fort Lauderdale in October,Las Vegas in October for H'ween. And that is all I have planned right now.There will be a lot more trips-mostly to Las Vegas but those just pop up announouced.
  16. Recent first hand experience- Went to Brandon Baker's Thanksgiving for the porn displaced party here for T'day of last year. I was impressed with the improvements the owners have made at this property. While I would not personally want to stay here for an extended stay I would not dismiss it as a place for a weekend of playtime. Equal to many of the PSP clothing optional properties IMO-and better than the Blue Moon Resort in Las Vegas which I know ACE is familliar with. Not a place for tea and crumpets-but if you are looking for a place to lay naked by the pool=well outside private residences it is the only game in town. Let me know when you will be in town Ace
  17. Saw part(most) of his interview on Larry King. I just don't know how much more lying this fella will allow himself to do, to himself,to his G-D,and to his family and others. And what kind of women would put herself and her family through the media circus like this.Is she that dilusional that she cannot see this guy is bisexual-quickly heading towards a Kinsey 6. Love the chubette queeny/nerdy teen "he touched me in my private place"Investigative interview towards the end.Like that would require much seduction. Me thinks the MCC has a new pastor in the making once the books(and of course there will be a few)hit the remainder bin. Very unhappy guy IMO-regardless of how much comfort he has found in the lord.
  18. Wow-you know when you see one of those commercials and think to yourself"now who in their right mind would buy such a thing?' Wellllll apparently it is a HUGE business. Let's take "The Snuggie"for example.Looks pretty silly huh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqHSIiAXdSU Belive it or not they are now BACK ORDERED it is so popular. Love the family wearing matching Snuggies at an outdoor sport events-looks like a cult
  19. While I do not disagree with Oz,an agency would not last too long if it did not give its clients some level of protection,the same should NEVER be an assumption when it comes to individual "service providers"and this idiot expecting not to be outed speaks more of his masochistic wish to be outed than of the loose lips of the escort. You don't want to be outed?Then don't go on TV spouting your self loathing BS
  20. wow-thank you so much for that treat BON ! Great site BTW
  21. I have never watched his TV show and certainly not listened to his radio broadcast. If this is the best the right wing of this nation can come up with they(and us) are in serious trouble.
  22. Who cares? Let them sort it out over there and not drag and dump over here.
  23. Hotel Carter in NYC voted the "filthiest hotel in america" http://consumerist.com/5141324/behold-the-...otel-in-america This place does have some interesting history http://gothamist.com/2007/09/01/suspect_questio.php Having stayed in some pretty run down places I must think that took some doing!
  24. STJ I would love to play out a scene with you in a suit-bet you look great! I am told that Shirly Q Liiguor (out of drag)and I are twins! Two years ago I was getting the royal treatmen at the Bourbon Pub-could not figure it out till the show started-my twin in an ugly house dress on stage! My friends were "oh my g-d"ing and turning to look at me to make sure I had not done a fast exit and costume change
  25. "I am all for Hookie awards and while you and I both know that the winner of these awards is already been made and has nothing to do with our vote" PJ-i have no such knowlage. I would question this since a some of the winners last year were folks that are totaly out of the regular group of folks who attend the parties and such.One who one a top award could not havebeen further out of the loop-he was not even there to accept the award even though he lives in LA-where the award party was held. I would urge you to send your "insider report"to a well respected third party-say Tampa Yankee-before the voting ends.You say you have it in your possesion now-fine,send it today.If the results are released after the voting jive with what you have then this can be backed up.If not then I expect you will be the first in line to apologize. If you wait to release your" insider report"till after the event occurs without sharing it with a reputable third party then you open yourself up to questions.Not questioning your verracity at all here-just making sure that you cover yourself.
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