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Everything posted by TownsendPLocke

  1. Brought to you by the same folks that brought you Jerry Springer The Opera-which two of my friends saw in London and said was fantastic! http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/feb/1...smith-the-opera
  2. As long as you all bow down and worship me as the originator of the term MERmen I don't give a rats behind about anything else And Lucky-why did you have to go and spoil this by bringing up that name from the "other site"?
  3. I have been known to put pen to paper and write a complaint letter to an airline or a hotel on occasion These are just outstanding! First is a letter to Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines-please imagine either John Cleese or Michael Caine Reading it outl oud for the full effect. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelne...int-letter.html And this is an older letter to a Double tree hotel GM"yours is a very bad hotel" http://www.slideshare.net/whatidiscover/yo...bad-hotel-97480 Or this letter to Continental airlines. http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/continental...e-drawings.html These folks are to be comended for taking the time needed to launch succesful Viral campaigns against these companies.This is the ultimate fear of hotel/airline PR departments!
  4. I am VERY happy to see one of my all time favorite fellas In the running for Best Overall Escort this year. So I have now have two catagories-but the choice between Chad Hunt and Barret Long will be a tougie. and Bigk-I have heard this before.But if there is a fella you like who is in the running don't let this get in the way of voting for him.
  5. Mmmm?I remember it was JamesK who first used the term Hoovillians It was for an LA get together-those used to be so much fun.Perhaps it was Lucky who brought us Hoovile-but that is not what I remember.I am sure someone with more time than I have can search out the history of this.I really do not care. However=I do agree about it being a thing of the past as there is no longer such a place(except in Dr.Seuss books)as the"other site"has a different name now that is far from catchy and does not lend itself to cute/clever monikers.
  6. As ACE mentioned in his thread starting tommorow you will be able to vote for your favorite working fella-if he is amongst those nominated. http://partywithbrandon.blogspot.com/2009/...s-official.html So if you see one of your faves-vote for him. Also there is more info about the Hookie award party on Friday the 20th of March-I will be there and I hope MER has a nice representation.
  7. Well this news now has me wet with anticipation Congrats and good luck ACE-If you win I hope to see you in NYC for the party.
  8. Lucky-did you see the pic of the kid in the Article?Even I have some limits as to whose dick I lick
  9. I hope to attend LurkerSpeaks shindig-looking forward to it. On a rather grim note.Phoenix was named the USA's top spot for kidnapping today!And that is only going by the reported instances(propbably less than half)accourding to a new report in todays LA Times.
  10. Wellll Carson really-but close enough. My friend Howard and a friend were driving through Carson(a less than lovely part of LA)the other day. They get pulled over.I won't go into the details but at one point Howard was being patted down and the cop demanded'Spread your legs"Howard retorted with"Buy me Dinner first" Fortunately the cop did have a sense of humor
  11. This is really awfull is so many ways. Folks in Appelachia are using Mountian dew as a non prescription cure all for themselves and their youngsters. http://consumerist.com/5152318/mountain-de...palachins-teeth
  12. And yet you still REFUSE to post the video of the Jonas Brothers frollicking naked in your hot tub Laissez faire my ass
  13. Very dark and very serious movie.I enjoyed it very much I watched it and rewatched Doubt in one afternoon-how cheery! Very much worth seeing.And since this forum talks about such things The boy playing the young Ralph Fienes is gourgeous-and has a very impressive uncut weenie as well Hey-where are you all going? Well I guess that movie will be full today
  14. Greg-this show is sooooo much better than her touring show. She has been given a once in a lifetime production fetauring a great band,20 backup dancers)as well as her Harlettes),and stagecraft that could not be produced in a touring show. Well worth the money-and this is coming from a dyed in the wool cheapskate! Using the travelzoo.com lonk will save you a nice chunk of change=although some of that is eaten up by the ticketmaster charges
  15. So it was announced today that Sirrius is going to file bankruptcy.This is,of course,after the spent millions to aquire their competition XM-a move that was(wrongly IMO)Ok'd by the Bush apointed FCC. So I am wondering-how long till we get Internet access as an option in cars?I see this as the future of radio and would love to have this available.
  16. This is NOT going to end well for this young man. http://www.jsonline.com/news/waukesha/39124037.html One has to wonder why the parents did not see something amiss and get the kid some help.
  17. Was it Olevera street(open street with many shops and restaurants-kind of ouristy but fun.La Luz del Dia has fantastic carnitas! ?Or the Grand Central Market(covered huge market on Broadway)?Raul is a very good guide to downtown LA BTW and has a great adventerous spirit.
  18. And Lucky I do hope you will share the video of the Jonas Brothers frolicking naked in your hot tub-that woukd be a most welcome contribution to MER
  19. Jackhammer-I for one do welcome YOUR participation here at MER. And so far I have yet to see a single post here that would prove contrary to this. So rest assured-your contributions are welcome here. If certain posters are not fond of "other sites"that should have no bearing on your participation here-as you are neither owner nor a moderator of that "other site"While your loyalty to your friends from the other site is commendable THIS is another site(roundabout logic-but you hopefully know where I am going with this )to which you can contribute should you want to. So-again-I welcome you. The door is open to you,a welcome mat is on the floor,make of this what you will.
  20. Greg-as I mentioned in a mini review here http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=3077 Fantastic show=the energy she puts into it is so great. Check travelzoo.com for discount tix-I got two great seats at a savings of $50 each.
  21. You do know cell phone photos can be downloaded into a puter and shared with a message center doncha? Althought I have a good idea who won the contest(hope you had fun playing with that!) Hope you fellas had fun.
  22. Barcelona was pretty incredible-not only do you see a ton of really cute local guys but you get guys from all over the EU as well. My neck was plenty sore! As far as just guys to look at Las Vegas is pretty good also. Cute frat guys from all over in the spring.Hot guys from the EU during the summer.Not so much for sex however. Yes Rio was pretty swell as well.
  23. I have several fetishes/kinks that I sometimes get to induldge.Nothing that your average working fella has not heard several times before. However-we were discussing "strange"requests(not passing judgement here) at brunch yesterday and I was amazed at some of the things the boys told me about. 1)Furries!Apperently there is a whole cult of folks who like to dress up as animals and fool around.Enough folks enjoy this that there are furry parties and meetings as well as a website furry.wikia.com two of the boys had regulars who liked to play this way and pay really good money as well as picking up the rental fees for the costumes. 2)Mr. Balloon/Clown man. This fella like to hire 2-3 boys,have them come over to his place and have them frolic in his sunken living room which he has filled with colourful ballons.He likes to masturbate while watching them-he often is dressed as a clown with a clown wig,clown costume,and clown makeup.He pays HUGE money for this.One of the boys has a fear of clowns and had to walk out of this scene. I am impressed by these folks willingness to foot the expense and put in the extra work to fulfill these fantasies-but at the same time,,,,well you just have to wonder what they get out of it? a chaque son gout doncha know.
  24. Ah-yes. I have had this experience also.But sometimes I do not mind it ,sometimes I do. Often times this can lead to great(but a tad expensive)threeway fun
  25. "I have also made some changes to the article in the tip section" welllllllllllll-kinda/sorta but not really. I agree that when hiring through an agency a tip should be added for even a satisfactory encounter. But I still think the article is a little too heavy handed in this aspect. While I can appriciate that this reflects your beliefs-it does not reflect what most of the responders to this thread hold to be true. Hiring a fella in a developing country is a different kettle of cock than hiring a fella here in the states or in the EU. And as one tips after the deed is done-in what way would it improve the session?I might improve future sessions(or not)but it does nothing to improve services already performed. If I am at a bar or restuarant and it is reallllllly important for me and my party to be treated well then I give a generous bribe upfront to the waiter/bartender.While it is a sorry state of affairs that such a thing is necessary-well that is just the way of the world. But I would never consider giving a bribe to a service provider upfront in most other circumstances.
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