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TownsendPLocke last won the day on September 21 2012

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  1. This is a very interesting look into the wayback machine that is the internet. Amazing to think of what was going on in my own life at that time and what I would have done differently if I could have looked into the future. a couple of the above posters are (real life) dead and a few have either changed internet personas or are no longer posting on Boytoy.com . My life and my circumstances have changed a great deal - as I am sure many of the long time posters on this site have also.
  2. I actually went inside the Abbey for the first time in over 5 years two weeks ago. Some nice looking staff/dancers but far too many woman for my taste.
  3. I had a meet up with an acquaintance I have not seen or heard from in twenty five years recently. It was odd and awkward in so many ways. I first had to establish that this fella was no longer using hard drugs. No I have been lied to about this by many addicts but I usually can suss out the truth quickly and make decisions using that information. I don't automatically discriminate against drug users- I just like to know what I am dealing with. This fella had used Crack in the past and that is not a drug with effects that I find pleasant. He told me he had not used Crack in four years. The other issue I wanted to clear up was what he looked like these days. I found his FB profile but there were so many "looks" that I guessed I had to see for myself. Well he is not the young fella I played with from 25 + years ago but I have changed a lot also. So I agreed to meet him. I asked him about going to lunch/ coffee near his place and he agreed_ asking to pick him up first. All of that was forgotten I guess when he asked me in. :( A brief chat ( where he overshared) led to him wanting to roll around which led to a lot of uncomfortable roll play scenarios finally after an hour of me trying to get him off he got up to smoke and I got up to get dressed.and leave. Welllllll now I have a stalker! UGH! I guess on the one hand I should be flattered that someone want to have sex with me for free but on the other hand...well it just is not worth the bother.
  4. Thank you for the report Latbear4blk.
  5. Jeffrey Hurrant was released from prison last month He is still on Parole (and will be for some time) and now he will try and get his life back together. Even with the generous donations of his friends he is pretty much broke now- but he is optimistic about his future
  6. I would have serviced every single fella in that number! Bobby Barras is one of my crushes!
  7. When I drank I loved a Dubonet and Gin (aka Pink Gin) which I first learned of from a Noel Coward song! And yes, I was a pretentious little fuck when I was a twink!
  8. The main things to ease this situation would be 1) have a well documented contact person who knows your plans and your wishes regarding health emergencies or death. Best to have those plans in writing. 2) Transportation of a dead body is a PIA and is very expensive. If you cannot have money put aside to handle these expenses then you might be disposed in the place you died. You should document that you are ok with this to relive your friends/family of any feeling of responsibility or feelings of guilt. 3) Travel insurance is great- but good policies that would cover the cost of the return of a body to another country are pricey. If you buy travel insurance make sure you know what is covered and also make sure that both your emergency contact and the person responsible for making decisions about such things have a copy of the policy. 4) Stay in contact with friends / family and let them know where you are traveling and where you are staying.. I tend to "overshare" especially when traveling on Facebook but my family and friends know where I am. 5) Finally, although it is not always possible or desirable to travel with friends it has it's good points. Especially when traveling to new destinations. If you die - well you will be dead and won't have to worry about any of this! But there are almost always survivors who will have the unwelcome (and usually unwanted) responsibility of taking care of the matters that follow a death.
  9. Having enjoyed barbecued spareribs with LurkerSpeaks if he was Jewish he was not observant. His Family made the decision.
  10. I spoke with LurkerSpeaks sister the other day. It was a difficult conversation for both of us. I had to use discretion, diplomacy and compassion all at the same time. There is a police investigation happening since there was another person (a young Thai male) in the room when LurkerSpeaks passed. I am pretty sure that this fella just happened to be in the wrong space at the wrong time when LurkerSpeaks died of natural causes and unfortunately some prescription medications were removed from his hotel room. .Ifhear otherwise I will post it here. LurkerSpeaks body was cremated in Thailand and will be returned to his family along with his personal effects.
  11. Early days for this. He did have a friend who was very close to him who might be able to help. Unfortunately he did not seem to be close to his siblings so repatriation of remains might be difficult. This is an interesting subject for study and I am consulting with some travel industry friends to find out what happens in a case like this.
  12. I shared LurkerSpeaks penchant for Insomnia. So I was awake when I got a mysterious pm at 2 a.m. asking me if I knew of any family contacts for him. This was after telling him repeatedly to stop messing about with OCT meds and go to a clinic (and giving him the name of a recommended clinic) a few days ago. On Sunday he confirmed that he was at the clinic. And then no further communication from LurkerSpeaks. I asked a mutual friend to investigate and this morning I got confirmation of my fear. Much thanks to TotallyOz for doing this for our community. I have lost a dear personal friend as well a fellow Hoovillian. I have been trying to process this sad news all day The fact that he left this world on the eve of his birthday makes this all the more tragic. LurkerSpeaks died as I hope to die. On an adventure! May he now rest in peace.
  13. Valérie Plante seeems like a very nice progressive Québécoise and she comes in with a lot of promises to fix Montreal (including updating the Metro system- Yay!) there is another side to her as well. She wants to make Montreal more "Family friendly" Some regular posters here and at the "other site" bemoan the decline of St. Catherine street in the Village from the glory days of the 90's. While I do miss those times very much i fear we will never see them again. That era has passed and many Gay businesses, struggling to survive, have had to abandon marketing solely to Gay men or face going out of business. This of course includes Gay bars and (of special interest to the participants of this site) the Gay bars that have male strippers. You are not going to find strip clubs (male or female) in nice shiny clean gentrified neighborhoods. So while St. Cat's is not the lovely street many of us falsely remember (It always had VERY rough edges which that neighborhood is historically famous for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_Village,_Montreal ) I will take that over a sterilized "nice" neighborhood any day!
  14. I played with Ritchie (a three way with a well hung bartender friend!) when he was in LA and used to patronize a bar I was a regular at. He was a bit too crazy but very sexy!
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