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Everything posted by Tazmanian5230

  1. Barry, Stock & Campus both have a good amount of dancers (around 20) each night , just not as many as the weekends. The dancers know that customers in the early week are there to spend money. They will not be shy. JPs is closed on monday & Tuesday and as you know Taboo is closed.

    Hope you enjoy your trip !

  2. I met a guy named "OZ" once who sounded like he wanted to buy the Daddy empire which by the way Daddy claims is on the brink of being broke. It sounded like OZ had a great idea !! (HINT) At no point should he be closing the message center because of a few bad posters. Are the postes bad or does Daddy just want to control what people can say on his site? I think this is the 3rd time in a few years hes packed up his marbles and closed the site. What caused the last meltdown or this one?
  3. This is weird.... For a group of guys who dont like the "other site" it seems a lot of you "lurk" there to be entertained by the drama and seem to have loads of info. What is most interesting is how many names diffrent posters have and how many have been removed from DaddyVille" only to now lurk there or sound like the angels of MER. Are lurkers called Trolls or Stalkers? Lucky Iam glad your alive !!!
  4. Wow, 659 views. I guess bad or stupid news sells. Many posters on www.daddysreviews.com including myself are sick of the constant cat fights there. It seems that the concept of posters having as many names as they want isnt a good one. Also the members being able to have threads removed at any time puts the moderators in bad positions. It seems that this time Daddy has pissed off a lot of long time posters for closing the site, I assume most will come here. The lack of regard to the Moderators and good members on Daddys was more poor judgement on his part. I think Daddy is having a serious $$$ meltdown.
  5. Maybe Iam lost and thats why we cant put on a show that will make Mr Town happy. Somehow I thought the REAL eal complaint was the bad private dances.....and still nothing about that.... "I had two very lackluster backroom encounters on my last visit-both I would catogorize as "Gaity style"hustlers-but that is out of your control."I did mention my dissapointment with our mutual aquaintence from San Diego". Signed VERY CONFUSED
  6. Jo was seen last night at ladys night......(As a customer)
  7. Thanks for your best wish's, hope to see you soon.
  8. Hey Townsend..... I wish you would tell us specifically what your 'blah blah blah" and "hugh snore means"..... When I talked to you in person a few months ago at STOCK in PERSON you said you loved the place but your past few posts seem pretty negitive. Is this just the old "Gaiety" never ending bitching from the old hooboy site under your other name or do you have something specific to complain about ? ?
  9. If you visit the BBCM website www.bbcm.org you can find the complete official program for the parade. The parade will be on Rene Levesque on the 29th starting at 1PM. The official guide has a map of the parade route sponsers and events. www.bbcm.org Click on press releases, than 2007 LGBTA Celebration
  10. I think these little things are called sour grapes ? ? http://www.sallyminker.com/art/2-d/images/grapes-print.jpg >Well, "daddy" has announced the official opening of >daddysreviews.com, billed as the successor to Hooboy's M4M. >The whole release is SO hilarious that I can't believe even >they take it seriously. > >Here are some of the highlights: > >Fans and visitors of the site have been characteristically >vocal throughout the process. Says Daddy, “I have been totally >amazed with the response that I've had from a select group of >people who showed up and all they wanted to know was: ‘How can >I help?’” > >“I have several people that literally wait until I do the >daily upload and then carefully start combing through the site >looking for problems and sending in feedback. There’s been >very little controversy and some outstanding discussions when >I showed them the direction that I wanted to go with the >site.” > >Very little controversy? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course, >over at their meesage center, controversy is not allowed nor >is dissent. The controversy has come outside their little >version of Planet Bush, whether it be the way they took the >site from Foxy or the dispute they had with the estate. Of >course, #1 apologist deej has been over here spinning >revisionist history as he always does. I do believe though >that those volunteers do exist, I mean look at how long deej >slaved for Hooboy FOR FREE. > >In a rather stunning surprise, even before opening for >business the new site was nominated for a “Best of the Web” >award in the 2006 Cybersocket Awards >(http://www.cybersocketwebawards.com). “I'm really honored to >be nominated, but given that it happened while we're still >implementing the site I really have to consider it a tribute >(really, as the whole site is) to Hooboy. Hooboy would have >been tremendously excited about it”. > >Hooboy would have yawned. He knew these so called awards are >just a bunch of horsecrap. Wonder how much "daddy" >paid for the nomination? > >Popular escort Jon Ramsey wrote “Personally, [the site] has >been a huge part of my success through many years. Not only >have my reviews served to attract business, more importantly >they put me in touch with men searching for a compassionate >understanding man to safely experience new things” and “I am >excited to see the results of your efforts on the new site. I >imagine you carry quite a weight on your shoulders, knowing >that your website is important in the lives of many >people.” > >"Daddy", the Mother Theresa of the escort world. I >am sure the weight on his shoulders is lessening as the money >comes rolling in. > >Another popular escort, Jake Walker, wrote: “I have no >doubt that [Hooboy] would have wanted it to continue. He was >always smart enough to know that one's ego should never get in >the way of the business.” It is in that spirit that the new >site carries the dedication “In the Hooboy Tradition”. > >Yes, Hooboy wanted it to continue, but he wanted Foxy to be >the beneficiary. Daddy and deej made sure that they were the >beneficiaries. The site carrying on in Hooboy's tradition is >MER. > >And of course, the BIGGEST LOAD of all: > >The site’s design is based on a prototype selected by >Hooboy himself during an Independence Day visit in 2004, as >part of a long-term plan for the site developed between Hooboy >and Daddy. > >Like Hooboy would want to go from an easy to navigate site to >a monstrous nightmare. More than likely this was part of A >master plan, considering that daddysreviews was created as a >domain name well before Hooboy's death. Read into that what >you will. > >Good luck daddy and deej.
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