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Everything posted by boiworship

  1. Living on an island in the Puget Sound. 24/7 access to a gym, MTB and road biking, hiking and running. Covid has virtually disappeared. Happiest and fittest I’ve been in years.
  2. Anecdotally, there’s some reportage, especially from East Asia, that O blood types may also have some degree of immunity. The few people I know who’ve contracted Covid have A+ blood. I’m O+ and have never had the flu in my life.
  3. I’ve never been to one...and never will.
  4. I think LG is the tip of the icebergs. Rumors abound re Mitch and Josh Hawley plus some Republican congressmen.
  5. Even 2021 might be optimistic as the virus ravages Latin America.
  6. Love the Dimples of Venus!
  7. Since NY cancelled its primary, Biden is still short of the number needed. My fantasy is that Joe decides not to proceed and that Warren ends up with the nomination. Her ideas are now quite mainstream and she wouldn’t be afraid to go after the 1%. A radical VP choice? Matt Beshear, the handsome and popular Kentucky governor. Flip one or two red states, perhaps. Just a fantasy, folks.
  8. Less than nine months, mes amis!
  9. Two years ago I was In Salzburg. IMG_0043.MOV
  10. Running and long-distance bike rides. My trainer has a lavishly equipped garage with about $7k worth of Rogue equipment which I use about 3x weekly. Everything is sterilized before and after. 5 mile walks. I’m staying in great shape and reading and writing a lot more. Yesterday I saw my super-hot shirtless sometime provide on the bike trail while climbing an 8% grade. Stopped and chatted with him and a couple of his friends before finishing the climb. Really wished it was safe to play!
  11. Kesslar seems to get away with attacking Trump, along with a few others. Does Daddy like Kesslar?
  12. Are people still flying to Brazil these days? Braver souls than moi.
  13. I think Bernie’s unstoppable at this point. The fears of mainstream Dems notwithstanding, Sanders will beat Trump if the economy falters. If your stomach can handle it, read about the Covid expansion and peek at the markets today. Panic!
  14. Fortunately, there are still a few superb men’s stores in some cities, where one can buy bespoke shirts and suits as well as ready to wear made in USA, Europe and Japan. Some brands I like include Ring Jacket, Monte D’Oro, Alden, Nettleton, Stenstrøm and Hiltl. Drake’s of England for custom shirtings and W. Kleinberg for crocodile and alligator belts and straps to be used with monogrammed silver buckles.
  15. I enjoy fasting for 24 hours once a week.
  16. To be fair, Macy’s is like the former G.U.M. lately, except the esteemed Soviet retailer didn’t have to run 40% off sales ad nauseum to attract customers. As for Barney’s, it was a pretentious store staffed by self-important clerks. And I’m not a cheapskate. I even have my shirts made.
  17. Far better to scramble three free-range eggs in high-end butter than eating processed carb slop for breakfast.
  18. A valid concern.
  19. Not to mention the food deserts in which many Americans live, combined with an ignorance of nutrition.
  20. I see it all the time, and it’s especially jarring when returning from Central and Eastern Europe. Most physicians know little about nutrition and the USDA food pyramid is a recipe for disaster. It takes a lifelong commitment to working out, sleeping sufficiently and eating nutritious food to stave it off. The vast majority of Americans would rather eat piggy food and sit on their asses watching a screen. Being somewhat narcissistic means that I have a flat stomach even at my age.
  21. Please do visit Ukraine. They are wonderful people and they need more tourists. Virtually all of the young people speak English well and they’ll be glad to teach you a few Ukrainian words. L’viv is also worth a visit. As a former part of Austria-Hungary, it is much more Central European looking, with an awesome fin-de-siécle opera house. Next year I want to visit Odessa and Khar’kiv.
  22. In addition, try Latvia and Lithuania. Rīga is a lovely city with cute boys and a side trip to the Gauja National Park in Sigulda is well worth it. Kaunas in Lithuania was a delightful surprise with very attractive and friendly men. Vilnius was much more impressive than I expected. I actually prefer it to Prague and Kraków.
  23. As much as I love spending time with them, and I spend a lot, the best moments are when they text “I’m here”, and the second best is when they kiss goodbye and depart. I’ve never had any delusions about the arrangement. That said, at least one is a friend as well as a provider, but the gulf in ages would make a bf relationship absurd.
  24. Both countries are currently in a demographic free-fall. Their antipathy to immigration is legendary.
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