Some guys will use the services of escorts, but then look down upon them. While this is more prevalent with straight guys using female escorts, it is certainly not unknown among us.
If it is “seedy” to provide these services, it is equally “seedy” to use them! If you use these services (as I do), the user of these services has no right to look down on the provider of them! Should you run across somebody who provided these services to you in your “ordinary” life, please treat him with respect.
Should you hire a new escort who turns out not to be a stranger, remember that he deserves to be respected. Depending on how well and under what circumstances you know him, you may not want to go through with the session; this is understandable. However, explain this to him nicely. Perhaps it would be nice to leave him a tip anyhow, as he did make time for you. If you are comfortable going though with the session, that’s fine too. In this situation, you must also remember that he might be uncomfortable going through with the session. In that case you should respect him, but perhaps a tip is not in order.
I was inspired to write this by an incident that happened some time ago. An escort that I had hired turned out to be somebody that I knew fairly well. It was an in-call (his place) before most ads featured any type of picture. His name was on the doorbell, but it was a fairly common name, so I assumed that it was a coincidence and rang the bell. I won’t reveal what happened next, as this was extremely private and embarrassing for both of us.