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About xenophile

  • Birthday February 7

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    avid hobbyist

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    Los Angeles, CA

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  1. I was 4 years old at the time and I lived in Dallas, so I was watching the Kennedy procession on TV as it happened while my mother was making a pie. I remember the narrator's tone of voice change suddenly, my mom started crying and trying to call my dad, who worked about 4 blocks away from Dealy Plaza & the grassy knoll where it all happened. A nightmarish realization that something historical and horrible had just happened before my eyes, and nothing would ever be quite the same. One of my strongest early childhood memories. All this time and we still don't know what really went down, the "coincidental" deaths of the witnesses, the powers behind the scene. It's a sobering reminder of how little we know of the inner workings of our government's power structure.
  2. I just now noticed this contest. I think at a paltry 96 posts over 6.66 years (almost a post a month...) I might qualify as a lurker, sign me up.
  3. I'm just a mostly-lurker and occasional poster, but count me squarely in the anti "boy" name camp, I'm really so fucking tired of the whole youth-worship gay ethos, 32+ y/o "bois", and while I don't associate it with pedophilia (that's manufactured outrage worthy of our jackass politicos) pandering to that side of gay taste still seems somewhat craven and cheap. I'll certainly stick around no matter what, there are all of 2 male escort forums to choose from, after all, and this is my favorite discussion topic. Curses be, that there is such a vast disparity between male and female escort sites. I have no dog in this fight, and as someone said there's rentboy, hourboy, boys2rent, justusboys and hundreds of "boy" sites of every stripe, all the good names are taken, please don't stoop to some nonsense like boyz4ritenow, you may have to shell out a bit for a quality name (or pull a good one from your squatter's horde...). The current name is all about "review"s so hopefully something a bit more generic and welcoming, I vote for "men", some rentmen variant would be my favorite sweet spot. Have some of those creative Indian brainiacs suggest a few, some worthy witty wording would be awesome! Good luck with the search!
  4. He was going 80 and weaving through traffic on the 101 @ Vineland... to try and ditch the paparazzi. His Princess Di moment (minus the fiery crash...). Besides, I'd want to speed too if I had one of these.
  5. The video is on line, the link and (descriptive) details are in this discussion thread, having seen many dark things on the Internet, I sure as hell am not going to watch. This guy sounds like he's in Jeffrey Dahmer territory, very fucked up
  6. Nothing to be done from the user's perspective, unfortunately. The login code on the forum is broken and has been since the redesign. Doesn't work on PC or Mac either.
  7. xenophile


    In full confession, even though I mostly stream the new stuff, I still use Usenet for topping off my terabyte jukebox drives, as well as the occasional torrent and I've spent a few hundred with these guys on stuff I couldn't find elsewhere.
  8. xenophile


    I also have a massive CD collection left over from olden days, they've been living in boxes in my storage unit for many years now. I copied them to mp3s and haven't looked back since. I've been using Rhapsody for about 4 years now, ever since my dearest departed Yahoo Launchcast shut down, and overall I've been very pleased with it. I use the Rhapsody client (instead of the website) on 3 PCs and on my Android phone, they seem to have about 80%-90% of the music I'm looking for and I can download as much as I want to 3 devices. They also let me build up a streaming library of my favorites (kind of like the Google music cloud). For a social music site, I prefer last.fm. It does a better job of predicting new artists I'd like based on previous listens, and for about $3/ month I have as much streaming commercial free music tailored to my tastes as I can handle. For dance mixes, I'm beholden to Shoutcast stations like BoysTown Live, Fusion Radio and MusicOne . A couple of music loving friends swear by Spotify but I haven't really tried it to comment.
  9. xenophile

    Be my first

    Jason you sound very nice and sincere, but unless you're looking to pay or be paid, you may have better luck at a male hook-up site. You might find what you're looking for at one of these... Just a suggestion. Of course if you're looking to exchange $$, stay and enjoy. Have fun & stay safe!
  10. I guess it's a natural extension of the repeal of DADT, but they certainly don't waste any time...
  11. A few other gems from the site: Natural Confidence Jackin' for Jesus Jesus take the wheel! preparing for the second coming (...cumming?...) What you gonna do? Shit's gotta get moved. DICK NOT COMFY
  12. Posted on Reddit, their best was "My favorite sport: Track and Feel"
  13. These programmers don't sound like they they're very familiar with browser authentication code. I do this (SSO among other things) for a living. If you lose your session when your browser closes (which is what they're referring to), that's session persistence, there's a session "token" stored in memory which is lost when the browser app is shut down. For longer term login you need cookie persistence, so a login token is stored in a cookie which is set to expire in 2 weeks. Each time someone visits the site, the expiration time is extended, so in essence if they visit the site every two weeks or less, the cookie never expires and the login is retained indefinitely. Just add a "remember me" button which if unclicked doesn't give a 2-week cookie and the session expires when the browser is closed. Voila, both problems solved, and guys contribute more because your software "loves and remembers" them! Annoyance factor gone. Here's a link to send them on how to accomplish this in PHP
  14. The authentication system is broken. People keep asking "why aren't there more folks contributing"? I believe that's precisely the reason. I too am logged out every time I visit the site, I'll see a comment I want to reply to, then I'll realize I have to log in again to add my 2 cents and I'll think, "I'll do it later", and off I go to the next site on my daily visit list. All the other forums remember me indefinitely, the cookies refresh themselves every time I visit. There's no reason not to. It's like a friend who asks you "what was your name again"? every time you get together, kind of gets to be not worth it. Sad thing is, it's probably a simple typo in the website's php code, these login systems are very standardized and straightforward.
  15. That's been a dream of mine as well - the current ad sites all have major downsides and there's a perfect sweet spot for a startup listings site in there somewhere. gayromeo.com is quite a nice compromise in that it's located in Hilversum, Netherlands where escorting is legal and the escorts ads are free, I wish the hell more US guys knew about it, nice and out of reach of those malicious AG motherfuckers, damn their spiteful moralistic asses.
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