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Everything posted by numerito

  1. I am with zipperzone on this one: give me the triplets!!!!!!!
  2. His name on Gay Romeo is GAB_RUSSEL.
  3. I take the Fifth.....
  4. I don't know Mike James. Where does he advertise escort services? As for Carl Ross, I have met him several times. He is a true jewel, hot, hot, hot, hot! Prague is fantastic.....
  5. I have had my eyes on this gorgeous boy for quite some time now, but have not been to Paris. Of course, given the high quality boys I find in Prague, where I live, I am quite busy with local talent and do not feel a real urge to travel to find cuties!!! Glad that pauleiro met this kid and that he had a positive experience. He definitely is on my "to do" list....
  6. Please check your Inbox, dear pauleiro, I just sent you a PM concerning Carl Ross. Thank you!!!
  7. T-shirt and briefs in the summer, sweatshirt and briefs in the winter. When I sleep with someone, naked is fine. If I am alone, naked is a bit cold...
  8. Firecat, the cutie's name on Romeo is ohheyCJ. I was in touch with him yesterday (very nice messages, BTW) but, unfortunately,, he left Prague last night before I could see him. He is now in Zurich and will be back in Prague late September....We will arrange a meeting then.
  9. Happy to report that, as of this morning, his profile on Romeo lists him again in Prague. I will get in touch with him in the next days.
  10. I wanted to see CJ, but he is now in Poland.....His ad says he is touring Europe. Will he be back in Prague? I certainly hope so, I'll keep following him.
  11. I think it is great fun to play with foreskin, as long as it is not cheesy....
  12. numerito

    Matt Bomer

    He is just out of the world gorgeous, IMHO...
  13. I do when my dick is hard or semi-hard....I then find it easier to "direct" when sitting down....
  14. Out and, oh, soooooooooooo gorgeous!
  15. Love you, Anton. Dank je wel. All the best.
  16. I agree with Expat. An open relationship can work when the terms are agreed upon by the parties. I would add that the terms need to be simple, clear and straightforward, leaving little or no room for creative interpretation. That has been my experience with my bf of 10 years. We set up three basic rules since the very beginning: never bring anyone home; fool around with escorts only (that way they leave), and always tell. We have kept the deal ever since. We even used to have threesomes together, but we stopped since it didn't seem to work for any of us....Of course, different strokes...,but we are happy.
  17. Please check your inbox, pauleiro. I sent you a message. Thanks.
  18. I very recently moved to Prague and have been unable to access the two Bel Ami sites I used to visit back in America, belamionline.com and buybelami.com I read somewhere (Wikipedia?) a while ago that their videos are not for sale in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, which might explain why the websites (especially the one that hosts their online store) are not accessible from Prague. Anyone know anything about this? I would appreciate any info: it is very frustrating not being able to "visit" my favorite boys Thanks for your help, guys!
  19. I agree with Oz on this one: Chord is drop-dead gorgeous and one of the main reasons (if not the only one) I watch Glee....
  20. I definitely support the idea!!
  21. Oh, my dear Oz, too bad your Spanish is rusty Far from being an "obscure Latin American writer", Vargas Llosa is one of the most impressive of the lot. His works go from funny (Pantaleón y las visitadoras), to boring (Conversación en la catedral), historical (La fiesta del chivo, or El paraíso en la otra esquina), moving (Los cachorros) or erotic (Elogio de la madrastra). Most of them fantastic reads. The Nobel comes a as a well deserved recognition.
  22. The drug war that the Government is fighting has made certain areas of Mexico quite insecure, especially the border and the Center. People often question the pertinence of such policy and the casualties it has entailed but, as a Mexican citizen, I am convinced that it is the right thing to do, given the power drug cartels had acquired and the pervasive corruption they brought. Too much money is involved in the lucrative drug and arms trade. It is a fact that as drugs go North, weapons come South. And I have a question: how do those drugs go from Tijuana to New York and those firearms from Chicago to Laredo?? Why do we never hear of distribution groups in the US? I find it hard to believe that there are no American "cartels" involved. Where are they? Is somebody doing something about them? Are they not part of this extremely complex problem? The US Government is finally acknowledging that there is some responsibility on your side of the border and I am happy they are helping out with resources. When told that Mexico was a big diving board for drugs getting to the US, a Mexican politician is said to have replied: yes, the US is the largest drug swimming pool, and we have it next door. As far as visiting g Mexico, I would still encourage it, with the natural precautions mentioned here. I live in Mexico City and have never had any problem. Of course Spanish helps.......
  23. Thanks for the link. Zac is SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Magnificent eye candy
  24. Thank you very much for the sites and the advice. I will have to do my homework and report back. Your help is very much appreciated!
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