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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. Dear TomCal- I find what I cited NOT to "outdated opinions." Perhaps you should have carefully read what I cited. I wasn't advising future travelers to spend more than asked-- I wanted to instill in one that although R$100 to R$150 seem a lot, it, in actuality it is not and not to fret or try to lower the requested fee unless that is the guy's (client's) thing.
  2. Men, from this juncture- "agree to disagree" and move onward! The previous discussion could go on and on and on, and NObODY will change his mind as to "safety" as it exists in both Santo Domingo and other places in the DR as well as in Rio de janeiro.
  3. Matt4twinks- a lot has been written about the guys who are in the saunas. My suggestion would be to go on your trip and make the better of the situation. ENJOY! There are a variety of guys at the saunas which has been written about previously. When I visited some years back, there were more than three saunas each in Sao Paulo and Rio de janeiro. Twinks were there, but they were not at the top of the list for me. Today, the number of saunas in both of these prime cities is limited, so visit ALL. "If push comes to shove, check out https://netgay.com.br. A few twinks advertise here! More than likely these guys might charge more than R$100 and R$150, but when you calculate and check the exchange rates, this is NO MONEY as compared to the US dollar and Euro and to what escorts in the US and Europe and Canada request! "Mother Brasil" will "open her arms and heart to you to "THE MARVELOUS CITY!" ...don't know too much Brasilian Portuguese.
  4. A few months back- I saw this film in a movie theater. ...really liked it very much-- the music as well as the actor who portrayed Queen. ...thought he was hot and sexy in his own right, and I yearned to play if the opportunity arose (which I knew it would not). Just one hot fantasy. I thought Queen himself was a sexy, hot man and died way too soon!
  5. I took my first tour of two or three favelas with Sr. Marcelo Armstrong-- the man who's been given credit for beginning tours to the favelas. ...liked it very much. There were only four of us which made for a somewhat intimate experience (nonsexual) for us. The second had a religious bent per our guides: I did NOT like the atmosphere at all. Try to go but in a smallish group or perhaps 1-1 (local and you). ...the Tijuca Forest as well as those fabulous botanical gardens are two other alternatives and great places to visit as well. ...meandering throughout Santa Theresa-- ride the bondi-- walk-- observe-- visit-- go to that restaurant that came to power after Samantha visited a few years ago-- walk those stairs (NOT ALONE) from Santa Teresa to Lapa. Snoop Dog and Pharrel (sp) did a music vid a few years back while standing on these stairs. At the time I thought Pharrel was a carioca because I did not know of him. There's lots to do while in Rio de janeiro!
  6. Paulerio-- thanks for posting. My amigo and I have taken some of these marvelous experiences: the helicopter ride was exhilarating, esp if boarded in Flamengo/Leme nearest a great restaurant that had lots of ambiance and stunning views from afar and tasty food. I did this twice: once with my traveling amigo; the second time was with a guide I'd met while going on a trip with gay men to "the Green Isle." ...have experienced many other cultural/nonsexual activities and experiences that I shall forever remember!
  7. .... have truly enjoyed reading about your adventures while in Argentina and Brazil. ...have also liked what you posted in your blog as well. All highly intoxicating! ...have completely piqued my interest and libido in my perhaps goin' back to both countries and cities in 2020. Hope this will materialize!
  8. Xperiel, I read your post yesterday and hesitated to respond prior to those members who've visited Rio and Sao Paulo more than I. My response would have been the same as the men who've previously posted. The hotel in Rio that we used and that did not frown upon our receiving guests (announced or unannounced) was not luxurious but comfortable. But, during the past six or so years-- its policies have been altered; thus we visitors have rented a variety of apartments.
  9. I'm with you guys who wrote that you would not bring company back to someone's house/apartment where you've rented a room. I wouldn't take someone to a friend's or relative's place, either-- out of respect. In addition to the preceding-- I DO LIKE my privacy as well when I'm "playing."
  10. I'm rather cognizant of the move made by #45 a few months back. Note "Trump Bans Most Travel to Cuba" which was begun by Sanddunes on 6.24.19. I wrote and posted. Note https://www.tourepublic.com/blog/how-to-travel-to-Cuba as well as perhaps the web address that you printed. If others and I plan to travel to Cuba in the future-- we'll do it on our own accord in knowing what "the psycho Trump" initiated a month or so ago and in our knowing how to do it without undergoing any undue problems. If my memory serves me correctly-- you attempted to castigate me a few years back when I posted that I'd be traveling to the largest Caribbean island country w/o the approval of the US government. Please go back and reread those posts. You do as you desire; others and I will do likewise. This is ALL that I'm going to post in conjunction with my welcoming and warm thread! Astute travelers know how to handle situations that are as sensitive as this if they do their homework prior to traveling. I've done it in the past and will continue to do as such in the future.
  11. The website should read https://www.gaycubatourguide.com. ...had problems when editing; unfortunately, it does not work in my original post.
  12. I am beginning a new thread for those who desire to travel independently as well as seek the services of a gay guide and/or from gay tour companies. Luis is a Facebook amigo of mine who's developed a wonderful tour company. Check out his site https://www.gaycubatourguide.com where he's written about his company and its offerings. ...do hope that you'll use his services. [...am posting on my own accord; Luis did NOT request that I do this! ...have used his services indirectly and have read here in other threads from others who've engaged him as their guide.]
  13. It's June 30, 2019, the last day of PRIDE 2019; I'm just reading this. The Nob Hill in SF is included here as well. Although I did not frequent it-- it's unfortunate that this venue is no longer in operation for those who would go!
  14. Please add OUT and THE FIGHT magazines. OUT comes with THE ADVOCATE (separate magazines); the latter named magazine is monthly. I subscribe to all three.
  15. I posted as a guide only, for I have not used Misterbnb myself, a friend had and had been rather pleased. I've used airbnb for my Berlin, Barcelona, Rome, and Los Angeles stays and have been more than satisfied. The hosts have also written very positive comments at the site in terms of how I treated their properties and was a stellar tenant. But, at any rate, I thought I was helping, but apparently not, so lets just leave this post idol in the future.
  16. I thunderously concur. No one in that prison got my juices flowing, for my mind during my waking hours would have been on keeping myself alive and surviving. Overall, this series was heart wrenching except for the Danish prison, another institution unto itself!
  17. I, TOO, wondered about this! It's 6.23.19, and your query has yet to be answered by Paulerio. Guess he has not come here for a bit, for he's usually "Johnny-on-the-spot" with his postings!
  18. I'm 6'3. The last time that I flew to Rio de janeiro from Miami although my base point was San Francisco to Miami-- I had to fly business class because on previous trips-- the flights from MIA to GIG via Coach were "friggin" killers, especially if the pricks occupying the seats directly in front of me lower theirs to the max.
  19. In 2017 I used https://locallysourcedcuba.com/us-travel-to-cuba for a 25 day trip. Prior to my initial journey, they made arrangements for me to stay at a beautiful and reasonably priced "bread- n- breakfast" (...have forgotten the name of its Cuba equivalent) within a two minute walk from Plaza Viejo. ...a great place. Because of my having some acute back problems prior to my mostly independent sojourn, I had to cancel after spending three days/nights there. Because of #45's repressive shit, I am thinking about returning to Cuba in 2020, and I might use this Cuban=based agency which does not work with the US. Yesterday I sent an email regarding future travel and received some very interesting information in return. Check out the initial web address which I posted and proceed if desired.
  20. Gentlemen, Many of you perhaps already know about www.misterbandb.com, the gay equivalent of airbnb.com, but I thought I'd take the time to apprise you if you did not. In conjunction with this web and its offering, I typed in Rio de janeiro and clicked on whether or not I wanted a room or the entire place. Some interesting places and relatively low prices appeared. I also tried to do it in relation to Havana, Cuba but was not that successful, or I did not do a lot of searching out of a little frustration. But I do have some salient information regarding the latter.
  21. I absolutely concur with Kevie770. I've been to the Dominican Republic only one during this century and to Brazil over eleven times-- the last being in 2011, much too long. OverallI, I too thought the men in Brazil to be much hotter than those I viewed and met while in the DR. But it doesn't hurt to travel to a variety of places to experience and appreciate and enjoy! Take in stride and make the better of the situation! I Brazil! I Rio!
  22. There is significance and history associated with this flag, and it's not only used and flown in this country, it's shown in other countries as well. ...saw this flag amongst some of the protestors in the streets of London last week. Read the history of the flag, and perhaps you might change your stance.
  23. SIMPLY gorgeous and quite, quite mouthwatering!
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