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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. Let's assume [from the past experiences of others who've been with Cubanos in the country that they're hung]!!!
  2. ...would you be obliged to write a detailed review here as well as at http://www.daddysreviews.com? Hope so!
  3. ...was NOT aware that Steven had been banned, but I did miss his postings and thought he'd gone back to "daddys" since the Forums are open! Damn, shit happens here of which I'm totally oblivious! Perhaps that's good for me!!!
  4. " I'd like to spank your tight ass very hard with the palm of my hand!"
  5. I think your query has been answered in previous posts which are now archived. Do a search by just typing in the names of the venues. But if I'm wrong, someone will invariably respond!!!!
  6. Could you make it easy on us who are here almost each day! I don't like having to log in each time; I'd rather come here whenever and I'm continuously logged in. I would just like to peruse the various forums and view and post [if desired]!
  7. Paulerio, hope you report here after your weekend trek while in Prague! I've always enjoyed reading and using what you've posted in the past!!
  8. ...wish the ordinance applied to the entire State of California!
  9. A few days back, I thought "it was mean," and still contend this! I find it almost unbelievable who popped up and began their attack and venting of lots of pent up venom and anger thrown against Daddy and his current situation! Today I went to http://www.daddysreviews.com and found a timely post by the site owner/'Daddy." If you have not read it, please do so, and might I suggest if one DOES NOT have anything positive or uplifting or supportive to present, please don't respond! And this 'AINT' censoring or trying to repress one's thoughts! My sense is why write all of that negative crap? What good has it done?
  10. ...a very succinct and profound assessment! I support what you presented here!
  11. $40 - $60 Go to http://www.gayromeo.com. I've put four or five guys into my "Guest Book' and have communicated with one of them. I do hope that he's there when I hope to arrive! [uS dollars are not accepted in Cuba, so one probably will give the fee equivalent in CUCs [the currency that all tourist convert to]. I plan to purchase Canadian dollars and/or Euros and covert to CUCs.
  12. ...read on my http:www.fodors.com forum page the other day that it's now "legal" for the locals to visit the hotels. I will hire a native [male tour guide] who can be googled; he'll be able to apprise me of the situation. But, unfortunately, he does NOT negotiate for his clients.
  13. Americans can only travel to Cuba on an "authorized people-to-people" tour. That friggin' 50+ year, senseless embargo inhibits our doing this island/country independently! This is foul! The embargo should be lifted immediately! It's truly hurting the Cubans very badly! {I've done my research and have kept abreast of this situation through viable sources!}
  14. I've NEVER had a problem either, and I've been there as long as you. I appreciate what you wrote!
  15. PATIENCE is a virtue!
  16. I find many of these posts NOT to be in keeping with the intent or in the spirit of the initial thread! If you [personally] have or have had problems with "Daddy" and/or deej or any other individuals connected to http://www.daddysreviews.com, why not keep it to yourselves and MOVE On! Do you consider yourselves "mature, older adults?" Why the bitchiness [in words] and the disrespectful visuals, etc.? Why the personal attacks? What has been gained or accomplished? Does the manner in which you've responded here make you a better person? It certainly has NOT enhanced or answered the initial query which was posted! I found those postings to be tasteless and disrespectful! So before posting all of that unnecessary "shit" on the originator's thread, please rethink and let by gones be by gones. Go to "the other site" as some of you refer or NOT! If one cannot cite something that is UPLIFTING and Beneficial, then why ruin another's thread? [The thread did NOT warrant a lot of negative discourse or quasi satire!] ...WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION that this SITE would be DEVOID of all of the negativity that at times has existed at http://www.daddysreviews.com, a site which I've gone to since 1998 or '99. [i am glad that I have not been involved in all of that tit- for- tat silliness and bitchiness ever!
  17. He's hot! I'd like to sample!
  18. I'd like "to taste" these three guys! They look yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmY!!!
  19. I'd like "to taste" these guys!!!
  20. Thanks, Steven for posting this wonderful thread! Makes for excellent reading and thought!
  21. Yes, as one who finds himself at the site on an almost daily basis {...guess I'm addicted but hope not], I read "Daddy's" message to his readers and participants, sent him some "speedy recovery sentiments," and patiently await for his tech systems to be reactivated!
  22. DITTTTTTTTTTTTTTooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Depending on your likes and desires, I'd highly recommend http://www.rentmen.com/David_Sweet in Budapest. I was privileged to have seen him last October at my hotel. Although he and I had difficulty via my cell phone, he managed to find my hotel and spend a very hot hour with me the night before my departure. He was super, super sweet, literally. ...wonderful personality included.... A review of our time together is at http://www.daddysreviews.com. If interested go to reviews and type in his name. The rest is simple.
  24. Agreed! They're "very cute!" In fact I like both sets of twins! All four guys are yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmY, indeed!
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