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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. handlebreak, thanks for your post and advice. I found it quite helpful and plan to use on my third trip to this island nation later this year. Would you be so kind as to give us the specific name and contact information of your guide? That would be most helpful. Also, give us some specific recommended particulars. Again, this would be helpful to us all. We have ojibear's in his post and mine in my long post here, but we need specifics in order to navigate easily and successfully. And as far as private restaurants go, consult http://www.tripadvisor.com;do the required, easy navigation, and you'll receive a plethora of restaurants along with some very salient reviews. I used some of the information cited at these two websites prior to my most recent, short journey to Habana, Cuba. Again, thanks! Your additional, yet specific information would be most appreciated!
  2. ...and do let your "big head" do the thinking for you at all times! If you have guys over, remember to have all valuables out of sight as well. Make the better of your experience and do enjoy! Language was and has always been a barrier for me each time I've visited Brasil; most of the times I've had guides, preferably gay, who have been stellar in enabling me to have a wonderful, cultural experience. To date I only know of one gay guy who's in the travel industry and who was my guide while I was in Sao Paulo for my second and third trips. In terms of my sauna experiences, i did not have difficulties because I did lots and lots of prereading at this forum as well as at www.daddysreviews.com. At the latter forum, there has not been too much discussion within the past six months + regarding saunas in Brasil. Also, most the the guys who formerly wrote there have stopped writing at and for that site, or not at all, and have come here.
  3. Hotel Roc Presidente is where I stayed during my week's stay while in Habana. But again, as Oji mentioned, "...the security at the hotels throughout the city will NOT allow you to bring boys back to your hotel room." The boys have your room rung; you come to lobby to meet and greet and then leave!
  4. Thanks! It now works for others! It's Tuesday, the 24 March 2015. On my FB page, 9 hours ago, Humoldt52 posted that it had reopened after takin' a short break. Damn, I am definitely goin' there if I manage to return in December 2015. If not at that time, then later for sure!!!!
  5. ...loved TomCal's and your take on this situation!
  6. Below is the information that I promised to submit. • The company that I used is based in Canada to provide People-to-People programs for Americans and others. http://www.cubatravelforamericans.com, • http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=gay+cuba&FORM=VQFRAF • http://www.theculturetrip.com/caribbean/cuba/articles/the-cuban-experience-the-ten-best-havana-restaurants • The source http://cubaguiagay.blogspot.com.es/is in my web bank. It works there for me, so type it into your browser. Hope it works, for it gives some good, timely information and is a current source. I used the following guide books: TIME OUT: Havana & the Best of Cuba, DK EYEWITNESS TRAVEL CUBA, THE ROUGH GUIDE TO CUBA, and LONELY PLANET CUBA. These books were 2014 or 2013 editions.
  7. If you know Brasilian Portuguese, this would be fine; otherwise, forget it, for your safety. That was the advice relayed to me by my late, gay tour director in Rio whose friendship I developed and whose services I used about ten years ago and prior. He would write occasionally at www.daddysreviews.com in the forum "Escorts South." One night he drove me around to areas "where the boys are/were!" ...not too far from the US Consulate in Rio de janeiro. In Sao Paulo my guide at the time drove me around to "where they were" as well. One night I spotted a man that was showing dick from pants; it was so large and beautiful and highly alluring that I was so stirred that I went back to my lodging and had to get an immediate release. In looking back then and now, I'd truly wanted to have met this Paulista. That's all that I can share with you, for my experiences have been with guys from the saunas as well as with advertised escorts while I was in both Rio and Sao Paulo.
  8. Gracias! "...sounds like a good time was had by all." Si, Si!!
  9. A week from yesterday, {March 7, 2015}-- I returned to the United States after spending seven wonderful and ecstatic days in the "land of sun." We [my group of fourteen} had bright rays throughout our entire stay. This enhanced our educational and cultural experiences which we undertook; they were highly enriching and informative, but in reference to my audience here, my sexual encounters did not transpire as I'd envisioned and desired. I had two contacts or resource persons to make this happen: one being a contact from "the other site" with whom I did NOT connect once on Cuban soil: the other being my inability to communicate in Espanol. Also, the hotel {Hotel Presidente} did NOT allow visitors in the rooms of the guests; if one had a visitor, he would have the personnel ring the room of the guest and wait for guest in the lobby of the hotel. {I think this system works in all hotels in this city.} On the afternoon of my arrival, I rang the cell phone number of the gay guide who had indicated prior to my coming that he would definitely arrange this tour for me. Well, unlucky and unfortunate me did NOT take in this experience: the guide was out of Havana {supposedly} when I rang him, but he did arrange {at my agreement and request of his} one of his amigos, Fernando. The guy arrived and met me in the lobby of the hotel, but prior to his being at the hotel I had changed my mind, for I'd only wanted Yunior as my guide since he is the one who gives various tours in Havana as well as outside to towns, etc. When Fernando arrived, I met him and shared that I have chosen NOT to take this tour with him because I was exhausted after my only having arrived in Havana a few hours earlier. Fernando seemed understanding; I gave him half the fee, which at this writing I have second and third thoughts and should have merely given him $10CUCs instead of $25 CUC. {Yunior's fee is $50CUCs per day}. I went back to my room and viewed television before "turning in" for the night. All of that gorgeous, "huge dick" of which I'd anticipated for many weeks had gone away. The next day I rang Yoel, the cutie who advertises on www.gayromeo.com and sought out his services for Monday. He and I had difficulty in communicating, for he spoke very, very, very little English, and I the same with Espanol. When Monday arrived I rang him again; our communication was abysmal. After a bit a man chimed in and asked if I spoke Spanish: you know what my response was. A minute later he stated that Yoel would be at my hotel at 9:00P. I began preparing for our meeting, but at 7:30P-- the desk clerk rang and stated that a Jhon was in the lobby for me; I replied that I did not know a Jhon and hung up. Shortly afterwards I was in the lobby only to view this 5'9 mulatto standing not too far from the counter but in a discreet area. I approached him and stated "Yoel," he immediately said Jhon. I told him that he was to have been there at 9P; his only response was "I am sorry." I asked him to wait until I went to take a shower to which he replied as "douche" to which I understood because that's the word that was used in France when I there. After I completed the necessary moves, I joined Yoel in a taxi and off we went to "his {I presume} house. While in taxi I caressed his beautifully sculpted thighs encased in jeans. He showed me photos of self on his beautiful flat screen cell phone along with a very gorgeous black stud. I smiled. Both of us remained silent until we'd arrive at a fairly decent, neat and clean house in Veradado. When he knocked on the door, a woman greeted us. My heart slumped, for I thought who is she and.... Once we'd had our fun and I'd enjoyed his body, especially his 23 or 24cms--we cleaned ourselves and dressed. Yoel took me to another part of his abode where it looked as if a different woman sat. {Could have been the same one, for I was basking in the afterglow.} Yoel asked her to ask me if he could spend the next day with me. I politely declined for I was with a group; she asked about the next day; I lied and responded that the group was leaving on this day. Yoel and I said adios to each other, and that was my "first and last taste" of a Cubano. I do intend to return to Cuba {Havana and some historical towns}; I do intend to have my gay tour via Yunior or the other man who has a google account; I do intend to engage in lots of scalding, sexual activities; I do intend to have my orgy, something that might have happened this trip if I'd honored Yoel's requests. He has a very hot stable of amigos. He'd emailed photos of many hotties after I'd shown interest in being with him. He also put me in contact with an older friend of his, Frank, who rents apartments and rooms. Frank and I communicated briefly. I also do intend to do my "gay night tour" with a guide, and lastly will purchase an electronic translator, something that I'd thought about doing this time but did not. In my looking back about my past trip to the largest of islands in the Caribbean, I'm viewing it favorably; I did have lots of good experiences minus the one to which I wrote about at length, but that will solve itself in the future; I'll definitely know what to do!! Men, I have lots of good contact info. regarding tours, hotels, restaurants, etc. If you would like this, I'll post for all.
  10. January thru February are ideal months to be in Thailand. I've been in July [too, too hot] and in latter of December thru first part of February. The weather was indeed ideal!
  11. If his fee were not astronomically exorbitant, I think I could accommodate his requests!
  12. Ojibear, I, too, thank you for your trip report. I am just reading it at 11:15P on 03.08.15. ...just returned to the States yesterday and back in California around 5P today.
  13. Citizens of the U.S. will be able to use credit cards within the next few months, but to date, we "cannot!"
  14. I just arrived back in California about 2 hours ago and am tired but thought I'd come here before retiring for the eve. I'm all "wacked" because of the time difference and now we're on daylight savings time! In response to having guests in your room at hotels. Count it OUT! Your guests can meet you in the lobby once the personnel ring your room. From there it's off to a place where sex happens. I'll write about my "LIMITED" sexual experiences later this week, plus. I'll title it "Axiom's One Week Visit in Habana!"
  15. My problem with many of the Thai guys is that they just look too, too, too damn young being with this older man who could now be considered their grandfather or, in some cases, great grandfather. I'm 74 now and was 67 then in 2008!!!
  16. I'm off to Habana, Cuba next Saturday the 28th of February 2015, on my People-to-People program. Although I'll be involved in most of the prescribed itinerary, I will have time to venture out on my own and to do what I desire. The only caveat is that I can't play the tourist role and go to beaches or purchase the usual "touristy items," etc. On my first trip sometime in the 90s, the small group of us did go to the beach for a day and was free to roam and play during our time there. We were free after 2 or 3 P.M. each day as well. Too bad that I did not take advantage of this: I was at a very "different place" when it came to scouting out in foreign lands. This is much more different today! PS On the night of my arrival, I will have a gay guide showing me the "gay side" of Habana, Cuba. Google him and proceed if interested in his services. Once I return I plan to write at this site! [i, too, will be elated once the travel ban has been completely lifted!]
  17. I liked your read but would appreciate your writing more about "Sexy Rose." Is it a cinema? Give details about those who go, the best times, the price for entrance, its lay out, etc. If you choose to answer this when you return home, that is all right with me. I don't want you to go out of your way and spend valuable, fun time in answering my request!
  18. Ah,Ah, do I remember CARNAVAL in Rio de janeiro in 2003. Earlier this morning I ran across a photo booklet that's full of all of the hunky and naked escorts who were on a boat with some of us clients for a day at "The Green Isle" which is some 3+ hours south of Rio! That was one friggin' day that I shall always remember. "Heat was all over the place!"
  19. He looks like he could give as well as take "roughly!" I love to spank hot bubble butts with my open palm then caress immediately afterwards! He looks the part!
  20. Sergio looks sexy in this pic, holding those chop sticks and exhibiting that vibrant smile encased by luscious, silkish lips! He looks quite enticing and lickable, even with his clothes on!!
  21. He looks oh so damn sweet, or shall I write "very luscious!" ...mouthwatering indeed!
  22. "This is such a beauty!" "Thanks for your words, Suckrates!" "I don't know if I'll be able to handle, but I am damn well gonna try!" "I have 25 days and "a countin'!!!" 02.03.15
  23. http://www.rioapartmentrental.com I've used this agency as well and was quite pleased. But whenever I return, I might obtain a Rio rental through http://www.airbnb.com. A friend of mine got his through them, and the apartment was gorgeous as well as reasonably priced!
  24. Check out http://www.thegayguide.com.ar. You will find some helpful information on this site. It helped me during my time in Buenos Aires. In the scroll bar type in gaycities.com which is preceded by the usual, and you can find additional information. I tried to do it here, but it interferred with what's here under the same title or name!
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