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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. As things are now (the Coronavirus-19) -- I might make a concerted effort to attend my first Palm Springs festivities in 2021. ...have always wanted to attend but not alone. Might be able to encourage my good friend in Southern California who's attended previously to go with me.
  2. Aren't many of us here and at the other site. NO, you're being quite, quite sensible as well as responsible. Although there are far too many escorts on RM who are advertising and possibly accepting clients-- in spite of one's acute horniness, I WOULD NOT chance it at all. I just have to resort to other means: poppers, porn, and pot until a salient grip has gotten hold of this horrendous pandemic!
  3. Welcome! I have been at Daddys for many, many a year and at this site from its inception. ...have managed NOT to be banned from either, but at any rate, I hope you like it here. I've had a few posters here to post some rather negative remarks about and towards me: to deal with them-- I've ignored and have continued to post what I've desired. ...sorry you were subjected to the negative actions at the "message forums." Again, welcome. ...luv your photos. . ..mouthwatering indeed!
  4. Your posts brought back the time that I was in Rio de janeiro during Carnaval. Continue to enjoy immensely. And yes, the prices of most items, ,etc. do decrease after Carnaval; I know that's how it was when my friend and I were there. [Plan to attend one or more balls? We went to one of the famous ones (name forgotten) and just loved the myriad of visions.] Muito obrigado!
  5. "He has a monster cock." Fuckin' hot and feeling it!
  6. Shall I be corrected. I did see him on "SNL" last Saturday, a show that I rarely watch and became infactuated all over again. A long time ago, I had a heavy penchant for blond guys. Last Saturday this love began to resurface and my mouth was on "overdrive." I've always found Justin to be "mouthwatering" indeed!
  7. ...saw him perform the other eve (2020). ...sorry I can't remember the show. ...just know that it was one of those award ones. ...thought he (Justin) looked hot. ...liked two of his male dancers as well and thought about how wonderful it would be to be able to taste and feel each of them.
  8. I just thought I would peruse out of curiosity today to see if there were any additional updates for 2019-2020. NOPE! Additional and more current info. on varying topics related to Brasil are in individual threads.
  9. I think I might have written the following previously but can't remember, so I'm rewriting here. A Brit acquaintance and a world traveler of mine has visited Cuba almost yearly during the past five years. He relayed to me that Parque Central across the street from that gorgeous hotel is full of guys on the hunt. He told me that he's hooked up many times while frequenting this area. He mentioned that during his last visit that he stayed in a hotel and obtained a room from Frank for play. ...asked my acquaintance if he gave Frank a fee for obtaining company, and his response was NO! [ If I had been in his shoes, Frank would have received a gratuity if not a specified fee, for after all, he supplied the company.] Frank, a native, rents out 2 or 3 of his rooms as well as obtaining guys, and his Facebook account is under Zarzamoracuba.Frank. I met one of his guys, Yoel when I was in Habana in 2015. I have been in contact with Frank on two occasions in which he's given me his contact phone numbers. Currently, I do not know where they are, so my advice would be to go to Frank's FB page, and if you are a member-- send him a detailed message (written simply), and go from there!
  10. I do think that the originator of this site/forum preferred to have comments of a positive nature vs ones that disparage, insult, belittle, and add little to any discussion. Do I see some acute jealously and envy here? I was taught many, many years ago to remain silent if I did not have anything positive to say about an innocent situation! I've adhered to this throughout my 70+ years and have been the better for it.
  11. Muchas gracious!
  12. ...have visited twice: once via auto, and the second time via bus. ...preferred the latter mode of travel. Go with friend or someone, not alone. ...stayed in a wonderful and very comfortable and reasonably priced pousada not too far from the town center which I obtained via booking.com. ...did lots of walking and took taxis when needed. ...a great respite from the bustling but fascinating Rio de janeiro. 1st visit= weekend with my late gay guide who lived in Rio and who formerly posted at daddysreviews.com. ...accompanied him and his female co-director and joined five hotties from Sao Paulo and experienced Paraty for the first time. The second time my traveling amigo and a friend of his from Rio boarded a big bus and went. ...sat in first row and enjoyed all visions who boarded and exited at various points. ...liked this quaint and picturesque town....
  13. Go for it since he's been highly recommended and has changed his mind regarding his seeing you solo vs duo! You might be quite surprised at the outcome. And since, from your previous postings about hookups and you, he, more than likely, will enjoy what he's receiving. I had a former acquaintance who I met on a board similar to this one. He was an older man from TX who loved "big cocks." Well, he was quite popular at the saunas in Rio and Sao Paulo. Many of the 'boys' wanted his company. I deduced that he was great at "giving head" and that the seekers not only wanted their desired fees but his "mouth" as well. I can still visualize the carrying on's on the part of his seekers as I viewed this in the lounge at Club 117 and at Lagoa as well as in the large corridor on the first floor in the former. ENJoyyyyyyyy!
  14. In terms of currency conversion in Cuba, I'd recommend that you exchange Euros or Canadian dollars for your CUC's. A fee is changed when one exchanges dollars but not for other currencies.
  15. ...guess he sent the two photos to me to remind me of 2015 when we managed to meet and play. Sorry!
  16. If one is interested in directly contacting Frank-- he sent me his email address and his phone numbers along with a plethora of information regarding his properties. Contact me via PM, for I have not been given permission to write this info. publicly. Frank sent me via email pertinent information along with a description of his properties. Yoel also included two photos of "his blessing" which is not as impressive in the ones that he had made four years ago and sent to me. We managed to meet in 2015. My plans in 2017 were aborted after I had visited for 3 or 4 days--. The trip was a 25 day sojourn.
  17. A Brit acquaintance of mine has been going to Cuba during the past six years. He's rented rooms and has met guys through Frank who rents out rooms in several or more properties. Check out his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Zarzamoracubacuba.Frank. In 2015 I met a guy through Frank; in 2017 I had an airbnb apartment apartment rented for company; I'd planned to receive some of Frank's guys there. Because I had to abort my 25 day trip (back problems)--the latter of the above did not happen. Hope to redo in 2020 or 2021.
  18. I enjoyed reading your post, for before you left, you asked questions; some of us responded (in various ways based on experience) to them. You encountered many positives and a few negatives from which you now know how to operate when you return. Brazil (Rio) especially is addictive, as well as at times,sometimes daunting, depending on the circumstances. Return to "The Marvelous City," and do venture out as Badboy81 mentioned in the highlighted area and I in a private to you before you left. It'll only enrich you. A friend of mine whom I met in Rio during my last trip a few years back just recently returned to Rio where he managed to stay for almost a month. He did "the sauna scene" and apparently had garotos over on a daily basis, but almost each day he would post on Facebook where he was or went during that particular day. His photos recaptured some of the experiences that I had when I managed to travel there as well as expose me to a lot of the unknown which is there for me to explore. Hope to return in '20 or '21. I've been to Thailand on three or four occasions, but as another poster mentioned-- the two cultures and nations about which you wrote are definitely different. Now that you been to the largest country in South America and to its supreme city, experience and enjoy but try NOT to compare. Appreciate the uniqueness of both. Obrigado! I'll await to read reports from you when you endeavor to travel to Brazil again.
  19. ...sorry to hear about the "bug" that you picked up. With antibiotics it is hoped that you will rebound soon. Have you tried getting a ticket from SFO to MIA and MIA to the SD? American has flights there. Look into some brokers who offer discounted fares. I've used their services to fly first and business class and did not break the bank. Do a google check, for my address book is in another city right now.
  20. ...hands down and up: Tarntawan Hotel allows "working boys inside." I stayed there a few years back; upon registration I had to fill out a card related to my desire in receiving guests. This supposedly was for my protection. Had a masseur come over. After he left-- the personnel at the desk rang my room to see if everything were fine; it was and then some! Saw other guests bringing "talent" back with them for some hours or perhaps overnight stay. That's all that I can relate except that I found the place comfortable, quiet, clean, and wonderful for five days/nights. Its location was in walking distance to the area that had clubs with boys, etc. Don't remember the precise title for the area. I also could walk to the train that ran skyward. The first T that you mentioned is the one where I stayed.
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