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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. ...very definitely so! A few "of these" even roam around completely nude to show off their "blessings" to all!
  2. Although the fee for a cabine/suite at Club 117 is only R$40 for thirty minutes-- I would NOT want to spend a short time with a guy whom I found to be "over-the-top" hot! Outside of the saunas, do you hire for such a short amount of time? Guys, R$150 is cheap; it's NOT one hundred fifty dollars! Check out my thread of a few weeks back in which I cited the value of the real vs the dollar during that particular time! I always flinch when I read a post about the money situation. We "rich" Americans can afford most experiences in Rio de janeiro, my favorite city in this world of ours!
  3. I appreciate what you wrote! It was completely apropos and sane and encouraging!
  4. I was let down when I cast my eyes on his "average cock" unless he's a mighty grower!
  5. Good day-

    I read your posts today and would like to ask if it would have been better for you to have ignored SS's attack and just proceeded in writing about what this thread addressed?  A few years back, a well-known escort at daddys invariably thought it best to correct my message and wording.  After a while I began to ignore and not write about what he'd addressed.  He stopped.  I'm still writing.  He was eventually banned for reasons unknown to me.  [SS's attack on you was completely unnecessary, and I'd wished that Oz would have stepped in an stopped it, for the thread is being hijacked by it!] 

    Sent in a positive light!


  6. Oz, I, too, am most proud! Although not the most glitziest---I thought the cariocas did extremely well in their overall execution of the O Ceremonies and the commencement of their Olympics!! [This is a strange lookin' smilie]
  7. I extend my best wishes to the cariocas, the athletes, the visitors, and to you since you're part of us here! I truly, truly hope that this major event goes off without any super-major catastrophe. ...just viewed a wonderful HBO Sports program which was moderated by Bryan Gumble. This upcoming Olympics was featured. The only negative was the part about the Guanabara Bay. I began to question myself: if I were an athlete, would I go into that super-foul and disease-prone waters!!
  8. "I hope they are able to pull this off..." They have two days to do as your "hope" stipulated! I, too, truly hope the cariocas are mighty successful in spite of all of their apparent difficulties. And to Firecat's statement, NBC definitely has shown some great Rio footage since Monday; ...hope they continue to do such and that these match what truly is and will be transpiring during the next two weeks, beginning on Friday, the 5th of August 2016.
  9. I will watch the Opening and Closing ceremonies from my television which is in my living room; I'll root for the Americans and the Brazilians and Australians who participate in my favorite sporting events and try to remain extremely optimistic in light of the obstacles faced by the cariocas prior to the beginning! I truly, truly hope that this principal event bodes well for the country and its people! I hope to visit in 2017!!
  10. Ever since 2002 thru 2011, I've traveled to Brasil, and while there I've taken in its magnificent culture and some of its men, especially those who work in the saunas as well as a few who'd had ads at the then escort sites in Rio de janeiro and Sao Paulo. During my times there, the given rate asked by the majority of the men was R$50 upwards to R$100, but not exceeding. I never had a guy visit with me overnight. Apparently, the fee that is requested today [2016] is R$70 and upwards to R$150 to R$200. From my reading some of the posts here from guys who've gone to two or three cities during this year, they've written about the amount asked for and their reluctance to give to the guys. In my reading their take on this, I've been bothered based on the exchange rate of the real to the dollar. R$100, R$150, R$200 seem like a lot, but I do think that when the guys give or have given these rates-- it's been interpreted in dollars, thus the client might have quibbled and/or has been reluctant to fork out. Well, as of July 29, 2016, from the http://www.xchangecurrency.com site, the breakdown was as follows: R$50 = $15US R$60 =$18US R$70 = $21US R$75 = $22US R$100 = $30US R$150 = $45US R$150 = $45US R$200 = $60US AND R$250 = $75US So men, as you travel in the future, try to know the rate of exchange before you arrive (Although it might vary slightly due to fluctuations--for those amounts are a far cry from what one would pay in the US and/or Europe for some very hot play!
  11. I have had the good fortune to travel to Cuba on two occasions: the first a slight blur because it occurred during the late 80s when I took few photographs and did not write anything about my trip. To date I have a few solid memories only; the second trip took place in March of 2015. I have photographs as well as written memories. But I am hoping to take a different type of trip in 2017; ...planned is a tour of over 2 weeks with a group with the allowance of my staying longer and traveling independently. I can't wait to make specific arrangements in conjunction with this trip. But I write and post the following based on some reports which I've read by a few men at this blog/site. In their reports, which have been rather interesting, indeed, they indicated that finding good places to eat while traveling solo was difficult. Well, in the future, consult http://www.tripadvisor.com and find relevant information regarding restaurants and cafes, etc. Also, in your wanting to dine in good, yet inexpensive places based on our standards, go to: http://www.cubaexplorer.com/best-of-cuba/restaurants; do the same for bars as three gay/gay-friendly clubs have been posted by not designated as such. http://www.cubaexplorer.com/best-of-cuba/bars-and-clubs. Do the same for art galleries: http://www.cubaexplorer.com/best-of-cuba/art-galleries. Go to some internet book stores or well as good establishments and check out the books that are available regarding Cuba. Buy or see what your library has. You will not find out about our interests that are contained at this blog/site, but you'll find salient materials to use to enhance your stay whether you're traveling independently or with a group. Also read what others have written here about their experiences. For lodging consult http://www.cuba-junky.com as well as http://www.airbnb.com. The prices at the former are in keeping with our budgets. Prices for independently-run venues on the latter are higher in comparison. Damn, each day my mind runs away with my intent to return to this largest of island nations that's in the Caribbean.
  12. I'd like to slap "dat" ass with an open-palmed right hand then caress!!!!!!!!!
  13. Since the upgrade I've had problems getting on if using Safari, so I am using Firefox with a modicum of ease. I do miss reading, especially in the international travel sectors. Wish the guys who travel to the South would write about their experiences and continue to cite valuable information for the use by future travelers as well as those who are just interested in reading and living their adventures vicariously. I am one who comes here regularly to read, view, and post when necessary! Thanks, Suckrates for this thread!
  14. Peter- I, too, truly thank you for your report. It was interesting as well as useful. Would like to know the names from http://www.gayromeo.com whom you contacted. Could they speak any Ingles? I'm highly considering going back in 2017 on a P-to-P for 20 days then spend time on my own for perhaps a week. I'm also excited because a Brit friend of mine plans to be there when I'm there. He's been to Cuba a few times and can show me a some things which would be beneficial to me when I am traveling solo. During the tour we will be staying in casa particulars throughout, but when I am on my own, I will do as JayBlk mentioned: I will stay at a hotel as well as at my own arranged casa particular in Habana. Might use www.airbnb.com or www.cuba-junky.com for this. Again, muchas gracias! [When I was in Habana in March of 2015, our stellar female tour guide mentioned that if anyone on the street spends anytime with you, they would expect some CUCs, but to avoid this happening, tell them nicely that you're not interested. Many folks in this island nation are poor; thus the reason for all of the hustling, sexual or otherwise. The majority of Cubans get a mere 20CUCs per week or per month along with a ration card. Many professionals give up their degreed job and work in the tourist or service industry to get tips, etc.] 1CUC = 1US dollar
  15. When I first heard about Barbra Striestrand's upcoming concerts, I went to purchase tickets and found that the places where I had wanted to be seated were far out of my price range, 200+in the SF Bay area. Guess I'll continue to listen to her cds, and if she ever goes to Las Vegas for some special show, I might fork up the funds, board a plane, and go!
  16. I concur with David here! I'm getting my news about Brasil from http://www.democracynow.org. An amigo of mine who lives in Sao Paulo has been against Dilma for a long time and has posted lots on Facebook. Since I don't know the ins and outs of Brasilian politics, I've kept moot. I think I'll ask him to view what's on the site that I mentioned, for it is not corporate. Last week it was reported that the US government and current administration is supporting what's happening politically in Brasil but have not come forward publicly with its position!
  17. Personally, I thought his query was downright "RUDE" and disrespectful to say the least! ...was always taught that "if you don't have something positive to say, don't say anything!" I couldn't see the purpose of the question at all. I applaud you in the way you responded. Usually I try to handle things with aplomb, but in case of that query-- I don't know.
  18. I never "came out" while at work, but I am certain that from my never taking a date to the faculty gatherings or talking about women in my life, per se, the cognizant ones knew of my sexual orientation/sexuality!
  19. I've been at that site since 1997 or 1998 or 1999 and have never gotten caught up in all of the ridiculousness which has existed from time to time. It's been for the better for me, too. One escort tried to give me a difficult time a while back through his constant ridiculing of some of my posts; I did not respond; I ignored. My blood pressure and stree level remained untapped!
  20. I truly enjoyed reading your post. Other than English, what other language or languages do you speak and/or can use easily? Yes, Brasil, to me has it vast share of gorgeous men!
  21. I would "do All" of the guys at that site in the guide sector except for the guy in the suit! My tongue and mouth would get one hell of workout; I love giving "tongue baths!"
  22. Your first sentence is a loaded generalization; your second sentence is acceptable to those of us who do not know! Perhaps your experiences were not very positive; thus you chose to write what you wrote!
  23. I have a thread here which addresses hotels in Santo Domingo that are gay/gay-friendly. There are some great suggestions and guidance. Once I read the advice here regarding gay/gay-friendly hotels in SD, I went to http://www.tripadvisor.comas well as http://www.booking.com to see what others had written about the recommended/not recommended hotels. From all of this, I'll chose. ...have a friend who lives in Brighton, England who travels to the DR regularly. He recommended The Courtyard and stated that he's always had guests. The guests have to leave their identification at the desk which is similar to some of the hotels mentioned amongst the suggested names.
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