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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. Kevin, why are you so bothered when some men here ask similar questions which have already been answered? If we want to respond to previously asked/answered questions, that's our prerogative; if you chose NOT to respond, then DON'T. Your snide remarks do NOT enhance the queries or the posts! CHILL, my man!
  2. Jayblk, I'm awaiting your "detailed" report, for I always enjoy reading and living vicariously up to the time that I avail myself to journey "to the largest country in the Carribean!" Muchas gracias in advance! (smiles)
  3. bobbalino- continue posting and ignore those posts to which you think have no value or validity to your initial post. You know many "guys will definitely be guys" as well as highly opinionated. There is one guy who posts; unfortunately, many of them are negative or down right "bitchy"-- for sanity purposes, I no longer reads what he has posted; I've kept my calm as a result of this!
  4. In regards to flights and cost-- have you tried obtaining tickets via discount brokers? I've been using varying brokers for my travelers outside of the US for business and first class tickets. Mileage has accrued as well. Just google "discounted airfares" business or otherwise and see what happens. Hope the both of you are truly, truly committed to each other, for I know a man who fell in love with a carioca; retired, moved to Rio and bought a condo. His love joined him and used him to the hilt as well as playing around while the two traveled in Europe together one summer. I AM NOT trying to put a dent in what you posted, but if the two of you really have a solid relationship and trust-- then proceed!
  5. ...very, very nice posts! Do you speak Espanol?
  6. ...sorry that I have no specific information, but he damn looks as if he definitely knows how to please and satisfy a man!
  7. That cock is mighty mouth watering as well as ass yearning, too!
  8. I think this would have been best located in a new thread, not the one where the present tourist is sharing his experiences. I, too, hope he gets out and experiences the rich culture along with the hot men. If I could speak Espanol, perhaps I'd journey there to enjoy all what lingers, culture, beauty, history, and "the men!"
  9. This is oh so friggin' super-hot. ...would liked to have been in the room on the side witnessing all of this hot ecstacy!!!! t
  10. Your "salient advice" was oh so warming, and I did not undergo this negative experience. Muchas gracias! Merci! Danke! Obrigado! Thank you! I am sincere!
  11. Shall I presume that you and some of the other posters here speak some Espanol? Please answer back! Muchas gracias! [My Spanish is nil!]
  12. I've used the indoor ATMs at Citibanks in Rio as well as in Sao Paulo, but prior to my going, I've purchased reais from International Currency Express, Inc., 427 N. Camden Drive, Suite G, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4433; not only have I purchased this currency from them, I've done other currencies as well, for I like to have some money with me for a few days while I am in a particular country. Right now I have 1500 Euros to return to the aforementioned business to use to buy dollars. [A fee is charged for the transactions, but the convenience in having the local currency with me far outweighs the fee charged for my buying the currency used outside of the US.] 1-800-899-4178 A website is available as well!
  13. The people in general are poor, for as mentioned above, the monthly salary is a mere and incomprehensible wage of $20 US plus a card for basic goods. Many individuals who have a university degree stop doing what their profession calls for and go into the "private sector--" renting rooms in apartments for $25 - $30 per night (and including breakfast)-- depending on the facility itself, (casa particular) opening up their homes into restaurants (paladors) driving taxis, being tour guides with a company, etc. But from all of the adversitites undergone throughout the 50+ years of the US embargo, the people have been quite resilient. I found the fee requested by some of the guys to be from $20 - $30 CUCs, the currency used by tourists. To avoid being assessed a fee of 15% on dollars that are exchanged to CUCs-- buy Euros and exchange. That's what I did in March of 2017. In 2015 I took Canadian dollars to exchange. Also, guys-- take bars of soap (hotel toiietries) and toothbrushes and paste, disposal razors, and other basics to give to the guys. A local, who was suppose to have been my guide, a guy who worked in a lab at a hospital relayed to me that many basic items that Cubans have to purchase are expensive. Because we failed to meet (He would have received $30CUC's from me for guiding me throughout Havana for a day.)--I wired him some money and sent him a package, for he'd returned to Habana a day or two prior to our established meeting. I hope to return in 2018 to meet my British amigo after doing a 15 day tour. I also plan to meet and experience Habana with Yuriel. I do hope you'll report back regarding lodging, restaurants, your "sexcreational" activities, and any other valuable snippets for future travelers as well as to those men who've been there previously. I always learn of places to go, events in which to partake, etc...
  14. My Brit acquaintance was recently in Habana; he spent a lot of time at Parque Central where he and his amigo picked up guys. If I'd stayed my dates-- I would have joined them in their quests!
  15. I completely agree with you! Remember guys-- age is a mere number!
  16. I'm with you, Oz! My first world experience happened when I was 30 years old. I went to the major cities of Europe and to North Africa. ...did not know French or Spanish or Dutch or Greek. I traveled alone, day and night and made do and communicated and had a fantastic time with some of these memories still lingering in 2017. Today, when I travel solo, I try to hire a guide. ...was successful in Brasil, for I had a gay travel agent who obtained them for me; I managed to find two via www.craigslist.com. I also had a professional gay guide in Buenos Aires and a guide in Lilma who had an ad. This has helped me to encounter positive experiences. When I am not traveling solo but with a tour group, I am fine even when I am on my own. [...been to Thailand on four occasions; ...had no problems and only memorable experiences beyond the sexual component.] Yes, it's nice to know some key words, but if one is not able to remember easily- then....
  17. Yes, you can! I think you're intrigued or perhaps a tab bit mesmerized by some of the insanity that lingers here amongst some of the posters, those who like to brag and ridicule and fail to give objective and helpful information to others w/o writing sarcasm. This is unfortunate because the very thing that is happening amongst some forums and posts is what the webmaster wanted to avoid. That's one reason, I think, he decided to create this blog/website in the first place. [I've been here from its inception; I am also a reader and poster at the site that he left,] Now, go to your movie and immensely enjoy!
  18. I was last in Brasil and Argentina in 2011. My visits have comprised of my enjoying the culture, the beauty, the ambience, and yes, the men, when the times have arisen. I know a few words and have rarely had a problem in communicating when I have been with locals. Strangely, when the locals on the streets have approached me with queries, they've thought that I was one of them! We've smiled and laughed and...! I do think you are making a "mountain out of a mole hill" thus there was no need for your sarcasm in the last sentence of your post. What was the advantage? I've been at this site and at daddys for many years and refuse to attack or demean fellow writers/contributors. If that is your thing-- then please do NOT use it with me, for I don't engage in that manner. I visited Brasil from 2002 until 2011 (11 or 12 visits total). I do plan to return when I chose to.
  19. You're fortunate in not having to battle the language problem. Many of us are not; Brasilian Portuguese is difficult to learn, especially if you're of a certain age where remembering perhaps becomes a problemo. I've been with guys who are not proficient in English but prefer 1 - 2 hours and no more. As a few others have stated in some of the above posts, awkwardness sets in after a while when neither of us can communicate to benefit the association!
  20. ...like this advice. Also, try not to overdo the liquid, for it, too, can bring about unnecessary problems, especially if you take the guy or guys back to your place! If you're renting an apartment-- have "ALL" valuables put away, including fragrance if you wear it!
  21. Yes, Friday and Saturday nights are supposedly the best nights when it comes to Lapa. ...went there twice during two different years. The first was with a very popular escort who had a good day job. ...have forgotten his name since this was back in the early 2000s. He rode his motorcycle but hired a taxi for me. ...joined me in Lapa and walked in the middle of the streets amongst the hordes of folks who'd gathered. ...quite festive and joyful, indeed. The second time that I went was with amigos from the States. I had a so, so time, for I did not get to do what I'd wanted to do, go inside some of the clubs and other venues and go fully with the vibes and flow. Perhaps on my next visit to my favorite city, my needs and desires will be filled to completion!
  22. I don't have any particular "type" of guy with whom I like to play and/or have company, but I could definitely find time to be with this mature hunk. His muscles look oh so natural and ripe for some "worship," something that I have yet to do! Thanks, Tom, for posting the photograph of Junior!
  23. ...cute boy although a little too young for me! As a former teacher in a secondary school-- I looked and kept other thoughts and actions to myself and survived the temptation along with my livelihood/profession and integrity! I retired honorably! But if this cutie is 21 and older, I'd be apt to "pleasure him" and he me!!
  24. I hired from escort sites in both Rio and Sao Paulo, which are now defunct, and had NO PROBLEM with the escorts. In fact, I had my best times with them in Sao Paulo vs my going to Fragata and Lagoa. I think you have gotten this confused with hooking up with "guys from the streets."
  25. My mouth and tongue would give him the "greatest" of tongue baths all over! I'd love to taste "the beeve!"
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