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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. ...saw your posting regarding the using the word "virginal."  ...thought I'd correctly used the word, but if I did not per what I read from your post, please delete the entire thing for me.  I'd be perfectly all right with that.

    But, if I misread your intent--let it stay, por favor!

    Take care-   AXIOM

  2. I'm elated that you've returned. Thanks very much for your update as to what transpired.
  3. I sent you a private message regarding Fernando. His mentor was my guide on two occasions when I visited Bahia. Four or so years ago, I recommended Fernando after having been in communication via emails. My amigo appreciated his services, for they were apparently as stellar as his mentor had provided me. Both men are Facebook friends of mine, and whenever I manage to return to the "most African of cities" in Brasil, I shall consult the expertise of Fernando.
  4. Since I did not know how to correct this post, just type in the website https.//www.traveloffpath.com. The article is there.
  5. Earlier today on my Facebook page, I received the following post: https://www..traveloffpath.com/top-10-travel-destinations-during-covid-19/?fb-covid-19/?fbclid=lwARzQ4KvwfBUamrbNp4FVdcLO.Hc.
  6. Today is October 12, 2020, and I've just come to this thread and its responses. Would you be much more comfortable traveling to Brazil in 2021 or 2022? I ask because your prior experiences in the saunas as well as your other travel-related adventures will be different in the COVID-19 and afterwards era, beginning at the airports. As I have been hearing and, at times, saying: STAY SAFE!
  7. The guys have arrived and have started to have some basic fun. I watched some precursors of fun on Rhyheim's "OnlyFans" page a few minutes ago, and as you mentioned in an earlier post--the number exceeds 14. I did enjoy the filmed action with him and his friend and an Asian guy. Damn, I'd loved to have changed places with the latter--for he was mighty challenged being with two men who are very "heavenly blessed" and then some!
  8. I''d take on 9 of the 14 of the lot [...separately], then all together in one hell of a fuckfest!
  9. Ignore if it refuses to delete.
  10. I finished binging on Netflix's "DARK DESIRE" last evening. ...didn't know the story line prior to watching, and I don't particularly care to cite any specifics. Watch! I think you might like all of the mystery that surrounds this "flix."
  11. Each day I think and reflect on how COVID-19 has affected "EVERY COMPONENT of life" worldwide. It has wreaked hell on everyone--everywhere! I do hope and pray that a light will shine brightly in 2021 so that some modicum of life's past can be experienced.
  12. I've been here since its inception, and I have been at the now "Message-Forum," daddy's site, for more than three decades. The other day I posted about my second dining inside experience at one of my favorite restaurants in Monterey, CA and solicited short adventures of the like from others. Well, one writer posted about his jury duty experience. In huge red letters, I wrote that he'd hijacked my thread. Well, lo and behold, a few of the so-called loyals attacked me for having written that acknowledgment; they acted as if I'd violated the rights of the hijacker; they acted (from their words) as if the guy was "God's gift to humanity." My words were obvious, for I have been a positive person at that site as well as this one who has refrained from a senseless tit-for-tat in disagreeing as well as attacking any of the writers. My actions spoke for themselves. A day later there was a flood of off-topics affixed to my commenting about the guy's being off topic or having hijacked my post. I fired back: "KEEP ENJOYING YOURSELVES" or some such wording. The guy who'd hijacked had apologized three or four posts up from the aforementioned; then today I saw that he'd written that I'd hijacked my own post. Currently, I am all right and have concluded that there are some really bizarre males who post and read and interact over there, and I WILL NOT have any part in it. I don't need them in any way, and I really don't need that site as an outlet but will find it somewhat strange if I were to leave and forget it all together since I've been there for such a long time. For the most part, I have enjoyed reading and writing and posting in the various forums. ...have met about five to ten guys over the years (in person) when I've traveled to Brazil. ...even met my gay Brazilian (now deceased) travel agent and a couple of legitimate gay travel guides as well. Have enjoyed meeting a few guys in parts of Europe and the guidance that I have received as well prior to my travel adventures. So, in the future, I'll continue to read and view and post and ignore any bizarre actions/comments on the part of some of the posters at "Message Forum," "at the other site."
  13. Although it's been around for quite a while (I first watched in a movie theater in San Francisco back during the day.) I'll recommend TAXI KUM LO which is on Netflix or Tubi (gay). A few weeks ago, I watched in its entirety, this time liking it.
  14. YES, indeed and thought it to be one hell of a dynamic and profound film. ...truly, truly loved and admired the female protagonist.
  15. I watched this by chance four days ago (June 28, 2020) and could not believe what I was watching. At the very, very beginning-- the bodies of these two (man and woman) appear; then very shortly afterwards, his beautiful, hard cock appears along with her hand slowly masturbating this beauty. It was fucking hot! From then on there was lots of fucking in a variety of ways. I yearned to feel and taste his "beautiful blessing!"
  16. Thanks for posting. That's my kind of kissing. I've fucked "the tongue and mouth" of a couple of my men with whom I've played. ...very sexy and mighty fucking hot as hell.
  17. A few days back, I read what "daddy" had written regarding the protests and the murder of the young 27 year-old man in Atlanta. After I read his slightly confusing yet disturbing take, I sat in front of my computer and said: "Well, he will NOT receive any donation from me now!"
  18. A week or so ago, a very well-respected man/escort and friend posted something on his Facebook page regarding "LadyG." I responded: "The only LadyG who I might be aware is Lady Gaga. He wrote back to me and explained to me that LadyG was in reference to Lindsey Graham. [I think someone had asked him if LG ever sought out his provided services. His answer was negative. I hope Lindsey Graham is soundly defeated, for he is one motherfucking hypocrite to say the least.
  19. When the "Breaking News" came in on MSNBC-- (the first time this morning), I thunderously applauded twice!! Now the new Congress in 2021 must change the entire immigration situation as well as give all DACA recipients a true pathway to citizenship.
  20. I was at https://daddysreviews.com earlier today and OUT had an article regarding LK's death. I didn't read it but began to remember his activism through writings, protests, film/s. May he rest in eternal peace!
  21. Hi, Buddy-

    I just read the exchange between you and Lucky and question why he questioned you about traveling to PS and visiting your friends.  It's your prerogative when you visit; it's also your friends' choices and wishes as when they visit PS as well.  I usually like the posts of Lucky, but I might guess that with COVID-19 his previous places to visit, i.e. theater, museums, etc. have been closed for a month plus; thus he doesn't know what to do with himself fully.

    Next time- don't respond to his queries; then he'll be unable to respond negatively or positively.  It bothered me; I decided NOT to respond in the open forum.  IGNORING is the best policy here as well as at the other site where I've gone for far too long to remember but have chosen NOT to get involved in those tit-for-tat dialogues or "hissie fit" sessions that I've seen going on for far too long amongst adult (presumably) males.

    Take care and continue to "weather the storm" unstressed by anyone or anything.  One's trying to adapt, especially about an unknown future is enough to give thought to.


    1. Buddy2


      Lucky may have left the other site before Kenny started to post there. Having said that, why would he question something he know nothing or very little about?

      This started, more or less, when I disagreed with his praise for Ryan Murphy's "Hollywood" on Netflix.


      Thanks I shall take your advice. I appreciate your message very much.

  22. I think all of us are looking to 2021 for some semblance of normalcy to return to the world after undergoing the horrendous pandemic of COVID-19. It truly bothers me; I know many others concur. Unfortunately, everyone and everything is affected, some much more than others. Escorts and clients would fall in the former category. I have a friend/guide in Sao Paulo who had a high position in the travel industry; a few weeks ago he posted on Facebook that he'd lost his job and would begin seeking clients to whom he could teach English. Another qualified guide in Salvador, (Bahia) Brazil has been side-lined for many a month, first from having heart problems and now from the pandemic. Our lives have been changed unalterably overnight!
  23. ...saw in 2019 and thought it was very well done. ...rather poignant.
  24. I watched all of its episodes and enjoyed immensely although some of the episodes were disturbing.
  25. Netflix or HBO? I can't remember which, but two streaming programs that I'd highly, highly recommend are UNORTHODOX and MY BRILLIANT FRIEND. Both are stellar. The former has five episodes thus far; the latter ran for two seasons and is based on the actual life of the author, I think or perhaps can't remember. But at any rate, do tune in and enjoy immensely. I've been overdosing during the month of May on gay films on Tubi (some free and some for a fee as low as $3.99.) ...have seen a few in movie theaters i.e. TAXI KUM LO (which disturbed me when I first saw it back many years ago). When I viewed it about two weeks ago-- I wasn't bothered. I think I must have become oblivious to the scene that was troubling.
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