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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Hmmm, suddenly we are up to 8800 members. Prophetic? Or did someone stuff the box?
  2. TY, you are obviously unaware of the 32 secret memberships that totallyoz granted "in pectore." These members are kept secret because they would be subject to persecution in their homelands if the membership became known.
  3. A word to the wise: On Tuesday, all 8800 members here will be posting, so it is important that the five regular posters get their remarks in early so as to avoid the wait.
  4. Then there's Ricky Ullman, who plays Phil of the Future on Disney and was in the LA producction of Dead End Kids. http://img25.exs.cx/img25/2892/tc15he.jpg
  5. Why do so many guys post videos of themselves jacking off on XTube? I owuld never dream of doing that, now or when I was young. But I like it, and wish they had that back in the sixties!
  6. Padalecki is definitely bigger than Franco.,..
  7. This could be the sexiest guy alive, but I think it is probably photo-shopped? Does any one know? http://s1.xtube.com/?s=4DI0zWHkngK or http://s1.xtube.com//photos/200610231625_v...2yY50Nq2eqK.jpg
  8. Mario Lopez would be the only one from Saved By The Bell who interested me. There is also Tom Welling, but I never watch the show and find him to be too squeaky clean to lust after. But he sure is pretty. And then there are the Lawrence Brothers. I can't wait until the young Andy hits 18 so I can talk about him... UPDATE: Andy turned 18 last January! Now where are the pix of the adult Andy?
  9. Maybe so. But in this instance, the escort did not know that he was being hired by a homophobic televangelist actively seeking to hinder gay rights and actively teaching young gay men that their budding sexuality was evil and would doom them to hell. I think he did a public service by outing the "reverend." UPDATE: I am learning more about Haggard. It doesn't look like he was one of the more evil evangelicals from an article in the Denver Post, part of which states: Haggard briefly considered running for U.S. Rep. Joel Hefley's seat next year if the Colorado Republican were to retire. But he decided he could prove more influential in his current role and doubts he'll ever run for office. Though he preaches evangelical unity, Haggard has not hesitated to criticize better-known colleagues. He rebuked Pat Robertson for advocating the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and attempted to separate the evangelical movement from Franklin Graham's statement after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that Islam was an evil and wicked religion. And Haggard said last week that the White House erred in underscoring failed Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' evangelical faith, saying her judicial philosophy was what mattered. He also set himself apart from the vast majority of evangelical Christian groups by applauding a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas anti- sodomy law. "I believe the church has to teach against immorality, but I don't believe it's the role of the state to spend money to find out what consenting adults do in their bedrooms and then haul them off to jail," Haggard said. The NAE, observers say, will need to weigh the greater prominence and energy Haggard has brought with the risk of associating itself too closely with one person - a person with close ties to a White House in trouble. In the meantime, the fresh new face of big-tent evangelical Christianity has an appointment to keep. Haggard is visiting New York next week to talk about poverty and AIDS in Africa with Bono, singer of the popular-music group U2.
  10. The solution for these high profile people such as actors or preachers is to come out of the closet. Then they wouldn't have to worry about exposure. The closet is also a hiding ground for hypocrites and gay homophobes who love to damage us as a way of justifying their own sins.
  11. That's easy....it's Steve Howey who plays Van on the Reba show. (I like Reba a lot too!) What I wonder is howzcum you never hear anything about this guy. He's really cute and is a regular on the show... http://image.com.com/tv/images/processed/p.../e0/b0/7813.jpg
  12. Today being All Saints Day, what better to contemplate the Saints than to post a pic of the sexiest saint of them all? The connection with Hooboy has never been revealed, probably because there is none, but statistics show that threads mentioning Hooboy get a lot more hits around here! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/t...a_Sebastian.jpg
  13. Ben it is a serious misconception that a male rape victim would not come during the attack. You do a disservice here by suggesting that orgasm equals consent.
  14. "This theory, of course, assumes, that when the enemy is defeated, then the rights of those combatants or those sympathetic to the combatants will be restored" Good luck with that.
  15. "Is Lucky looking to replace Roger Ebert ?" Well, yes! At least I could meet the stars. I also saw The Marine this past week. What a hunk that John Cena is.
  16. ummm, yes I did. It's amoot point since the thread is so popular that it is clear we haven't moved on, but here is what Oz said: "History and a time to move on" Tue Sep-19-06 09:04 PM by TotallyOz The bitter back and forth between myself and others on Daddy’s site is finished. It has been a very long period of time since Hooboy died and it is time to move on. It is not only unproductive to get into these little verbal spars with members on the other site but it is destructive for the integrity of this site. I do not apologize for anything I have said. I do however apologize for loosing focus. The focus should have been on moving the site forward instead of keeping it on a path which only history will be able to describe. Unfortunately, those who are the most vocal instead of those who have intelligence on the true story often shape history. If you scream loud enough and long enough, people start to believe. I kept quite too long in the beginning. I have now said my peace. I am now moving toward the future and away from the past. One of the things I hated about Hoo’s message center was all the nutty drama queens who only bitched and moaned about everything possible. I hope I have not become one of them. If so, I will have to get out and have a few wild nights to shake my system back into shape. Hooboy had a site. He died. The site died. We are here to carry on with his vision. Best of luck to Rock/Daddy/Deej in their future. Oz
  17. Has everyone been so enraptured by the threads on Hooville that they forgot to go see The Departed? Here we have Leo, Matt, Marky and Jack all in one movie, testosterone flowing everywhere. Leo has never looked so sexy and yet not one of us has written about it...until now!
  18. "Curiously, I ask, for the sake of discussion, please tell us what rights you believe that the citizens of our nation have given up under the leadership of the right?" Have you been to the airport lately, used a cellphone, taken out a library book, been detained as an "enemy combatant" or tried to access a public building? All of those things are affected by the right-wing Cheney agenda.
  19. You can read more about this in a fascinating book available online: Great Conquerors (History Makers) by Claire Price-groff Synopsis: The history of the world turns on the deeds and lives of certain pivotal individuals. This book provides insight into the personalities of seven such men who, though they represent different periods of history and different cultures, have directly affected our present culture and civilization. These lively, well-documented short biographies cover: Alexander the Great; Hooboy; Augustus, the First Roman Emperor; Attila, the Scourge of God; Charlemagne the Great; William the Conqueror; Genghis Kahn, Emperor of all Mongols; and Napoleon Bonaparte. Table of Contents Two thousand years of conquerors — Alexander the Great —Hooboy- Augustus the Great — Attila — Charlemagne — Genghis Kahn — Napoleon Bonaparte.
  20. This movie has received some criticism for its subject matter, especially given that it postulates the death of the existing president. There is nothing about the movie though that takes any glee in that occurence. Rather it is a studied view of our political system and the roles of the media and the government, particularly the Secret Service and FBI. I can't say it is a flawless production, but it had me fascinated from start to finish. One thought I came away with is that the right needs only one more terrorist incident before it takes our civil liberties and puts them into a museum. A second thought...President Cheney? Perhaps they should have called it Scary Movie 4...
  21. Well, I was just pulling at your leg, guys! Of course an escort would pick the guy who had the most $$$$ or connection to offer! As for escorts, I would like to meet Jesse Dane, Andre, Denver LB, Jharrod, Jason Rylee, and anyone else in Adam Smith's little black book. As a matter of fact, I would like to meet Adam too!
  22. Sorry. Did I misread this thread? http://www.maleescortreview.com/dcscript/dcboard.php?
  23. Wait until you're on a bus. So many seats to choose from.
  24. Remember when the directive came down from on high that the other web site wasn't going to be discussed here? That we were all moving on? "What' Happening" with that?
  25. Bold. Brave. Daring. Escorts respond with gut-wrenching truth when asked which poster here they would most like to be hired by. Of course, the guy they so bravely choose is the owner of the escort review site. Hey, that's really taking a chance, huh?
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