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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Well, I was just pulling at your leg, guys! Of course an escort would pick the guy who had the most $$$$ or connection to offer! As for escorts, I would like to meet Jesse Dane, Andre, Denver LB, Jharrod, Jason Rylee, and anyone else in Adam Smith's little black book. As a matter of fact, I would like to meet Adam too!
  2. Sorry. Did I misread this thread? http://www.maleescortreview.com/dcscript/dcboard.php?
  3. Wait until you're on a bus. So many seats to choose from.
  4. Remember when the directive came down from on high that the other web site wasn't going to be discussed here? That we were all moving on? "What' Happening" with that?
  5. Bold. Brave. Daring. Escorts respond with gut-wrenching truth when asked which poster here they would most like to be hired by. Of course, the guy they so bravely choose is the owner of the escort review site. Hey, that's really taking a chance, huh?
  6. Ben, good to see your blog hasn't shut down. Another blog I like is Andy Towle's: www.towleroad.typepad.com
  7. Funseeker...why would Ben make us go to all that trouble to find his blog? Are we all seekers? Apparently he is no longer using the website www.15minutesmore.com. But seek I did. I can't rememebr what the blog was about, but the eye candy is great, especially that cute Asian guy. Oh, he did mention a druggie midwestern escort who is about to sleep with the fishes. Or so Ben suggests...
  8. Hmmm, with Rico in jail, Cory stumbling at the gate, and Rick Munroe letting his blog die, we need Ben right now. Should we take up a colllection to pay his server fee and get him reconnected?
  9. One of the advantages of being a blogger is that you get to post when you feel like it, and, of course, not post when you don't want to. So every once in a while I check out Ben Nicholas' site to see if a new post is up. He does post on an irregular basis. But tonight, I see this: Site Temporarily Disabled This site has been temporarily disabled. If you are the owner of the site, please contact customer care. So Ben, contact customer care. And get that blog back up. Well, at least the eye candy!
  10. Should have figured that Towny would have an Ace in the hole.
  11. The movie sucks. Ryan Kwanten is cute but a little long in the tooth to be playing an 18 year old. I didn't notice his jeans being particularly fit. Oh, and the movie sucks.
  12. The movie may not be to my taste, but the movie review certainly has the information I seek. I am referring, of course, to the movie review for the new flick "Flicka" which I might otherwise have skipped but for Manohlla Dargis' review in today's New York Times. The pertinent part that gets my attention is about the guy who "plays the brother, Howard (Ryan Kwanten), who likes to lounge around with a bare chest and perfectly fitted cut-off jeans, {and} would sooner become an Abercrombie & Fitch model than take over the ranch."
  13. I went to the boxertravels.net website to see if there were any ass shots, but there were none. However, there are many more pix of this contest, so it is well worth checking out. http://www.boxertravels.net/mrbody06/IMG_6426_r1_small.jpg
  14. Just what I always wanted...to wake up next to totally oz!
  15. Who would you have voted for? http://www.pattayagay.com/mr_body_winners.jpg Photo by boxertravels.net
  16. 8000 members now, 23000 hits today...but they can't seem to find their way to the forums as we have about 2 posts a day coming in. Someone wake me up when the next post is made!
  17. "Look like someone has picked up Rico's hat...." I hope they were wearing gloves.
  18. "Welcome to our newest member Luckless" There's always room for one more!
  19. Lucky


    Such a dilemma. Should I try to have sex with Dennis Hastert or Andre??? Hmmm. How to decide...On the one hand, Hastert is powerful, at least for now, on the other hand Andre is hot and Hastert is...not. But then maybe I should pick Barney Frank or Jim Kolbe. But Kolbe's retiirng and Barney isn't hot either. So what about Jordan Edmund, Foley's onlkine sex buddy? He's kind of cute if a bit of a butterball... Hmmm, once Hastert is outed, then he won't be powerful and Andre will still be hot. Okay. I've decided! Andre wins! (If you come to a different conclusion, remember, we can't always be on the same page here!)
  20. Lucky

    is he???

    Rico seems to barely find time to waddle over to his computer lately. Or was he out of town? London, maybe?
  21. Lucky


    I once read a story in the newspaper about a judge who had been arrested for having sex with an underage prostitute. At his sentencing, the judge said that if he had had the courage to come out the incident would have never happened. He lost his judgeship despite having been repeatedly selected as the judge of the year. He later found success at arbitration. I actually wrote the judge and met him in person.He was one of the smartest and most interesting men I have ever met.
  22. Lucky

    is he???

    Many, many eons ago I had a really hot fuck at the baths. So I got his number and called him for a date. When I showed up he was wearing a fur coat and carrying a purse. I had obviously missed how feminine he was. So I drove around for a long time trying to think of a place I could take him where no one would recognize me. Sad to say, huh? He was a really nice kid, but I wasn't prepared for the shock of his clothed identity.
  23. Geez, I had forgotten that you even had a blog.
  24. Lucky

    is he???

    "I remember one guy in particular who was a very well know escort. He was a tall, massive guy with a rock hard body. He was very masculine. He dressed up one or two nights a week to do shows in NYC and to perform. He had a good following but no one knew who he was outside of the dress." Sounds a lot like our Rock Hard. As for me, I certainly see nothing wrong if someone wants to do drag. But I wouldn't hire him as the feminine aspect would be a turn off for me. That's why I never hired a lady boy in Thailand! Some of them are really pretty, though.
  25. So many sad situations with loved ones. Best wishes to you, BofN.
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