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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. I kind of do too...more cuz he's such a bad boy than the tat.
  2. Oh No! http://www.towleroad.com/2008/08/the-tattooed-pr.html
  3. With 19 posts in two hours, you may well liven the place up!
  4. Another view: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/0...2china2-600.jpg
  5. go one more to the left
  6. hmmm..bottom boy put the quote at the bottom of his response...very interesting...not that we needed the quote repeated in the very first response!
  7. Surely she didn't mean the platform diving, as those synchro boys weren't 18. But the US guys, Finchum and Boudia, make very good partners.
  8. In another post I mentioned that the 7:30 Olympics show was going to feature that hot Asian gymnast. It's over on the East Coast by now, well I think so, but my mom called to tell me to be sure to watch it. I love to watch the muscular gymnasts, but I hadn't told her that. She said there were some really cute guys to see. Of course, I told her I would not notice something like that, but she knew better. So now I have my mom helping me check out guys...geez, what's the world coming to? She's 90 years old! I wonder if this is what she thought would interest me? http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/0bNQgZv5osbCJ/610x.jpg
  9. Hey Misey- This am had to be out at 5:30, so I turned off the a/c on the car. Maybe Nissan is right- my mileage almost doubled. (It was only 75 degrees at 5:30!!) Also, tonight, at 7:30, big gymnastics event featuring the Chinese favorites. That's EDT and CDT.
  10. I vote to archive for read only.
  11. I checked the theater's own website, end, even though they give synopses of the pix to be shown, no schedule is yet available. Bangkok Love Story does'n't seem to be loved by too many of those who have seen it. Perhaps Oz could do his own much better?
  12. Why not just make it a travel forum? There aren't that many escorts posting their travels, nor clients, so why not combine the two? We could use one separate forum for Oz to post his boyfriend pictures. Each day he could provide a guy of the day. No doubt it would take a while 'til he ran out of pix?
  13. My sympathies, TY. My expensive new desktop from HP cannot function with IE, so I have learned to love Mozilla. (It does have a tv-tuner that I don't know how to use. In fact, I have a box full of wires and stuff leftover.) My new Hybrid car started out with the expected 34 mpg, but got as low as 20. Nissan says everything is fine. My cute little Flip Mino video camera works just fine, but I have yet to take a video I want to keep! I too am enjoying the Asian men doing their gymnastics, but they all seem so unhappy. Is that because of the the soldiers standing above them? Succeed or die?
  14. My dollars all appear to have been fans of Thomas Wolfe. They believe they can't come back!
  15. TLA releasing has sprung for a full page ad in the IN Magazine LA for its one week gay film festival. It's going to be at the Sunset Laemmle 5 in West Hollywood and will feature 6 different films. Bangkok Love Story is one that might appeal to me, except that in the promo only one of the boys looks very cute. Also featured are movies called Boystown, 3-Day Weekend, Dog Tags, I Dreamed Under the Water (probably a Cheney waterboarding fantasy!)and a movie about Jack Wrangler. SO, if one wanted to drive in from Palm springs but couldn't spend the whole week there, how does one find out when the movies of interest are playing? TLA links to the Laemmle site, but there the movies are not listed by name. At the time given, you are told they are showing Program 13 or whatever other number goes with the time in question. How is one to plan to attend the festival and be sure to see the movies one wants? There is one person who can figure this out, and that is our resident PR man, Townsend P. Locke. How about it, Townie, can you get the lowdown?
  16. TY- I think the guy with the underarm tattoo is an absolute doll. Too bad he is obviously straight, but hey, you gotta give him credit. That's a damn clever tattoo!
  17. Is a tattoo more attractive on a cute guy, or do we just become more forgiving if the wearer is cute? http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z286/yossa42/tattoo.jpg
  18. The new issue of IN Magazine LA is out, with another full page color ad for Numbers. The big difference? The phrase "the hustle continues" is no longer there at the top, but at the very bottom the web address is given. People who don't know its history might be wondering if the hustle meant cheating the customers!
  19. It seems that the current tattoo fad began with one tattoo and quickly grew. Now a youngster isn't in if he or she doesn't have some ink. But what I don't understand is why the size of the tattoos has grown so much. Now it is not unusual to see whole arms covered. Just think of nursing homes in years to come when the residents have those barbed wires around their sagging arms and those lovely crowns atop their butts. IN Magazine LA this week features a fellow on the cover nicknamed G-Spot. (At least I hope it's a nickname.) G-Spot has ample colored tattoos that you can probably see more of at www.inmagla.com...if you're in to that sort of thing! http://www.inlamagazine.com/1113/starring/star.html
  20. Knowing how much our dear site owner loves tattoos, I could only think of him when I came across this pic in the Detroit Free Press- surely this is the man for Oz! http://cmsimg.freep.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bil...20&Border=0 And he's only 23 years old, so not too old, eh? Here's more from the Free Press: Steve Walsh lives in a normal-looking house on a normal-looking street in Hazel Park, where he raises his normal-looking 2-year-old son But Walsh isn't normal-looking. At age 16, this 23-year-old started changing himself. First came the piercings, then the tattoos and, now, extreme body modifications. Walsh works as a piercer by day at Marked for Life in Warren. By night, he becomes BIOHAZARD, a freaky performer for Detroit-area's Chaos Productions. BIOHAZARD has jewelry embedded in his cheeks and nose, a surgically split tongue, tattoos over much of his body, a silicone star implanted in his forehead and -- get this -- a red right eyeball. That's right, the white parts of his right eye have been tattooed red. QUESTION: You've got tattoos, you've got piercings. But the eyeball tattoo! What's up with that? ANSWER: The eyeball tattoo is awesome. That's actually one of my favorite mods right now. A, because it's one of my newest and B, I have the only red eyeball tattoo in the world. The first and only. Q: How do you know that? A: Because there's only one guy that does 'em. Q: How long does it take? A: This was three injections. ... We're going for like a demon eye type of thing. There's going to be red and black in both eyes. We don't know how the colors are going to mix yet, like I said, still new. Q: Are you worried about making a mistake? A: No, strangely I'm not. I mean, people are like, "You might go blind from that." I'm like, "I got two eyes." Q: So, dude, why are you so into this stuff? A: I think I'm just an obsessive person. I mean, I think about that a lot, too. I can look back and say what started it, but I just don't know why I get so into it. Every time I see somebody with anything, I'm like, I gotta do that! You know? ... They have a new procedure, magnetic implants. I want to get that. And then you can feel magnetic fields. So they say it's like a sixth human sense. It's really new. Q: You'll never get on a plane again in your life. A: I've never been to an airport, but I think it will be OK. Q: Is any of this stuff reversible that you've done? A: Pretty much everything, except for the eyeball tattoo, is surgically reversible. But I'm not going to do that. That would be kind of a waste of money and time. Took me a long time to get here, you know? Q: What are you going to do someday when you're 80 years old? A: I get that a lot. And yeah, I'm like, "I'm still going to get more." And they're like, "What if your tattoos sag?" And I'm like, "I'll have (truly nifty) saggy tattoos." I'll be the (gosh-darndest) coolest guy in my nursing home, you know? Q: Can you get chicks looking like this? A: Constant! Oh my God, you wouldn't believe it. Q: What are you going to do when your 2-year-old son is 16 and says, "Dad, I want to be just like you." A: Awesome, I'm so looking forward to that day, but I don't think it's going to happen. I think he's going to rebel. Q: You talked about doing more; what are you going to do next? A: Definitely more implants. ... I'm going to get horns, subdermal horns. Q: You sound pretty confident. Have you ever had any moments when you wake up in the morning and say, "Holy moley, what have I done?" A: I've never had a doubt. I've never had a regret. I've never felt like I should have gone a different path. ... Ever since I was a kid ... before I had any tattoos or piercings, I knew that this was going to happen. I don't know how. It's just always been there.
  21. Good job, Conway. That's exactly the kind of response I was trying to elicit with my post!
  22. What? You guys haven't seen a generic complaint form before? I prepared this for the guys who complain but haven't the foggiest idea of what they are complaining about!
  23. Has the policy referred to in other posts actually been adopted by management? Isn't this to the detriment of those who don't like it? Couldn't other ways be developed to implement the same policies without the addenda causing the dismay? In other words, do we have to endure a policy which may not have the universal support of those who may come across it? Surely there is not a "one size fits all" mentality being employed in the original thread? When one consders the various number of personalities that come here, not to mention the sock puppets occasionally employed in the guise of member dissent, one has to conclude that the policy being mentioned was not brought to fruition in a manner consistent with the development of a universal policy interchange. How management can take this attitude escapes me. I know there have been others also concerned in this negative viewpoint, but I take no stock with them. To lump me in with those who would negate the viewpoints of the truly concerned would be detrimental to the understanding of my more comprehensive position. When one considers that only a few will take this point to heart, it behooves us all to bring our own point of view to the forefront. I encourage you to do so, taking in mind that many will not agree with this position.
  24. Dump him. He smokes!
  25. He gave you a blow job in a movie theater, and now, a few DAYS later, you are ready to hand over the credit cards. Yes, this is indeed true love. And your friend is very good at what he does.
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