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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. How can you be "lost" in space? You just told us where you are,
  2. Is there an implication here that without the preface to your comment, you are not being honest? Just asking. The number of people wearing masks in Tulsa is a statistical fact,
  3. It looks like it was taken early in the morning. Thanks for posting.
  4. Hard to stick with the budget? My budget for international travel is zero for the foreseeable future.
  5. The President, apparently sharing classified information, says that there is an AIDS vaccine: "Of the scientists, he said: “They’ve come up with things. They’ve come up with many other cures and therapeutics over the years. These are the people, the best, the smartest, the most brilliant anywhere. They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine.” “Or the AIDS, and the as you know theres various things, and now various companies are involved and the therapeutic for AIDS. AIDS was a death sentence and now people live a life with a pill,” he continued."(Huffpost) I am wondering if he will have his Tulsa rally guests getting the vaccine. That way they can just focus on their new COVID illnesses.
  6. Flush the toilet, would you? Virus particles from poop fly into the air when flushed. Particles can reach heights of more than three feet and float in the air for more than a minute. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/06/16/coronavirus-toilet-flushing/ Then again, if it is your poop, then don't you already have the virus? So protect those who poop with you!
  7. Even though he was in the minority, Trump's other appointee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, added this: Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who succeeded Justice Kennedy in 2018, graciously admitted as much in his own dissent. Although he disagreed with the majority’s opinion, he wrote: “It is appropriate to acknowledge the important victory achieved today by gay and lesbian Americans. Millions of gay and lesbian Americans have worked hard for many decades to achieve equal treatment in fact and in law. They have exhibited extraordinary vision, tenacity and grit — battling often steep odds in the legislative and judicial arenas, not to mention in their daily lives. They have advanced powerful policy arguments and can take pride in today’s result.” (NYT) Things could be worse, I think this is hopeful, well, the whole decision at that.
  8. They say they are going to stop donating to charities with anti-gay policies. Or will they just get better at hiding it? Up to you to eat there now or wait and see. https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/5/29/18644354/chick-fil-a-anti-gay-donations-homophobia-dan-cathy
  9. Lucky

    But mah heritage!

    JKane, thanks for a great thread.
  10. I don't want to keep bickering with RockHard. Let's see what happens if I just ignore his last remark.
  11. Yes, I was sorry to see you leave. I had just re-joined there after 7 years away and I wanted to post alongside you and Buddy2. Carry on and try to make progress on your agenda.
  12. The quote about Daddy is yours, not mine. It does support my contention that you are one of the nastiest people on either board. A truce takes two, and if you didn't agree, there was no truce. Even you are smart enough to know that. It's a shame that you want to continue this bickering. But leading threads with the words cunt or fuck yourself does not indicate a stable mind, so I see that they will continue.
  13. Cardinal Spellman was bosom buddies with Roy Cohn, Trump's sleazy gay lawyer.
  14. Gosh, how did that truce end? Did the Rock Queen end it by telling Lucky to go fuck himself? Let me make sure I get the quote right... Rockhard: "Here's my donation to Lucky and Buddy: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!" Huh. I thought he wanted to stop harassing me in these troubled times when people are finding ways to come together.
  15. Tourists are currently not allowed in Thailand, and today THAI Airways says it will not restart international flights until at least August 1st. https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/easy/1933704/thai-may-delay-flights-until-aug-1 But, when you do get back there, for the first time you will be able to walk across the Chao Praya River! A project that was abandoned in 1992 has come back and opens next month: https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/easy/1933208/skypark-across-chao-phraya-river-to-open-this-month And, in Pattaya, the beach has been enlarged. Now Jomtien Beach will also be enlarged, but it will take a while. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1933848/work-to-start-on-b586m-enlargement-of-jomtien-beach The curfew will be ended soon for nightlife, but there are exceptions: "The source said that Gen Prayut agreed to lift the 11pm-3am curfew so that people could return to their normal life. Almost all businesses would be allowed to resume except pubs, bars, karaoke shops and bath-sauna-massage parlours." Thank goodness for dry massage! Above is the 4-T Bar on Jomtien Beach
  16. RockHard's user name seems like a play on a penis, but more likely it is his heart that is rock hard! He has zero compassion for anyone other than himself. Of course, Rock Hard could mean a solid stone for a brain! It's only capable of insults.
  17. RockHard, nothing is stopping you from giving Oz money for each new username approval!
  18. Heidi has been such a mainstay of the gay community and done so much for us that it's great to see a whole thread in her honor right here on boytoy.
  19. We have people posting here who dress in drag? I didn't know that.
  20. Has it not occurred to you that I just wanted to know? Why assume nefarious motives?
  21. So some will not find reconciliation with what happened. I don't really expect everyone to as some really arbitrary things did happen. Just last week Latbear4blk got a timeout for reasons which escape me. (But then, he plans to return to posting there.) So I guess for those of you are not moving on, we should have a Daddy Box like the Sand Box where people can complain ad infinitum about Daddy...or even daddy!
  22. There is more going on here than Daddy saying All Lives Matter. You guys seem to have years of built up contempt for the things that happened when you posted on his site. Naturally I think timeouts are not deserved for pointing out someone else's attacks. I also had my share of timeouts. But am I going to carry that with me going forward? How long? When we see people trying to bring others together to understand that Black Lives Matter, it seems we need to bring ourselves together as well. Rock Hard accurately points out that some pretty bitter exchanges occurred in earlier days. But either you devote yourself to this site going forward, or you try to reconcile past grievances with the other site. Options beyond that? I am all ears.
  23. Is that supposed to be a response to my question?
  24. Did the guy actually have a police scanner in his possession, or is that fake news?
  25. Personal attacks on you for your politics, race, etc. are all unwarranted. Moderators need to be aware, but isn't it your job to make sure they are? I think Oz has a policy that the smeared individual must make the complaint, or else he won't entertain it. The idea being that if the smeared individual isn't concerned, why should anyone else be? I don't agree with that, and Oz may not either. It's something I think he expressed once. I would certainly not mind being corrected. This is an instance, or series of instances, where all of us should speak up.
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