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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Thanks for the interesting reports, @numazu1. I enjoy reading them and especially appreciate that you put some space in between paragraphs. That makes them easier for me to read.
  2. You won't be able to see it until you have ten posts.
  3. Seven and a half years this thread has been dormant! Finally, someone realizes that muscle guys might have needs to trade!
  4. I can't wait to see all of the new posts from our new members. Welcome, guys!
  5. A troubling story in the Washington Post: "... the right-wing former army captain is more popular than at any time since the beginning of his presidency." https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/brazil-bolsonaro-coronavirus/2020/08/24/47a22cf6-e17a-11ea-8dd2-d07812bf00f7_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_bolsinaro-640pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans
  6. That meeting room looks more like a gathering of tassojuniors supporters here.
  7. You like to change the parameters rather than admit defeat. You said ONE MILLION Black men were sent to prison for life. Yet there are only a half million Black prisoners in all state and federal prisons, and the bulk of that includes those sentenced for much shorter terms. On the pot smoking, you now cite stats that include other offenses such as possession, cultivation and sale, the latter two frowned upon more severely. AND you have broadened it to include the WHOLE state! Yet pot smokers going to jail specifically? YOU DON"T KNOW. I lived in SF. It was widely known that smoking in itself did not go anywhere even if cited. Don't forget. A DA is obligated to enforce the law. Discretion can be used, but a DA can't simply ignore the law.
  8. She did not send thousands of people to prison for smoking marijuana. Those charges alone don't even make it to court. One million Black men to prison for life? Prove it. It hasn't happened.
  9. All dressed up! https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/en/saude/noticia/2020-08/christ-redeemer-undergo-disinfection-reopening
  10. I was not attempting to do more than post the story of these two cases, one rich, one poor, and with no preexisting conditions. Your comment is irrelevant to my post.
  11. The SF Chronicle critic didn't like it! He says: “Boys State” is the most depressing film about boys since “Lord of the Flies.” If anything, it’s even more bleak, because it’s not fiction and it’s not allegory. No, this is a documentary about actual boys. Seriously, if these kids are the future, now would be a good time to buy property in a foreign country. https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/movies-tv/review-boys-state-a-good-documentary-that-makes-you-despair-for-humanity
  12. Days after telling the president to stop with the nastiness, today the NY Post editorializes on Kamala's citizenship, and it isn't again favorable to Trump: https://nypost.com/2020/08/14/no-kamala-harris-citizenship-is-not-in-doubt/ Is it possible that even conservatives are fed up with their leader?
  13. President Trump’s campaign is focusing on suburban housewives with a race-baiting message that includes trying to convince them that if Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his running mate, Harris, are elected, they will be “bringing who knows into your suburbs, so your communities will be unsafe and your housing values will go down.” NYDailyNews
  14. Enjoy the various aspects of your butt! https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-big-freedia-teaching-twerking-history-2020-butt-con-20200815-adpprnezevdvxozgo6ytu4jeiq-story.html
  15. When I first went to Thailand, the cost was 300-400 baht for short term. The baht was then 22 to the dollar, so less than $20. Not that I don't support the guys getting more money...
  16. The porn forum can be kind of fun.
  17. The Washington Post has an article comparing two COVID cases in Rio. One patient poor, the other not, and with full insurance. If you think you will be okay going to Rio because you have health insurance, think again. The rich patient is a doctor, and he went to a private hospital. The level of care is below minimal. The poorer guy also went to the hospital. Didn't have great care either. Fortunately, after horrific illness, both survived. Survival is not the issue here, it is the level of care. Read on if this interests you: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/08/10/covid-brazil-deaths-inequality/?arc404=true (Unrelated) Carefree customers and a worried waiter:
  18. When Kamala Harris becomes president, she will do more for Black people than any president since...Joe Biden! I think this is a huge gain for Black people. The time has finally arrived.
  19. They wouldn't be sexy at all if COVID got to them. We're in a pandemic. Be realistic.
  20. There is a law saying you can't criticize the monarch, but protesters in Thailand are increasingly doing just that! https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-08-11/thailand-protests-demand-curbs-on-king-powers A Facebook page has been created on the topic: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160302545298190/
  21. As I remember, Boys State is a political education program where boys attend for a week. They have no wrestling events. I think you are referring to the Iowa state championships.
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