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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. Say it ain't so Oz. You, a first-generation iPhone guy? I don't see this device lasting much longer than the hype itself. Anyone can tell you that a touchscreen interface for dialing is a terrible idea, especially considering that most people in America don't have perfectly slim little fingers to do such with. I see the iPhone design working better on a v.2 or 3. Apple will learn what works for the consumer and modify accordingly. With first-generation technology, Steve Jobs has shown in the past that he's incredibly susceptible to flights of fancy. Here's hoping his new teletoy doesn't turn out to be another Sony BetaMax. BN
  2. 'Detox' clinics are simply catch-phrases that stimulate feelings of well-being and health in people wanting the quick fix. Sure, colonics can be mildly slimming (mostly slimming through the loss of extra water weight) and depending on the formulation, they can also be energizing, calming or anything in-between. Keep in mind that repeated colon hydrotherapy IS dangerous. Make sure to keep a good amount of healthy bacteria in your system when going through the process. Plain yougurt is always a good source. 'Detoxing' the liver with supplements such as milk thistle seems to be a popular activity, but research shows that it does little to affect bio-creatin and stored caffiene levels. The kpuffer cells in your liver (the ones responsible for filtering out the bad stuff) react little-to-none with these sort of supplements. In a nutshell: There's no quick-fix to detoxing the body. Much like maintaining a muscular physique and healthy diet, it takes time, motivation and most importantly, discipline. http://newsfromrussia.com/science/2006/01/05/70813.html BN
  3. I was rooting for the Chili's this year for AOY, but it was also good to see a Texas-based group take the top prize. I still think that 'Stadium Arcadium' was a stronger album overall. The RHCP simply didn't have the 'anti-Bush' PR push that seemed to eventually work in favor of the Chicks. BN
  4. She was only 39 years old. How incredibly tragic. She was truly a caring and generous person... The 'Anna' that most saw on her reality show (and in subsequent courtroom appearances) was only one, very small, side of her personality. She'll be missed. BN
  5. Good comparison Lucky CL, especially in California, is a hotbed for vice-squad related busts against both escorts and clientele. I wouldn't touch that site with a ten foot pole, much less think it's a breeding ground for quality escorts. Often times you end up getting what you pay for. Sure, CL serves its purpose for working guys, as it attracts the newbies who are desperately looking to make their car payment or the over-the-hillers who can't find work anywhere else. I wouldn't consider it a good option (or ad space) for those who are in their prime or wanting to attract a higher-end clientele. Aside from the marketing aspect, i've heard that CL is swarming with police activity. Seems to me like looking for a million dollars in a mine field. Eventually, all Russian roulette games come to a messy end. Be careful guys. Be safe. BN
  6. Don't forget that there are escorts out there who are college-educated (or further) and wouldn't have any trouble acclimating back into a traditional workforce. I've seen several escorts go on to become quite successful in real estate, whether it be showing it or flipping it. One in particular who lives in Southern Florida is making more money on property than he ever did as an escort. It's not unheard of to see a former escort working in some fashion for a past client. It can work out well, but it's not something i'd recommend. BN
  7. I also know a certain escort who enjoys telling every single twink he meets that he's not charging enough and that they need to jack their prices up sky-high. Ultimately, every single guy he's mentored hasn't stayed in the industry for very long or has really yet to make his mark with either stellar reviews or top-notch marketing... And still they charge upwards of $300/hr. It's bullshit. Escorts cannot continually CREATE business on the laws of supply and demand. People have to want to contact you. It makes no sense that just because the item on the shelf is priced higher also means that it's that much better. In the world of escorting, you've got to show stability, social maturity, consistency, sex appeal and intellect. More common than most escorts are willing to admit, many working guys are quick to scale-down their rate when they know they have bills to pay and not enough clientele to cover the costs. A surefire sign of too-high rates or simply just not enough reviews to make it worth the cost-to-risk ratio. All of that being said... My rates as an escort are, yes, on the higher side. I provide a good experience for those i see and 95% of what i do is mostly longer-term engagement. If it happened that the demand for my time went down, i would adjust my rates accordingly. That's just good common sense. I wouldn't see any reason to continue to charge as if my schedule was packed 2-3 months in advance. I think that would eventually lead to shooting ones self in the foot. BN
  8. It took me a minute to realize who 'Riptide' really was... The screename and writing style are a dead giveaway. I find it pretty cowardly that you can't write under your ORIGINAL screename or simply call me if you've got an issue with me. Anyone can see that you're taking a completely harmless issue and trying (messily) turn the tables on me. It's not working. In the future, i'd be more judicious in picking a screename that's not so closely associated with one of your hobbies. Benjamin
  9. All this venom from someone with only 3 posts to their name... Why am i not shocked by this? Coward. My post was a light-hearted attempt to poke fun at the title of this very-long thread '...From a Lady.' An obvious referrence to the sketch comedy show Little Brittan, who has the pictured character always telling people 'I'M A LADY!' It's quite funny. If you haven't seen the show, go pick up season one on DVD. As for my blog: It remains more popular than ever, while my clientele continues to be pleased with the time we spend together. I'm EXTREMELY proud of both. Apologizing for finding success is something that i'll never, ever do. Your character assassination attempt fell flat. Next time you might want to try putting a second gunman on the grassy knoll. *wink* BN
  10. I wonder if this lady looked anything like this... http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b181/xpl...itain_emily.jpg BN
  11. Feet are hot. Big BIG turn on... http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b181/xpl...ics/bnft007.jpg BN
  12. It looks like it's been awhile since anyone's posted up in here, so let me add a new 'Whack-Attack' site to goose and gander: http://www.EdenGay.com Get's me off everytime. HOT. BN
  13. Very well said TY... BN
  14. Well, at least it looks like their ad campaign is working... BN
  15. Happy Turkey Day MER'ers... I wish everyone a healthy, happy and horny kinda day. May it be filled with one sort of 'stuffing' or another. *wink* BN
  16. I can only speak for myself... 15 Minutes did go through a lull of not being weekly thanks to a full travel schedule, but i'm definitely trying to get it back on track. For the past few entries, it's been on-time and ready to roll. I don't see any reason to address Rico on 15 Minutes, as 90% of my readers don't know about this niche and it would only confuse people, possibly bore them and make people click elsewhere. I do keep a info contingent of 'escortability' on the blog, but i just try to make sure it's not ONLY a blog about escorting. Too much of that on the web already. Whatever your personal opinions may be, i appreciate all of my readers and thank you guys for staying tuned Benjamin
  17. Buddy, let me clarify a little... I got an advance copy of Reichen's book, where he describes the 'rape' in a tone usually set forJackie Collins novels. He romanticizes it. He talks about 'leaving a hickey' on the neck of one of his attackers and also 'cumming in about two minutes.' Who the hell has an orgasm when being raped? Reichen changed his tune about this happening when he figured out that this could be a marketable chapter. I just hope that innocent servicemen aren't brought up on charges if he decides to take this silly charade any further. BN
  18. I still wish we would have found a way to introduce ourselves. You really need to work on those 'come hither' eyes KY Remembering back, that was some pretty good thai food that night too... Is that place still around? BN
  19. Rico's in jail? Nah. I don't buy it. I have good reason to believe he's sitting pretty and with a whole lot less stress now. I'm reformatting my splash page and moving my title page to new, private servers, thus the error message. It should be back up and running as it always was in the coming day or so... For the time being, you can access 15 Minutes here: http://www.BenjaminNicholas.com/blogger.html BN
  20. >I believe in the old saying from Chicago, "if you do something for mama, mama do something for you.":)
  21. Something (or someone) tells me that this new 'Cory' isn't anything close to being Rico. Nothing like the old Report so far. It's reading more like an advertisement for escortspeak at this point. Which leads me to believe... BN
  22. Ah. Got it Mbarz. I appreciate the clarification. My brother is currently self-medicating. He's moved in with another part of my family, as the group of us in this part of the country weren't doing him as much good as we thought. As others mentioned, we played into his addiction and probably did more harm than overall good. While i refuse to enable him anymore, i think about him everyday. I hope he's trying to restart his life. BN
  23. I never advised anyone to just 'give up' on someone battling addictions. I sure didn't. I simply got realistic about what my brother needed to do to truly deal with the addiction: He had to have the WANT and the NEED to get better. Without that, it wouldn't have mattered how great the rehab program was or how much he was hurting the family, as he would have simply kept giving into the drugs and lifestyle. Don't mistake my blunt honesty for not caring about my brother's situation. He was coddled for a good long time due to most of us being in denial about how deep he had gotten himself into drugs. There's a time to know when 'standing by' someone will get them through things and there's a time to know when to stand back becuase you're doing more harm than good. I had to take a step back. My love was always there. BN
  24. Your views are still 'He said-He said' in nature... Previous postings asked for proof-positive of your claims, to which you didn't provide. My reputation for being a good escort stands strong. I refuse to take criticism from someone who's taking shots from behind an anonymous screename. Rather tell-tale i'd say. Marc: I apologize if my last post came off as somewhat acidic. I understand where you're coming from. You, KY and FunSeek made some excellent points. BN
  25. My brother is an addict. It's not something i'm particularily proud of sharing, but it's a problem the whole family has been dealing with for some time now. His problems revolve around meth and other harder drugs. I've sent him to 6 rehab clinics. All the best i could find and everytime he turned around and went back to the drugs. It emotionally killed me. It still does. For someone who's as bright as he is and as well educated, it doesn't compute with me how he could throw away so much of his life for something as inane as drugs. My advice: You can't help him until he's ready to accept your help. Whether it's hitting rock bottom or worse, a true addict will stop at nothing to get his fix. They aren't the person you once knew... It's a horrible truth. The feeling of not knowing who my own brother is anymore is absolutely heartbreaking. While we haven't really ever seen eye-to-eye on anything online, i can relate wholeheartedly to what you're going through right now. I'm so sorry for what you must be feeling BON. I wish i could offer something more in terms of hope, but in this case i think it's best to remain a realist. He's got a problem. Only he can truly fix it. Please email me privately if you'd like to talk about things. You have my support in this 110%. BN
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