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Everything posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. Merida is lovely. That's the exact word I'd use to describe it... As would my grandmother. I'm a bigger fan of San Miguel de Allende.
  2. While you state that you might not be giving clinical advice, you are posting studies in an attempt to bolster your personal medication regime. My problem isn't with what you do... It's that other people might follow it thinking it's right for them. Bottom line, until Gilead does further studies supporting the use of intermittent PrEP, I am apt to go with their direction of one-pill-a-day.
  3. Interesting, but with a much less effective rate. 86% leaves a lot more wiggle room than the 92-99% effectiveness of daily regime PrEP. Bottom line (for me), until the manufacturer and leading ID doctors say it's as effective, I would never do intermittent cycles. Daily use results in maximum protection. Protection is the very reason why we take the drug. Why would I want to cripple the effects?
  4. Can you please provide a link to research that supports your 'on-demand' taking of PrEP provides the same level of protection as daily use?
  5. Bottom line, a pharmD is not a prescribing PhD and isn't in the same category as an infectious disease MD/specialist. https://www.onlineschoolscenter.com/difference-pharmd-phd-online-degrees/ PrEP is to be taken every day for it to be as effective as designed. https://www.hiv.va.gov/patient/faqs/PrEP-not-everyday.asp This thread is about misinformation and the spread of it. PrEP is to be taken EVERY SINGLE DAY
  6. Boy, you've really gotten good use out of that image. Based on some of your postings, I'm nearly certain you got it on clearance.
  7. Yet, you still haven't make sense of your original price post
  8. You're giving examples of the highest end of Hublot to attempt some kind of clapback You can easily find an intro Hublot in the $4-5k range. That's not bad for a decently crafted watch.
  9. As others have mentioned, the metro is clean, safe and efficient. I've used it and recommend it. I will say that getting too used to Uber makes me feel totally lazy at times as a traveler. When cities go through their spats with Uber, it's a nice reminder that other forms of transportation are widely available and often times a lot more fun
  10. Womp. Womp. I don't get into pissing contests online. It's not worth my time. Enjoy Rio. Don't enjoy Rio. Up to you. I will continue to
  11. Really? Fantastic. When did this change out of MIA? I know about the newer equip from JFK/LAX... That's how I'm routing down in next month. I was seeing 767s on the MIA/DFW NS runs a few months back. Great if that's changed! I was thinking it was a typical AA seasonal thing.
  12. For which dates? Assuming it's on AA, who's flying really dated 767s down. They need to move their new(ish) 777s or 787 on the route, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.
  13. Bottom line, safe or not, you hit what I call the shit lottery. Wherein I've traveled all over the world- sometimes in odd, unsafe nooks and crannies and have never gotten robbed or been in the middle of something life threatening- you unfortunately got picked to become a statistic. And bottom line, that's just the strange way life works. It could have as easily happened in Chicago or New Orleans, two US cities known for their violence issues. Side note: I also realize that at nearly 6'4" and 210 lbs, I'm the guy walking down the street that most people aren't going to choose to fuck with.
  14. I just mentioned the Rio gig as it was a yearly thing and really more about my love of the event/city/people/culture- Otherwise, I visit Brazil, several parts, multiple times a year. My main point was not buying into fear, using one's head as an experienced traveler and if it feels wrong, turn around and leave immediately. I'm not encouraging people to take insane risks, but frankly, most Americans sit on their couch and grandstand about these kinds of things, never having actually traveled a day in their lives. If I let the media or government tell me where to go based on red-banner warnings, I'd never have seen some incredible places
  15. Or, there's always the former-Steamworks, now named Xteamworks https://www.yelp.com/biz/xteamworks-bath-house-san-juan Not exactly strippers, but diversion just the same ;)
  16. To me, Rio is no more or less safe than it's always been I use my head and I've always been fine. I don't put much stock into US Consulate messages. They fear-monger and make it easier for networks like Fox News to keep The Kettles in their tiny, airless bubble. A part of world travel is learning to be a bit intrepid. That said, I'll be back in Rio in March for my 13th Carnaval. I can't wait
  17. VG is open and has been open. The sky is not falling Chicken Little.
  18. Good for him. I still disagree Bottom line... Mexico ain't the States. They play by different rules. I wouldn't say it's dangerous for tourists, but like any place, keep your eyes and ears open. If you want perfectly safe, go to Salt Lake City. Guadalajara is a beautiful, cultural city. Well worth a visit (or two).
  19. I go there on a regular basis (once every couple of months) and it's still a great city. I highly recommend catching some mas dramatico Luche Libre, Sundays at Arena Coliseo. It's cheap, awesome entertainment and the vendors walking around the arena sell some delicious Mexican street foods (elote, chicharrones con San Luis, mariscos, etc). https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g150798-d7394094-Reviews-Arena_Coliseo-Guadalajara_Guadalajara_Metropolitan_Area.html
  20. Every city in the world has corruption. Mexico is no different than Chicago is no different than Dubai. You can be swindled anywhere. My advice is to learn a bit of the language, attempt not to stick out like a gringo sore thumb and if in a bad situation, have enough $20 USD bills to get yourself out of it. #MoneyTalks
  21. RH: Clearly, that blogspot link was meant as a dig at HB and there are many other, authentic, heartfelt eulogies out on the web that better serve his life. Oz is the only guy here who has accurately explained what happened following M's death.
  22. I just discussed PV in my last two blogs. http://15minutesmore.com/blog/2018/09/page/2 http://15minutesmore.com/blog/2018/09
  23. Thanks Lucky. I'm dipping my foot back into this particular pool... Staying in the shallow end for now Hoo taught many of us some very important things- HB's whole life was literally one kind of show or another. He understood what being 'on' really meant. To get to hear him wax poetic about his views on how a top escort should do business was fantastic for a beginner escort just starting off. We always joked that eventually we'd open an 'escort etiquette' finishing school. Good memories indeed. BN
  24. Hey guys. It's been awhile. Hoo's life was not a constant drama. It was simply what he chose to show the board within the image he created as 'Hooboy.' Personally, he was a quiet, intelligent and very cunning individual who understood that in order to draw people in (and keep them there), you had to constantly be aware of the show you were putting on. Hoo was in many forms an entertainer. Just wanted to clear that up a little. The majority of the drama laid and still lies (ahem) in the message center. That was a portion of the site he had very little to do with... Even less so as time went on. BN
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