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Everything posted by alanalt

  1. The reason there is such a 'reward' is because hotels often have large numbers of reservations that are cancelled at the last minute or simply never show at all, so chances are you're not likely to be 'bumping' anyone at all. If it's late, I'm in a strange city with few/no other options and they offer, then yes I'd take the offer. Alan
  2. I'm a little confused - you say you had a "satisfactory massage", so why feel the need to "get even"? Other than e-mailing them back to let them know that their dishonesty has cost them any further business from you, I'd leave it and move on. Not every escort/masseur is going to live up to one's expectations and, based on your description of the session, this particular incident doesn't seem bad enough to stew over... Alan
  3. Hoover42, If he's been bringing up the subject every time you meet for 2 years, then I'd say he's definitely hinting at something - the $64K question is, of course, what... If he is looking for a 'job offer' though, I'd expect some attempt on his part to outline his 'qualifications' or interest in the 'job'. Has he dropped any hints in that regard. As for your reaction, if you're thinking of giving him a 'gift', well this is the best time of year to do it, but I tend to agree with One Finger that asking him if he's considered doing/has done 'odd jobs' might be the better approach. Reading your post though, I'm quite unclear as to exactly what your expectations are with this guy... I think before you do anything, you need to sit down and think through best case/worst case 'scenarios' about what kind of reactions you're looking for and where, if anywhere, you're hoping this might lead. Be honest with yourself, is your aim to get some satisfaction in helping out a potential friend, or are you actually hoping to get him into your bedroom/playroom/etc? Are you looking to form an emotional attachment, or just an exchange of pleasure for $$? I'm not expecting you to answer such personal questions here, but I do think you need to think about and know just what your expectations/hopes are before you head down this path... Alan
  4. 1) 'Reality' will catch up to him in 40 years or so, provided he's lucky enough to live that long. 2) When I heard there was a 'documentary' being made on the 'life' of Pierre Fitch, my reaction was to and resolve to never, ever see it! Alan
  5. Obviously the Democratic party saw different election results than I did in the Great White North. On the one hand, the Democrats lost seats, but still retain a majority in the Senate - a majority larger than GWB had after his first mid-term election; so of course it makes sense that the Democrat-held Senate would cave on DADT... On the other hand, Nancy Pelosi and her 'leadership' team led Democrats in the House to the worst defeat of any majority party in 70+ years; so of course that means the Democrat's House leadership should remain unchanged... Alan
  6. Personally, I think they're comparing apples and oranges when one compares a 2-term past president's 'success' to that of a current incumbent who's not yet half way through his first term. So for my part, I'd have refused to answer the question. But addressing Oz's comment, I think it's less a case of Americans being 'idiots' and more a case of expectations being so much higher for Obama and they're conspicuously not being met. Lots of Obama voters flocked to his cause because they genuinely believed he could change the 'system' and what they see after 2 years is a Washington and national political scene that's just as hyper-partisan and schizophrenic today as it was in 2008. So it's no wonder that lots of people are disillusioned. Obama sold himself as a once-in-a-generation political figure and has proven disappointingly ordinary. I don't think anyone really saw Bush as ever being 'great', so when he failed to live up to expectations, the only people who were 'outraged' were the folks that had hated him from the get-go. And on the few occasions where Bush rose above expectations (as in the immediate post 9/11 period), people were so darned amazed that it gave him a popularity 'cushion' that lasted a lot longer than anything Obama ever had... Having said that, it's definitely too soon to write Obama's political obituary. British PM Harold Wilson used to say 'a week is a long time in politics' and Obama has more than 100 weeks before he has to face the voters personally. But he's going to have to change his game plan a lot in order to win in 2012 and if he fails the re-election test that Bush passed, well then it will be a lot harder to argue against the 45 odd percent who picked Bush in this poll! Alan
  7. Just to clarify, the ruling only strikes down the laws in Ontario. Only if the ruling withstands any appeals at a higher level, would it be applied in the rest of Canada. I'm not surprised the Toronto Star didn't mention that, because I'm not sure they recognize that there is a 'rest of Canada'... TY, this is more than a partisan issue here. Both the federal (Conservative) and provincial (Liberal) governments were fighting against this case and I suspect any appeal will be a joint one... Alan
  8. I wholeheartedly concur with having pics and vids set up in their own separate forum or sub-forum. The eye candy is great and I appreciate the people like zipperzone and lurker who take the time to share it with us, and I don't see how having those posts go into a separate forum would in any way diminish their contributions. Obviously, I don't think anyone wants things to get too anal-retentive and prevent folks from posting pics in a 'conversation thread' like this one (as lookin did above), or from initiating a discussion as a response to an eye-candy post but I sure would also find having two separate forum would generally be more convenient. Alan
  9. I think what Oz is getting at is that there are 2 kinds of people out there, those that pay for porn and those that don't. So I'm not sure that one can assume that there are lots of potential customers who would sign up at a reduced rate, or at least that there are enough to ensure one could make up for the lost revenue from the lower price... I've noticed that most of the 'successful' long-term sites have tweaked their rate packages quite a bit in the past couple of years. If they've settled at the $25-30 range, it's likely that's because that's the range where they make the most profit. One thing I've noticed is that fewer and fewer sites offer a cheap 'trial membership' as opposed to a few years ago. If zipperzone's model of increased number of subscribers offsetting lower rates worked, I'm sure you'd see this phenomenon growing, rather than shrinking... I also think the answer lies in the fact that there are generally 2 kinds of subscribers to pay sites. The 'loyalists' who will subscribe to the site for month-after-month and keep renewing their membership ad infinitum. Then there are the 'one-offs', ie. the people who subscribe for a month (or lesser trial period, if there is one), download everything they can, and then cancel their membership before the period is up and then (if they like the site) come back in a few months time to do it again. Lots of sites will offer pricing schemes to attract 'loyalist' customers, who often qualify for a reduced renewal rate after they've been a member for a while or can buy 3/6/12-month subscriptions that offer a substantial saving over the monthly rate. While, on the other hand, higher monthly rates ensure a site will maximize its profits from people who aren't likely to buy more than a single month's membership to begin with. That's my $0.02 anyway, Alan
  10. Obviously you'll want to be alert for symptoms such as headaches, dizzy spells or shortness of breath while you're there - but unless you're planning to live a very different lifestyle while you're in Denver as opposed to what you do at home, you should be fine. In other words, running 5 miles a day in Denver if you're a 'couch potato' at home might not be the wisest idea. Generally, for the first few days, you should give yourself a little extra time if you have to walk someplace very far and remember to pace yourself if there are lots of stairs involved. Of course, if you have some underlying medical conditions, you may want to check with your doctor, but, otherwise, I'm a 'big guy' who has bounced back and forth from sea-level to high-altitude locales and rarely notice a thing after the first day or so... Alan
  11. And I'm sure that fee would be applied to a 'good cause', no?
  12. Gee, guys like Dink Flamingo (activeduty.com), Bobby Garcia (AWOLMarines.com), Rob Navarro (MilitaryClassified.com), and, of course, Dirk Yates (Dirk Yates Live) have been finding and filming Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors AND MARINES willing to have sex with other guys for years/decades now. So, chances are if General Conway's "certain type of young American, pretty macho guy" hasn't worked for one of the above, he's bunked or messed (ie. eaten, although he may have 'messed' with him in another sense too) with someone who has! Better not tell the General though, he might not survive the shock long enough to retire... I'm sure the General's successors will be pleased (if surprised) to find that 'homo-marines' can discipline their sexual urges at least as well as 'hetero-marines'. Alan
  13. about:blank has been my 'start page' for many years. It takes no time at all to load, and leaves me free to choose where I want to start browsing immediately! Alan
  14. Hmm, some folks are assuming this is really 'Daddy'. I'm wondering if I smell a rat... Alan
  15. There's a beta forum up at http://mc.daddysreviews.com/ - any posts added will be lost, but if you needed to grab info from a pre-existing thread, you might find that info there. As for the shut/meltdown, I have no idea what caused it, nor do I care much anymore... In years gone by, I might have had an inkling because I used to frequently visit that board (like several times a day). After the last 'Daddy meltdown' in October of '09, I took a break from the board for several months and found myself much less involved when I did return earlier this year. Now I visit maybe a couple of times a week, unless there's a thread I find myself involved with or interested in, and that's rare. As it is, when I saw the notice, I sort of gave an apathetic shrug of my shoulders and moved on. Daddy is Daddy and it's been made perfectly clear that he's not going to change. I sort of feel sorry for the people who are much more involved in that board, but if they're willing to put up with Daddy's high-handedness, then that's their decision... Alan
  16. Synchronicity must have been at work, because I only discovered the series a day before you posted this and spent part of my long weekend 'catching up'. I don't watch/follow TV much anymore and so missed the series launch last fall. But yes, I'm also finding V very enjoyable and would certainly recommend it to anyone with an interest in the science-fiction genre. As a sidebar, the actress who plays Anna once played a character on another sci-fi series, Firefly. Her character was a 'companion' (i.e. escort) and I enjoyed both the way the character was written and the portrayal of an escort's 'life' in the context of the series. I hope V has better luck than Firefly did (it only lasted 13 episodes), because it promises to be the first series in a couple of years that I'm going to make an effort to watch as it comes out... Alan
  17. This is something that I think any self-employed person runs into sooner or later. When I consulted, the vast majority of my clients paid on time and in full. But every once in a while, I ran into someone who wanted to play games when the bill came due. So you shouldn't think this is something that happens only to escorts and you certainly shouldn't feel bad about what you do because you ran into a 'bad' client. Now if this happens to you on a regular basis, then you'll want to take a closer look at how you screen potential clients and how you handle payment (Conway's point about having the payment visible during the session is a practice I follow as well as a client). But this sounds like it was a one-time occurrence - and so there's really nothing you can do but shrug your shoulders and say 'sh*t happens' and don't take appointments from that guy again. Alan
  18. I'd think the solution is fairly obvious in that you write the positive review, mentioning that no exact time period for the session was established when setting up the appointment and end it with much the same words as you used here (i.e. that afterward, when you checked your watch, you found that the session had lasted 40 minutes or so). That way you allow the review readers who may be considering hiring these guys to decide for themselves whether a good 4-handed massage by 'two cuties' is worth the $175... For my part, I tend to agree with the above posters that a good 40 minute session would be more likely to result in both fond memories, and more business from me in the future; and not be at all worried that the guys failed to squeeze every minute from an 'hour', particularly if it hadn't been established that the session would last an hour in the first place... Alan
  19. Lucky, when any one person can come in and shut down a whole community because he's having a bad day or is fed up, stressed out, or has run out of patience or whatever, it doesn't matter whether the shutdown lasts for one day or one week or even one hour - it's the principle of the thing. And, as for it 'raising issues', for an issue to be 'raised' it would have to be the first time this sort of thing has happened. And it's not. This was no aberration - indeed, it's become a habit: something/someone somewhere on the board 'offends' Daddy so he must announce his displeasure (in vague and general terms) and make everyone else 'suffer' too. It's like your city/town/municipal council shutting down the power for an entire block after the people in one house have engaged in a shouting match. Given the choice, I doubt few of us would accept or condone such behaviour from someone in a position of authority in the real world, so why should we accept it in cyberspace? I certainly don't blame Lucky for remaining optimistic and hopeful for positive change, after all I've been waiting and hoping for that change too for longer than I care to remember. But I'm tired of waiting in the dark and wondering whether the flashes of light on the horizon is the precursor to the sun coming up - or just the herald of another lightning storm on its way in... Alan
  20. I read the apology to PK "if I overreacted..."(my bolds) and Daddy's 'explanation' on the Tommy thread, which shows among other things that he's willing to 'help' escorts with their gammer/spelling, when they 'revise' their rebuttals. Lucky may call that 'progress' - I'm sorry, I don't see it and I'm going to have to see more than some minor 'window-dressing' from Daddy to show me he truly understands my concerns and that he's going to make a genuine attempt to fix things I've slept on it, and my temper has cooled since yesterday, but my basic dissatisfaction with that forum and the way it's being run remain. My decision to take a break, maybe a long break, maybe a permanent break, from reading and posting on that site still feels 'right' to me. Others may (and will) feel differently, but I have to do what feels best for me. All of which means I'll have more time to spend here!! Alan
  21. While I appreciated that blog when it first came up, because it was one of the first places I could find concrete information on the subject in question... IMO, it's rapidly departed from that and degenerated into the one of the worst examples of tabloid speculation I could possibly imagine. Alan
  22. I agree with TY in that Daddy's recent actions are part of a pattern that's been going on for some time. However, in the past, when he's shut down the message centre, I seem to recall seeing some nasty exchanges/personal attacks going on - and while I thought shutting down the centre was a drastic step to take at that time, I could see why Daddy thought a 'cooling off' period might be beneficial to the community as a whole. However, this time, I saw no such exchanges, no personal attacks, just some frank differences of opinion that are going to arise in any kind of discussion forum. And if I have to restrain myself from engaging in such 'frank discussions' on escort behaviour because Daddy might interpret it as 'flaming' or 'harassing' an escort, then I see no reason to participate at all! I think that Lucky's right in that Daddy's reaction is probably a product of stress. Daddy has spoken of currently undergoing both financial and health difficulties and I have no doubt that they are probably at least partly responsible for his latest overreaction(s). But, in my opinion, if Daddy's finding running the site too stressful under his current situation, then he should say so and look for (a) successor(s) to run it for him on a temporary/permanent basis. Because his personal situational 'stresses' don't give him the right to abuse his authority in the way he has been doing so, especially lately. Luv2play says that Daddy "has a job on his hands to reassure the members that he is being even-handed in his hosting functions on the site." I agree it's a big task but it's Daddy's own actions that have made it so. For my part, I lost confidence in Daddy's 'even-handedness' quite some time ago and I've now given up on waiting for him to correct it. I guess I'd rather leave now on my own terms than be among the last few folks playing by themselves in a sandbox that used to hold many hundreds. And I've no doubt that unless Daddy does change his course/attitude, that's inevitably going to happen... Alan
  23. Jack, I was aware of the Tommy Deluca thread - indeed, I was a participant. And while I can recall many posts (including mine) criticized the escort's handling of the situation, I don't recall any posts (including yours) that I would classify as 'flaming' the escort in question, which was Daddy's underlying reason for closing down the board. Bottom line is you're guessing that was one of the 5 instances Daddy referred to, but you don't know that for sure any more than I do... And as for why I care, it's because I spent many hours reading and posting messages at that board over a seven year period (even longer as a lurker) and I hate to see an activity that I long enjoyed participating in ruined without even knowing the reason why... Alan
  24. Like Lucky, I think Oz might be surprised this time around. Unlike previous closures, I can't really see a reason for this one other than, as Lucky calls it, general 'grouchiness'. My biggest problem with Daddy's 'announcement' of today is that, as I said before, I found it impossibly vague. Who were the '5 escorts'? How were they 'flamed'? As a frequent reader and sometime poster on that board, I can guess some of the instances that Daddy's referring to, but however 'educated' those guesses may be, they're still only 'guesses'. And, like Luv2play, I would tend to view them as sharp exchanges, rather than 'flaming'. Moreover, it still doesn't address larger questions like: why are entire threads removed, rather than the offending post? Why is the message centre closed to everyone without warning or plausible explanation? In short, why is 'everyone' punished for the supposed actions of a few?. And yes, that last question has been asked before, but this time, I'm almost completely in the dark about who the 'few' are and what exactly they've done... Sure, it's Daddy's 'sandbox' and he gets to set the rules, but I'm finding (and I doubt I'm alone) that the interpretation of the rules has become increasingly vague, and the enforcement more and more arbitrary, particularly this year. And that leads to something else, a message board is more than just a 'sandbox' owned by an individual - it's a community; and any community depends on the contributions of all/most of its members to succeed. By proclaiming his willingness (almost eagerness) to 'alienate' members of that community - I think Daddy's forgotten that. I also find it quite ironic (and more than a little disgusting) for Daddy to take this approach given the way some members of the community rallied around Daddy this summer during his own self-proclaimed time of need. So here's one person, Oz, who may not have been 'fazed' by earlier incidents over there who is changing their mind now. I suffer no illusions that my 700+ posts in 7+ years at that board constitutes a significant 'presence' there and I'm not going to cancel my account there, but I am going to stop visiting there for a while (apart from sending/receiving any PMs to friends on the board), which I suppose means you'll be seeing more of me here and on more than just the SA topic... So, consider yourself warned Alan
  25. Luv2play may end up having some company as I see Daddy has once again turned off his message board, apparently for a software upgrade, but also complaining about 5 escorts getting 'flamed' in the past months. As usual, Daddy names no names and cites no specific examples so people like me who often feel confusion about exactly when a 'frank discussion' becomes a 'flame' (doesn't it usually depend on the eye of the beholder?) remain unenlightened. And the innocent too often seem to get punished along with the guilty... As for SA, I have to say that I found the attempts to block discussion on his current situation a bit like King Canute telling the tide not to rise. Given that SA wasn't publicity-shy, either under his escort or 'real' persona, it was only a matter of time before the story 'broke' once the arrest was made. Having said that, I found I understood the policy at this board as it related to the story to be much more clear and understandable than the one at Daddy's. I don't know SA, so I have no real interest in the discussion of whether his character was as 'good' or 'bad' as his defenders/detractors maintain. I do have an interest in seeing how escorts are treated by law-enforcement when arrested/charged with other crimes and whether/how the escort's 'profession' spills over when under prosecution... So from that perspective and from the perspective of seeing how this case will impact the larger escorting and porn worlds that Scott inhabited, I'm very interested in watching events and participating in a reasoned discussion on those terms. It's obvious I can't do that at Daddy's, I hope we can do it here. I guess only time will tell... Alan
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