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Everything posted by Buddy2

  1. Kaye Ballard remembered riding bikes with Lucille Ball in Rancho Mirage before it was crowded. Once, a large, unfriendly dog ran up. Kaye:. Lucy yelled, get the fuck away several times. The dog ran the other way. I said to Lucy, "that is why you the queen of comedy and the world."
  2. R & H invented the American musical. That is, lyrics and music that add to the story.
  3. You keep contradicting yourself. I like and appreciate Dostoevsky as much as you. You compared "The Wizard of Oz" to "Willy Wonka." Now you love "The Wizard of Oz."
  4. The Wizard of Oz and R & H musicals, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Carousel. Life lessons about bravery, spouse abuse and racial discrimination. Universal themes. Frankly, I am not surprised you would compare The Wizard of Oz with Willy Wonka. Sad.
  5. Of course not. "The Wizard of Oz" is timeless.
  6. You actually believe Stanley Kubrick's films are timeless. Few people believe: Alfred Hitchcock's or Spike Lee's films are timeless. Astonished
  7. I wrote earlier that my friend and politcal science professor, Ruth C. Silva, testify in Committee about the 25th amendment. She believed the amendment was successful when Ford replaced Agnew and Ford named Nelson Rockefeller as vice president of the United States.
  8. In reporting this story, CNN only mentioned President Johnson. The 1960s were a long time ago, and LBJ is more remembered for Vietnam. Not that Trump cares about LBJ, or any Demoratic Party president.
  9. Why would anyone believe President Trump? Certainly not African Americans. More than Lyndon Johnson or Barack Obama, or Bill Clinton? I wish Sergeant General Adams had been there, although he may not have spoken up - neither would have Doctor Brix. I do respect Adams.
  10. Sadly, not all that surprising any more. Also, male high level officers in and of war, including Vietnam.
  11. Why would anyone believe him? More than Lyndon Johnson or Barack Obama, or Bill Clinton? I wish Sergeant General Adams had been there, although he may not have spoken up - neither would have Doctor Brix. I do respect Adams.
  12. Once again, I am writing about James Baldwin's fiction, not his more politcal writing. Perhaps you greatly over valued Stanley Kubrick also. His films were relevant in the 60s and 70s.
  13. Then we are even because most of your posts are a mystery to me.
  14. Ha ha ha ha I have been reading Baldwin all my life And I served in Vietnam in the military for a year in 1968 and 1969. I missed the 1968 Demoratic National Convention. However, When I reviewed Bobby Seale's case files in Philadelphia, he did briefly talked about his participation at that convention
  15. Gay version of the very conservative The Villages in Central Florida?
  16. Yes, yesterday was my birthday. I was born in Austin, Texas in 1943. Thanks, much appreciated, @Latbear4blk
  17. Fine, glad you are over it. I don't respond to questions like, "can you not see the difference?"
  18. For your own health and long life, let go of what happened between Daddy and you. You are different people than I knew and greatly liked.
  19. I usually agree with your choices of writers, this is a rare exception.
  20. Why attack Donald Trump's mother, even his niece, Mary Trump, likes her? So freaking annoying
  21. 1 know someone who lives there. He is now a triple gay, everything in his life is gay except his relatives
  22. Perhaps you might try instead to give up old grudges that are partly your fault. Or at least stop complaining about something you obviously can't change.
  23. A response a tennager might make.
  24. Who reads his fiction today?
  25. Never? Why?
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